02 - Add an Image to your HTML Page
03 - Create a hyperlink to another website
04 - Add a list of items to your HTML page
05 - Add a table to your HTML page
07 - Add a video to your HTML Page
08 - Add an ordered list to your HTML Page
09 - Add an unordered list to your HTML page
10 - Add a definition list to your HTML Page
11 - Add an iframe to your HTML Page
12 - Use HTML5 Sematic tags for page structure
13 - Add a quote to your HTML Page
14 - Add a horizontal rule to your HTML Page
15 - Add a line break to your HTML Page
16 - Add a non-breaking space to your HTML Page
17 - Create a basic HTML form with radio buttons
18 - Create a basic HTML form with checkboxes
20 - Create a basic HTML form with a text area
21 - Use label tags to associate form elements ot their labels
22 - Add a fieldset and legend to your HTML form
23 - Add a required attribute to your form field
24 - Use placeholder attribute in your form
25 - Use autofocus attribute to set focus on form fields
26 - Use target attribute to open link in new tab
27 - Add an alt attribute to an image for accessibilty purposes
28 - Use the title attribute to provide additional information about an element
29 - Use links to connect to different sections of a HTML page
Folders and files Name Name Last commit message
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parent directory Apr 8, 2023
Apr 8, 2023
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