diff --git a/contrib/mixins/README.md b/contrib/mixins/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82ff9273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/mixins/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Common mixins library
+A library of reusable mixins to simplify common tasks needed when taking backups.
+Currently, this library contains mixins for:
+* Dumping databases to restic stdin (mysql, mariadb, pgsql)
+* Taking temporary snapshots (lvm, btrfs)
+* Temporarily freezing VM disk images (virsh/kvm)
+## Example Usage
+version = "2"
+# downloaded by "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creativeprojects/resticprofile/master/contrib/mixins/get.sh"
+includes = ["mixins-*.yaml"]
+repo = "..."
+inherit = "__base"
+use = {name = "snapshot-btrfs", FROM = "/opt/data", TO = "/opt/data_snapshot"}
+source = "/opt/data_snapshot"
+inherit = "__base"
+use = {name = "database-mysql", DATABASE = "dbname", USER="dbuser", PASSWORD_FILE="/path/to/password.txt"}
+inherit = "__base"
+use = [
+ {name = "snapshot-virsh", DOMAIN = "vmname1", DUMPXML = "/opt/vms/vmname1.xml"},
+ {name = "snapshot-virsh", DOMAIN = "vmname2", DUMPXML = "/opt/vms/vmname2.xml"},
+ {name = "snapshot-virsh", DOMAIN = "vmname2", DUMPXML = "/opt/vms/vmname2.xml"},
+source = "/opt/vms/"
+includes = ["*.qcow2", "*.xml"]
+## Setup
+### Posix environment:
+cd /etc/resticprofile \
+&& curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creativeprojects/resticprofile/master/contrib/mixins/get.sh | sh -
+### Powershell environment:
+At the moment the mixins library doesn't support powershell. Contributions are welcome.
+## Disclaimer
+Please note that the actions that some of the mixins perform can lead to data loss. This lies in the nature of
+creating and removing snapshots with system privileges. You should carefully read through the actions inside
+the mixins and consider if the mixin is safe for your use case. Please report bugs when you find any.
+This library is under the [GPL3](../../LICENSE) license like all other parts of the project.
diff --git a/contrib/mixins/database.yaml b/contrib/mixins/database.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6c8ba69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/mixins/database.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+title: "Mixins for database backups in posix shell environments"
+github_repo: "github.com/creativeprojects/resticprofile"
+license: "GPL3"
+copyright: |-
+ This file is part of resticprofile (github.com/creativeprojects/resticprofile).
+ Copyright (c) 2024 resticprofile authors.
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ ###
+ # MySQL / MariaDB dump from stdin
+ #
+ # Usage
+ #
+ # backup:
+ # use: {name: "database-mysql", DATABASE: "dbname", HOST: "dbhost", USER: "dbuser", PASSWORD_FILE: "dbpassword.txt"}
+ #
+ database-mysql:
+ default-vars:
+ DATABASE: "--all-databases"
+ FILENAME: "mysql-dump.sql"
+ DEFAULT_OPTS: "${MYSQLDUMP_DEFAULT_OPTS:-'--order-by-primary'}"
+ OPTS: ""
+ # creating a defaults-file for mysqldump if the PASSWORD is non-empty
+ run-before...: |
+ defaults=""
+ __pw="${PASSWORD}"
+ if [ -n "${__pw}" ] || [ -n "${PASSWORD_FILE}" ] ; then
+ defaults="{{ tempFile("mysql-default.conf") }}"
+ chmod 0600 "$defaults"
+ fi
+ [ -f "$defaults" ] && cat > "$defaults" <<-EOF
+ [mysqldump]
