- RFC Name: SDK 3 Field-Level Encryption
- RFC ID: 64
- Start Date: April 16, 2020
- Owner: David Nault [email protected]
- Current Status: Accepted
- Relates To:
Field-Level Encryption (FLE) is a feature of the Couchbase SDKs that provides a framework for client-side encryption of sensitive fields in JSON documents. This RFC defines an encryption algorithm and the basic functionality all Couchbase SDKs should implement.
For a summary of the differences from FLE in SDK 2, see Appendix A.
Developers working in certain industries have a requirement to store sensitive data in an encrypted format. As an alternative to full-document encryption, FLE lets a developer retain the ability to perform queries on the unencrypted fields of a document.
Couchbase Server is compatible with third party tools that provide full disk or file-level encryption for data at rest. Client-side encryption has the advantage of not requiring third party software, and also provides additional isolation in multi-tenant environments.
Encryption is difficult to implement correctly. Providing out-of-the-box support across the Couchbase SDKs relieves developers of this challenging and error-prone task.
Field-Level encryption may be used to meet security requirements such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). PCI DSS section 3.5.3 says:
Store secret and private keys used to encrypt/decrypt cardholder data in one (or more) of the following forms at all times:
- Encrypted with a key-encrypting key that is at least as strong as the data encrypting key, and that is stored separately from the data-encrypting key
- Within a secure cryptographic device (such as a hardware (host) security module (HSM) or PTS-approved point-of-interaction device)
- As at least two full-length key components or key shares, in accordance with an industry accepted method
The FLE feature applies only to fields of JSON objects.
This iteration of FLE is limited to the K/V service. Querying on encrypted fields is out of scope. Subdocument operations are out of scope.
This RFC does not address how encrypted fields should be handled by connectors and other "up the stack" software components.
This RFC is silent on the issue of key management. It defines a Keyring interface for obtaining data encryption keys, but it is up to a developer to implement this interface in a way that follows best practices like key rotation and envelope encryption (encrypting data encryption keys with a master key).
This RFC does not mandate all FLE implementations be FIPS compliant. The encryption algorithm specified in this RFC uses only FIPS 140-2 "Approved Security Functions", but FIPS compliance is a high bar; it depends on the specific implementation of the security functions, as well as the runtime environment.
When a field is encrypted, its value is replaced with a JSON Object that holds the encrypted value. This object must have an "alg" field whose value is the name of the algorithm used to encrypt the field. The object also contains whatever other information is required to decrypt the value.
Here's what an encrypted value looks like. Note that in this example, the "kid" (key ID) and "ciphertext" fields are specific to the standard "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA512" algorithm. Custom algorithms may define different fields.
"alg": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA512",
"kid": "my-secret-key",
"ciphertext": "<base64-encoded-ciphertext>"
When decrypting a value, the FLE framework uses the algorithm name to look up the associated Decrypter. The decrypter then reads the algorithm-specific fields.
When a field is encrypted, the SDK mangles the field's name by prefixing it with a marker. The default prefix is "encrypted$". Implementations should allow the developer to specify a different prefix at a global level when configuring FLE.
Developers upgrading from SDK 2 will need to configure the prefix to be "__crypt_". The default prefix was changed in SDK 3 to avoid conflicts with Sync Gateway, which does not permit field names to start with an underscore. Alternatively, the legacy field names can be updated using a N1QL query as described in this forum post: https://forums.couchbase.com/t/replacing-field-name-prefix/28786
Here's a document with a normal field called "foo" and an encrypted field called "bar". Note that the name of the "bar" field has been mangled to indicate it holds an encrypted value:
"foo": "I am not a secret",
"encrypted$bar": {
"alg": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA512",
"kid": "my-secret-key",
"ciphertext": "<base64-encoded-ciphertext>"
Any JSON value may be encrypted, regardless of type. FLE operates on the textual representation of the JSON value.
