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File metadata and controls

4025 lines (2385 loc) · 108 KB


  • RFC Name: SDK3 Management APIs
  • RFC ID: 0054-sdk3-management-apis
  • Start Date: 2019-06-13
  • Owner: Charles Dixon
  • Current Status: ACCEPTED


Defines the management APIs for SDK 3.0 that each SDK must implement.

General Design

The management APIs are made up of several interfaces; Bucket Manager, User Manager, Search Index Manager, View Index Manager, Query Index Manager, Analytics Index Manager, and Collection Manager.

On the cluster interface:

UserManager Users();
BucketManager Buckets();
QueryIndexManager QueryIndexes();
AnalyticsIndexManager AnalyticsIndexes();
SearchIndexManager SearchIndexes();

On the bucket interface:

CollectionManager Collections();
ViewIndexManager ViewIndexes();

On the scope interface:

ScopeSearchIndexManager SearchIndexes();

On the collection interface:

CollectionQueryIndexManager QueryIndexes();

Service Not Configured

If a manager is requested for a service which is not configured on the cluster then a ServiceNotConfiguredException must be raised. This can be detected by looking in the cluster config object, if the endpoint for the service has no servers listed then it is not configured.

Feature Not Found

Some features, such as groups, certain functions, and collections are not supported on all server versions. If an endpoint is requested against a server version that does not support that endpoint then the HTTP response will be a 404 containing the body "Not Found". If this is returned then the SDK must return a FeatureNotFoundException to the user.


All optional timeout durations default to the client's management API timeout, unless otherwise specified.


The View Index Manager interface contains the means for managing design documents used for views.

A design document belongs to either the "development" or "production" namespace. A development document has a name that starts with dev_. This is an implementation detail we've chosen to hide from consumers of this API. Document names presented to the user (returned from the "get" and "get all" methods, for example) always have the dev_ prefix stripped.

Whenever the user passes a design document name to any method of this API, the user may refer to the document using the dev_ prefix regardless of whether the user is referring to a development document or production document. The dev_ prefix is always stripped from user input, and the actual document name passed to the server is determined by the "namespace" argument.

All methods (except publish) have a required namespace argument indicating whether the operation targets a development document or a production document. The type of this argument is an enum called DesignDocumentNamespace with values PRODUCTION and DEVELOPMENT.

interface ViewIndexManager {
    DesignDocument GetDesignDocument(string designDocName, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, GetDesignDocumentOptions options);

    Iterable<DesignDocument> [GetAllDesignDocuments](#getalldesigndocuments)(DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, GetAllDesignDocumentsOptions options);

    void UpsertDesignDocument(DesignDocument indexData, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, UpsertDesignDocumentOptions options);

    void DropDesignDocument(string designDocName, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, DropDesignDocumentOptions options);

    void PublishDesignDocument(string designDocName, PublishDesignDocumentOptions options);

The following methods must be implemented:


Fetches a design document from the server if it exists.


DesignDocument GetDesignDocument(string designDocName, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, [options])


  • Required:

    • designDocName: string - the name of the design document.

    • namespace: DesignDocumentNamespace - PRODUCTION if the user is requesting a document from the production namespace, or DEVELOPMENT if from the development namespace.

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An instance of DesignDocument.


  • DesignDocumentNotFoundException (HTTP 404)

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


GET http://localhost:8092/<bucketname>/_design/<ddocname>

Example response from server

         "map":"function (doc, meta) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  emit(, null);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}",


Fetches all design documents from the server.

When processing the server response, the client must strip the _design/ prefix from the document ID (as well as the _dev prefix if present). For example, a value of "_design/foo" must be parsed as "foo", and "_design/dev_bar" must be parsed as "bar".


Iterable<DesignDocument> GetAllDesignDocuments(DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, [options])


  • Required:

    • namespace: DesignDocumentNamespace - PRODUCTION if the user is requesting a document from the production namespace, or DEVELOPMENT if from the development namespace.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An iterable of DesignDocument.


  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


GET http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/<bucket-name>/ddocs

Example response from server

                     "map":"function (doc, meta) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  emit(, null);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}",


Updates, or inserts, a design document.


void UpsertDesignDocument(DesignDocument designDocData, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, [options])


  • Required:

    • designDocData: DesignDocument - the data to use to create the design document

    • namespace: DesignDocumentNamespace - PRODUCTION if the user is requesting a document from the production namespace, or DEVELOPMENT if from the development namespace.

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


PUT http://localhost:8092/<bucketname>/_design/<ddocname>


Removes a design document.


void DropDesignDocument(string designDocName, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace,  [options])


  • Required:

    • designDocName: string - the name of the design document.

    • namespace: DesignDocumentNamespace - PRODUCTION if the user is requesting a document from the production namespace, or DEVELOPMENT if from the development namespace.

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • DesignDocumentNotFoundException (HTTP 404)

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


DELETE http://localhost:8092/<bucketname>/_design/<ddocname>


Publishes a design document. This method is equivalent to getting a document from the development namespace and upserting it to the production namespace.


void PublishDesignDocument(string designDocName, [options])


  • Required:

    • designDocName: string - the name of the design document.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • DesignDocumentNotFoundException (HTTP 404)

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


The Query Index Manager interface contains the means for managing indexes used for queries.

It is used for indexes at the bucket level. For indexes at the collection level, users should use CollectionQueryIndexManager.

In 7.0 and above, "bucket level" really means the index is on the default collection of that bucket. So in effect, all indexes are really collection level, and users should use CollectionQueryIndexManager for all operations on servers 7.0 and above. QueryIndexManager can be viewed as semi-deprecated, and can be formally deprecated once all pre-7.0 servers are EOL: currently expected to be October 2023.

public interface QueryIndexManger {
    Iterable<QueryIndex> GetAllIndexes(string bucketName, GetAllQueryIndexOptions options);

    void CreateIndex(string bucketName, string indexName, []string fields, CreateQueryIndexOptions options);

    void CreatePrimaryIndex(string bucketName, CreatePrimaryQueryIndexOptions options);

    void DropIndex(string bucketName, string indexName, DropQueryIndexOptions options);

    void DropPrimaryIndex(string bucketName, DropPrimaryQueryIndexOptions options);

    void WatchIndexes(string bucketName, []string indexNames, timeout duration, WatchQueryIndexOptions options);

    void BuildDeferredIndexes(string bucketName, BuildQueryIndexOptions options);

The following methods must be implemented:


Fetches all indexes from the server for the given bucket (limiting to scope/collection if applicable).


Iterable<QueryIndex> GetAllIndexes(string bucketName, [options])


  • Required:

    • bucketName: string - the name of the bucket.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.
    • CollectionName - the name of the collection to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.
    • ScopeName - the name of the scope to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.


No collections set, returns all indexes for the given bucket, for all scopes and collections:

SELECT idx.* FROM system:indexes AS idx
WHERE ((bucket_id IS MISSING AND keyspace_id = "bucketName") OR bucket_id = "bucketName") AND `using`="gsi"
ORDER BY is_primary DESC, name ASC

Collection and scope set, returns all indexes for the given collection in the given scope, in the given bucket:

SELECT idx.* FROM system:indexes AS idx
WHERE keyspace_id = "collectionName" AND bucket_id= "bucketName" AND scope_id = "scopeName" AND `using`="gsi"
ORDER BY is_primary DESC, name ASC

Scope only set, returns all indexes for the given scope, in the given bucket:

SELECT idx.* FROM system:indexes AS idx
WHERE bucket_id= "bucketName" AND scope_id = "scopeName" AND `using`="gsi"
ORDER BY is_primary DESC, name ASC


An array of QueryIndex.


  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Creates a new index on the given bucket (and scope/collection if applicable). CREATE INDEX


void CreateIndex(string bucketName, string indexName, []string keys,  [options])


  • Required:

    • bucketName: string - the name of the bucket.

    • indexName: string - the name of the index.

    • keys: []string - the keys to create the index over. The SDK must escape each of these keys individually. Note: this means that keywords like ASC/DESC cannot be used.

  • Optional:

    • IgnoreIfExists (bool) - Don't error/throw if the index already exists. Default to false.

    • NumReplicas (int) - The number of replicas that this index should have. Uses the WITH keyword and num_replica. Default to omitting the parameter from the server request.

      CREATE INDEX indexName ON bucketName WITH { "num_replica": 2 }
    • Deferred (bool) - Whether the index should be created as a deferred index. Default to omitting the parameter from the server request.

