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Feature request: Time delay parameters #224

chris-konrad opened this issue Sep 9, 2024 · 15 comments

Feature request: Time delay parameters #224

chris-konrad opened this issue Sep 9, 2024 · 15 comments


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For our work on human control, we would be interested in introducing EOMs with an unknown time shift parameter $t_d$ that should be a free parameter for the optimization.

For example an unknown input delay, aka "reaction time":
$\dot x(t) = f(x(t)) + g(u(t-t_d))$

If one introduces this in the symbolic expressions of the EOM, the problem does not compile. It seems like this feature is currently not supported:
eom = x(t).diff - (f(t) + g(t-t_d))

I am trying workarounds with explicit time variables or an allpass. But generally it would be great if opty could support time delay out of the box.

Any other ideas for workarounds are of course also greatly appreciated.


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Could you perhaps write up code of a simple problem you would like to see working? That would make it easier to provide suggestions for workarounds and for implementations.

I expect that it would be something like this:

import sympy as sm
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
from opty import Problem, create_objective_function

N = 101
dt= 0.1

t = me.dynamicsymbols._t
td = sm.Symbol("td")
x, y, u = me.dynamicsymbols("x y u")
u_delayed = u.subs({t: t - td})
eoms = sm.Matrix([
  x.diff() - u * y + u_delayed,
  y - sm.sin(x),

obj, obj_grad = create_objective_function(u**2, (x, y), (u,), (), N, dt)
prob = Problem(obj, obj_grad, eoms, (x, y), N, dt, instance_constraints=[x.subs({t: 0.0}) - 3])

Note, it is important to choose a good representative equation of motion, e.g. x.diff() - u_delayed could just be solved by offsetting the solution of x.diff() - u.

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opty assumes all time varying symbols are given as x(t) and then it discretizes that to x(t_i). If you provide x(t - 5.0) as a symbol in an expression, that continuous expression needs to be replace internally with something like x(t_i - 5.0//h) where h is the constant time step and that would then map to x(t_{i-j} where j=5.0/h. Once it made it to that form, the derivatives wrt these shifted variables could then be taken as it is already done internally and things would generally work. We'd have to deal with not having values in the past before the initial time in some way.

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@chrismo-schmidt is your need only to shift a control (specified) trajectory relative to the output trajectories? Timo is right that we can shift things after the fact if we have the simpliest case. In a mimo system where different controls have different delays, that wouldn't be the case.

Also, you are doing parameter identification against data so, you can apply the delay shifts in your objective function or are you trying to let the optimizer also discover the delay as an unknown parameter?

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chris-konrad commented Sep 9, 2024

Thanks for the quick reply!

Below is a toy example of what I want to achieve. Indeed my application is a system id against data and I want the optimizer to estimate an unknown input time delay as well as other parameters within the A matrix. For simplicity, I did not include the identification of any parameters in A in the example below. The only free "parameter" is the unknown delay $t_d$ from $u(t-t_d)$. The system dynamics themselves are choses arbitrarily and do not really matter to show what I want to do.

I believe just offsetting the solution as @tjstienstra suggested is not an option because this disregards that any estimated parameters of A would change with the delay (if they were included in the optimisation). Applying the delay in the objective is also not an option because it is unknown.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Sep  9 15:52:02 2024

Toy example for input time-delay identification with sympy

@author: Christoph M. Schmidt

import sympy as sm
import numpy as np

from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import opty

#%% Simulate some data

T = 0.1 

# state space system
A = np.array([[0, 1], [-1, -1]]).T  
B = np.array([[0], [1]])  

def state_space_system(t, x):      
    # time-dealyed input
    u = np.sin(t-T)
    dxdt = A @ x[:,np.newaxis] + B * u
    return dxdt.flatten()

# initial conditions
x0 = [0, 0]  

# evaluation time
t_end = 10
steps = 1000
t_span = (0, t_end) 
t_eval = np.linspace(0, t_end, steps)

# Solve the system numerically
sol = solve_ivp(state_space_system, t_span, x0, t_eval=t_eval)

# output 
C = np.array([[0,1]])
y = C @ sol.y

# plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1)
ax[0].plot(sol.t, np.sin(sol.t), label='u(t)')
ax[0].plot(sol.t, np.sin(sol.t-T), label='u(t-T)')
ax[1].plot(sol.t, sol.y[1], label='y(t)')
fig.suptitle('Some time-delayed input data to a toy system')

#%% Attempt to identify time delay using sympy 

#time variables
t, td = sm.symbols("t t_d")

u = sm.symbols("u", cls=sm.Function)

x1, x2 = sm.symbols("x_1 x_2", cls=sm.Function)
x = sm.Matrix([[x1(t)],[x2(t)]])