To encrypt a value, first convert it to its textual representation (serialize it as JSON). Then convert the text to a byte array using UTF-8 encoding. The resulting byte array is the plaintext to encrypt.
JSON Value | Encrypt these bytes (hex) |
"xyzzy" | 22 78 79 7a 7a 79 22 |
{"dance":10,"looks":3} | 7b 22 64 61 6e 63 65 22 3a 31 30 2c 22 6c 6f 6f 6b 73 22 3a 33 7d |
[1,1,2,3,5] | 5b 31 2c 31 2c 32 2c 33 2c 35 5d |
10 | 31 30 |
null | 6e 75 6c 6c |
Here are some test values for verifying the correctness of an FLE implementation using the AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA512 algorithm which all SDKs must support.
This static key is provided only for testing. Outside of testing, the key is obtained from a keyring.
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f
This static IV is provided only for testing. Outside of testing, the IV MUST be randomly generated using a cryptographically secure algorithm.
1a f3 8c 2d c2 b9 6f fd d8 66 94 09 23 41 bc 04
{"maxim":"The enemy knows the system."}
22 54 68 65 20 65 6e 65 6d 79 20 6b 6e 6f 77 73
20 74 68 65 20 73 79 73 74 65 6d 2e 22
In this iteration of FLE, there is no associated data. In other words, the associated data is a byte array of length zero.
"encrypted$maxim": {
"alg": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA512",
"kid": "test-key",
"ciphertext": "GvOMLcK5b/3YZpQJI0G8BLm98oj20ZLdqKDV3MfTuGlWL4R5p5Deykuv2XLW4LcDvnOkmhuUSRbQ8QVEmbjq43XHdOm3ColJ6LzoaAtJihk="
This section offers recommendations for implementing FLE. Implementers should adhere to the reference design where it makes sense, and diverge where the idioms of a specific language or SDK provide a more natural solution.
The FLE feature should be packaged as a pluggable extension of the SDK. Interfaces to support FLE may be present in the SDK code, but implementing classes should live in a separate library. This allows the FLE code to be distributed under a separate license.
An FLE implementation must allow a developer to manually encrypt and decrypt individual fields of a JSON object.
In the Java SDK, manual encryption is done using a class called JsonObjectCrypto. An instance of this class is obtained by calling JsonObject.crypto() and passing in the cluster environment, a collection, or a CryptoManager. A JsonObjectCrypto instance is bound to the JsonObject it was created from. Fields accessed via the JsonObjectCrypto instance are decrypted on read and encrypted on write. Attempting to read an unencrypted field via the crypto view has the same result as if the field does not exist.
Here's an example of how a developer might use JsonObjectCrypto to perform manual encryption and decryption:
Collection col = cluster.bucket("b").defaultCollection();
// Write encrypted value
JsonObject document = JsonObject.create();
JsonObjectCrypto crypto = document.crypto(collection);
crypto.put("location", "Between palm trees");
collection.upsert("treasureMap", document);
// Read encrypted value
JsonObject readItBack = collection.get("treasureMap")
JsonObjectCrypto readItBackCrypto = readItBack.crypto(collection);
If an SDK language supports annotations and JSON data binding, an implementation may support annotating specific fields of a class with an annotation called "Encrypted".
This annotation has an optional "encrypter" attribute whose value is the alias of an Encrypter to use when serializing the field value. If this attribute is absent, the default encrypter is used.
Annotated fields are encrypted during serialization and decrypted during deserialization. If any field cannot be encrypted or decrypted, the entire data binding operation must fail in order to prevent clobbering encrypted values.
This section describes the components of the FLE framework as implemented in the Java SDK. Implementations in other languages should use native idioms where appropriate.
Immutable value object. An encryption key.
String id - The name of the key.
byte[] bytes - The raw bytes of the key.
Interface. Provides access to encryption keys.
- Key get(String keyId) - Returns the requested key. If the keyring supports key rotation and the key ID does not include a version, returns the latest version of the key.