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.

    • CollectionName - the name of the collection to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

    • ScopeName - the name of the scope to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

      • If either CollectionName or ScopeName are set then both must be set.


No collection set:

"CREATE INDEX `indexName` ON `bucketName`"

Collection set:

"CREATE INDEX `indexName` ON `bucketName`.`scopeName`.`collectionName`"




  • IndexExistsException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Creates a new primary index for the given bucket (and scope/collection if applicable). CREATE PRIMARY INDEX


void CreatePrimaryIndex(string bucketName, [options])


  • Required:

    • bucketName: string - name of the bucket.
  • Optional:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.

    • IgnoreIfExists (bool) - Don't error/throw if the index already exists. Default to false.

    • NumReplicas (int) - The number of replicas that this index should have. Uses the WITH keyword and num_replica. Default to omitting the parameter from the server request.

      CREATE PRIMARY INDEX indexName ON bucketName WITH { "num_replica": 2 }
    • Deferred (bool) - Whether the index should be created as a deferred index. Default to omitting the parameter from the server request.

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.

    • CollectionName - the name of the collection to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

    • ScopeName - the name of the scope to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

      • If either CollectionName or ScopeName are set then both must be set.


No collection set:


Collection set:

"CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `bucketName`.`scopeName`.`collectionName`"




  • QueryIndexAlreadyExistsException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Drops an index for the given bucket (and scope/collection if applicable). DROP INDEX


void DropIndex(string bucketName, string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • bucketName: string - name of the bucket.

    • indexName: string - name of the index.

  • Optional:

    • IgnoreIfNotExists (bool) - Don't error/throw if the index does not exist.

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.

    • CollectionName - the name of the collection to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

    • ScopeName - the name of the scope to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

      • If either CollectionName or ScopeName are set then both must be set.


No collection set:

"DROP INDEX `bucketName`.`indexName`"

Collection set:

"DROP INDEX `indexName` ON  `bucketName`.`scopeName`.`collectionName`"




  • QueryIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Drops a primary index for the given bucket (and scope/collection if applicable). DROP PRIMARY INDEX


void DropPrimaryIndex(string bucketName, [options])


  • Required:

    • bucketName: string - name of the bucket.
  • Optional:

    • IndexName: string - name of the index.

    • IgnoreIfNotExists (bool) - Don't error/throw if the index does not exist.

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.

    • CollectionName - the name of the collection to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

    • ScopeName - the name of the scope to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

      • If either CollectionName or ScopeName are set then both must be set.


No collection set:


Collection set:

"DROP PRIMARY INDEX ON `bucketName`.`scopeName`.`collectionName`"




  • QueryIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Watch polls indexes until they are online for the given bucket (and scope/collection if applicable).


void WatchIndexes(string bucketName, []string indexNames, timeout duration, [options])


  • Required:

    • bucketName: string - name of the bucket.

    • indexNames: []string - name(s) of the index(es).

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.

  • Optional:

    • WatchPrimary (bool) - whether or not to watch the primary index.

    • CollectionName - the name of the collection to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

    • ScopeName - the name of the scope to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

      • If either CollectionName or ScopeName are set then both must be set.




  • QueryIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Build Deferred builds all indexes which are currently in deferred state, for the given bucket (and scope/collection if applicable).


void BuildDeferredIndexes(string bucketName, [options])


  • Required:

    • bucketName: string - name of the bucket.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.

    • CollectionName - the name of the collection to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

    • ScopeName - the name of the scope to restrict indexes to. Now marked deprecated, as collection.queryIndexes should be used instead.

      • If either CollectionName or ScopeName are set then both must be set.


This is done by performing 2 querys; one to fetch the deferred indexes to build and the other to build the deferred indexes.

No collection set:

SELECT RAW name from system:indexes WHERE (keyspace_id = $bucketName AND bucket_id IS MISSING) AND state = "deferred" AND `using` = "gsi"

followed by

BUILD INDEX ON `bucketName` (`filteredIndexes1`, `filteredIndexes2`, `filteredIndexes3`)

Collection set:

SELECT RAW name from system:indexes WHERE bucket_id = $bucketName AND scope_id = $scopeName AND keyspace_id = $collectionName AND state = "deferred"  AND `using` = "gsi"
BUILD INDEX ON `bucketName`.`scopeName`.`collectionName` (`filteredIndexes1`, `filteredIndexes2`, `filteredIndexes3`)

Note that this is purposely done using two queries rather than one - older server versions do not support the syntax for the single query approach.




  • InvalidArgumentException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


This interface contains the means for managing collection-level indexes used for queries.

It's a cleaner solution for this than the scopeName and collectionName parameters added to QueryIndexManager option blocks. Those should now be deprecated. If either is used with any method on CollectionQueryIndexManager, an InvalidArgumentException must be raised.

The interface is identical to QueryIndexManager, except with the removal of the string bucketName parameter.

CollectionQueryIndexManager appears on the Collection interface, in the form collection.queryIndexes().

All queries will be sent with a query_context parameter of "default:bucket.scope".
This is a mandatory parameter for 7.5, and a primary driver for adding this API. (It also means that this API cannot be used with servers below 7.0.)

public interface CollectionQueryIndexManager {
    Iterable<QueryIndex> GetAllIndexes(GetAllQueryIndexOptions options);

    void CreateIndex(string indexName, []string fields, CreateQueryIndexOptions options);

    void CreatePrimaryIndex(CreatePrimaryQueryIndexOptions options);

    void DropIndex(string indexName, DropQueryIndexOptions options);

    void DropPrimaryIndex(DropPrimaryQueryIndexOptions options);

    void WatchIndexes([]string indexNames, timeout duration, WatchQueryIndexOptions options);

    void BuildDeferredIndexes(BuildQueryIndexOptions options);

The following methods must be implemented:


Fetches all indexes on this collection.


Iterable<QueryIndex> GetAllIndexes(string bucketName, [options])


  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


If the collection is a default collection (e.g. appears on scope _default, collection _default), then a special case statement must be used to retrieve indexes:

SELECT idx.* FROM system:indexes AS idx
WHERE ((bucket_id=$bucketName AND scope_id=$scopeName AND keyspace_id=$collectionName)
 OR (bucket_id IS MISSING and keyspace_id=$bucketName)) 
 AND `using`="gsi"
ORDER BY is_primary DESC, name ASC

Otherwise, this can be used:

SELECT idx.* FROM system:indexes AS idx
WHERE (bucket_id=$bucketName AND scope_id=$scopeName AND keyspace_id=$collectionName)
 AND `using`="gsi"
ORDER BY is_primary DESC, name ASC


An array of QueryIndex.


  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Creates a new index. CREATE INDEX


void CreateIndex(string indexName, []string fields,  [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - the name of the index.

    • fields: []string - the fields to create the index over.

  • Optional:

    • IgnoreIfExists (bool) - Don't error/throw if the index already exists. Default to false.

    • NumReplicas (int) - The number of replicas that this index should have. Uses the WITH keyword and num_replica. Default to omitting the parameter from the server request.

    • Deferred (bool) - Whether the index should be created as a deferred index. Default to omitting the parameter from the server request.

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


CREATE INDEX `indexName` ON `bucketName`.`scopeName`.`collectionName`(field1,field2,field3) [WITH...]




  • IndexExistsException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Creates a new primary index. CREATE PRIMARY INDEX


void CreatePrimaryIndex([options])


  • Optional:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.

    • IgnoreIfExists (bool) - Don't error/throw if the index already exists. Default to false.

    • NumReplicas (int) - The number of replicas that this index should have. Uses the WITH keyword and num_replica. Default to omitting the parameter from the server request.

    • Deferred (bool) - Whether the index should be created as a deferred index. Default to omitting the parameter from the server request.

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


CREATE PRIMARY INDEX [`indexName`] ON `bucketName`.`scopeName`.`collectionName` [WITH...]




  • QueryIndexAlreadyExistsException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Drops an index. DROP INDEX


void DropIndex(string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • IgnoreIfNotExists (bool) - Don't error/throw if the index does not exist.

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


DROP INDEX `indexName` ON `bucketName`.`scopeName`.`collectionName`




  • QueryIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Drops a primary index. DROP PRIMARY INDEX


void DropPrimaryIndex([options])


  • Optional:

    • IndexName: string - name of the index.

    • IgnoreIfNotExists (bool) - Don't error/throw if the index does not exist.