#equations of motion
eoms = x.diff() - sm.Matrix(A) * x - sm.Matrix(B) * u(t-td)

#objective function and gradient
N = len(t_eval)
n = 2
q = 0

def obj(free):

    states, specified_values, constant_values = opty.parse_free(free, n, q, N) 
    return (states[1,:] - y)**2

def obj_grad(free):

    states, specified_values, constant_values = opty.parse_free(free, n, q, N)

    dsse = np.r_[
        2  * (states[1, :] - y)

    return dsse

# problem definition
prob = opty.Problem(obj, obj_grad, eoms, (x1(t), x2(t)), len(t_eval), 
                    t_end/steps, known_trajectory_map = {u(t): np.sin(t_eval)})

# solution


This fails with
ValueError: dict_keys([u(t)]) are not in the provided equations of motion.

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Peter230655 commented Sep 9, 2024

From what little I know I think that numerically integrating time delayed differential equations is highly non-trivial. I believe scipy's solve_ivp cannot do it. Would the same and more not apply to opty - or is my thinking way off?
The reason for my question is this:
If opty would have the same very non trivial issues like regular numerical integration, there is no point in my playing around with this. If opty, for whatever reason does not suffer from this, I'd love to play around with this issue.

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Below is a toy example of what I want to achieve.

Thank you

I believe just offsetting the solution as @tjstienstra suggested is not an option

That known_parameter map is indeed making things more complex. A problem that will remain even if timeshifts are supported is that opty would be required to extrapolate u(t) because u(0-td) with td>0 is not defined.

Another option would be to make u(t) a free variable and force it to a shape in the objective function. The disadvantage is that this makes it a, possibly stiff, multi-objective problem.
Another approach would be to define "an additional EoM" that constrains u(t) in a certain way.

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Maybe the instance constraints should support doing something like u(t) = u_shifted(t - 5.0). That might be the easiest to implement. Or we just have a "shift_constraint" kwarg to pass in such things.

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chris-konrad commented Sep 10, 2024

A problem that will remain even if timeshifts are supported is that opty would be required to extrapolate u(t) because u(0-td) with td>0 is not defined.

If we require td to be bounded, we could crop all other trajectories according to the given bounds.

Another approach would be to define "an additional EoM" that constrains u(t) in a certain way.

Yesterday, I tried to develop a time-delaying filter (e.g. Pade approximation allpass, Bessel filter). That may be a feasible workaround for small delays (in the order of 10-100 ms), but delays in the orders of seconds require very high filter orders to maintain constant group delay over a certain bandwidth. So in most cases, this is probably not a suitable approach.

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Peter230655 commented Sep 10, 2024

There is a repository on Github called ddeint. Apparently this can integrate time delay differential equations based on odeint.
I have never tried it. Maybe this can give ideas?

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moorepants commented Sep 10, 2024

I think we know how to solve this conceptually, but it is more about how we solve it given the design of opty. An ODE that looks like: $\dot{x} = x(t - t_d)$ maps to (with backward Euler) $\frac{x_i - x_{i-1}}{h} = x_{i - \textrm{round}(t_d/h)}$. We can create a constraint like that internally but then we need to handle the x_i where i < t_d/h period and we need to be able to compute the Jacobian with respect to these i < t_d/h variables. All that is possible, but would need some major edits in the internals to support simply adding $x(t - t_d)$ being placed directly into the equations of motion. Opty treats instance constraints separately from the EoM constraints and manually constructs the Jacobian based on knowing $i$ of each $x_i$, so adopting it to handle $x_{i - td/h}$ might be the easiest path to get opty to handle such a thing. But instance constraints are designed to be at an instant, and this is valid at all time instances, so it is a bit clunky to use instance constraints for something that should be a "path constraint" (valid at all time).

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I experimented some more with this idea and found a solution to trick opty into compensating the delay of an input signal.

Instead of explicitly adding time-shift as a hard constraint, one can relax these constraints through penalties in the objective function. And opty can already do that.

The idea is to consider the delayed as a free input $u_\mathrm{shift}(t) \coloneqq u(t-t_d)$ , enabling opty to find the input that fits the data best.
Then, the constraint that the the input must be a shifted version of $u(t)$ can be considered in the objective function by adding an input cost term to the cost term for fitting the state trajectories.
$L = L_{fit} + L_{input}$
I choose $L_{input}$ to be $L_{input} = \mathrm{SSE}(u_\mathrm{shift}(t), u(t-t_d))$ and estimate a new $t_d \approx \Delta t \cdot \mathrm{argmax_n} \sum_{m=-\infty}^\infty u_\mathrm{shift}[m-n]u[m-n_d]$ for every optimization step from the crosscorrelation between true and fitted input. Using the same estimate for $t_d$, the gradient is straightforward $\nabla L_{input} = \nabla\mathrm{SSE}(u_\mathrm{shift}(t), u(t-t_d))$.