SDKs should provide a Keyring implementation that gets keys from the platform's native key store, if applicable. For example, the Java SDK has a KeyStoreKeyring that gets keys from a Java KeyStore supplied by the developer.
Mutable value object. The encrypted form of a message. It's a wrapper around a Map<String, Object> that corresponds directly to the JSON format of an encrypted value.
The map must have an "alg" entry whose value is the name of the encryption algorithm. It typically also has a "kid" entry identifying an encryption key, and a "ciphertext" entry holding the Base64-encoded form of the ciphertext (although these attributes are not required by the framework).
In Java, EncryptionResult has methods for getting and putting values of different types. For example, it has a "put" method that takes an attribute name and a byte array; this method handles converting the byte array to a Base64-encoded string, and a `getBytes` method that takes an attribute name and returns the Base64-decoded version of the string value. These methods are called by Encrypter and Decrypter implementations when building or reading the encrypted form of the message.
Interface. An implementation is immutable. Knows how to decrypt using a specific algorithm.
String algorithm() - Returns the name of the algorithm handled by this decrypter.
byte[] decrypt(EncryptionResult encrypted) - Decrypts the given EncryptionResult. If the algorithm uses a key, the ID of the key is obtained from the "kid" property of the given EncryptionResult. Note that It is an error to pass a result whose algorithm does not match the decrypter.
The algorithm() method is called by the DefaultCryptoManager when the decrypter instance is registered. Only one decrypter may be registered for a given algorithm.
A decrypter gets keys from a Keyring. The Keyring is passed as an argument to the decrypter's constructor.
Interface. An implementation is immutable. Knows how to encrypt using a specific algorithm and encryption key.
- EncryptionResult encrypt(byte[] plaintext) - The "alg" of the returned EncryptionResult must match the algorithm of a registered decrypter. The result also contains all the information required for decryption (this is typically a key ID and ciphertext, but can be any attributes required by the algorithm).
An encrypter gets keys from a Keyring. This keyring is passed as an argument to the encrypter's constructor.
The name of the encryption key is passed as a constructor argument. The encrypter must ask the keyring for the key every time a message is encrypted. The encrypter must inspect the ID of the returned key and use that value when populating the EncryptionResult. This is necessary because a keyring that supports key rotation may return a key whose ID differs from the requested ID.
An encrypter is registered with the DefaultCryptoManager under an alias chosen by the developer. Multiple encrypter instances for the same algorithm may be registered under different aliases (typically with different algorithm parameters, like different encryption keys). When the developer encrypts a field, they refer to the encrypter by this alias.
One encrypter may be registered as the "default" encrypter. The encrypter alias "__DEFAULT__" is reserved for this purpose. The default encrypter is used in contexts where the developer does not specify an encrypter alias.
Interface. This is the integration point between the core SDK and the encryption library. In Java this interface lives in the core SDK and is implemented by a class in the external encryption library.
Map<String, Object> encrypt(byte[] plaintext, String encrypterAlias) - Encrypts the given plaintext using the named encrypter. Returns the EncryptionResult as a Map. Raises EncryptionFailure if encryption fails for any reason.
byte[] decrypt(Map<String, Object> encryptedNode) - Selects an appropriate decrypter based on the "alg" key of the given map. Converts the map to an EncryptionResult and asks the decrypter to decrypt it. Raises DecryptionFailure if decryption fails for any reason.
String mangle(String fieldName) - Transforms the given field JSON field name to indicate its value has been encrypted (prefixes it with "encrypted$" or whatever prefix the developer has configured).
String demangle(String fieldName) - Reverses the transformation performed by the mangle method (strips the prefix).
boolean isMangled(String fieldName) - Returns true if the field name has been mangled (starts with the prefix).
This is the broadest abstraction in the FLE framework. A developer who wants to radically alter how the framework behaves can implement their own CryptoManager and handle encryption however they want.
