01 - Create a webpage with a background color of your choice
02 - Add a border around an element on the page
03 - Change the font of a paragraph to a different font
04 - Center an element horizontally on the page
05 - Add padding to an element.
06 - Change the font size of a paragraph.
07 - Change the color of text on the page.
08 - Add a hover effect to a button.
09 - Add a shadow to an element.
10 - Create a navigation bar with links to other pages.
11 - Add a background image to the page.
12 - Add a gradient background to an element
13 - Create a responsive webpage that adjusts to different screen sizes.
14 - Add a transition effect to an element.
17 - Add a tooltip to an element.
18 - Create a progress bar.
19 - Create a table with rows and columns.
20 - Create a form with input fields and a submit button.
21 - Create a responsive grid layout.
22 - Add a transform effect to an element.
23 - Create a flexbox layout.
24 - Add a filter effect to an image.
25 - Add a parallax effect to the page.
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