This document provides solutions regarding the saving and loading of tuned models with Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool.
For PyTorch eager model, Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool will automatically save tuning configure and weights of model which meet target goal to checkpoint folder under workspace folder when tuning process.
# In lpot/strategy/
def stop(self, timeout, trials_count):
if, self.baseline):
......, os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(self.deploy_path), 'checkpoint'))
# In lpot/adaptor/
def save(self, model, path):
'''The function is used by tune strategy class for saving model.
model (object): The model to saved.
path (string): The path where to save.
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(path, "best_configure.yaml"), 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(self.tune_cfg, f, default_flow_style=False), os.path.join(path, ""))"save config file and weights of quantized model to path %s" % path)
except IOError as e:
logger.error("Unable to save configure file and weights. %s" % e)
Here, deploy_path is defined in configure yaml file. Default path is ./lpot_workspace/$framework/$module_name/, this folder will saving tuning history, deploy yaml, checkpoint. Tuning configure and weights files name are "best_configure.yaml" and "".
path: /path/to/saving/directory
If you want get tuned model, you can load tuning configure and weights in saving folder.
# In utils/
def load(checkpoint_dir, model):
"""Execute the quantize process on the specified model.
checkpoint_dir (dir): The folder of checkpoint.
'best_configure.yaml' and '' are needed
in This directory. 'checkpoint' dir is under workspace folder
and workspace folder is define in configure yaml file.
model (object): fp32 model need to do quantization.
(object): quantized model
tune_cfg_file = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(checkpoint_dir)),
weights_file = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(checkpoint_dir)),
assert os.path.exists(
tune_cfg_file), "tune configure file %s didn't exist" % tune_cfg_file
assert os.path.exists(
weights_file), "weight file %s didn't exist" % weights_file
q_model = copy.deepcopy(model.eval())
with open(tune_cfg_file, 'r') as f:
tune_cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.UnsafeLoader)
op_cfgs = _cfg_to_qconfig(tune_cfg)
_propagate_qconfig(q_model, op_cfgs)
# sanity check common API misusage
if not any(hasattr(m, 'qconfig') and m.qconfig for m in q_model.modules()):
logger.warn("None of the submodule got qconfig applied. Make sure you "
"passed correct configuration through `qconfig_dict` or "
"by assigning the `.qconfig` attribute directly on submodules")
q_model = convert(q_model, inplace=True)
weights = torch.load(weights_file)
return q_model
If you use IPEX to tune model, Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool will only save tuning configure which meet target goal to checkpoint folder under workspace folder when tuning process. If you want run tuned model, you can load tuning configure in saving folder.
- Saving model:
Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool will automatically save tuning configure and weights of model which meet target goal when tuning process.
# In lpot/strategy/
def stop(self, timeout, trials_count):
if, self.baseline):
......, os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(self.deploy_path), 'checkpoint'))
# In lpot/adaptor/
def save(self, model, path):
'''The function is used by tune strategy class for saving model.
model (object): The model to saved.
path (string): The path where to save.
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
import shutil
os.path.join(path, "best_configure.json"))
# TODO: Now Intel PyTorch Extension don't support save jit model.
except IOError as e:
logger.error("Unable to save configure file. %s" % e)
Here, deploy_path is defined in configure yaml file. Default path is ./lpot_workspace/$framework/$module_name/, this folder will saving tuning history, deploy yaml, checkpoint. Tuning configure and weights files name are "best_configure.yaml" and "".
- loading model:
# Without IPEX
model # fp32 model
from lpot.utils.pytorch import load
quantized_model = load(
os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(Path)), model)
# With IPEX
import intel_pytorch_extension as ipex
model # fp32 model
new_model = torch.jit.script(model)
new_model = torch.jit.trace(model, torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224).to(ipex.DEVICE))
ipex_config_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(args.tuned_checkpoint),
conf = ipex.AmpConf(torch.int8, configure_file=ipex_config_path)
with torch.no_grad():
for i, (input, target) in enumerate(val_loader):
with ipex.AutoMixPrecision(conf, running_mode='inference'):
output = new_model(