In Java, the CryptoManager is injected into the ClusterEnvironment as part of the global configuration. This makes it accessible to the parts of the SDK that drive FLE.
A provider is a factory for Encrypters and their associated Decrypter. It does not implement any interface, and is not strictly a part of the FLE framework. Its role is to simplify the configuration of related components. We'll see an example in the Sample Configuration section.
Immutable registry of encrypters and decrypters. This is the standard implementation of the CryptoManager interface.
Decrypters are indexed by algorithm. There can be at most one decrypter per algorithm. Encrypters are indexed by alias. There can be several encrypters for an algorithm; this is how different encryption keys are specified. One encrypter may be registered as the default encrypter.
The encryption algorithms defined in Couchbase RFC 32 are deprecated. FLE implementations should provide decrypters (but not encrypters) for the legacy algorithms.
The JSON format of the legacy symmetric algorithms includes the ID of the encryption key, but not the authentication key. Likewise the JSON form of the legacy RSA algorithm includes the ID of the public key, but not the private key. This omission is hostile to key rotation, and is the primary reason these algorithms are deprecated.
In order to decrypt these fields, a mapping from encryption key name to signing key name is required. (For RSA this mapping is from public key name to private key name.) The key name mapping is provided by the developer when registering the legacy decrypters.
A developer who wants to use Field-Level Encryption supplies a CryptoManager instance when configuring the SDK. The easiest way to do this is to build a DefaultCryptoManager. Here's what that might look like in Java:
// Create a keyring backed by a Java KeyStore
KeyStore javaKeyStore = loadJavaKeyStore();
Keyring keyring = new KeyStoreKeyring(javaKeyStore,
keyName -> "password");
// Create a provider for the standard encryption algorithm
var standardProvider = AeadAes256CbcHmacSha512Provider.builder()
// Create a provider for a user-defined algorithm
var customProvider = new MyCustomProvider(keyring);
// Create a new CryptoManager and register encrypters and decrypters
CryptoManager cryptoManager = DefaultCryptoManager.builder()
.legacyAesDecrypters(keyring, s -> s + "_signing")
.encrypter("foo", standardProvider.encrypterForKey("key-a"))
.encrypter("bar", customProvider.encrypterForKey("key-b"))
Field-Level Encryption errors are assigned IDs in the range 700-799. The following errors have been added to SDK-RFC 58 (Error Handling) as an addendum:
Generic cryptography failure.
Inherits from CouchbaseException (# 0)
Parent Type for all other Field-Level Encryption errors
Raised by CryptoManager.encrypt() when encryption fails for any reason.
Should have one of the other Field-Level Encryption errors as a cause.
Raised by CryptoManager.decrypt() when decryption fails for any reason.
Should have one of the other Field-Level Encryption errors as a cause.
- Raised when a crypto operation fails because a required key is missing.
- Raised by an encrypter or decrypter when the key does not meet expectations (for example, if the key is the wrong size).
- Raised when a message cannot be decrypted because there is no decrypter registered for the algorithm.
- Raised when a message cannot be encrypted because there is no encrypter registered under the requested alias.
- Raised when decryption fails due to malformed input, integrity check failure, etc.
Key rotation involves periodically generating new versions of data encryption keys. The most recent version of a key is used when encrypting. The ciphertext is annotated to indicate which key should be used to decrypt the message. Old keys are retained so old messages can be decrypted.
This limits the number of messages encrypted with any one key, and mitigates the damage if a key is compromised. A more subtle (but arguably more important) goal is to prevent key exhaustion. If an attacker has access to a great many ciphertexts encrypted with the same key, they may be able to learn things about the plaintexts or the key.
Key rotation does not require re-encrypting old messages with the new key, although that is something you might want to do if a key has been compromised. Re-encryption is out of scope for this RFC, but nothing in this design prevents a developer from doing it themselves.