+ password = "${__pw:-"$(cat "${PASSWORD_FILE}")"}"
+ echo "MYSQL_DEFAULTS_FILE=${defaults}" >> "{{ env }}"
+ # defining stdin command to that writes the mysql dump
+ stdin-filename: "${FILENAME}"
+ stdin-command: >
+ host="$( [ -z "${HOST}" ] || echo "--host='${HOST}'" )"
+ port="$( [ -z "${PORT}" ] || echo "--port='${PORT}'" )"
+ user="$( [ -z "${USER}" ] || echo "-u '${USER}'" )"
+ pass="$( [ -z "${MYSQL_DEFAULTS_FILE}" ] || echo "--defaults-file='${MYSQL_DEFAULTS_FILE}'" )"
+ mysqldump $user $pass $host $port ${DEFAULT_OPTS} ${OPTS} ${DATABASE}
+ source: []
+ ###
+ # Postgres dump from stdin
+ #
+ # Usage
+ #
+ # backup:
+ # use: {name: "database-pgsql", DATABASE: "dbname", HOST: "dbhost", USER: "dbuser", PASSWORD_FILE: "dbpassword.txt"}
+ #
+ database-pgsql:
+ default-vars:
+ FILENAME: "pgsql-dump.sql"
+ DEFAULT_OPTS: "${PGDUMP_DEFAULT_OPTS:-'--clean --if-exists --quote-all-identifiers --serializable-deferrable'}"
+ OPTS: ""
+ # creating a .pgpass file for pg_dump if the PASSWORD is non-empty
+ run-before...: |
+ pgpass=""
+ __pw="${PASSWORD}"
+ if [ -n "${__pw}" ] || [ -n "${PASSWORD_FILE}" ] ; then
+ pgpass="{{ tempFile(".pgpass") }}"
+ echo "*:*:*:*:${__pw:-"$(cat "${PASSWORD_FILE}")"}" > "$pgpass"
+ chmod 0600 "$pgpass"
+ fi
+ echo "PGPASS_FILE=${pgpass}" >> "{{ env }}"
+ # defining stdin command to that writes the mysql dump
+ stdin-filename: "${FILENAME}"
+ stdin-command: >
+ [ -z "${PGPASS_FILE}" ] || export HOME=$(dirname "${PGPASS_FILE}")
+ ; host="$( [ -z "${HOST}" ] || echo "--host='${HOST}'" )"
+ port="$( [ -z "${PORT}" ] || echo "--port='${PORT}'" )"
+ user="$( [ -z "${USER}" ] || echo "--username='${USER}'" )"
+ pg_dump $user --no-password $host $port ${DEFAULT_OPTS} ${OPTS} ${DATABASE}
+ source: []
diff --git a/contrib/mixins/get.sh b/contrib/mixins/get.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7efd16b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/mixins/get.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+set -e
+ database
+ snapshot
+move_download_to() {
+ [ -s "$TEMP_FILE" ] && mv -f "$TEMP_FILE" "$1"
+ return $?
+download() {
+ result=0
+ if which -s curl ; then
+ curl -fsL "$1" > "$TEMP_FILE" && move_download_to "$2"
+ result=$?
+ elif which -s wget ; then
+ wget -nv -O "$TEMP_FILE" "$1" && move_download_to "$2"
+ result=$?
+ else
+ echo "neither curl nor wget found, cannot load $1"
+ result=1
+ fi
+ [ -e "$TEMP_FILE" ] && rm "$TEMP_FILE"
+ return $result
+download_all() {
+ dir=""
+ if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -d "$1" ] ; then
+ dir="$1/"
+ echo "downloading to $dir"
+ fi
+ for m in $MIXINS ; do
+ url="$GIT_BASE_URL/${m}.yaml"
+ dest="${dir}${PREFIX}-${m}.yaml"
+ echo "getting $url > $dest"
+ download "$url" "$dest" || echo "failed"
+ done
+download_all "$1"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/mixins/snapshot.yaml b/contrib/mixins/snapshot.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb270432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/mixins/snapshot.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+title: "Mixins for snapshot creation in posix shell environments"
+github_repo: "github.com/creativeprojects/resticprofile"
+license: "GPL3"
+copyright: |-
+ This file is part of resticprofile (github.com/creativeprojects/resticprofile).
+ Copyright (c) 2024 resticprofile authors.
