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Julie Fabre edited this page Aug 2, 2023 · 14 revisions

Neuropixels 1.0 and 2.0 probes equipment [which version do I have? ]

1.0 probes (on sale now) require different cables and headstages than Phase3A, and are used with a new PXIe-based system. See and for more information. A limited number of FPGA-based recording systems for P3B were developed for testing but these are not generally available.

2.0 probes additionally require different headstages (that can get input from up to 2 probes) than 1.0, but use the same cables.

To record data from a Neuropixels 1.0 and 2.0 probes, you will need:

  • Headstage (IMEC-supplied, different for 1.0 and 2.0 probes)
  • Cable (IMEC-supplied)
  • PXIe chassis (eg PXIe-1071)
  • IMEC card (IMEC-supplied - maximum 2 per chassis, allowing the simultaneous recording to 8 1.0 probes or 16 2.0 probes)
  • PXIe module (eg PXIe-8381)
  • PCIe card (eg PCIe-8381)
  • Acquisition computer with:
    • Minimum 6 cores (Passmark rating > 13000)
    • Minimum 3.5 GHz
    • Minimum 16GB memory
    • Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 1060 or better
    • Dedicated data drive (SSD or NVMe, 500+ MB/s)
    • PCIe 8X slot for the PXIe controller
  • Optionally, to align signals between probes and with other computers, you can add a separate device, such as an Arduino, to generate a sync signal that is inputed to the IMEC card(s) in the chassis and to any NIDAQ or similar device (see the section below).

here is a schematic of an example rig:

1.0 and 2.0 probes - aligning

You have two options:

  • configure the IMEC card(s) to output a sync signal. These sync pulses can only be generated at regular intervals (1 or 10Hz), which can sometimes make aligning tricky.

  • use a separate device to generate a sync signal, that is then sent as input to the IMEC card(s) in the chassis. The bext parctice is to generate these at pseudo-random intervals, making it easy to align data.

Here is some code to implement this with an arduino:

const int poissonPin = 7;
const int minPoissonDur = 10; //ms
const int maxPoissonDur = 200; //ms

int currentPoissonState = 0;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  pinMode(poissonPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(poissonPin, LOW);
  currentPoissonState = LOW;

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  //code for flipper
  int poissonStateDur = random(minPoissonDur, maxPoissonDur);
  if (currentPoissonState==LOW){
  else {
  digitalWrite(poissonPin, currentPoissonState);

More details and resources on aligning can be found here.

Phase3A probes [which version do I have? ]

To record data from a Neuropixels Phase3A probe, you will need:

  • Headstage (IMEC-supplied)
  • Cable (IMEC-supplied)
  • Basestation (IMEC-supplied)
  • FPGA: Xilinx Kintex-7 KC705. E.g. from Digikey
  • Acquisition computer
    • Required: gigabit ethernet port
    • Recommended: good GPU, SSD hard drive (not the same drive the OS is on)

An example rig (old FPGA-based system):

This is an example of a complete and working setup for an anesthetized recording.