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Other awesome lists:
- sobolevn/awesome-cryptography: include theory, tools, frameworks, libs for crypto.
- pFarb/awesome-crypto-papers: traiditional crypto papers
Fundamentals of Fully Homomorphic Encryption – A Survey Zvika Brakerski Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity 2018, eccc, Brakerski18
A Decade of Lattice Cryptography Chris Peikert Theoretical Computer Science 2016, eprint, Peikert16
Lattice-based Cryptography Daniele Micciancio, Oded Regev Post-quantum Cryptography 2008, nyu, MP08
Lattice-Based Cryptosystems: A Design Perspective Jiang Zhang, Zhenfeng Zhang springer
Lattice Based Cryptography for Beginners Dong Pyo Chi, Jeong Woon Choi, Jeong San Kim, and Taewan Kim eprint
The LLL Algorithm: Survey and Applications Phong Q. Nguyen, Brigitte Vallée springer
On the Ring-LWE and Polynomial-LWE Problems Miruna Rosca, Damien Stehlé, and Alexandre Wallet EUROCRYPT 2018, eprint, RSW18
Middle-Product Learning With Errors Miruna Rosca, Amin Sakzad, Ron Steinfeld, Damien Stehle CRYPTO 2017, eprint, RSSS17
Worst-case to average-case reductions for module lattices Adeline Langlois, Damien Stehlé Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2015, springer, LS15
A Toolkit for Ring-LWE Cryptography Vadim Lyubashevsky, Chris Peikert, Oded Regev Eurocrypt 2013, eprint, LPR13
On Ideal Lattices and Learning with Errors Over Rings Vadim Lyubashevsky, Chris Peikert, Oded Regev Eurocrypt 2010, eprint, LPR10
Efficient public key encryption based on ideal lattices Damien Stehlé, Ron Steinfeld, Keisuke Tanaka, Keita Xagawa ASIACRYPT 2009, eprint, SSTX09
Generalized Compact Knapsacks Are Collision Resistant Vadim Lyubashevsky, Daniele Micciancio ICALP 2006, springer, LM06
Efficient collision-resistant hashing from worst-case assumptions on cyclic lattices Chris Peikert, Alon Rosen TCC 2006, springer, PR06
On lattices, learning with errors, random linear codes, and cryptography Oded Regev STOC'05, ACM, Regev05
Worst-case to average-case reductions based on Gaussian measures Daniele Micciancio, Oded Regev SIAM Journal on Computing 2007, MR04
Generating hard instances of lattice problems Miklós Ajtai STOC'96, ACM, Ajtai96