All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.1.1 (2019-01-23)
- just fot update npmjs doc (4ac64e2)
- a bug when className is template literal and options.handleTemplate is true (385b851)
- a problem when option.handleTemplate is false (6cb216a)
- fix bug when className is string and styleName is exist (6e081c3)
- variable conflict (97de890)
- support className attribute value is string and template literal (c7a98be)
- support import classnames (60af0f6)
- support multiple string className (09319d7)
- support plugin options handleTemplate switch (91c7dc3)
- support style file import anonymously or named (4af60a5)
- support styleName for global css (1a0b778)
- support template literal (1942f25)