All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Added: Support for Block-Based Checkout.
- Deprecated: Currency element.
- PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic properties.
- Fixed: token validation on a callback.
- Fixed: Undefined array key "woocommerce_coingate_test".
- Updates readme
- Added: Ability to send customer email to CoinGate's checkout form.
- Fixed: Send app info from the API auth token validation action.
- Added: WordPress coding standards.
- Added: Github workflow.
- Changed: Updated composer libraries.
- Fixed: Not showing payment settings page [Issue #11]
- Plugin now requires Wordpress 5.3 version or greater.
- Plugin now requires PHP 7.3.0 or greater.
- Updated CoinGate PHP library up to 4.1.0.
- Changed: Plugin refactored from the ground.
- Added: API auth token validation.
- Added: New status - "Do nothing" in the payment gateway settings page.
- Added: New CoinGate payment status - "Confirming".