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


DROP PRIMARY INDEX ON `bucketName`.`scopeName`.`collectionName`




  • QueryIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Watch polls indexes until they are online.


void WatchIndexes([]string indexNames, timeout duration, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexNames: []string - name(s) of the index(es).

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.

  • Optional:

    • WatchPrimary (bool) - whether or not to watch the primary index.




  • QueryIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Build Deferred builds all indexes which are currently in deferred state.


void BuildDeferredIndexes([options])


  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


BUILD INDEX ON `bucketName`.`scopeName`.`collectionName` (`filteredIndexes1`, `filteredIndexes2`, `filteredIndexes3`)




  • InvalidArgumentException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


The SearchIndexManager interface contains the means for managing indexes used for search. Search index definitions are purposefully left very dynamic as the index definitions on the server are complex. As such it is left to each SDK to implement its own dynamic type for this, JSONObject is used here to signify that. Stability level is uncommitted?

public interface SearchIndexManager{
    SearchIndex GetIndex(string indexName, GetSearchIndexOptions options);

    Iterable<SearchIndex> GetAllIndexes(GetAllSearchIndexesOptions options);

    void UpsertIndex(SearchIndex indexDefinition, UpsertSearchIndexOptions options);

    void DropIndex(string indexName, DropSearchIndexOptions options);

    int GetIndexedDocumentsCount(string indexName, GetIndexedSearchIndexOptions options);

    void PauseIngest(string indexName, PauseIngestSearchIndexOptions);

    void ResumeIngest(string indexName, ResumeIngestSearchIndexOptions);

    void AllowQuerying(string indexName, AllowQueryingSearchIndexOptions);

    void DisallowQuerying(string indexName, DisallowQueryingSearchIndexOptions);

    void FreezePlan(string indexName, FreezePlanSearchIndexOptions);

    void UnfreezePlan(string indexName, UnfreezePlanSearchIndexOptions);

    Iterable<JSONObject> AnalyzeDocument(string indexName, JSONObject document, AnalyzeDocumentOptions options);

The following methods must be implemented:


Fetches an index from the server if it exists.


SearchIndex GetIndex(string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An instance of SearchIndex.


  • SearchIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


GET http://localhost:8094/api/index/<name>


Fetches all indexes from the server.


Iterable<SearchIndex> GetAllIndexes([options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An array of SearchIndex.


  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


GET http://localhost:8094/api/index


Creates, or updates, an index.


void UpsertIndex(SearchIndex indexDefinition, [options])


  • Required:

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • InvalidArgumentsException

    If any of the following are empty:

    • Name
    • Type
    • SourceType
  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


PUT http://localhost:8094/api/index/<index_name>

Should be sent with request header "cache-control" set to "no-cache".


Drops an index.


void DropIndex(string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • SearchIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


DELETE http://localhost:8094/api/index/<index_name>


Retrieves the number of documents that have been indexed for an index.


uint32 GetIndexedDocumentsCount(string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • SearchIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


GET http://localhost:8094/api/index/<index_name>/count


Pauses updates and maintenance for an index.


void PauseIngest(string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • SearchIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST /api/index/{indexName}/ingestControl/pause


Resumes updates and maintenance for an index.


void ResumeIngest(string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • SearchIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST /api/index/{indexName}/ingestControl/resume


Allows querying against an index.


void AllowQuerying(string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • SearchIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST /api/index/{indexName}/queryControl/allow


Disallows querying against an index.


void DisallowQuerying(string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • SearchIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST /api/index/{indexName}/queryControl/disallow


Freeze the assignment of index partitions to nodes.


void FreezePlan(string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • SearchIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST /api/index/{indexName}/planFreezeControl/freeze


Unfreeze the assignment of index partitions to nodes.


void UnfreezePlan(string indexName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • SearchIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST /api/index/{indexName}/planFreezeControl/unfreeze


Allows users to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.


Iterable<JSONObject> AnalyzeDocument(string indexName, JSONObject document, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.

    • document: JSONObject - the document to be analyzed.

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An iterable of JSONObject. The response from the server returns an object containing two top level keys: status and analyzed. The SDK must return the value containing within the analyze key.


  • SearchIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST /api/index/{indexName}/analyzeDoc


Server 7.5 adds a new form of FTS scoped indexes, with a new set of endpoints. ScopeSearchIndexManager manages exclusively these, while SearchIndexManager (at the Cluster level) manages exclusively the original FTS indexes - now named "global indexes". The user needs to take care to choose the appropriate API.

Querying is also done via a new endpoint, and with a new API This will be detailed in another RFC.



The API for ScopeSearchIndexManager is identical to SearchIndexManager (same methods, same option blocks), so will not be repeated here. The existing options objects, e.g. GetSearchIndexOptions, should be used.

ScopeSearchIndexManager should be marked @Stability.Volatile.

SearchIndexManager is not deprecated, as global indexes are also not formally deprecated. In particular, the use-case for global aliases continues to be valid.

Index Name

The internal full name for a scoped index is "bucket.scope.index". However, from the user's perspective - e.g. what they create and use in the SDK - the index name is simply "index".

The user will use scope.searchIndexes().getIndex("index") and"index", request) - NOT scope.searchIndexes().getIndex("bucket.scope.index").

The SDK should not try to intercept a "bucket.scope.index" name and extract "index".


The implementation of ScopeSearchIndexManager is identical to SearchIndexManagement, except for the endpoints and some error handling details:

  • GetIndex, UpsertIndex, DropIndex: use endpoint /api/bucket/{bucketName}/scope/{scopeName}/index/{indexName} with GET, PUT and DELETE respectively.
  • GetAllIndexes: use endpoint /api/bucket/{bucketName}/scope/{scopeName}/index with GET.
  • For the other operations PauseIngest etc., the rule is: where the global index endpoint is /api/index/{indexName}/ingestControl/pause, the scoped index endpoint is /api/bucket/{bucketName}/scope/{scopeName}/index/{indexName}/ingestControl/pause.

FeatureNotAvailable handling

Scoped indexes

Before trying any ScopeSearchIndexManager operation, the SDK will check for the presence of this cluster capability which will only be returned by clusters that are fully upgraded to 7.6.0 or above:

  "clusterCapabilities": {
   "search": ["scopedSearchIndex"]

If it is not present the SDK will raise FeatureNotAvailableException with a message along the lines of "This API is for use with scoped indexes, which require Couchbase Server 7.6.0 or above".

The SDK will check for this capability in the most recent config it received. If it does not currently have one (in which case one should already be in the process of being asynchronously fetched), the SDK will wait for it to be available. This may lead the operation to timeout if the config does not arrive in time. The SDK will wait for at least the GCCCP config. To simplify implementations, and because GCCCP has long been available, it may choose to not use bucket configs.

Vector indexes

Only on the scope.searchIndexes().upsertIndex() call, and before sending anything to the server, the SDK will check if the index has any vector mappings. It will do this by looking for these fields:[*].type == "vector"

or[*].type == "vector_base64"

In more detail, the SDK should look in the vector JSON definition object for a field named params containing a field named mapping, and so on. For ANY_FIELD_NAME, the SDK should loop over all objects inside the types / properties object. for fields[*] the SDK should look at all members of the fields array. The SDK must check each assuption (that params is an object, that fields is an array, etc.), and assume that it is not a vector index if any of these assumptions are not met.

An example index with a single vector mapping will help make this clearer:

 "params": {
  "mapping": {
   "types": {
    "scope_e57593.coll_e57593": {
     "properties": {
      "some_user_vector_field": {
       "enabled": true,
       "dynamic": false,
       "fields": [
         "name": "some_user_vector_field",
         "type": "vector",

Iff this is a vector index, the SDK will check for the presence of this cluster capability which will only be returned by clusters that are fully upgraded to 7.6.0 or above:

  "clusterCapabilities": {
   "search": ["vectorSearch"]

If it is not present the SDK will raise FeatureNotAvailableException with a message along the lines of "Vector queries are available from Couchbase Server 7.6.0 and above".

The SDK will check for this capability in the most recent config it received. If it does not currently have one (in which case one should already be in the process of being asynchronously fetched), the SDK will wait for it to be available. This may lead the operation to timeout if the config does not arrive in time. The SDK will wait for at least the GCCCP config. To simplify implementations, and because GCCCP has long been available, it may choose to not use bucket configs.

