diff --git a/.github/settings.yml b/.github/settings.yml
index 4043f57..bcd6380 100644
--- a/.github/settings.yml
+++ b/.github/settings.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
# Upstream changes from _extends are only recognized when modifications are made to this file in the default branch.
_extends: .github
- name: template
- description: Template for Terraform Components
+ name: aws-argocd-github-repo
+ description: This component is responsible for creating and managing an ArgoCD desired state repository
homepage: https://cloudposse.com/accelerate
topics: terraform, terraform-component
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dad0c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+## Components PR [#851](https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-components/pull/851)
+This is a bug fix and feature enhancement update. There are few actions necessary to upgrade.
+## Upgrade actions
+1. Enable `github_default_notifications_enabled` (set `true`)
+ terraform:
+ argocd-repo-defaults:
+ metadata:
+ type: abstract
+ vars:
+ enabled: true
+ github_default_notifications_enabled: true
+2. Apply changes with Atmos
+## Features
+- Support predefined GitHub commit status notifications for CD sync mode:
+ - `on-deploy-started`
+ - `app-repo-github-commit-status`
+ - `argocd-repo-github-commit-status`
+ - `on-deploy-succeded`
+ - `app-repo-github-commit-status`
+ - `argocd-repo-github-commit-status`
+ - `on-deploy-failed`
+ - `app-repo-github-commit-status`
+ - `argocd-repo-github-commit-status`
+### Bug Fixes
+- Remove legacy unnecessary helm values used in old ArgoCD versions (ex. `workflow auth` configs) and dropped
+ notifications services
diff --git a/README.yaml b/README.yaml
index 73d70c3..be4c3a1 100644
--- a/README.yaml
+++ b/README.yaml
@@ -1,70 +1,219 @@
-name: "template"
+name: "aws-argocd-github-repo"
# Canonical GitHub repo
-github_repo: "cloudposse-terraform-components/template"
+github_repo: "cloudposse-terraform-components/aws-argocd-github-repo"
# Short description of this project
description: |-
- Description of this component
+ This component is responsible for creating and managing an ArgoCD desired state repository.
+ ## Usage
-usage: |-
- **Stack Level**: Regional or Test47
+ **Stack Level**: Regional
+ The following are example snippets of how to use this component:
- Here's an example snippet for how to use this component.
+ # stacks/argocd/repo/default.yaml
- foo:
+ argocd-repo:
enabled: true
+ github_user: ci-acme
+ github_user_email: ci@acme.com
+ github_organization: ACME
+ github_codeowner_teams:
+ - "@ACME/cloud-admins"
+ - "@ACME/cloud-posse"
+ # the team must be present in the org where the repository lives
+ # team_slug is the name of the team without the org
+ # e.g. `@cloudposse/engineering` is just `engineering`
+ permissions:
+ - team_slug: admins
+ permission: admin
+ - team_slug: bots
+ permission: admin
+ - team_slug: engineering
+ permission: push
- - "docs/terraform.md"
+ ```yaml
+ # stacks/argocd/repo/non-prod.yaml
+ import:
+ - catalog/argocd/repo/defaults
- - terraform
- - terraform-modules
- - aws
- - components
- - terraform-components
- - root
- - geodesic
- - reference-implementation
- - reference-architecture
+ components:
+ terraform:
+ argocd-deploy-non-prod:
+ component: argocd-repo
+ settings:
+ spacelift:
+ workspace_enabled: true
+ vars:
+ name: argocd-deploy-non-prod
+ description: "ArgoCD desired state repository (Non-production) for ACME applications"
+ environments:
+ - tenant: mgmt
+ environment: uw2
+ stage: sandbox
+ ```
+ ```yaml
+ # stacks/mgmt-gbl-corp.yaml
+ import:
+ ---
+ - catalog/argocd/repo/non-prod
+ ```
+ If the repository already exists, it will need to be imported (replace names of IAM profile var file accordingly):
+ ```bash
+ $ export TF_VAR_github_token_override=[REDACTED]
+ $ atmos terraform varfile argocd-deploy-non-prod -s mgmt-gbl-corp
+ $ cd components/terraform/argocd-repo
+ $ terraform import -var "import_profile_name=eg-mgmt-gbl-corp-admin" -var-file="mgmt-gbl-corp-argocd-deploy-non-prod.terraform.tfvars.json" "github_repository.default[0]" argocd-deploy-non-prod
+ $ atmos terraform varfile argocd-deploy-non-prod -s mgmt-gbl-corp
+ $ cd components/terraform/argocd-repo
