This sample demonstrates how to use websockets on Google App Engine Managed VMs with Node.js.
Note: Secure WebSockets are currently not supported by Managed VMs. WebSockets will only work if you load your page over HTTP (not HTTPS).
To use Secure WebSockets now, you can launch a VM on Google Compute Engine using a custom image where you have added SSL support for WebSockets.
Refer to the appengine/ file for instructions on running and deploying.
Before you can run or deploy the sample, you will need to create a new firewall rule to allow traffic on port 65080. This port will be used for websocket connections. You can do this with the Google Cloud SDK with the following command:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-websockets \
--allow tcp:65080 \
--target-tags websocket \
--description "Allow websocket traffic on port 65080"