Compatibility of SearchIndexManager with scoped indexes

Due to an FTS implementation detail, the "bucket.scope.index" internal name can be passed to the Cluster-level SearchIndexManager, and all operations (except creating an index) will happen to work.

We will regard this as an undocumented and discouraged 'backdoor' that we or the server could break in the future.

For scoped indexes the user must use ScopeSearchIndexManager; for global indexes, SearchIndexManager. Anything else is unsupported.


Stability level is not volatile.

public interface IAnalyticsIndexManager{
     void CreateDataverse(string dataverseName, CreateDataverseAnalyticsOptions options);

     void DropDataverse(string dataverseName, DropDataverseAnalyticsOptions options);

     void CreateDataset(string datasetName, string bucketName, CreateDatasetAnalyticsOptions options);

     void DropDataset(string datasetName, DropDatasetAnalyticsOptions options);

     Iterable<AnalyticsDataset> GetAllDatasets(GetAllDatasetAnalyticsOptions options);

     void CreateIndex(string indexName, string datasetName, map[string]string fields, CreateIndexAnalyticsOptions options);

     void DropIndex(string indexName, string datasetName, DropIndexAnalyticsOptions options);

     Iterable<AnalyticsIndex> GetAllIndexes(GetAllIndexesAnalyticsOptions options);

     void ConnectLink(ConnectLinkAnalyticsOptions options);

     void DisconnectLink(DisconnectLinkAnalyticsOptions options);

     map[string]map[string]int GetPendingMutations(GetPendingMutationsAnalyticsOptions options);

     void CreateLink(AnalyticsLink link, CreateLinkAnalyticsOptions options);

     void ReplaceLink(AnalyticsLink link, ReplaceLinkAnalyticsOptions options);

     void DropLink(string linkName, string dataverseName, DropLinkAnalyticsOptions options);

     List<AnalyticsLink> GetLinks(GetLinksAnalyticsOptions options);


Creates a new dataverse.


void CreateDataverse(string dataverseName, [options])


  • Required:

    • dataverseName: string - name of the dataverse.
      • This name may contain one or more /, the / must be split on and retokenized before sending.
      • Retokenizing follows the following rule: becomes ``.``.
      • Note that there can be multiple instance of / within a name and all must be retokenized.
  • Optional:

    • IgnoreIfExists (bool) - ignore if the dataverse already exists (send "IF NOT EXISTS" as part of the dataset creation query, e.g. CREATE DATAVERSE IF NOT EXISTS test ON default). Default to false.

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • DataverseAlreadyExistsException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Drops a dataverse.


void DropDataverse(string dataverseName,  [options])


  • Required:

    • dataverseName: string - name of the dataverse.
      • This name may contain one or more /, the / must be split on and retokenized before sending.
      • Retokenizing follows the following rule: becomes ``.``.
      • Note that there can be multiple instance of / within a name and all must be retokenized.
  • Optional:

    • IgnoreIfNotExists (bool) - ignore if the dataset doesn't exists (send "IF EXISTS" as part of the dataset creation query, e.g. DROP DATAVERSE IF EXISTS test).

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • DataverseNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Creates a new dataset.


void CreateDataset(string datasetName, string bucketName, [options])


  • Required:

    • datasetName: string - name of the dataset.

    • bucketName: string - name of the bucket.

  • Optional:

    • IgnoreIfExists (bool) - ignore if the dataset already exists (send "IF NOT EXISTS" as part of the dataset creation query, e.g. CREATE DATASET IF NOT EXISTS test ON default). Default to false.

    • Condition (string) - Where clause to use for creating dataset.

    • DataverseName (string) - The name of the dataverse to use, default to none. If set then will be used as CREATE DATASET dataverseName.datasetName. If not set then will be CREATE DATASET datasetName.

      • This name may contain one or more /, the / must be split on and retokenized before sending.
      • Retokenizing follows the following rule: becomes ``.``.
      • Note that there can be multiple instance of / within a name and all must be retokenized.
    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • DatasetAlreadyExistsException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Drops a dataset.


void DropDataset(string datasetName,  [options])


  • Required:

    • datasetName: string - name of the dataset.
  • Optional:

    • IgnoreIfNotExists (bool) - ignore if the dataset doesn't exists (send "IF EXISTS" as part of the dataset creation query, e.g. DROP DATASET IF EXISTS test).

    • DataverseName (string) - The name of the dataverse to use, default to none. If set then will be used as DROP DATASET dataverseName.datasetName. If not set then will be DROP DATASET datasetName.

      • This name may contain one or more /, the / must be split on and retokenized before sending.
      • Retokenizing follows the following rule: becomes ``.``.
      • Note that there can be multiple instance of / within a name and all must be retokenized.
    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • DatasetNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Gets all datasets

SELECT d.* FROM Metadata.`Dataset` d WHERE d.DataverseName <> "Metadata"


Iterable<AnalyticsDataset> GetAllDatasets([options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


Iterable of AnalyticsDataset


  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Creates a new index.


void CreateIndex(string indexName, string datasetName, map[string]string fields,  [options])


  • Required:

    • datasetName: string - name of the dataset.

    • indexName: string - name of the index.

    • fields: map[string]string - the fields to create the index over. This is a map of the name of the field to the type of the field.

  • Optional:

    • IgnoreIfExists (bool) - don't error/throw if the index already exists. (send "IF NOT EXISTS" as part of the dataset creation query, e.g. CREATE INDEX test IF NOT EXISTS ON default) (Note: IF NOT EXISTS is not is in the same place as it is in CREATE DATASET) Default to false.

    • DataverseName (string) - The name of the dataverse to use, default to none. If set then will be used as DROP INDEX dataverseName.datasetName.indexName. If not set then will be DROP INDEX datasetName.indexName.

      • This name may contain one or more /, the / must be split on and retokenized before sending.
      • Retokenizing follows the following rule: becomes ``.``.
      • Note that there can be multiple instance of / within a name and all must be retokenized.
    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • AnalyticsIndexAlreadyExistsException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Drops an index.


void DropIndex(string indexName, string datasetName, [options])


  • Required:

    • indexName: string - name of the index.
  • Optional:

    • IgnoreIfNotExists (bool) - Don't error/throw if the index does not exist.

    • DataverseName (string) - The name of the dataverse to use, default to none. If set then will be used as DROP INDEX dataverseName.datasetName.indexName. If not set then will be DROP INDEX datasetName.indexName.

      • This name may contain one or more /, the / must be split on and retokenized before sending.
      • Retokenizing follows the following rule: becomes ``.``.
      • Note that there can be multiple instance of / within a name and all must be retokenized.
    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • AnalyticsIndexNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Gets all indexes

SELECT d.* FROM Metadata.`Index` d WHERE d.DataverseName <> "Metadata".


Iterable<AnalyticsIndex> GetAllIndexes([options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Connects a link.


void ConnectLink([options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • DataverseName (string) - name of the dataverse to connect to. Default to "Default".

      • This name may contain one or more /, the / must be split on and retokenized before sending.
      • Retokenizing follows the following rule: becomes ``.``.
      • Note that there can be multiple instance of / within a name and all must be retokenized.
    • LinkName (string) - name of the link. Default to "Local".

    • Force (boolean) - whether to force link creation even if the bucket UUID changed, for example due to the bucket being deleted and recreated. Default to false.

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • AnalyticsLinkNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Disconnects a link.


void DisconnectLink([options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • DataverseName (string) - name of the dataverse to connect to. Default to "Default".

      • This name may contain one or more /, the / must be split on and retokenized before sending.
      • Retokenizing follows the following rule: becomes ``.``.
      • Note that there can be multiple instance of / within a name and all must be retokenized.
    • linkName: string - name of the link. Default to "Local".

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • AnalyticsLinkNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Gets the pending mutations for all datasets. This is returned from the server as an object e.g.:

    "Default": {
        "travel": 20688,
        "thing": 0,
        "default": 0
    "Notdefault": {
        "default": 0

Note that if a link is disconnected then it will return no results. If all links are disconnected then an empty object is returned.


map[string]map[string]int GetPendingMutations( [options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


Map where top level keys are dataverse names, and values are a map of dataset names to number of pending mutations.


  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


GET http://localhost:8095/analytics/node/agg/stats/remaining


Creates a new link.


void CreateLink(AnalyticsLink link, [options])


  • Required:

    • link: AnalyticsLink - the link to be created.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • AnalyticsLinkExistsException

  • DataverseNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException


Data is sent as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".