+ $ terraform import -var "import_profile_name=eg-mgmt-gbl-corp-admin" -var-file="mgmt-gbl-corp-argocd-deploy-non-prod.terraform.tfvars.json" "github_branch.default[0]" argocd-deploy-non-prod:main
+ $ cd components/terraform/argocd-repo
+ $ terraform import -var "import_profile_name=eg-mgmt-gbl-corp-admin" -var-file="mgmt-gbl-corp-argocd-deploy-non-prod.terraform.tfvars.json" "github_branch_default.default[0]" argocd-deploy-non-prod
+ ```
+ ## Requirements
+ | Name | Version |
+ |------|---------|
+ | [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= 1.0.0 |
+ | [aws](#requirement\_aws) | >= 4.0 |
+ | [github](#requirement\_github) | >= 6.0 |
+ | [random](#requirement\_random) | >= 2.3 |
+ | [tls](#requirement\_tls) | >= 3.0 |
+ ## Providers
+ | Name | Version |
+ |------|---------|
+ | [aws](#provider\_aws) | >= 4.0 |
+ | [github](#provider\_github) | >= 6.0 |
+ | [tls](#provider\_tls) | >= 3.0 |
+ ## Modules
+ | Name | Source | Version |
+ |------|--------|---------|
+ | [iam\_roles](#module\_iam\_roles) | ../account-map/modules/iam-roles | n/a |
+ | [store\_write](#module\_store\_write) | cloudposse/ssm-parameter-store/aws | 0.11.0 |
+ | [this](#module\_this) | cloudposse/label/null | 0.25.0 |
+ ## Resources
+ | Name | Type |
+ |------|------|
+ | [github_branch_default.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/resources/branch_default) | resource |
+ | [github_branch_protection.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/resources/branch_protection) | resource |
+ | [github_repository.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/resources/repository) | resource |
+ | [github_repository_deploy_key.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/resources/repository_deploy_key) | resource |
+ | [github_repository_file.application_set](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/resources/repository_file) | resource |
+ | [github_repository_file.codeowners_file](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/resources/repository_file) | resource |
+ | [github_repository_file.gitignore](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/resources/repository_file) | resource |
+ | [github_repository_file.pull_request_template](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/resources/repository_file) | resource |
+ | [github_repository_file.readme](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/resources/repository_file) | resource |
+ | [github_team_repository.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/resources/team_repository) | resource |
+ | [tls_private_key.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/tls/latest/docs/resources/private_key) | resource |
+ | [aws_ssm_parameter.github_api_key](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/ssm_parameter) | data source |
+ | [github_repository.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/data-sources/repository) | data source |
+ | [github_team.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/data-sources/team) | data source |
+ | [github_user.automation_user](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs/data-sources/user) | data source |
+ ## Inputs
+ | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
+ |------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:|
+ | [additional\_tag\_map](#input\_additional\_tag\_map) | Additional key-value pairs to add to each map in `tags_as_list_of_maps`. Not added to `tags` or `id`.
This is for some rare cases where resources want additional configuration of tags
and therefore take a list of maps with tag key, value, and additional configuration. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+ | [attributes](#input\_attributes) | ID element. Additional attributes (e.g. `workers` or `cluster`) to add to `id`,
in the order they appear in the list. New attributes are appended to the
end of the list. The elements of the list are joined by the `delimiter`
and treated as a single ID element. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
+ | [context](#input\_context) | Single object for setting entire context at once.
See description of individual variables for details.
Leave string and numeric variables as `null` to use default value.
Individual variable settings (non-null) override settings in context object,
except for attributes, tags, and additional\_tag\_map, which are merged. | `any` |
"additional_tag_map": {},
"attributes": [],
"delimiter": null,
"descriptor_formats": {},
"enabled": true,
"environment": null,
"id_length_limit": null,
"label_key_case": null,
"label_order": [],
"label_value_case": null,
"labels_as_tags": [
"name": null,
"namespace": null,
"regex_replace_chars": null,
"stage": null,
"tags": {},
"tenant": null
| no |
+ | [create\_repo](#input\_create\_repo) | Whether or not to create the repository or use an existing one | `bool` | `true` | no |
+ | [delimiter](#input\_delimiter) | Delimiter to be used between ID elements.
Defaults to `-` (hyphen). Set to `""` to use no delimiter at all. | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [description](#input\_description) | The description of the repository | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [descriptor\_formats](#input\_descriptor\_formats) | Describe additional descriptors to be output in the `descriptors` output map.
Map of maps. Keys are names of descriptors. Values are maps of the form
format = string
labels = list(string)
(Type is `any` so the map values can later be enhanced to provide additional options.)
`format` is a Terraform format string to be passed to the `format()` function.
`labels` is a list of labels, in order, to pass to `format()` function.
Label values will be normalized before being passed to `format()` so they will be
identical to how they appear in `id`.
Default is `{}` (`descriptors` output will be empty). | `any` | `{}` | no |
+ | [enabled](#input\_enabled) | Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources | `bool` | `null` | no |
+ | [environment](#input\_environment) | ID element. Usually used for region e.g. 'uw2', 'us-west-2', OR role 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', 'UAT' | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [environments](#input\_environments) | Environments to populate `applicationset.yaml` files and repository deploy keys (for ArgoCD) for.
`auto-sync` determines whether or not the ArgoCD application will be automatically synced.
`ignore-differences` determines whether or not the ArgoCD application will ignore the number of
replicas in the deployment. Read more on ignore differences here:
Example:tenant: plat
environment: use1
stage: sandbox
auto-sync: true
- group: apps
kind: Deployment
- /spec/replicas
| list(object({
tenant = optional(string, null)
environment = string
stage = string
attributes = optional(list(string), [])
auto-sync = bool
ignore-differences = optional(list(object({
group = string,
kind = string,
json-pointers = list(string)
})), [])
| `[]` | no |
+ | [github\_base\_url](#input\_github\_base\_url) | This is the target GitHub base API endpoint. Providing a value is a requirement when working with GitHub Enterprise. It is optional to provide this value and it can also be sourced from the `GITHUB_BASE_URL` environment variable. The value must end with a slash, for example: `https://terraformtesting-ghe.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/` | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [github\_codeowner\_teams](#input\_github\_codeowner\_teams) | List of teams to use when populating the CODEOWNERS file.
For example: `["@ACME/cloud-admins", "@ACME/cloud-developers"]`. | `list(string)` | n/a | yes |
+ | [github\_default\_notifications\_enabled](#input\_github\_default\_notifications\_enabled) | Enable default GitHub commit statuses notifications (required for CD sync mode) | `string` | `true` | no |
+ | [github\_notifications](#input\_github\_notifications) | ArgoCD notification annotations for subscribing to GitHub.
The default value given uses the same notification template names as defined in the `eks/argocd` component. If want to add additional notifications, include any existing notifications from this list that you want to keep in addition. | `list(string)` | [
"notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-started.app-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
"notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-started.argocd-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
"notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-succeded.app-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
"notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-succeded.argocd-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
"notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-failed.app-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
"notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-failed.argocd-repo-github-commit-status: \"\""
| no |
+ | [github\_organization](#input\_github\_organization) | GitHub Organization | `string` | n/a | yes |
+ | [github\_token\_override](#input\_github\_token\_override) | Use the value of this variable as the GitHub token instead of reading it from SSM | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [github\_user](#input\_github\_user) | Github user | `string` | n/a | yes |
+ | [github\_user\_email](#input\_github\_user\_email) | Github user email | `string` | n/a | yes |
+ | [gitignore\_entries](#input\_gitignore\_entries) | List of .gitignore entries to use when populating the .gitignore file.
For example: `[".idea/", ".vscode/"]`. | `list(string)` | n/a | yes |
+ | [id\_length\_limit](#input\_id\_length\_limit) | Limit `id` to this many characters (minimum 6).
Set to `0` for unlimited length.
Set to `null` for keep the existing setting, which defaults to `0`.
Does not affect `id_full`. | `number` | `null` | no |
+ | [label\_key\_case](#input\_label\_key\_case) | Controls the letter case of the `tags` keys (label names) for tags generated by this module.
Does not affect keys of tags passed in via the `tags` input.
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper`.
Default value: `title`. | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [label\_order](#input\_label\_order) | The order in which the labels (ID elements) appear in the `id`.
Defaults to ["namespace", "environment", "stage", "name", "attributes"].
You can omit any of the 6 labels ("tenant" is the 6th), but at least one must be present. | `list(string)` | `null` | no |
+ | [label\_value\_case](#input\_label\_value\_case) | Controls the letter case of ID elements (labels) as included in `id`,
set as tag values, and output by this module individually.
Does not affect values of tags passed in via the `tags` input.
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper` and `none` (no transformation).
Set this to `title` and set `delimiter` to `""` to yield Pascal Case IDs.
Default value: `lower`. | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [labels\_as\_tags](#input\_labels\_as\_tags) | Set of labels (ID elements) to include as tags in the `tags` output.
Default is to include all labels.
Tags with empty values will not be included in the `tags` output.
Set to `[]` to suppress all generated tags.
The value of the `name` tag, if included, will be the `id`, not the `name`.
Unlike other `null-label` inputs, the initial setting of `labels_as_tags` cannot be
changed in later chained modules. Attempts to change it will be silently ignored. | `set(string)` | [
| no |
+ | [manifest\_kubernetes\_namespace](#input\_manifest\_kubernetes\_namespace) | The namespace used for the ArgoCD application | `string` | `"argocd"` | no |
+ | [name](#input\_name) | ID element. Usually the component or solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins'.
This is the only ID element not also included as a `tag`.
The "name" tag is set to the full `id` string. There is no tag with the value of the `name` input. | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [namespace](#input\_namespace) | ID element. Usually an abbreviation of your organization name, e.g. 'eg' or 'cp', to help ensure generated IDs are globally unique | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [permissions](#input\_permissions) | A list of Repository Permission objects used to configure the team permissions of the repository
`team_slug` should be the name of the team without the `@{org}` e.g. `@cloudposse/team` => `team`
`permission` is just one of the available values listed below | list(object({
team_slug = string,
permission = string
| `[]` | no |
+ | [push\_restrictions\_enabled](#input\_push\_restrictions\_enabled) | Enforce who can push to the main branch | `bool` | `true` | no |
+ | [regex\_replace\_chars](#input\_regex\_replace\_chars) | Terraform regular expression (regex) string.
Characters matching the regex will be removed from the ID elements.
If not set, `"/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/"` is used to remove all characters other than hyphens, letters and digits. | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [region](#input\_region) | AWS Region | `string` | n/a | yes |
+ | [required\_pull\_request\_reviews](#input\_required\_pull\_request\_reviews) | Enforce restrictions for pull request reviews | `bool` | `true` | no |
+ | [slack\_notifications\_channel](#input\_slack\_notifications\_channel) | If given, the Slack channel to for deployment notifications. | `string` | `""` | no |
+ | [ssm\_github\_api\_key](#input\_ssm\_github\_api\_key) | SSM path to the GitHub API key | `string` | `"/argocd/github/api_key"` | no |
+ | [ssm\_github\_deploy\_key\_format](#input\_ssm\_github\_deploy\_key\_format) | Format string of the SSM parameter path to which the deploy keys will be written to (%s will be replaced with the environment name) | `string` | `"/argocd/deploy_keys/%s"` | no |
+ | [stage](#input\_stage) | ID element. Usually used to indicate role, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'source', 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'release' | `string` | `null` | no |
+ | [tags](#input\_tags) | Additional tags (e.g. `{'BusinessUnit': 'XYZ'}`).
Neither the tag keys nor the tag values will be modified by this module. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+ | [tenant](#input\_tenant) | ID element \_(Rarely used, not included by default)\_. A customer identifier, indicating who this instance of a resource is for | `string` | `null` | no |
+ ## Outputs
+ | Name | Description |
+ |------|-------------|
+ | [deploy\_keys\_ssm\_path\_format](#output\_deploy\_keys\_ssm\_path\_format) | SSM Parameter Store path format for the repository's deploy keys |
+ | [deploy\_keys\_ssm\_paths](#output\_deploy\_keys\_ssm\_paths) | SSM Parameter Store paths for the repository's deploy keys |
+ | [repository](#output\_repository) | Repository name |
+ | [repository\_default\_branch](#output\_repository\_default\_branch) | Repository default branch |
+ | [repository\_description](#output\_repository\_description) | Repository description |
+ | [repository\_git\_clone\_url](#output\_repository\_git\_clone\_url) | Repository git clone URL |
+ | [repository\_ssh\_clone\_url](#output\_repository\_ssh\_clone\_url) | Repository SSH clone URL |
+ | [repository\_url](#output\_repository\_url) | Repository URL |
+ ## References
+ - [cloudposse/terraform-aws-components](https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-components/tree/main/modules/argocd-repo) -
+ Cloud Posse's upstream component
+ - component/argocd-repo
+ - layer/software-delivery
+ - provider/aws
+ - provider/github
# Categories of this project
- - terraform-modules/root
- - terraform-components
+ - component/argocd-repo
+ - layer/software-delivery
+ - provider/aws
+ - provider/github
# License of this project
license: "APACHE2"
# Badges to display
- - name: "Latest Release"
- image: "https://img.shields.io/github/release/cloudposse-terraform-components/template.svg?style=for-the-badge"
- url: "https://github.com/cloudposse-terraform-components/template/releases/latest"
- - name: "Slack Community"
- image: "https://slack.cloudposse.com/for-the-badge.svg"
- url: "https://slack.cloudposse.com"
- - name: "Cloud Posse Documentation"
- description: "Complete documentation for the Cloud Posse solution"
- url: "https://docs.cloudposse.com"
- - name: "Reference Architectures"
- description: "Launch effortlessly with our turnkey reference architectures, built either by your team or ours."
- url: "https://cloudposse.com/"
+ - name: Latest Release
+ image: https://img.shields.io/github/release/cloudposse-terraform-components/aws-argocd-github-repo.svg?style=for-the-badge
+ url: https://github.com/cloudposse-terraform-components/aws-argocd-github-repo/releases/latest
+ - name: Slack Community
+ image: https://slack.cloudposse.com/for-the-badge.svg
+ url: https://slack.cloudposse.com
-- name: "Cloud Posse Terraform Modules"
- description: Our collection of reusable Terraform modules used by our reference architectures.
- url: "https://docs.cloudposse.com/modules/"
-- name: "Atmos"
- description: "Atmos is like docker-compose but for your infrastructure"
- url: "https://atmos.tools"
+ - name: "Cloud Posse Terraform Modules"
+ description: Our collection of reusable Terraform modules used by our reference architectures.
+ url: "https://docs.cloudposse.com/modules/"
+ - name: "Atmos"
+ description: "Atmos is like docker-compose but for your infrastructure"
+ url: "https://atmos.tools"
contributors: [] # If included generates contribs
diff --git a/src/applicationset.tf b/src/applicationset.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21abbf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/applicationset.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+locals {
+ github_default_notifications_enabled = local.enabled && var.github_default_notifications_enabled
+ github_notifications = local.github_default_notifications_enabled ? var.github_notifications : []
+resource "github_repository_file" "application_set" {
+ for_each = local.environments
+ repository = local.github_repository.name
+ branch = local.github_repository.default_branch
+ file = "${each.value.tenant != null ? format("%s/", each.value.tenant) : ""}${each.value.environment}-${each.value.stage}${length(each.value.attributes) > 0 ? format("-%s", join("-", each.value.attributes)) : ""}/${local.manifest_kubernetes_namespace}/applicationset.yaml"
+ content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/applicationset.yaml.tpl", {
+ environment = each.key
+ auto-sync = each.value.auto-sync
+ ignore-differences = each.value.ignore-differences
+ name = module.this.namespace
+ namespace = local.manifest_kubernetes_namespace
+ ssh_url = local.github_repository.ssh_clone_url
+ notifications = local.github_notifications
+ slack_notifications_channel = var.slack_notifications_channel
+ })
+ commit_message = "Initialize environment: `${each.key}`."
+ commit_author = var.github_user
+ commit_email = var.github_user_email
+ overwrite_on_create = true
diff --git a/src/git-files.tf b/src/git-files.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb4dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/git-files.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+resource "github_repository_file" "gitignore" {
+ count = local.enabled ? 1 : 0
+ repository = local.github_repository.name
+ branch = local.github_repository.default_branch
+ file = ".gitignore"
+ content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/.gitignore.tpl", {
+ entries = var.gitignore_entries
+ })
+ commit_message = "Create .gitignore file."
+ commit_author = var.github_user
+ commit_email = var.github_user_email
+ overwrite_on_create = true
+resource "github_repository_file" "readme" {
+ count = local.enabled ? 1 : 0
+ repository = local.github_repository.name
+ branch = local.github_repository.default_branch
+ file = "README.md"
+ content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/README.md.tpl", {
+ repository_name = local.github_repository.name
+ repository_description = local.github_repository.description
+ github_organization = var.github_organization
+ })
+ commit_message = "Create README.md file."
+ commit_author = var.github_user
+ commit_email = var.github_user_email
+ overwrite_on_create = true
+resource "github_repository_file" "codeowners_file" {
+ count = local.enabled ? 1 : 0
+ repository = local.github_repository.name
+ branch = local.github_repository.default_branch
+ file = ".github/CODEOWNERS"
+ content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/CODEOWNERS.tpl", {
+ codeowners = var.github_codeowner_teams
+ })
+ commit_message = "Create CODEOWNERS file."
+ commit_author = var.github_user
+ commit_email = var.github_user_email
+ overwrite_on_create = true
+resource "github_repository_file" "pull_request_template" {
+ count = local.enabled ? 1 : 0
+ repository = local.github_repository.name
+ branch = local.github_repository.default_branch
+ file = ".github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md"
+ content = file("${path.module}/templates/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md")
+ commit_message = "Create PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md file."
+ commit_author = var.github_user
+ commit_email = var.github_user_email
+ overwrite_on_create = true
diff --git a/src/main.tf b/src/main.tf
index 37156cf..4056ecf 100644
--- a/src/main.tf
+++ b/src/main.tf
@@ -1,8 +1,133 @@
locals {
enabled = module.this.enabled
+ environments = local.enabled ? {
+ for env in var.environments :
+ (format(
+ "${env.tenant != null ? "%[1]s/" : ""}%[2]s-%[3]s${length(env.attributes) > 0 ? "-%[4]s" : "%[4]s"}",
+ env.tenant,
+ env.environment,
+ env.stage,
+ join("-", env.attributes)
+ )) => env
+ } : {}
+ manifest_kubernetes_namespace = var.manifest_kubernetes_namespace
+ team_slugs = toset(compact([
+ for permission in var.permissions : lookup(permission, "team_slug", null)
+ ]))
+ team_ids = [
+ for team in data.github_team.default : team.id
+ ]
+ team_permissions = {
+ for index, id in local.team_ids : (var.permissions[index].team_slug) => {
+ id = id
+ permission = var.permissions[index].permission
+ }
+ }
+ empty_repo = {
+ name = ""
+ default_branch = ""
+ }
+ github_repository = try((var.create_repo ? github_repository.default : data.github_repository.default)[0], local.empty_repo)
+data "github_repository" "default" {
+ count = local.enabled && !var.create_repo ? 1 : 0
+ name = var.name
+resource "github_repository" "default" {
+ count = local.enabled && var.create_repo ? 1 : 0
+ name = module.this.name
+ description = var.description
+ auto_init = true # will create a 'main' branch
+ visibility = "private"
+ vulnerability_alerts = var.vulnerability_alerts_enabled
+ web_commit_signoff_required = var.web_commit_signoff_required
+resource "github_branch_default" "default" {
+ count = local.enabled ? 1 : 0
+ repository = local.github_repository.name
+ branch = local.github_repository.default_branch
+data "github_user" "automation_user" {
+ count = local.enabled ? 1 : 0
+ username = var.github_user
+resource "github_branch_protection" "default" {
+ # This resource enforces PRs needing to be opened in order for changes to be made, except for automated commits to
+ # the main branch. Those commits made by the automation user, which is an admin.
