This recipe demonstrates how to load a file from Cloud Storage.
View the source code.
Follow the Cloud Functions quickstart guide to setup Cloud Functions for your project.
Clone this repository:
git clone cd nodejs-docs-samples/functions/gcs
Create a Cloud Storage Bucket to stage our deployment:
gsutil mb gs://[YOUR_BUCKET_NAME]
- Replace
with the name of your Cloud Storage Bucket.
- Replace
Upload the sample file to the bucket:
gsutil cp sample.txt gs://[YOUR_BUCKET_NAME]
- Replace
with the name of your Cloud Storage Bucket.
- Replace
Deploy the "wordCount" function with an HTTP trigger:
gcloud alpha functions deploy wordCount --bucket [YOUR_BUCKET_NAME] --trigger-http --entry-point map
- Replace
with the name of your Cloud Storage Bucket.
- Replace
Call the "wordCount" function using the sample file:
gcloud alpha functions call wordCount --data '{"bucket":"[YOUR_BUCKET_NAME]","file":"sample.txt"}'
- Replace
with the name of your Cloud Storage Bucket.
You should see something like this in your console
The file sample.txt has 114 words
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