  • The link's dataverse can contain one or more /.
  • The path to use depends on the dataverse.
  • If dataverse contains a / then the name is url encoded to escape any / within the name and URI is:
  • If dataverse does not contain a / then the dataverse and name are included within the payload of the request (as dataverse and name)


Replaces an existing link.


void ReplaceLink(AnalyticsLink link, [options])


  • Required:

    • link: AnalyticsLink - the link to be replaced.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • DataverseNotFoundException

  • AnalyticsLinkNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException


Data is sent as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".

  • The link's dataverse can contain one or more /.
  • The path to use depends on the dataverse.
  • If dataverse contains a / then the name is url encoded to escape any / within the name and URI is:
  • If dataverse does not contain a / then the dataverse and name are included within the payload of the request (as dataverse and name)


Drops an existing link from a scope.


void DropLink(string linkName, string scopeName, [options])


  • Required:

    • linkName: string - the link to be removed.
    • scopeName: string - the scope in which the link belongs, in the format bucket/scope.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • DataverseNotFoundException

  • AnalyticsLinkNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException


  • The link's dataverse can contain one or more /.
  • The path to use depends on the dataverse.
  • If dataverse contains a / then the name is url encoded to escape any / within the name and URI is:
  • If dataverse does not contain a / then the dataverse and name are included within the payload of the request (as dataverse and name)


Gets existing links.


List<AnalyticsLink> GetLinks([options])


  • Required:


  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.
    • Dataverse (string) - the name of the dataverse to restrict links to.
    • Name (string) - the name of the link to fetch.
    • LinkType (AnalyticsLinkType) - the type of links to restrict returned links to.

Note: If Name is set then Dataverse must be set, otherwise an InvalidArgumentsException must be thrown.


List<AnalyticsLink> - a list of the interface type which must be cast to the relevant underlying type. ``


  • DataverseNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException


The URI is dependent on the options. If dataverse is not set then:

GET http://localhost:8095/analytics/link?type=<linktype>
  • If dataverse is set and contains a / then the name is url encoded to escape any / within the name and URI is:

    • If dataverse is set and name is not:
    • GET http://localhost:8095/analytics/link/<dataverse>?type=<linktype>
    • If dataverse is and name are both set:
    • GET http://localhost:8095/analytics/link/<dataverse>/<linkname>?type=<linktype>
  • If dataverse does not contain a / then the dataverse and name are included within the querystring of the request (as dataverse and name)

    • Only include name if name is set.
    • Uri is:
      • GET http://localhost:8095/analytics/link?dataverse=<dataverse>&name=<name>&type=<linktype>


public interface BucketManager{
    void CreateBucket(CreateBucketSettings settings, CreateBucketOptions options);

    void UpdateBucket(BucketSettings settings, UpdateBucketOptions options);

    void DropBucket(string bucketName, DropBucketOptions options);

    BucketSettings GetBucket(string bucketName, GetBucketOptions options);

    Iterable<BucketSettings> GetAllBuckets(GetAllBucketOptions options);

    void FlushBucket(string bucketName, FlushBucketOptions options); // using the ns_server REST interface


Creates a new bucket.


void CreateBucket(CreateBucketSettings settings, [options])


  • Required: BucketSettings - settings for the bucket.

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • BucketAlreadyExistsException (HTTP 400 and content contains Bucket with given name already exists)

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST http://localhost:8092/pools/default/buckets


Updates a bucket. In the docstring the SDK must include a section about how every setting must be set to what the user wants it to be after the update. Any settings that are not set to their desired values may be reverted to default values by the server.


void UpdateBucket(BucketSettings settings, [options])


  • Required: BucketSettings - settings for the bucket.

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • BucketNotFoundException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST http://localhost:8092/pools/default/buckets/<bucketName>


Removes a bucket.


void DropBucket(string bucketName, [options])


  • Required:

    • bucketName: string - the name of the bucket.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • BucketNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


DELETE http://localhost:8092/pools/default/buckets/<bucketname>


Gets a bucket's settings.


BucketSettings GetBucket(bucketName string, [options])


  • Required:

    • bucketName: string - the name of the bucket.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


BucketSettings, settings for the bucket. Note: the ram quota returned is in bytes, not megabytes so requires x / 1024 twice. Also Note: FlushEnabled is not a setting returned by the server, if flush is enabled then the doFlush endpoint will be listed and should be used to populate the field.


  • BucketNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


GET http://localhost:8092/pools/default/buckets/<bucketname>


Gets all bucket settings. Note: the ram quota returned is in bytes, not megabytes so requires x / 1024 twice.


Iterable<BucketSettings> GetAllBuckets([options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An iterable of settings for each bucket.


  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


GET http://localhost:8092/pools/default/buckets


Flushes a bucket (uses the ns_server REST interface).


void FlushBucket(string bucketName, [options])


  • Required:

    • bucketName: string - the name of the bucket.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • BucketNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • BucketNotFlushableException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST http://localhost:8092//pools/default/buckets/<bucketname>/controller/doFlush


Programmatic access to the user management REST API.

Unless otherwise indicated, all objects SHOULD be immutable.


A role identifies a specific permission.

interface Role {
    String name()

    Optional<String> bucket()

    Optional<String> Collection()   // Uncommitted

    Optional<String> Scope()   // Uncommitted


Associates a role with its name and description. This is additional information only present in the "list available roles" response.

NOTE: This class MAY extend Role instead of having a method that returns the Role.

interface RoleAndDescription {
    Role role()

    String displayName()

    String description()


Indicates why the user has a specific role. If the type is "user" it means the role is assigned directly to the user. If the type is "group" it means the role is inherited from the group identified by the "name" field.

interface Origin {
    String type()

    Optional<String> name()


Associates a role with its origins. This is how roles are returned by the "get user" and "get all users" responses.

NOTE: This class MAY extend Role instead of having a method that returns the Role.

interface RoleAndOrigins {
    Role role()

    List<Origin> origins()


Mutable. Models the user properties that may be updated via this API. All properties of the User class MUST have associated setters except for "username" which is fixed when the object is created.

interface User {
    String username()

    String displayName()

    // names of the groups
    Set<String> groups()

    // only roles assigned directly to the user (not inherited from groups)
    Set<Role> roles()

    // From the user's perspective the password property is "write-only".
    // The accessor SHOULD be hidden from the user and be visible only to the manager implementation.
    String password()


Models the "get user" / "get all users" response. Associates the mutable properties of a user with derived properties such as the effective roles inherited from groups.

interface UserAndMetadata {
    // AuthDomain is an enumeration with values "local" and "external". It MAY alternatively be represented as String.
    AuthDomain domain()

    // returns a new mutable User object each time this method is called.
    // Modifying the fields of the returned User MUST have no effect on the UserAndMetadata object it came from.
    User user()

    // all roles associated with the user, including information about whether each role role is innate or inherited from a group.
    List<RoleAndOrigins> effectiveRoles()

    Optional<Instant> passwordChanged()

    Set<String> externalGroups()


Mutable. Defines a set of roles that may be inherited by users. All properties of the Group class MUST have associated setters except for "name" which is fixed when the object is created.

interface Group {
    String name()

    String description()

    // Role as defined in the User Manager section
    Set<Role> roles()

    Optional<String> ldapGroupReference()

Service Interface

public interface IUserManager{
    UserAndMetadata GetUser(string username, GetUserOptions options);

    Iterable<UserAndMetadata> GetAllUsers(GetAllUsersOptions options);

    void UpsertUser(User user, UpsertUserOptions options);

    void DropUser(string userName, DropUserOptions options);

    Iterable<RoleAndDescription> GetRoles(GetRolesOptions options);

    Group GetGroup(string groupName, GetGroupOptions options);

    Iterable<Group> GetAllGroups(GetAllGroupsOptions options);

    void UpsertGroup(Group group, UpsertGroupOptions options);

    void DropGroup(string groupName, DropGroupOptions options);
    void ChangePassword(string newPassword, ChangePasswordOptions options);


Gets a user.


UserAndMetadata GetUser(string username, [options])


  • Required:

    • username: string - ID of the user.
  • Optional:

    • domainName: string - name of the user domain ("local" or "external"). Defaults to "local".

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An instance of UserAndMetadata.


  • UserNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform

Implementation Notes

When parsing the "get" and "getAll" responses, take care to distinguish between roles assigned directly to the user (role origin with type="user") and roles inherited from groups (role origin with type="group" and name=<group name>).

