Introducing Search APIs (709)
- Developers choose what to index via Search APIs
- App results appear in both Spotlight and Safari
- Public deeplinks will show up for apps the user hasn’t installed
- Content indexed in devices that is marked as public gets promoted to the cloud index based on amount of usage/engagement
- Content is also scraped from app websites
Extension of the iOS 8 handoff API. As you expose NSUserActivities past behavior gets automatically indexed
Manually expose app content. Best way to index private content.
Apps that mirror content on website, can be marked up so they get scraped and deep links work
- Capture application state for use in handoff
- New in iOS 9
- Add indexable metadata
- Activities can be designated as searchable
- Results show up in search
Track content that user has viewed, with metadata that will help index the content.
, eligibleForSearch
, eligibleForPublicIndexing
, keywords
, contentAttributeSet: CSSearchableItemAttributeSet?
, expirationDatae
if its possible to resume from website set this
NSUserActivity can be marked as public indexing, if so every time the user “interacts” with the content it increases rank until its promoted to “cloud index”
One way hash of every activity is sent to cloud index and then after threshold the public item is shared. For privacy but also filtering for interest
- Will get siri suggestions and reminders (“remind me about this”)
- Handoff
Collection of item attributes (CSSearchableItemAttributeSet) to index
Attributes that are indexed/displayed by spotlight
Collection of CSSearchableItem(s) added to device index
Uses the same api as the handoff api
Powered by Applebot, crawls the web and provides search results for deep links (I think this is based on smart banner tags since they said this already works)
- Markup mobile web for deep links (submit as support/marketing url with app)
- Ensure app can handle deep links
- Add additional markup for structured results to improve search result UI
Unique since its identified by domain/website, secure, flexible. Register the links in app and then markup the pages with the tags via smart app banner/“other standards”
Supports twitter cards and facebook app links. Handles og:image/audio/video markup for structured data to improve appearance of results. They support lots of this.
Important attribute of ranking is the amount of interaction
- URL popularity (relevance score)
- Activities (NSUserActivity)
- Engagements - When search result is presented Should have 3-5 Keywords per item, include aliases or common nicknames