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ ##
+ # Creates a temporary snapshot of a btrfs volume
+ # Usage
+ #
+ # backup:
+ # use:
+ # - {name: "snapshot-btrfs", FROM: "/opt/data", TO: "/opt/data_snapshot"}
+ # source: "/opt/data_snapshot"
+ #
+ snapshot-btrfs:
+ default-vars:
+ FROM: ""
+ TO: ""
+ IF_EXISTS: "fail" # one of (delete, continue, fail)
+ ...run-before: |
+ if [ ! -d "${FROM}" ] ; then echo "source volume (${FROM}) is not existing" ; exit 1 ; fi
+ if [ -z "${TO}" ] ; then echo "snapshot destination is not specified" ; exit 1 ; fi
+ if [ "${TO}" == "${FROM}" ] ; then echo "snapshot source & destination must differ" ; exit 1 ; fi
+ ;
+ if [ -d "${TO}" ] ; then
+ if [ "${IF_EXISTS}" == "delete" ] ; then
+ btrfs subvolume delete "${TO}"
+ elif [ "${IF_EXISTS}" == "continue" ] ; then
+ echo "${TO} already existing, continuing without creating a new snapshot" ; exit 0
+ else
+ echo "${TO} already existing, snapshot failed" ; exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;
+ btrfs subvolume snapshot -r "${FROM}" "${TO}" \
+ && echo "btrfs:${FROM}:${TO}--" >> "{{ tempFile "mixins-lib-snapshots.list" }}"
+ run-finally...: |
+ if [ -d "${TO}" ] && grep -q "btrfs:${FROM}:${TO}--" "{{ tempFile "mixins-lib-snapshots.list" }}" ; then
+ btrfs subvolume delete "${TO}"
+ fi
+ ##
+ # Creates a temporary snapshot of a lvm volume
+ # Usage
+ #
+ # backup:
+ # use:
+ # - {name: "snapshot-lvm", FROM: "/dev/vg00/data", TO: "/mnt/data_snapshot"}
+ # source: "/mnt/data_snapshot"
+ #
+ snapshot-lvm:
+ default-vars:
+ FROM: ""
+ TO: ""
+ OPTS: ""
+ ...run-before: |
+ if [ ! -e "${FROM}" ] ; then echo "source volume (${FROM}) is not existing" ; exit 1 ; fi
+ if [ -z "${TO}" ] ; then echo "snapshot destination is not specified" ; exit 1 ; fi
+ if [ "${TO}" == "${FROM}" ] ; then echo "snapshot source & destination must differ" ; exit 1 ; fi
+ ( [ -d "${TO}" ] || mkdir -p "${TO}" ) || exit 1
+ ;
+ export snap_name="$( [ -z "${SNAPSHOT_NAME}" ] || echo "${SNAPSHOT_NAME}" )"
+ snap_name="restic_${snap_name:-"$(basename "${TO}")"}"
+ export snap_dev="$(dirname "${FROM}")/${snap_name}"
+ ;
+ lvcreate ${DEFAULT_OPTS} ${OPTS} --name "${snap_name}" --snapshot "${FROM}" \
+ && mount "${snap_dev}" "${TO}" \
+ && echo "lvm:${snap_dev}:${TO}--" >> "{{ tempFile "mixins-lib-snapshots.list" }}"
+ run-finally...: |
+ export snap_name="$( [ -z "${SNAPSHOT_NAME}" ] || echo "${SNAPSHOT_NAME}" )"
+ snap_name="restic_${snap_name:-"$(basename "${TO}")"}"
+ export snap_dev="$(dirname "${FROM}")/${snap_name}"
+ ;
+ if [ -d "${TO}" ] && grep -q "lvm:${snap_dev}:${TO}--" "{{ tempFile "mixins-lib-snapshots.list" }}" ; then
+ umount "${TO}" \
+ && lvremove --force "${snap_dev}"
+ fi
+ ##
+ # Temporarily freezes the image of a VM managed by virsh so that it can be backed-up while the keeps VM running
+ # Usage
+ #
+ # backup:
+ # use:
+ # - {name: "snapshot-virsh", DOMAIN: "vmname", DUMPXML: "/opt/vms/vmname-definition.xml"}
+ # - {name: "snapshot-virsh", DOMAIN: "vm2", DUMPXML: "/opt/vms/vm2-definition.xml"}
+ # - {name: "snapshot-virsh", DOMAIN: "vm3"}
+ # - {name: "snapshot-virsh", DOMAIN: "vm4"}
+ # - {name: "snapshot-virsh", DOMAIN: "vm4-without-quest-additions", OPTS: ""}
+ # # OPTIONAL: - "snapshot-virsh-aa-teardown" # place last if snapshot restores block with apparmor)
+ # source:
+ # - /opt/vms
+ #
+ snapshot-virsh:
+ default-vars:
+ DOMAIN: ""
+ LD_PATH: "/var/db"
+ LD_SUFFIX: "livedata.qcow2"
+ LD_DISCSPEC: "vda"
+ SNAPSHOT_SUFFIX: "restic-backup"
+ DEFAULT_OPTS: "--atomic --no-metadata"
+ OPTS: "--quiesce" # (fsync in guest OS, needs guest additions, highly recommended)