If the server response does not include an "origins" field for a role, then it was generated by a server version prior to 6.5 and the SDK MUST treat the role as if it had a single origin of type="user".

If a Role Scope() or Collection() properties are set to "*" then they should reset to an empty string. This is to provide a consistent experience across server versions.


Gets all users.


Iterable<UserAndMetadata> GetAllUsers([options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • domainName: string - name of the user domain ("local" or "external"). Defaults to "local".
  • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An iterable collection of UserAndMetadata.


  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Creates or updates a user.


void UpsertUser(User user, [options])


  • Required:

    • user: User - the new version of the user.
  • Optional:

    • domainName: string - name of the user domain ("local" or "external"). Defaults to "local".

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform

Implementation Notes

When building the PUT request to send to the REST endpoint, implementations MUST omit the "password" property if it is not present in the given User domain object (so that the password is only changed if the calling code provided a new password).

For backwards compatibility with Couchbase Server 6.0 and earlier, the "groups" parameter MUST be omitted if the group list is empty. Couchbase Server 6.5 treats the absent parameter the same as an explicit parameter with no value (removes any existing group associations, which is what we want in this case).

For backwards compatibility with Couchbase Server 6.5 and earlier if a Role Scope() or Collection() properties are set to "*" then they should reset to an empty string.


Removes a user.


void DropUser(string username, [options])


  • Required:

    • username: string - ID of the user.
  • Optional:

    • domainName: string - name of the user domain ("local" or "external"). Defaults to "local".

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • UserNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Returns the roles supported by the server.


Iterable<RoleAndDescription> GetRoles([options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An iterable collection of RoleAndDescription.


  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Gets a group.

REST Endpoint:

GET /settings/rbac/groups/<name>


Group GetGroup(string groupName, [options])


  • Required:

    • groupName: string - name of the group to get.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An instance of Group.


  • GroupNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Gets all groups.

REST Endpoint:

GET /settings/rbac/groups


Iterable<Group> GetAllGroups([options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


An iterable collection of Group.


  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Creates or updates a group.

REST Endpoint:

PUT /settings/rbac/groups/<name>

This endpoint accepts application/x-www-form-urlencoded and requires the data be sent as form data. The name/id should not be included in the form data. Roles should be a comma separated list of strings. If, only if, the role contains a bucket name then the rolename should be suffixed with [<bucket_name>] e.g. bucket_full_access[default],security_admin.


void UpsertGroup(Group group, [options])


  • Required:

    • group: Group - the new version of the group.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Removes a group.

REST Endpoint:

DELETE /settings/rbac/groups/<name>


void DropGroup(string groupName, [options])


  • Required:

    • groupName: string - name of the group.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • GroupNotFoundException

  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Changes password for the currently authenticated user.

API docs must state that ssage of this function will effectively invalidate the SDK instance and further requests will fail due to authentication errors. After using this function the SDK must be reinitialized.

REST Endpoint:

POST /controller/changePassword

This endpoint accepts application/x-www-form-urlencoded and requires the data be sent as form data. The form contains an entry called password which contains the new password.


void ChangePassword(string newPassword, [options])


  • Required:

    • newPassword: string - the new password.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


Note: due to MB-35386 CollectionExists, ScopeExists, and GetScope must support both forms of the manifest until SDK beta. That is, going forward:


And for the sake of support for the server beta which did not have the fix in place:


It is recommended to try to parse the first form and fallback to the second so that it can be easily removed later.

public interface ICollectionManager{
    Iterable<ScopeSpec> GetAllScopes(GetAllScopesOptions options);

    void CreateCollection(String scopeName, String collectionName, CreateCollectionSettings settings, CreateCollectionOptions options);

    void UpdateCollection(String scopeName, String collectionName, UpdateCollectionSettings settings, UpdateCollectionOptions options);

    void DropCollection(String scopeName, String collectionName, DropCollectionOptions options);

    void CreateScope(string scopeName, CreateScopeOptions options);

    void DropScope(string scopeName, DropScopeOptions options);


Gets all scopes. This will fetch a manifest and then pull the scopes out of it.


iterable<ScopeSpec> GetAllScopes([options])


  • Required: None

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.


Iterable collection of ScopeSpec.


  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


GET /pools/default/buckets/<bucket>/scopes


Creates a new collection.


void CreateCollection(string scopeName, string collectionName, CreateCollectionSettings settings, [options])


  • Required:

    • scopeName: (string) - name of the scope.

    • collectionName: (string) - name of the collection.

  • Optional Param:

    • settings: (CreateCollectionSettings) - settings to apply for the collection.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • CollectionAlreadyExistsException

  • ScopeNotFoundException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/<bucket>/scopes/<scope_name>/collections -d name=<collection_name> -d maxTTL=<maxExpiry> -d history=<history>


Updates an existing collection.


void UpdateCollection(string scopeName, string collectionName, UpdateCollectionSettings settings, [options])


  • Required:

    • scopeName: (string) - name of the scope.

    • collectionName: (string) - name of the collection.

    • settings: (UpdateCollectionSettings) - settings to apply for the collection.

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • CollectionNotFoundException

  • ScopeNotFoundException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


PATCH http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/<bucket>/scopes/<scope_name>/collections/<collection_name> -d maxTTL=<maxExpiry> -d history=<history>


Removes a collection.


void dropCollection(string scopeName, string collectionName, [options])


  • Required:

    • scopeName: (string) - name of the scope.

    • collectionName: (string) - name of the collection.

  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • CollectionNotFoundException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


DELETE http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/<bucket>/scopes/<scope_name>/collections/<collection_name>


Creates a new scope.


void CreateScope(string scopeName, [options])


  • Required:

    • scopeName: string - name of the scope.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • InvalidArgumentsException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


POST http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/<bucket>/scopes -d name=<scope_name>


Removes a scope.


void DropScope(string scopeName, [options])


  • Required:

    • scopeName: string - name of the scope.
  • Optional:

    • Timeout or timeoutMillis (int/duration) - the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.




  • ScopeNotFoundException

  • Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform


DELETE http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets//scopes/<scope_name>



enum DesignDocumentNamespace {



DesignDocument provides a means of mapping a design document into an object. It contains within it a map of View.

interface DesignDocument {
    String Name();

    Map<String, View> Views();


interface View {
    String Map();

    String Reduce();


enum QueryIndexType {



The QueryIndex interface provides a means of mapping a query index into an object.

interface QueryIndex {
    String Name();

    Bool IsPrimary();

    QueryIndexType Type();

    String State();

    String Keyspace();

    Iterable<String> IndexKey();

    Optional<String> Condition();
    Optional<String> Partition()
    String BucketName();
    Optional<String> ScopeName();
    Optional<String> CollectionName()

When collections are not in use:

  • keyspace will be set to the bucket name.

When collections are in use:

  • keyspace will be set to the collection name.
  • bucket_id will contain the bucket name.
  • scope_id will contain the scope name.

The following are primarily to help improve UX, especially in the case where the user was not using collections and now is:

The BucketName() function should always return the name of the bucket, whether it was in the keyspace or bucket_id field. This means that sometimes Keyspace() and BucketName() will be the same value.

The CollectionName() function should return the value from keyspace when collections are being used, i.e. bucket_id and scope_id are populated in the JSON payload.


SearchIndex provides a means to map search indexes into object. The Params, SourceParams, and PlanParams fields are left to the SDK to decide what is idiomatic (e.g. JSONObject), the definitions of these fields is purposefully vague.

type SearchIndex {
    // UUID is required for updates. It provides a means of ensuring consistency, the UUID must match the UUID value
    // for the index on the server.
    UUID string `json:"uuid"`

    Name string `json:"name"`

    // SourceName is the name of the source of the data for the index e.g. bucket name.
    SourceName string `json:"sourceName,omitempty"`

    // Type is the type of index, e.g. fulltext-index or fulltext-alias.
    Type string `json:"type"`

    // IndexParams are index properties such as store type and mappings.
    Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`

    // SourceUUID is the UUID of the data source, this can be used to more tightly tie the index to a source.
    SourceUUID string `json:"sourceUUID,omitempty"`

    // SourceParams are extra parameters to be defined. These are usually things like advanced connection and tuning
    // parameters.
    SourceParams map[string]interface{} `json:"sourceParams,omitempty"`

    // SourceType is the type of the data source, e.g. couchbase or nil depending on the Type field.
    SourceType string `json:"sourceType"`

    // PlanParams are plan properties such as number of replicas and number of partitions.
    PlanParams map[string]interface{} `json:"planParams,omitempty"`


AnalyticsDataset provides a means of mapping dataset details into an object.

interface AnalyticsDataset{
    String Name();

    String DataverseName();

    String LinkName();

    String BucketName();


AnalyticsIndex provides a means of mapping analytics index details into an object.

interface AnalyticsIndex{
    String Name();

    String DatasetName();

    String DataverseName();

    Bool IsPrimary();


AnalyticsLink provides a means of mapping analytics link details into an object. The interface methods are primarily designed for creation and modification of links. Note: Analytics link management is only supported for server 7.0+.

interface AnalyticsLink {
  String Name();
  String DataverseName();

  List<Byte> FormEncode();
  AnalyticsLinkType LinkType();


CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink provides a means of mapping remote couchbase analytics link details into an object. The following fields are named according to how they are sent when form/json encoded. The object names should be implemented in a way idiomatic to the implementing language.