I implemented this for a noisy step signal applied to a second-order Butterworth filter. This how the simulated data looks like:


Then, I use opty to identify the cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter and this is the result:


Opty identifies a consistent delayed input signal that satisfies $u_\mathrm{shift} = u(t-t_d)$ for the correct $t_d$. This also works for other values of input delays.

Unfortunately, one IPOPT issue remains: The optimisation actually terminates in an error
and in more detail:

I am not sure if this error is a boring coding error or a conceptual problem. Does anybody know what the error actually means?

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Dec 17 15:30:12 2024

Identify input delay using opty.

@author: Christoph M. Konrad

import sympy as sm
import numpy as np
from opty import Problem, parse_free
from scipy.signal import correlate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


#%% Symbols and funcions for forward simulation of a second-order lowpass with cutoff frequency 1
#   omega_0 = 1/T_0 (Butterworth filter)
T_0, a_0, a_1, t = sm.symbols('T_0, a_0, a_1, t')
x_1, x_2, u = sm.symbols('x_1, x_2, u')

eval_sys = sm.lambdify(((x_1, x_2), u, T_0, (a_0, a_1)),  
                       sm.Matrix(((x_2,), (- a_0 * T_0 * x_1 - a_1 * T_0 * x_2 + T_0 * u,))))

#%% Function for Euler forward integration with input delay
def euler_integrate(state_derivative, t_range, delta_t, t_delay, x0, u_vals, T_0_val):
    x_out = np.zeros((2, len(t_range)+1))
    x_out[:,0] = x0
    i_delay = int(np.round(t_delay/delta_t))
    for i, t in enumerate(t_range):
        #zero-padding for requested values outside the time interval of the available data 
        if i-i_delay >= 0:
            u_t = u_vals[i-i_delay]
            u_t = 0
        x_out[:,i+1] = x_out[:,i] + delta_t * \
            state_derivative(x_out[:,i], u_t, T_0_val, B).flatten()
    return x_out

#%% Forward-simulate with some data. 
B = (1, np.sqrt(2))
x0 = np.zeros(2)
T_0_val = 10
delta_t = 0.01
t_range = np.arange(0,3,delta_t)
f = 0.5
rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
u_vals = np.zeros_like(t_range)  #np.sin(2*np.pi*f*t_range)
u_vals[20:] = 1
u_vals += + rng.normal(scale=0.1, size = t_range.size)
N = len(u_vals)

x_sim = euler_integrate(eval_sys, t_range, delta_t, t_delay, x0, u_vals, T_0_val)

# plot simulation result
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
ax.plot(t_range, u_vals, label='undelayed input u(t)')
ax.plot(t_range, x_sim[0,1:], label='output y(t)')
ax.set_xlabel('t in s')
ax.axvspan(0.2, 0.2+t_delay, color='orange', alpha=0.5, label = 'input delay')
ax.set_title('Simulated data \n Step response of a second-order lowpass with input delay')

#%% State-space formulation for opty parameter id.
x_1_func,x_2_func, u_shift_func = sm.symbols('x_1, x_2, u_shift', cls=sm.Function)
eoms = sm.Matrix(((x_1_func(t).diff() - x_2_func(t),),
                  (x_2_func(t).diff() + a_0 * T_0 * x_1_func(t) 
                                      + a_1 * T_0 * x_2_func(t) 
                                      - T_0 * u_shift_func(t),)))

known_trajectories = {} # no known trajectories, consider input as a free trajectory u_shifted. 
known_parameters = {a_0: B[0], a_1: B[1]} # cutoff frequency unknown
states = (x_1_func(t), x_2_func(t))
constraints = (x_2_func(0)-x_sim[1,0],)

weight_output = 100
weight_input = 1

# set up objective functions
def find_timeshift(identified_input):
    Finds the timeshift between the identified u_shift(t) and the original input u(t)

    identified_input : TYPE

    i_shift : int
        Shift index.
    u_shift_data : TYPE
        Shifted input u(t-t_d) so that it aligns best with the current identified input u_shift(t).
        Padding repeats the value at the interval limit. (This is not zero-padding)

    c = correlate(u_vals, identified_input, mode='full')
    i_shift = np.max(np.where(c==np.max(c))) - (N-1)
    if i_shift >= 0:
        u_shift_data = np.r_[u_vals[i_shift:], np.ones(i_shift) * u_vals[-1]]
        u_shift_data = np.r_[np.ones(-i_shift) * u_vals[0], u_vals[:i_shift]]
    #plot for debugging
    #fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(3,1)
    return i_shift, u_shift_data

def obj(free):
    Objective function: SSE(x_id, x_data) + SSE(u_shift_id, u_shift_data).
    This enforces that u_shift(t) = u(t-t_d) while allowing any t_d. There is no explicit 
    incentive for opty to change t_d other a better fit of the states to the data. 

