Please note: This repository is not maintained
We've encountered some issues with our e2e tests. We tried checking if clicks on specific links behave as they should (which also meant, send a POST XHR request to a tracking server).
Since we couldn't find any package for that, we wrote one.
So - this package waits for XHR to complete and enables a callback with its values for assertion.
Have fun!
npm install nightwatch-xhr
yarn add nightwatch-xhr
In order for your project to be able to access these commands and assertions you need to include them in your projects nightwatch config.
"custom_commands_path": ["./node_modules/nightwatch-xhr/src/commands"],
"custom_assertions_path": ["./node_modules/nightwatch-xhr/src/assertions"],
or, for legacy (ES5) Javascript, use
"custom_commands_path": ["./node_modules/nightwatch-xhr/es5/commands"],
"custom_assertions_path": ["./node_modules/nightwatch-xhr/es5/assertions"],
Calls the trigger
, waits for a delay
to complete, and then calls callback
with an array of all xhr requests corresponding to the given urlPattern
Calls the trigger
, and then calls callback
with the first xhr request corresponding to the given urlPattern
, failing if timeout
is exceeded.
Only set up listening. If it has already been called, it resets the requests list.
Calls the callback
with all requests corresponding to the given urlPattern
. If given delay
waits that time before failing.
The function expects these parameters:
- urlPattern - a regex match for url pattern, will only listen to urls matching this, use '' for all urls.
- timeout - well, timeout
- trigger - activate a trigger in the browser after initiating the listener
- callback - use this to assert the request after it completes
module.exports = {
'Catch all XHRs': function (browser) {
.waitForFirstXHR('', 1000, null, function assertValues(xhr) {
browser.assert.equal(xhr.status, "success");
browser.assert.equal(xhr.method, "POST");
browser.assert.equal(xhr.requestData, "200");
browser.assert.equal(xhr.httpResponseCode, "200");
browser.assert.equal(xhr.responseData, "");
module.exports = {
'Catch all XHRs, trigger click': function (browser) {
.waitForXHR('', 1000, function browserTrigger() {'.tracking-link-1');
}, function assertValues(xhrs) {
browser.assert.equal(xhrs[0].status, "success");
browser.assert.equal(xhrs[0].method, "POST");
browser.assert.equal(xhrs[0].requestData, "200");
browser.assert.equal(xhrs[0].httpResponseCode, "200");
browser.assert.equal(xhrs[0].responseData, "");
module.exports = {
'Catch user update request': function(browser) {
function browserTrigger() {'.update');
function assertValues(xhr) {
browser.assert.equal(xhr.status, "success");
browser.assert.equal(xhr.method, "POST");
browser.assert.equal(xhr.requestData, "200");
browser.assert.equal(xhr.httpResponseCode, "200");
browser.assert.equal(xhr.responseData, "");
The callback function returns an object containing the following properties :
- status (success/error/timeout)
- method (GET/POST)
- url (url of request)
- requestData (raw POSTed data)
- httpResponseCode (HTTP status response code in string, eg: "200", )
- responseData (raw response data)
When the anticipated XHR request has not occurred, it fails an assertion. Callback is not called.
module.exports = {
'Listens and the Gets': function(browser) {
.getXHR('some/pattern', xhrs => {
browser.asset.equal(xhrs.find(x => x.method==='POST').status, 200);
module.exports = {
'Listens and the Gets': function(browser) {
.getXHR('some/pattern', 1000, xhrs => {
browser.asset.equal(xhrs.find(x => x.method==='POST').status, 200);
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Or Zilca 💻 📖 💡 👀 |
Jalil Arfaoui 💻 📖 💡 👀 |
Louis Bompart 🐛 🔧 |
Maxime Boudier 🔧 |
Leonardo Kewitz 💻 |
Sergey Titievsky 💻 |
Veetil 🐛 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!