+ excludes...:
+ - "*-${LD_SUFFIX}"
+ ...run-before: >
+ virsh snapshot-create-as --domain "${DOMAIN}" --name "${DOMAIN}-${SNAPSHOT_SUFFIX}"
+ --diskspec "${LD_DISCSPEC},file=${LD_PATH}/${DOMAIN}-${LD_SUFFIX}"
+ --disk-only ${DEFAULT_OPTS} ${OPTS}
+ && echo "virsh:${LD_PATH}/${DOMAIN}-${LD_SUFFIX}--" >> "{{ tempFile "mixins-lib-snapshots.list" }}"
+ && ( [ -z "${DUMPXML}" ]
+ || virsh dumpxml --domain "${DOMAIN}" --inactive --migratable > "${DUMPXML}" )
+ run-finally...: >
+ grep -q "virsh:${LD_PATH}/${DOMAIN}-${LD_SUFFIX}--" "{{ tempFile "mixins-lib-snapshots.list" }}"
+ && virsh blockcommit --domain "${DOMAIN}" ${LD_DISCSPEC} --wait --active
+ && virsh blockjob --domain "${DOMAIN}" "${LD_PATH}/${DOMAIN}-${LD_SUFFIX}" --pivot
+ && rm -f "${LD_PATH}/${DOMAIN}-${LD_SUFFIX}"
+ #
+ # Utility to teardown apparmor before other run finals (e.g. blockcommit / blockjob) and restart it afterward
+ # See "snapshot-virsh"
+ #
+ snapshot-virsh-aa-teardown:
+ ...run-finally: aa-teardown
+ run-finally...: service apparmor restart
diff --git a/docs/content/configuration/examples.md b/docs/content/configuration/examples.md
index 62e952fb..7292af17 100644
--- a/docs/content/configuration/examples.md
+++ b/docs/content/configuration/examples.md
@@ -619,3 +619,49 @@ mysql {
{{% /tab %}}
{{< /tabs >}}
+## Using the common mixins library
+The following example shows how the [common mixins library](https://github.com/creativeprojects/resticprofile/tree/master/contrib/mixins) can be used to apply common tasks related to backups.
+{{< tabs groupid="config" >}}
+{{% tab title="toml" %}}
+version = "2"
+# downloaded by "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creativeprojects/resticprofile/master/contrib/mixins/get.sh"
+includes = ["mixins-*.yaml"]
+repository = "/repo"
+password-file = "key"
+inherit = "__base"
+use = {name = "snapshot-btrfs", FROM = "/opt/data", TO = "/opt/data_snapshot"}
+source = "/opt/data_snapshot"
+{{% /tab %}}
+{{% tab title="yaml" %}}
+version: "2"
+# downloaded by "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creativeprojects/resticprofile/master/contrib/mixins/get.sh"
+includes: ["mixins-*.yaml"]
+ __base:
+ repository: "/repo"
+ password-file: "key"
+ default:
+ inherit: "__base"
+ backup:
+ use: {name: "snapshot-btrfs", FROM: "/opt/data", TO: "/opt/data_snapshot"}
+ source: "/opt/data_snapshot"
+{{% /tab %}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
diff --git a/docs/content/configuration/templates.md b/docs/content/configuration/templates.md
index 9d7a64bb..f313248a 100644
--- a/docs/content/configuration/templates.md
+++ b/docs/content/configuration/templates.md
@@ -600,6 +600,7 @@ resticprofile supports the following set of own functions in all templates:
* `{{ with list "A" "B" "C" "D" | map "key" }} {{ .key | join "-" }} {{ end }}` => ` A-B-C-D `
* `{{ tempDir }}` => `/tmp/resticprofile.../t` - unique OS specific existing temporary directory
* `{{ tempFile "filename" }}` => `/tmp/resticprofile.../t/filename` - unique OS specific existing temporary file
+* `{{ privateTempFile "filename" }}` => `/tmp/resticprofile.../t/filename` - similar to `tempFile` but ensures that file is accessible by the user that started resticprofile only. Not supported in all OS, fails with a parse error when unsupported.
* `{{ env }}` => `/tmp/resticprofile.../t/profile.env` - unique OS specific existing temporary file that is added to the current profile env-files list
All `{{ temp* }}` functions guarantee that returned temporary directories and files are existing & writable.