  • dataverse (string) - The dataverse that the link belongs to. Form can be one part dataversename or two parts
  • name (string) - The name of the link.
  • hostname (string) - The hostname of the target couchbase cluster. This is activeHostname in the returned JSON payload for a get.
  • encryption (CouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings) - The encryption settings for the link. The contents of this field are flattened to the top level of the payload.
  • username (string) - The username to use for authentication.
  • password (string) - The password to use for authentication.

A value for type of couchbase must be sent in the form payload, this is returned in the same manner in the JSON payload. This field is not exposed on the object and is either inferred from the object type or by calling LinkType().

The Validate() implementation must verify that:

  • dataverse is set.
  • name is set.
  • hostname is set.
  • When encryption level is set to "none" or "half":
    • username is set.
    • password is set.
  • When encryption level is set to "full":
    • certificate is set.
    • Either both username and password are set OR both clientCertificate and clientKey are set.

The LinkType() implementation must return a value that corresponds to "couchbase".

On fetching a CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink:

  • The hostname property is present as activeHostname.
  • The password property must be blanked out/left unset.
  • The clientKey property must be blanked out/left unset.
  • The dataverse property must be set by first checking the dataverse field in the response body and if empty falling back to the scope field.


CouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings are the settings available for setting encryption level on an analytics link. When present these fields are encoded into the form data at the top level, alongside hostname etc... If any of these fields are not set then they should not be encoded into the payload, except encryptionLevel which can be sent as none when not set. See above validation section on when these fields must be set.

  • encryptionLevel (AnalyticsEncryptionLevel) - Encoded in the payload as encryption. The encryption level to apply.
  • certificate (List) - The certificate to use for the encryption when encryption level is set to "full".
  • clientCertificate (List) - The client certificate to use for authenticating when encryption level is set to "full".
  • clientKey (List) - The client key to use for authenticating when encryption level is set to "full".


S3ExternalAnalyticsLink provides a means of mapping external s3 analytics link details into an object. The following fields are named according to how they are sent when form/json encoded. The object names should be implemented in a way idiomatic to the implementing language.

  • dataverse (string) - The dataverse that the link belongs to. Form can be one part dataversename or two parts
  • name (string) - The name of the link.
  • accessKeyID (string) - The AWS S3 access key.
  • secretAccessKey (string) - The AWS S3 secret key.
  • sessionToken (string) - The AWS S3 token if temporary credentials are provided. Only available in server 7.0+.
  • region (string) - The AWS S3 region.
  • serviceEndpoint (string) - The AWS S3 service endpoint.

A value for type of s3 must be sent in the form payload, this is returned in the same manner in the JSON payload. This field is not exposed on the object and is either inferred from the object type or by calling LinkType().

The Validate() implementation must verify that:

  • dataverse is set.
  • name is set.
  • accessKeyID is set.
  • secretAccessKey is set.
  • region is set.

The LinkType() implementation must return a value that corresponds to "s3".

On fetching a S3ExternalAnalyticsLink:

  • The secretAccessKey property must be blanked out/left unset.
  • The sessionToken property must be blanked out/left unset.
  • The dataverse property must be set by first checking the dataverse field in the response body and if empty falling back to the scope field.


AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink provides a means of mapping external azure analytics link details into an object. The AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink is available in server 7.0 Developer Preview mode and must be marked as volatile API stability. The following fields are named according to how they are sent when form/json encoded. The object names should be implemented in a way idiomatic to the implementing language.

  • dataverse (string) - The dataverse that the link belongs to. Form is
  • name (string) - The name of the link.
  • connectionString (string) - The connection string can be used as an authentication method, connectionString contains other authentication methods embedded inside the string. Only a single authentication method can be used. (e.g. "AccountName=myAccountName;AccountKey=myAccountKey").
  • accountName (string) - The Azure blob storage account name.
  • accountKey (string) - The Azure blob storage account key.
  • sharedAccessSignature (string) - Token that can be used for authentication.
  • blobEndpoint (string) - The Azure blob storage endpoint.
  • endpointSuffix (string) - The Azure blob endpoint suffix.

A value for type of azureblob must be sent in the form payload, this is returned in the same manner in the JSON payload. This field is not exposed on the object and is either inferred from the object type or by calling LinkType().

The Validate() implementation must verify that:

  • dataverse is set.
  • name is set.
  • Either connectionString is set, or accountName and accountKey are both set, or accountName and sharedAccessSignature are both set.

The LinkType() implementation must return a value that corresponds to "azureblob".

On fetching an AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink:

  • The connectionString property must be blanked out/left unset.
  • The accountKey property must be blanked out/left unset.
  • The sharedAccessSignature property must be blanked out/left unset.
  • The dataverse property must be set from the scope field in the response body.


AnalyticsLinkType describes the type of link that an object corresponds to.

enum AnalyticsLinkType {


AnalyticsEncryptionLevel describes the encryption level for a couchbase analytics link.

enum AnalyticsEncryptionLevel {


enum CompressionMode {




enum EvictionPolicy {





enum BucketType {




enum StorageBackend {



BucketSettings provides a means of mapping bucket settings into an object.

  • Name (string) - The name of the bucket.

  • FlushEnabled (bool) - Whether or not flush should be enabled on the bucket. Default to false.

  • RamQuotaMB (int) - Ram Quota in megabytes for the bucket. (rawRAM in the server payload)

  • NumReplicas (int) - The number of replicas for documents.

  • ReplicaIndexes (bool) - Whether replica indexes should be enabled for the bucket.

  • BucketType (BucketType) - The type of the bucket. Default to COUCHBASE.

  • EjectionMethod {fullEviction | valueOnly}. (DEPRECATED) The eviction policy to use.

  • EvictionPolicyType (EvictionPolicy). The eviction policy to use. Options exposed as {FULL, VALUE_ONLY, NOT_RECENTLY_USED, NO_EVICTION}. The first 2 options are valid only on couchbase buckets and the last 2 options are valid only on ephemeral buckets.

  • maxTTL (int) (DEPRECATED) - Value for the maxTTL of new documents created without a ttl.

  • maxExpiry (duration) - Value for the max expiry of new documents created without an expiry.

  • compressionMode (CompressionMode) - The compression mode to use.

  • MinimumDurabilityLevel (DurabilityLevel) - The minimum durability level to use for all KV operations.

  • StorageBackend (StorageBackend) - The storage type to use (note: Magma is EE only).

  • HistoryRetentionCollectionDefault (bool) - Whether to enable history retention on collections by default.

    • URL query field: historyRetentionCollectionDefault
    • If the SDK does not have the ability to differentiate between not set and false then a different type should be used instead, suggested:
      • enum HistoryRetentionCollectionDefaultSettings { ON, OFF }
  • HistoryRetentionBytes (uint64) - The maximum size, in bytes, of the change history that is written to disk for all collections in this bucket.

    • URL query field: historyRetentionBytes
    • The type used for this value must support a maximum value of 18446744073709551615 (1.8Pib).
  • HistoryRetentionDuration (duration) - The maximum number of seconds to be covered by the change history that is written to disk for all collections in this bucket.

    • URL query field: historyRetentionSeconds sent as an int seconds value

Note: History retention settings are only supported for Magma buckets, the server will ignore retention settings for other storage modes.


enum ConflictResolutionType {

    // CUSTOM is available in server 7.1 Developer Preview mode and must be marked as `volatile` API stability.


