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ROmodel is a Python package which extends the modeling capabilities of Pyomo to robust optimization problems. It also implements a number of algorithms for solving these problems.


To install ROmodel use:

pip install git+

Getting started

This introduction assumes basic familiarity with modeling optimization problems in Pyomo. ROmodel introduces three main components for modeling robust optimization problems:

  1. UncSet for modeling uncertainty sets
  2. UncParam for modeling uncertain parameters
  3. AdjustableVar for modeling adjustable variables in adjustable robust optimization problems

To start using ROmodel, import Pyomo and ROmodel:

import pyomo.environ as pe
import romodel as ro

Create a Pyomo model (ROmodel is currently only tested with Pyomo's ConcreteModel) and some variables:

m = pe.ConcreteModel()
# Create an indexed variable
m.x = pe.Var([0, 1])

Next, create an uncertainty set. Uncertainty sets can be created in one of two ways:

  1. Using generic Pyomo constraints.
  2. Choosing from a library of commonly used geometries.

Generic uncertainty sets

To create a generic uncertainty set use the UncSet class. This class inherits from Pyomo's Block class and can be used similarly. To define the uncertainty set simply add constraints to the UncSet object:

# Create a generic uncertainty set
m.uncset = ro.UncSet()
# Create an indexed uncertain parameter
m.w = ro.UncParam([0, 1], uncset=m.uncset, nominal=[0.5, 0.8])
# Add constraints to the uncertainty set
m.uncset.cons1 = pe.Constraint(m.w[0] + m.w[1] <= 1.5)
m.uncset.cons2 = pe.Constraint(m.w[0] - m.w[1] <= 1.5)

Library uncertainty sets

ROmodel currently implements library versions of polyhedral uncertainty sets (P*w <= d), ellipsoidal sets ((w - mu)^T Cov^-1 (w - mu) <= r^2), and (warped) Gaussian process-based uncertainty sets (see our paper for more details).

Polyhedral sets can be constructed using their matrix representation with the PolyhedralSet class:

from romodel.uncset import PolyhedralSet
# Define polyhedral set
m.uncset = PolyhedralSet(mat=[[ 1,  1],
                              [ 1, -1],
                              [-1,  1],
                              [-1, -1]],
                         rhs=[1, 1, 1, 1])

Similarly, ellipsoidal sets can be constructed from a covariance matrix and a mean vector using the EllipsoidalSet class:

from romodel.uncset import EllipsoidalSet
# Define ellipsoidal set
m.uncset = EllipsoidalSet(cov=[[1, 0, 0],
                               [0, 1, 0],
                               [0, 0, 1]],
                          mean=[0.5, 0.3, 0.1])

Creating uncertain parameters and constraints

Uncertain parameters can be created using the UncParam class. They are similar to Pyomo's Param modeling object and take a nominal argument, which specifies the nominal values, and an uncset object, which specifies which uncertainty set to use. Uncertain constraints (or objectives) are created implicitly by using uncertain parameters in constraint expressions. As an example, consider the following deterministic constraint:

# deterministic
m.x = pe.Var(range(3))
c = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
m.cons = pe.Constraint(expr=sum(c[i]*m.x[i] for i in m.x) <= 0)

If the coefficients c are uncertain, we can model the robust constraint as:

# robust
m.x = pe.Var(range(3))
m.c = ro.UncParam(range(3), nominal=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], uncset=m.uncset)
m.cons = pe.Constraint(expr=sum(m.c[i]*m.x[i] for i in m.x) <= 0)

Adjustable robust optimization

ROmodel also has capabilities for modeling adjustable variables for adjustable robust optimization. Defining an adjustable variable is analogous to defining a regular variable in Pyomo, with an additional uncparam argument specifying a list of uncertain parameters which the adjustable variable depends on:

# Define uncertain parameters
m.w = ro.UncParam(range(3), nominal=[1, 2, 3])
# Define adjustable variable which depends on uncertain parameter
m.y = ro.AdjustableVar(range(3), uncparams=[m.w], bounds=(0, 1))

The uncertain parameters can also be set individually for each element of the adjustable variables index using the set_uncparams function:

# Set uncertain parameters for individual indicies
m.y[1].set_uncparams([m.w[0], m.w[1]])

The only method currently implemented for solving adjustable robust optimization problems in ROmodel is linear decision rules. If a model contains adjustable variables in a constraint or objective, ROmodel automatically replaces it by a linear decision rule based on the specified uncertain parameters.


Robust optimization problems modeled in ROmodel can be solved using one of three solvers:

  1. Reformulation solver: this solver applies duality based reformulations to the robust problem to generate it's deterministic counterpart. ROmodel currently includes reformulations for ellipsoidal, polyhedral, and Gaussian process-based uncertainty sets.
  2. Cutting plane solver: this solver starts by solving the nominal problem and then iteratively adds uncertainty scenarios which violate the robust constraints until all constraints are robustly feasible. The cutting plane solver can be applied to any uncertainty set geometry which can be solved with one of the solvers available through Pyomo.
  3. Nominal solver: this solver simply replaces each uncertain parameter by its nominal value and solves the nominal problem. This solver is included for convenience.

ROmodel solvers can be instantiated using Pyomo's SolverFactory:

# Solve robust problem using reformulation
solver = pe.SolverFactory('romodel.reformulation')
# Solve robust problem using cutting planes
solver = pe.SolverFactory('romodel.cuts')
# Solve nominal problem
solver = pe.SolverFactory('romodel.nominal')

Example problems

ROmodel includes a number of example problems:

  1. Knapsack problem
  2. Portfolio optimization problem
  3. Pooling problem (Nonlinear robust optimization)
  4. Facility location problem (Adjustable robust optimization)
  5. Production planning problem (Warped GP based uncertainty sets)

Further freely available examples of problems implemented in ROmodel include:

  1. State-Task-Network with degradation
  2. Drill scheduling problem

References & Funding

This work was funded by an EPSRC/Schlumberger CASE studentship to J.W. (EP/R511961/1).