This document describes the step-by-step instructions for reproducing PyTorch ResNet50/ResNet18/ResNet101 tuning results with Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool.
PyTorch quantization implementation in imperative path has limitation on automatically execution. It requires to manually add QuantStub and DequantStub for quantizable ops, it also requires to manually do fusion operation. ILiT requires users to complete these two manual steps before triggering auto-tuning process. For details, please refer to
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download ImageNet Raw image to dir: /path/to/imagenet.
cd examples/pytorch/image_recognition/imagenet/cpu/qat
python -t -a resnet50 --pretrained --config /path/to/config_file /path/to/imagenet
For ResNet50 model, we can get int8 0.7614 accuracy vs fp32 0.7613.
cd examples/pytorch/image_recognition/imagenet/cpu/qat
python -t -a resnet18 --pretrained --config /path/to/config_file /path/to/imagenet
cd examples/pytorch/image_recognition/imagenet/cpu/qat
python -t -a resnext101_32x8d --pretrained --config /path/to/config_file /path/to/imagenet
This is a tutorial of how to enable a PyTorch classification model with Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool.
For quantization aware training mode, Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool supports two usage as below:
- User specifies fp32 "model", training function "q_func", evaluation dataset "eval_dataloader" and metric in tuning.metric field of model-specific yaml config file, this option does not require customer to implement evaluation function.
- User specifies fp32 "model", training function "q_func" and a custom "eval_func" which encapsulates the evaluation dataset and metric by itself, this option require customer implement evaluation function by himself.
As ResNet18/50/101 series are typical classification models, use Top-K as metric which is built-in supported by Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool. So here we integrate PyTorch ResNet with Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool by the first use case for simplicity.
In examples directory, there is a template.yaml. We could remove most of items and only keep mandotory item for tuning.
name: imagenet_qat
framework: pytorch
approach: quant_aware_training
topk: 1
relative: 0.01
timeout: 0
random_seed: 9527
Here we choose topk built-in metric and set accuracy target as tolerating 0.01 relative accuracy loss of baseline. The default tuning strategy is basic strategy. The timeout 0 means unlimited tuning time until accuracy target is met, but the result maybe is not a model of best accuracy and performance.
PyTorch quantization requires two manual steps:
- Add QuantStub and DeQuantStub for all quantizable ops.
- Fuse possible patterns, such as Conv + Relu and Conv + BN + Relu.
Torchvision provide quantized_model, so we didn't do these steps above for all torchvision models. Please refer torchvision
The related code please refer to examples/pytorch/image_recognition/imagenet/cpu/qat/
After prepare step is done, we just need update like below.
def training_func_for_lpot(model):
epochs = 8
iters = 30
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
for nepoch in range(epochs):
cnt = 0
for image, target in train_loader:
print('.', end='')
cnt += 1
output = model(image)
loss = criterion(output, target)
if cnt >= iters:
if nepoch > 3:
# Freeze quantizer parameters
if nepoch > 2:
# Freeze batch norm mean and variance estimates
from lpot import Quantization
quantizer = Quantization("./conf.yaml")
q_model = quantizer(model, q_dataloader=None, q_func=training_func_for_lpot, eval_dataloader=val_loader)
The quantizer() function will return a best quantized model during timeout constrain.