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Describe the bug
When creating a script to backfill some data that didn't load with unrelated issues the function timetable.add_job with job_schedule using timetable.cron of '@every 1 day' and job_self_destructtrue .
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
Add 2 or more jobs using timetable.add_job with @every schedule and self destruct is true.
job_name =>'daily task backfill:'|| to_char(, 'yyyy-mm-dd'),
job_command =>'sh',
job_parameters =>jsonb_build_array(
format('/ %s',to_char(, 'yyyy-mm-dd'))
job_kind =>timetable.command_kind'PROGRAM',
job_schedule =>'@every 1 day'::timetable.cron,
--job_schedule => format('%s * * * *', to_char(now() + interval '1 minutes','MI'))::timetable.cron, -- workaround as self destruct seems to work with traditional cron time.
job_max_instances =>1,
job_live => true,
job_self_destruct => true -- if this is true this with a @every job schedule it is itermittent. if false debugging it is consistent.
from ( VALUES
) dates(date)
Expected behavior
I would expect after a minute three jobs are added (they are) and then destroyed (they are), they all executed in the execution log (they are though mostly only 1 or 2 with output of INSERT 0 1), and finally the jobs are actually run (Should be 3 rows in the example public.daily_task table. If only 1 or 2 rows are executed successfully I'd also expect the remaining timetable.task to be present for the next day as per @every 1 day though they seem prematurely destroyed.
This does seem a little intermittent though I only seen all 3 jobs execute successfully once though often just 1 or 2 jobs execute.
Additional context
When changing job_self_destruct => false all 3 jobs are executed.
Or can keep the job_self_destruct => true and change the timetable.cron to specify an minute in the future like job_schedule => format('%s * * * *', to_char(now() + interval '1 minutes','MI'))::timetable.cron and all 3 jobs are executed and destroyed as wanted.
Full reproduceable test script:
#!/usr/bin/env bashset -euo pipefail # Exit with nonzero exit code if anything failsset -x # Display commands and their arguments as they are executed.
daily_script=$(mktemp /tmp/daily-script.XXXXXX)
cat << 'EOF' > ${daily_script}#!/usr/bin/env shparam_date=${1:-$(TZ='Australia/Brisbane' date -d yesterday +"%Y-%m-%d")}PGPASSWORD=mysecretpassword psql --host postgres --username postgres --dbname postgres -c "INSERT INTO public.daily_task(created_date, message) VALUES ('${param_date}', 'test');"EOF
chmod +x ${daily_script}# for us this would be in a sql file in the repo handled by sqitch
daily_script_kickoff=$(mktemp /tmp/daily-script-kickoff.XXXXXX)
cat << 'EOF' > ${daily_script_kickoff} SELECT timetable.add_job( job_name => 'daily task backfill:' || to_char(, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), job_command => 'sh', job_parameters =>jsonb_build_array( '-c', format('/ %s',to_char(, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) )::jsonb, job_kind => timetable.command_kind 'PROGRAM', job_schedule => '@every 1 day'::timetable.cron, --job_schedule => format('%s * * * *', to_char(now() + interval '1 minutes','MI'))::timetable.cron, --'@every 1 minute'::timetable.cron, -- workaround as self destruct seems to work with traditional cron time. job_max_instances => 1, job_live => true, job_self_destruct => true -- if this is true this with a @every job schedule it is itermittent. if false debugging it is consistent. ) from ( VALUES ('2023-10-08'::date), ('2023-10-11'::date), ('2023-10-31'::date) ) dates(date) ;EOF
forversionin"5.7";do# "5.4" "5.6" "5.7"
docker rm -f postgres pg-timetable-init-only pg-timetable-worker001 ||true
docker run --rm --name postgres \
-p 54321:5432 \
-v "${daily_script_kickoff}:/daily-script-kickoff.sql" \
-ePOSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
-d postgres:13.11 # pg version found issue is 13.11.
timeout 90s /usr/bin/env bash -c "until docker exec postgres pg_isready ; do sleep 5 ; done"# wait for db to be ready
docker exec postgres psql --username postgres --dbname postgres -c "CREATE TABLE public.daily_task(id serial, created_date date, message text);"
docker run \
--name=pg-timetable-init-only \
--link "postgres:postgres" \
cybertecpostgresql/pg_timetable:$version \
-h postgres -p 5432 -d postgres -u postgres --password mysecretpassword -c init-only --init
echo"$? - exit code for pg_timetable: $version"
docker run -d \
--name=pg-timetable-worker001 \
--link "postgres:postgres" \
-v "${daily_script}:/" \
cybertecpostgresql/pg_timetable:$version \
-h postgres -p 5432 -d postgres -u postgres --password mysecretpassword -c worker001
docker exec postgres psql --username postgres --dbname postgres -f daily-script-kickoff.sql
original_task_count=$(docker exec postgres psql --username postgres --dbname postgres -X -A -t -c "SELECT count(*) FROM timetable.task;")echo"original task count: $original_task_count"
sleep 60 # sleep for 1 minute
while [[ $execution_log_count== 0 ]] ;do
sleep 5 # sleep for 5 seconds
execution_log_count=$(docker exec postgres psql --username postgres --dbname postgres -X -A -t -c "SELECT count(*) FROM timetable.execution_log;")echo"execution_log_count: $execution_log_count"done
insert_count=$(docker exec postgres psql --username postgres --dbname postgres -X -A -t -c "SELECT count(*) FROM public.daily_task;")
updated_task_count=$(docker exec postgres psql --username postgres --dbname postgres -X -A -t -c "SELECT count(*) FROM timetable.task;")echo"updated task count: $updated_task_count"echo"original task count: $original_task_count vs updated task count: $updated_task_count vs execution_log_count: $execution_log_count vs insert count: $insert_count"echo$(docker exec postgres psql --username postgres --dbname postgres -c "select el.kind, el.command, el.returncode, el.output from timetable.execution_log el;");echo$(docker exec postgres psql --username postgres --dbname postgres -c "SELECT * FROM timetable.task;");echo$(docker exec postgres psql --username postgres --dbname postgres -c "SELECT * FROM public.daily_task;");done
Describe the bug
When creating a script to backfill some data that didn't load with unrelated issues the function
of'@every 1 day'
.To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
Add 2 or more jobs using
schedule and self destruct is true.Expected behavior
I would expect after a minute three jobs are added (they are) and then destroyed (they are), they all executed in the execution log (they are though mostly only 1 or 2 with output of
), and finally the jobs are actually run (Should be 3 rows in the examplepublic.daily_task
table. If only 1 or 2 rows are executed successfully I'd also expect the remainingtimetable.task
to be present for the next day as per@every 1 day
though they seem prematurely destroyed.This does seem a little intermittent though I only seen all 3 jobs execute successfully once though often just 1 or 2 jobs execute.
Additional context
When changing
job_self_destruct => false
all 3 jobs are executed.Or can keep the
job_self_destruct => true
and change thetimetable.cron
to specify an minute in the future likejob_schedule => format('%s * * * *', to_char(now() + interval '1 minutes','MI'))::timetable.cron
and all 3 jobs are executed and destroyed as wanted.Full reproduceable test script:
I realised our pg version of 13.11 is getting quite old though just reproduced with
to be sure before submitting.The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: