method copies all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object and returns the modified target object.Spread syntax (
) allows an object expression to be expanded in places where zero or more key-value pairs are expected.(c) MDN
🐊Putout plugin adds ability to convert Object.assign()
to merge spread since it shorter but does (mostly) the same.
npm i @putout/plugin-convert-object-assign-to-merge-spread -D
"rules": {
"convert-object-assign-to-merge-spread": "on"
function merge(a) {
return Object.assign({}, a, {
hello: 'world',
function merge(a) {
return {
hello: 'world',
Linter | Rule | Fix |
🐊 Putout | convert-object-assign-to-merge-spread |
✅ |
⏣ ESLint | prefer-object-spread |
✅ |