diff --git a/util/templates/functions.go b/util/templates/functions.go
index b5ac9768..5f4c9a3d 100644
--- a/util/templates/functions.go
+++ b/util/templates/functions.go
@@ -45,25 +45,26 @@ import (
// - {{ tempFile "filename" }} => "/path/to/unique-tempdir/filename"
func TemplateFuncs(funcs ...map[string]any) (templateFuncs map[string]any) {
templateFuncs = map[string]any{
- "contains": func(search any, src any) bool { return strings.Contains(toString(src), toString(search)) },
- "matches": func(ptn string, src any) bool { return mustCompile(ptn).MatchString(toString(src)) },
- "replace": func(old, new, src string) string { return strings.ReplaceAll(src, old, new) },
- "replaceR": func(ptn, repl, src string) string { return mustCompile(ptn).ReplaceAllString(src, repl) },
- "lower": strings.ToLower,
- "upper": strings.ToUpper,
- "trim": strings.TrimSpace,
- "trimPrefix": func(prefix, src string) string { return strings.TrimPrefix(src, prefix) },
- "trimSuffix": func(suffix, src string) string { return strings.TrimSuffix(src, suffix) },
- "split": func(sep, src string) []any { return collect.From(strings.Split(src, sep), toAny[string]) },
- "splitR": func(ptn, src string) []any { return collect.From(mustCompile(ptn).Split(src, -1), toAny[string]) },
- "join": func(sep string, src []any) string { return strings.Join(collect.From(src, toString), sep) },
- "list": func(args ...any) []any { return args },
- "map": toMap,
- "base64": func(src any) string { return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(toString(src))) },
- "hex": func(src any) string { return hex.EncodeToString([]byte(toString(src))) },
- "tempDir": TempDir,
- "tempFile": TempFile,
- "env": func() string { return TempFile(".env.none") }, // satisfies the {{env}} interface w.o. functionality
+ "contains": func(search any, src any) bool { return strings.Contains(toString(src), toString(search)) },
+ "matches": func(ptn string, src any) bool { return mustCompile(ptn).MatchString(toString(src)) },
+ "replace": func(old, new, src string) string { return strings.ReplaceAll(src, old, new) },
+ "replaceR": func(ptn, repl, src string) string { return mustCompile(ptn).ReplaceAllString(src, repl) },
+ "lower": strings.ToLower,
+ "upper": strings.ToUpper,
+ "trim": strings.TrimSpace,
+ "trimPrefix": func(prefix, src string) string { return strings.TrimPrefix(src, prefix) },
+ "trimSuffix": func(suffix, src string) string { return strings.TrimSuffix(src, suffix) },
+ "split": func(sep, src string) []any { return collect.From(strings.Split(src, sep), toAny[string]) },
+ "splitR": func(ptn, src string) []any { return collect.From(mustCompile(ptn).Split(src, -1), toAny[string]) },
+ "join": func(sep string, src []any) string { return strings.Join(collect.From(src, toString), sep) },
+ "list": func(args ...any) []any { return args },
+ "map": toMap,
+ "base64": func(src any) string { return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(toString(src))) },
+ "hex": func(src any) string { return hex.EncodeToString([]byte(toString(src))) },
+ "tempDir": TempDir,
+ "tempFile": TempFile,
+ "privateTempFile": MustPrivateTempFile,
+ "env": func() string { return TempFile(".env.none") }, // satisfies the {{env}} interface w.o. functionality
// aliases
@@ -140,6 +141,15 @@ func PrivateTempFile(name string) (filename string, err error) {
+// MustPrivateTempFile returns a strictly private temp file or panics if this is not supported (e.g. on Windows)
+func MustPrivateTempFile(name string) string {
+ if filename, err := PrivateTempFile(name); err == nil {
+ return filename
+ } else {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("failed creating private file %q (may be unsupported by this OS): %w", filename, err))
+ }
// EnvFileReceiverFunc declares the backend interface for the "{{env}}" template function
type EnvFileReceiverFunc func() (profileKey string, receiveFile func(string))
diff --git a/util/templates/functions_test.go b/util/templates/functions_test.go
index 5170fad0..aa3fcd2c 100644
--- a/util/templates/functions_test.go
+++ b/util/templates/functions_test.go
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ func TestTemplateFuncs(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
template, expected string
+ panics bool
{template: `{{ "some string" | contains "some" }}`, expected: `true`},
{template: `{{ "some string" | contains "else" }}`, expected: `false`},
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ func TestTemplateFuncs(t *testing.T) {
{template: `{{ tempDir }}`, expected: dir}, // constant results when repeated
{template: `{{ tempFile "test.txt" }}`, expected: file},
{template: `{{ tempFile "test.txt" }}`, expected: file}, // constant results when repeated
+ {template: `{{ privateTempFile "test.txt" }}`, expected: file, panics: platform.IsWindows()},
{template: `{{ env }}`, expected: TempFile(".env.none")},
{template: `{{ "a & b\n" | html }}`, expected: "a & b\n"},
{template: `{{ "a & b\n" | urlquery }}`, expected: "a+%26+b%0A"},
@@ -74,9 +76,13 @@ func TestTemplateFuncs(t *testing.T) {
require.NotNil(t, tpl)
- err = tpl.Execute(buffer, nil)
- assert.NoError(t, err)
- assert.Equal(t, test.expected, buffer.String())
+ if test.panics {
+ assert.Panics(t, func() { _ = tpl.Execute(buffer, nil) })
+ } else {
+ err = tpl.Execute(buffer, nil)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Equal(t, test.expected, buffer.String())
+ }