- Initial ER diagram draft created
- Carried out some research about authentication using OTP with the help of Twilio
- Did design in Figma some of which implemented in flutter
- Setup database and basics of backend
- Token Authentication in backend
- Send OTP through SMS using Twilio API
- Food and Restaurant API
- Sending and fetching data using HTTP request in front end
- Design screen (splash screen, login screen, OTP screen, profile screen)
- Login functionality (backend and frontend).
- Display dummy foods and restaurants on home screen.
- Resend OTP functionality
- Handling server error
- Add tags in foods and restaurants
- API (customer profile, permissions and authentication)
- Fetching foods and restaurants from backend
- Uploading image in firebase
- Food detail screen
- Restaurant detail screen
- API (cart, reviews and ratings)
- Cart screen
- Current Location
- Bug fix
- Orderpage screen
- Khalti payment
- Map display in Screen
- Login and logout of delivery person
- Design restaurant UI
- Implement restaurant design (views) in django
- Upload images to cloudinary and access the url
- Add chart to restaurant dashboard