SDKs are not required to provide out-of-the-box support for key rotation; the only requirement in this area is that SDKs be implemented in such a way that that key rotation can be added by a developer. The Keyring interface in the reference design is an extension point where developers can implement the key rotation scheme of their choice.
As a simple example, consider a key naming convention where a key's name consists of a base name followed by a delimiter and then a version identifier. If we use "--" as a delimiter and ISO 8601 dates for the version, a full key name might look like "myKey--2020-04-29".
An Encrypter is then configured to refer to the key by its base name, "myKey". When the encrypter encrypts a message, it asks the keyring for "myKey". The keyring notices this name does not include a delimiter, so it returns the latest version of the key, which happens to be called "myKey--2020-04-29". This fully-qualified name is part of the Key object returned to the encrypter.
When the encrypter writes the "kid" property into the encryption result, it uses the full key name: "myKey--2020-04-29". When it's time to decrypt the message, the Decrypter gets the key name from the "kid" property and asks the keyring for "myKey--2020-04-29". Since this is a fully-qualified name, the keyring returns the requested version (even though it might not be the most recent).
In this way the encrypter always uses the latest version of the key, and the decrypter can decrypt any message so long as the key exists in the keyring.
Field-Level Encryption (FLE) was originally specified in Couchbase RFC 32 and implemented in SDK 2. At the time, key rotation was out of scope. With SDK 3 we have an opportunity to reshape the API to facilitate key rotation.
Another goal is to make the API less opinionated about how to do encryption and how to manage keys, so developers can more easily customize the behavior of the FLE components.
At the same time, it's important to retain the ability to decrypt messages encrypted by SDK 2.
An important part of key rotation is being able to decrypt any message so long as the key is available. In SDK 2 the developer had to specify the crypto provider when decrypting. In SDK 3 the algorithm and key are determined solely by the "alg" and "kid" fields of the JSON.
To support universal decryption, the developer now registers a single Decrypter for each algorithm. For each encryption key the developer wants to use, they create an Encrypter for that key and register it under an alias. The developer later refers to this encrypter by its alias when encrypting fields.
When registering encryptors, a developer may designate one as the default. Anywhere an encryptor alias is allowed (for example, the "encrypter" attribute of the Encrypted annotation), the developer may omit it to use this default encrypter.
The encryption algorithms defined in RFC 32 are deprecated. SDKs must retain the ability to decrypt messages using these algorithms, but should not use them to encrypt new messages.
The RSA-2048 algorithm defined in RFC 32 is limited to encrypting plaintext messages of no more than 245 bytes. It is quite easy to exceed this limit, leading to errors at runtime.
Nobody has complained about the RSA implementation in SDK 2; this may indicate it is not widely used. It is likely that asymmetric encryption, while interesting, is the solution to a problem our customers do not have.
The RSA-2048 algorithm is deprecated with no replacement.
The AES algorithms defined in RFC 32 require separate keys for encryption and signing, but the name of the signing key is not present in the JSON. This is an obstacle to key rotation, since it's impossible to authenticate old messages without knowing which signing key to use.
Additionally, the implementations of these algorithms were inconsistent across SDKs. Due to confusion around signature calculation, the Java and .NET SDKs are unable to read each others' encrypted messages.
These algorithms are deprecated in favor of AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512.
SDK 3 uses a new algorithm, AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512, which has two advantages over the deprecated AES algorithms:
It has an unambiguous specification in the form of an Internet Draft: Authenticated Encryption with AES-CBC and HMAC-SHA.
It bundles the auth key and the encryption key into a single 64-byte "fat key." The key materials used by the AES and HMAC algorithms are distinct, but the keys can be managed as a single unit.
In SDK 2, encrypted fields could only appear at the root level of a document. In SDK 3 they may be present at any depth and may be nested within one another.
In SDK 2, the key name was included in signature calculations. In SDK 3 it is not; if the user wants to rename their keys, that's totally fine.
