This tool generates configurable proxy archives from OpenAPI Specifications.
It includes the following features:
- Creates the configurable proxy operations based on the OAS paths
- API Key validation at a global or operation level
- Configurable base path (using the OPTIONAL
flag) - Target Server based on the hostname
- Environment deployment registration (using the OPTIONAL
We start by defining the following variables dependent on your installation:
APIGEE_ARCHIVE_ENV=my-env # Apigee Environment of type archive
From within the root folder run:
npm install
to install the dependencies and run:
npm start -- --oas=./test/oas/apigeemock-v3.yaml --basepath /mock/v3 --name apigeemock-v3
To see the proxy config printed to stdout. If you add an output folder
with the --out
flag then the archive will be created or augmented in the
specified folder
npm start -- --oas=./test/oas/apigeemock-v3.yaml --basepath /mock/v3 --name apigeemock-v3 --out ./my-archive --envs $APIGEE_ARCHIVE_ENV
npm start -- --oas=./test/oas/apigeemock-v2.yaml --basepath /mock/v3 --name apigeemock-v2 --out ./my-archive --envs $APIGEE_ARCHIVE_ENV
To deploy the archive to your Apigee runtime you can run the following command:
gcloud alpha apigee archives deploy --organization=$APIGEE_ORG --environment=$APIGEE_ARCHIVE_ENV --source=./my-archive
Once the deployment is successful, you can try it using:
curl $APIGEE_HOSTNAME/mock/v2/json