CreateBucketSettings is a superset of BucketSettings providing one extra property:

The reasoning for this is that on Update ConflictResolutionType cannot be present in the JSON payload at all.


interface CollectionSpec {
    String Name();

    String ScopeName();
    Duration MaxExpiry();
    Bool History();

MaxExpiry is the time in seconds for the TTL for new documents in the collection.

History is whether history retention override is enabled on this collection.


interface CreateCollectionSettings {
    Duration MaxExpiry();
    Bool History();

MaxExpiry is the time in seconds for the TTL for new documents in the collection. Omit if not set.

History is whether history retention override is enabled on this collection. Omit if not set - not set will default to bucket level setting.

  • Sent as value of "true" or "false".
  • On Create/Update this setting should be guarded by the bucket capability of nonDedupedHistory
  • If the bucket capability is not supported then a FeatureNotAvailableException must be raised.
    • Suggested supplementary text: "History retention is not supported - note that both server 7.2+ and Magma storage engine must be used"


interface UpdateCollectionSettings {
    Duration MaxExpiry();
    Bool History();

MaxExpiry is the time in seconds for the TTL for new documents in the collection. Omit if not set.

History is whether history retention override is enabled on this collection. Omit if not set - not set will default to bucket level setting.

  • On Create/Update this setting should be guarded by the bucket capability of nonDedupedHistory
  • If the bucket capability is not supported then a FeatureNotAvailableException must be raised.
    • Suggested supplementary text: "History retention is not supported - note that both server 7.2+ and Magma storage engine must be used"


interface ScopeSpec {
    String Name();

    Iterable<CollectionSpec> Collections();



  • Sept 3, 2019 - Revision #1 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Add numReplicas option to QueryIndexManager.CreatePrimaryIndex
  • Sept 18, 2019 - Revision #2 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Add FlushNotEnabledException to bucket Flush operation
  • Sept 30, 2019 - Revision #3 (by David Nault)

    • Remove dataverse name checking from all Analytics options blocks so that if the dataverse name is set we do not check if the dataset already contains it.

    • Changed CreateScope to take a string name not a spec.

    • Added Condition to IQueryIndex.

    • Changed User AvailableRoles to GetRoles.

    • Change ConnectLink and DisconnectLink so that the name is optional, defaulting to Local.

  • Nov 10, 2019 - Revision #4 (by David Nault)

    • Add optional arguments "DataverseName" and "Force" to Analytics ConnectLink.

    • Remove the FlushCollection method from CollectionManager, since server-side flushing was not implemented. The user can drop and recreate the collection instead.

  • Clarify that "IndexType" is string/enum with values "View" and "Gsi".

    • Clarify that all optional timeouts default to the client's global management request timeout.

    • Clarify that all optional "IgnoreIfExists" parameters default to false.

    • Clarify that the Query Index Manager's optional "NumReplicas" and "Deferred" parameters default to omitting the parameter from the server request and letting the server decide the default value.

  • Nov 11, 2019 - Revision #5 (by David Nault)

    • Renamed "IndexType" to "QueryIndexType" to disambiguate.
  • Nov 20, 2019 - Revision #6 (by David Nault)

    • Collection Manager:

      • Removed "scopeExists" and "collectionExists" methods.
    • User Manager:

      • RoleAndOrigins and RoleAndDescription MAY extend Role, at implementor's discretion.

      • Removed the version of UserAndMetadata.effectiveRoles() that returned Set.

      • Renamed UserAndMetadata.effectiveRolesAndOrigins() to just effectiveRoles().

  • Mar 10, 2020 - Revision #7 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Collection Manager:

      • Added "MaxTTL" to the CollectionSpec.

      • Added how to send "MaxTTL" to the CreateCollection uri.

  • Mar 26, 2020 - Revision #8 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Collection Manager:

      • Change "maxTTL" to "maxExpiry"
    • Bucket Manager:

      • Deprecate maxTTL (int) and add maxExpiry (duration)
  • Apr 16, 2020 - Revision #9 (by Brett Lawson)

    • GetAllIndexes (n1ql): added mandatory using = gsi to exclude fts indexes

    • Changed AnalyzeDocument to take AnalyzeDocumentOptions instead of AnalyzeDocOptions

    • Analytics CreateIndex must take dataset name (fixed in the summary table)

    • Removed GetScope from collection manager as a high-level decision was made to avoid obscuring the underlying behaviours of the server. GetScope internally had to call GetAllScopes, which simply caused data to be thrown away unnecessarily.

  • April 30, 2020

    • Moved RFC to ACCEPTED state.
  • July 16, 2020 - Revision #10 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Deprecated EjectionMethod in favour of EvictionPolicyType.

    • Added 2 new eviction policies: NOT_RECENTLY_USED and NO_EVICTION for use with ephemeral buckets.

  • August 28, 2020

    • Converted to markdown
  • September 16, 2020 - Revision #11 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Changed the return value of Analytics GetPendingMutations from map[string]int to map[string]map[string]int.
  • September 22, 2020 - Revision #12 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Add Collection and Scope to Role.
  • November 25, 2020 - Revision #13 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Added MinimumDurabilityLevel to BucketSettings.
  • March 3, 2021 - Revision #14 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Added Partition to QueryIndex.
  • April 29, 2021 - Revision #15 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Added Analytics Links management to AnalyticsIndexManager.
    • Added LinkName to AnalyticsIndexManager CreateDataset options.
  • May 11, 2021 - Revision #16 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Rework Analytics Links management to only support server 7.0+.
      • Removed Dataverse links functions and from links objects.
      • Removed GetLink functions all together.
      • Added name to GetAllLinksOptions.
  • May 17, 2021 - Revision #17 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Rework Analytics Link management to once again support server 6.6
      • Updated all link and method parameters to refer to dataverse only.
      • Clarified behaviour to follow on parsing link response bodies.
      • Added detail on how to parse dataverse names and which URLs to use depending on the name.
    • Update Analytics management API to include information on how to parse dataverse names containing /.
  • June 1, 2021 - Revision #18 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Remove AnalyticsScopeNotFoundException and replace references to it with DataverseNotFoundException.
    • Rename LinkAlreadyExistsException to AnalyticsLinkExistsException.
    • Renamed CouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings encryption field to encryptionLevel, note that this field is still sent in the payload as encryption.
    • Added some extra detail on how to encode CouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings.
  • June 8, 2021 - Revision #19 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Rename GetAllLinks to GetLinks.
    • Rename GetAllLinksOptions to GetLinksOptions.
    • Add Name and DataverseName to AnalyticsLink interface.
    • Remove linkName option from CreateDataset.
  • January 10, 2022 - Revision #20 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Add support for collections to query index management.
      • Add CollectionName and ScopeName to all query index management functions.
      • Add CollectionName and ScopeName to QueryIndex
  • January 19, 2022 - Revision #21 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Reworked query for GetAllIndexes when only a bucket name is supplied.
    • Reworked BuildDeferredIndexes to use only a single query rather than first performing a GetAllIndexes internally.
  • December 7, 2021 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Add CUSTOM ConflictResolutionType at stability level volatile.
  • February 3, 2023 - Revision #22 (by Graham Pople)

    • Add CollectionQueryIndexManager.
  • February 10, 2023 - Revision #23 (by Graham Pople)

    • Specify that trying to use scopeName or collectionName with CollectionQueryIndexManager should result in an InvalidArgumentException
  • March 6th, 2023 - Revision #24 (by Graham Pople)

    • Adding ScopeSearchIndexManager.
  • August 9th, 2023 - Revision #25 (by Charles Dixon)

  • February 14th, 2024 - Revision #25 (by Graham Pople)

    • Specified that scoped index and vector search operations should raise FeatureNotAvailableException against clusters that do not support them.
  • May 22nd, 2024 - Revision #26 (by Charles Dixon)

    • Specified that base64 vector search operations should raise FeatureNotAvailableException against clusters that do not support them.


Language Team Member Signoff Date Revision
Node.js Jared Casey 2023-08-31 #25
Go Charles Dixon 2024-05-22 #26
Connectors David Nault 2023-08-21 #25
PHP Sergey Avseyev 2023-09-05 #25
Python Jared Casey 2023-08-31 #25
Scala Graham Pople 2023-08-21 #25
.NET Jeffry Morris 2023-09-19 #25
Java David Nault 2023-08-21 #25
C Sergey Avseyev 2023-09-05 #25
Ruby Sergey Avseyev 2023-09-05 #25