The EncryptedField annotation is renamed to "Encrypted", and its "provider" attribute is renamed to "encrypter". The attribute is optional; if not specified, the default encrypter is used.
All Couchbase SDKs must support the "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA512" algorithm which is formally described by an Internet Draft: Authenticated Encryption with AES-CBC and HMAC-SHA.
It's worth reading at least the "Rationale" and "Security Considerations" sections.
An informal description of the algorithm is provided below. Note that in this iteration of FLE, the "additional data" will always have zero length.
Encryption takes as input a 64-byte key, the plaintext to encrypt, and some associated data to authenticate but not encrypt.
Split the 64-byte key in half. The first 32 bytes are the HMAC key, and the second 32 bytes are the AES key.
Generate a random 16-byte initialization vector (IV) using a cryptographically secure algorithm.
Using this IV, encrypt the plaintext with AES in CBC mode with PKCS7 padding. Prepend the IV to the result to get the "AES ciphertext."
Calculate an HMAC SHA-512 digest of the following bytes, in order:
The associated data. This is anything you want to have authenticated but not encrypted. It's optional and may have zero length. Note that the associated data cannot be reconstructed from the output of this method.
The AES ciphertext.
The length in bits of the associated data, represented as an unsigned 64-bit big-endian integer. For example, if there are 42 bytes of associated data, that's 336 bits, or 0x150 in hex. The value to pass to the message digest are these 8 bytes:
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x50
The digest generated in the previous step should be 64 bytes long. Truncate it to 32 bytes to get the "auth tag" (or signature, if you prefer).
Append the auth tag to the AES ciphertext to get the "authenticated ciphertext". Return the authenticated ciphertext.
Decryption takes as input a 64-byte key, the ciphertext to decrypt, and some associated data to authenticate.
Split the key as for encryption.
Split the authenticated ciphertext into the AES ciphertext and the auth tag (the auth tag is the last 32 bytes of the authenticated ciphertext).
Calculate the HMAC SHA-512 digest as for encryption, then truncate it to 32 bytes. Compare the result to the auth tag using a time-constant comparison (compare every byte; don't short-circuit at the first mismatch).
If there's a mismatch,throw an exception or return a special value to signal a failure. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
Decrypt the AES ciphertext (remember, the first 16 bytes are the IV). Return the plaintext.
Here are some test values from the Internet Draft for verifying the correctness of your implementation.
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f
This static IV is provided only for testing. Outside of testing, the IV MUST be randomly generated using a cryptographically secure algorithm.
1a f3 8c 2d c2 b9 6f fd d8 66 94 09 23 41 bc 04
41 20 63 69 70 68 65 72 20 73 79 73 74 65 6d 20
6d 75 73 74 20 6e 6f 74 20 62 65 20 72 65 71 75
69 72 65 64 20 74 6f 20 62 65 20 73 65 63 72 65
74 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 69 74 20 6d 75 73 74 20 62
65 20 61 62 6c 65 20 74 6f 20 66 61 6c 6c 20 69
6e 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 68 61 6e 64 73 20 6f 66
20 74 68 65 20 65 6e 65 6d 79 20 77 69 74 68 6f
75 74 20 69 6e 63 6f 6e 76 65 6e 69 65 6e 63 65
54 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f 6e 64 20 70 72 69 6e 63
69 70 6c 65 20 6f 66 20 41 75 67 75 73 74 65 20
4b 65 72 63 6b 68 6f 66 66 73
1a f3 8c 2d c2 b9 6f fd d8 66 94 09 23 41 bc 04
4a ff aa ad b7 8c 31 c5 da 4b 1b 59 0d 10 ff bd
3d d8 d5 d3 02 42 35 26 91 2d a0 37 ec bc c7 bd
82 2c 30 1d d6 7c 37 3b cc b5 84 ad 3e 92 79 c2
e6 d1 2a 13 74 b7 7f 07 75 53 df 82 94 10 44 6b
36 eb d9 70 66 29 6a e6 42 7e a7 5c 2e 08 46 a1
1a 09 cc f5 37 0d c8 0b fe cb ad 28 c7 3f 09 b3
a3 b7 5e 66 2a 25 94 41 0a e4 96 b2 e2 e6 60 9e
31 e6 e0 2c c8 37 f0 53 d2 1f 37 ff 4f 51 95 0b
be 26 38 d0 9d d7 a4 93 09 30 80 6d 07 03 b1 f6
4d d3 b4 c0 88 a7 f4 5c 21 68 39 64 5b 20 12 bf
2e 62 69 a8 c5 6a 81 6d bc 1b 26 77 61 95 5b c5
This section describes an optional integration with the HashiCorp Vault Transit secrets engine.