    states, inputs, params = parse_free(free, 2, 1, N)
    #input shift
    i_shift, u_padded = find_timeshift(inputs)
    obj_inputshift = np.sum((inputs - u_padded))**2
    #output fit
    obj_outputfit = np.sum((states - x_sim[:,1:]))**2
    return weight_input * obj_inputshift + weight_output * obj_outputfit

def obj_grad(free):
    Gradient of the objective function. The gradient is nonzero for dSSE(x_id, x_data)/dx_id and
    dSSE(u_shift_id, u_shift_data)/d_shift_id.
    The second part makes opty correct the shifted input to equal a timeshifted version of u(t).
    states, inputs, params = parse_free(free, 2, 1, N)
    grad = np.zeros_like(free)
    # output fit
    grad[0:N] =  2 * weight_output * (states[0,:] - x_sim[0,1:])
    grad[N:2*N] =  2 * weight_output * (states[1,:] - x_sim[1,1:])
    # input shift
    i_shift, u_padded = find_timeshift(inputs)
    grad[2*N:3*N] = 2 * weight_input * (inputs - u_padded)
    return grad
#%% Build the optimization problem
prob = Problem(obj, obj_grad, eoms, states,  N, delta_t, 
               known_trajectory_map = known_trajectories,
               known_parameter_map = known_parameters, instance_constraints=constraints)
prob.add_option('print_level', 7)

#%% Solve the optimization problem and report solution. 
u_vals_shifted = np.zeros_like(u_vals)
u_vals_shifted[0:-20] = u_vals_shifted[20:]

initial_guess = np.zeros(prob.num_free) 
initial_guess[2*N : 3*N] = np.ones(N)
initial_guess[-1] = 1   
solution, info = prob.solve(initial_guess)
print(f"objective value:    {info['obj_val']:.6f}")
print(f"identified T_0: {solution[-1]:.6f}")
print(f"true T_0:       {T_0_val:.6f}")

#%% Plot soultion
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(3,1, layout='constrained')
ax2[0].plot(t_range, x_sim[0,1:])
ax2[1].plot(t_range, x_sim[1,1:])
ax2[2].plot(t_range, u_vals)
prob.plot_trajectories(solution, axes = ax2)
ax2[0].axvspan(0.2, 0.2+t_delay, color='orange', alpha=0.5)
ax2[1].axvspan(0.2, 0.2+t_delay, color='orange', alpha=0.5)
ax2[2].axvspan(0.2, 0.2+t_delay, color='orange', alpha=0.5)
plt.legend(['data: u(t)', 'id: u_shift(t)', 'input_delay'])

#%% Find final timeshift

i_shift_id, u_data_shifted = find_timeshift(solution[2*N:3*N])
t_delay_id = i_shift_id * delta_t
print(f"true t_d: {t_delay:.2f} s")
print(f"identified t_d: {-t_delay_id:.2f} s")

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Peter230655 commented Dec 19, 2024

I have had this error before quite a few times. Sometimes it goes away if you change the initial guess, sometimes if you iterate, see below. Here it did not help.
You EOMS and your instances are kept very well, as you can see if you plot them - but of course I habe no idea what your EOMs mean.

for i in range(2):
    solution, info = prob.solve(initial_guess)
    initial_guess = solution

Sorry I could not be of help.

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Minor clue on the error: coin-or/Ipopt#713

You may want to ask about this on the IPOPT forums/discussions. I'm not finding much about the particular error.

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Thanks @Peter230655 and @moorepants. I found an error in my objective function (no normalization and sum of errors squared instead of sum of squared errors). Also I did some tuning of objective weights.

Now the error is gone. It seems to be thrown when the the optimizer does not find any next step to improve the objective but still does not satisfy convergence criteria.

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Like I said, I sometimes get rid of it by playing around with num_nodes, setting bounds, etc... but just playing around!
I guess, Ipopt is so complicated, even the authors could not tell you exactly what causes what. :-)

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