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Basic Guide


This is a cloudflare worker that is used to create a tool for dify app.

Before you start

Features it provides

  • OpenAPI Documentation: It provides OpenAPI documentation for the tool.
  • Beaer Token: It provides a beaer token to authenticate the request.
  • Endpoint: It provides an endpoint to get the quotes from the Breaking Bad series.

The doc's route

This defines the route to generate OpenAPI (Not OpenAI) documentation.

app.doc31("/doc", (c) => ({
  openapi: c.env.OPENAPI_VERSION,
  info: {
    version: c.env.TOOL_VERSION,
    title: c.env.TOOL_NAME,
    description: c.env.TOOL_DESCRIPTION,
  servers: [{ url: new URL(c.req.url).origin }],

The schema for request and response

const reqSchema = z.object({
  count: z.number().openapi({ example: 1, description: "Number of quotes to get" }),

const resSchema = z.object({
  result: z.string().openapi({ example: "example request", description: "example request" }),

You can modify the reqSchema to fit your needs. It uses zod to validate the request body. Typically, you don't need to modify the resSchema as it is used to generate a string response. It should be something like this:

  "result": "example request"

The route

This defines the route to get the quotes from the Breaking Bad series. It uses the reqSchema and resSchema to validate the request and response body.

  • method: The HTTP method to use (required)
  • path: The path to use for the route (required)
  • operationId: The operation id to use and it will be the tool's name in Dify console. (required)
  • summary: The summary to use and it will be the tool's description in Dify console (required)
  • description: The description to use. (optional)
const quoteRoute = createRoute({
  method: "post",
  path: "/quotes",
  operationId: "GetQuotesFromBreakingBad", // required
  summary: "Get quotes from Breaking Bad", // required
  description: "Retrieve quotes from the Breaking Bad series",
  request: {
    body: {
      content: {
        "application/json": { schema: reqSchema },
  responses: {
    200: {
      content: {
        "application/json": { schema: resSchema },
      description: "OK",

The Beaer Token

This is used to authenticate the request. It uses the bearerAuth middleware to verify the token. You can modify the verifyToken function to fit your needs. You can set the TOKEN in the wrangler.toml file.

    verifyToken: async (token, c) => {
      return token === c.env.TOKEN

The handler

This is quite simple. It just fetches the quotes from the Breaking Bad API and returns the result. Make sure the response body is valid according to the resSchema.

app.openapi(quoteRoute, async (c) => {
  const { count } = c.req.valid("json");
  const url = `${count}`;
  const result = await fetch(url).then((res) => res.text());
  return c.json({ result });


cp .wrangler.toml.example .wrangler.toml
npm install
npm run dev
# You will get a url like this: http://localhost:8787


npm run deploy 
# You will get a url like this:

Things needs to fill in Dify console

  • Click the Create Tool button
  • Click the Import from URL button
  • Fill in the
  • Setup the Authorization like below
    • Step 1
    • Step 2
  • Wala! You have created a tool in Dify console