Transit provides "encryption as a service". According to the HashiCorp web site, "The primary use case for transit is to encrypt data from applications while still storing that encrypted data in some primary data store. This relieves the burden of proper encryption/decryption from application developers and pushes the burden onto the operators of Vault."
If an SDK provides a Transit integration, it must use the algorithm name "HASHICORP_VAULT_TRANSIT". It must store the name of the encryption key in the "kid" attribute, and store the encrypted data in the "ciphertext" attribute.
Here's an example of a field encrypted with Transit:
"kid": "myKey",
"ciphertext": "vault:v1:8SDd3WHDOjf7mq6..."
The HASHICORP_VAULT_TRANSIT algorithm does not require a Keyring, since the encryption keys are managed by Vault and never leave the Vault server.
Apr 29, 2020 - Revision #1 (by David Nault)
- Initial Draft
May 12, 2020 - Revision #2 (by David Nault)
Updated motivation to indicate Couchbase Server's support for encryption at rest is provided by third party software.
CryptoException must be a subclass of CouchbaseException.
Added description of HASHICORP_VAULT_TRANSIT algorithm.
May 20, 2020 - Revision #3 (by David Nault)
Changed default field name prefix from "__crypt_" to "encrypted$" to avoid conflict with Sync Gateway which does not allow field names to start with an underscore.
Updated JsonObjectCrypto example.
Simplified Keyring interface to have a single "get" method. Implementers are free to elaborate as necessary.
May 27, 2020 - Revision #4 (by David Nault)
The "EncryptedField" annotation is renamed to "Encrypted". (More concise, and one day we might want to let users apply it to a whole object.)
The "InvalidKeySize" error is renamed to "InvalidCryptoKey".
Added "EncryptionFailure" and "DecryptionFailure" errors, raised by CryptoManager.encrypt() and decrypt() respectively.
Formalized the error definitions and added them to SDK RFC 58.
December 15, 2020 - Revision #5 (David Nault)
Fix typo: a JsonCryptoObject is obtained by calling JsonObject.crypto() -- not JsonObject.create().
Added link to forum post describing how to upgrade legacy field names from "__crypt_" to "encrypted$"
Clarified that EncryptionResult.put/get methods are intended to be called by Encrypter and Decrypter implementations.
January 27, 2021 - Revision #6 (David Nault)
- Added info about Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to the Motivation section.
Language | Team Member | Signoff Date | Revision |
Node.js | Brett Lawson | 2021-03-03 | 6 |
Go | Charles Dixon | 2021-02-15 | 6 |
Connectors | David Nault | 2020-02-11 | 6 |
PHP | Sergey Avseyev | 2020-03-03 | 6 |
Python | Jared Casey | 2021-02-24 | 6 |
Scala | Graham Pople | 2021-03-12 | 6 |
.NET | Jeffry Morris | 2021-03-03 | 6 |
Java | David Nault | 2020-02-11 | 6 |
C | Sergey Avseyev | 2020-03-03 | 6 |
Ruby | Sergey Avseyev | 2020-03-03 | 6 |