+ count = local.enabled ? 1 : 0
+ repository_id = local.github_repository.name
+ pattern = join("", github_branch_default.default[*].branch)
+ enforce_admins = false # needs to be false in order to allow automation user to push
+ allows_deletions = true
+ dynamic "required_pull_request_reviews" {
+ for_each = var.required_pull_request_reviews ? [0] : []
+ content {
+ dismiss_stale_reviews = true
+ restrict_dismissals = true
+ require_code_owner_reviews = true
+ }
+ }
+ restrict_pushes {
+ blocks_creations = var.restrict_pushes_blocks_creations
+ push_allowances = var.push_restrictions_enabled ? [
+ join("", data.github_user.automation_user[*].node_id),
+ ] : []
+ }
+ lifecycle {
+ ignore_changes = [
+ restrict_pushes[0].push_allowances
+ ]
+ }
+data "github_team" "default" {
+ for_each = local.team_slugs
+ slug = each.value
+resource "github_team_repository" "default" {
+ for_each = local.team_permissions
+ repository = local.github_repository.name
+ team_id = each.value.id
+ permission = each.value.permission
+resource "tls_private_key" "default" {
+ for_each = local.environments
+ algorithm = "RSA"
+ rsa_bits = "2048"
+resource "github_repository_deploy_key" "default" {
+ for_each = local.environments
+ title = "Deploy key for ArgoCD environment: ${each.key} (${local.github_repository.default_branch} branch)"
+ repository = local.github_repository.name
+ key = tls_private_key.default[each.key].public_key_openssh
+ read_only = true
diff --git a/src/outputs.tf b/src/outputs.tf
index 3d08cfa..19430b3 100644
--- a/src/outputs.tf
+++ b/src/outputs.tf
@@ -1,4 +1,39 @@
-output "mock" {
- description = "Mock output example for the Cloud Posse Terraform component template"
- value = local.enabled ? "hello ${basename(abspath(path.module))}" : ""
+output "deploy_keys_ssm_paths" {
+ description = "SSM Parameter Store paths for the repository's deploy keys"
+ value = module.store_write.names
+output "deploy_keys_ssm_path_format" {
+ description = "SSM Parameter Store path format for the repository's deploy keys"
+ value = local.enabled ? var.ssm_github_deploy_key_format : null
+output "repository" {
+ description = "Repository name"
+ value = local.enabled && var.create_repo ? module.this.name : var.name
+output "repository_description" {
+ description = "Repository description"
+ value = local.github_repository.description
+output "repository_default_branch" {
+ description = "Repository default branch"
+ value = local.github_repository.default_branch
+output "repository_url" {
+ description = "Repository URL"
+ value = local.github_repository.html_url
+output "repository_git_clone_url" {
+ description = "Repository git clone URL"
+ value = local.github_repository.git_clone_url
+output "repository_ssh_clone_url" {
+ description = "Repository SSH clone URL"
+ value = local.github_repository.ssh_clone_url
diff --git a/src/provider-github.tf b/src/provider-github.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60ed4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/provider-github.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+locals {
+ github_token = local.enabled ? coalesce(var.github_token_override, data.aws_ssm_parameter.github_api_key[0].value) : ""
+data "aws_ssm_parameter" "github_api_key" {
+ count = local.enabled ? 1 : 0
+ name = var.ssm_github_api_key
+ with_decryption = true
+module "store_write" {
+ source = "cloudposse/ssm-parameter-store/aws"
+ version = "0.11.0"
+ parameter_write = [for k, v in local.environments :
+ {
+ name = format(var.ssm_github_deploy_key_format, k)
+ value = tls_private_key.default[k].private_key_pem
+ type = "SecureString"
+ overwrite = true
+ description = github_repository_deploy_key.default[k].title
+ }
+ ]
+ context = module.this.context
+provider "github" {
+ base_url = var.github_base_url
+ owner = var.github_organization
+ token = local.github_token
diff --git a/src/providers.tf b/src/providers.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54257fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/providers.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+provider "aws" {
+ region = var.region
+ # Profile is deprecated in favor of terraform_role_arn. When profiles are not in use, terraform_profile_name is null.
+ profile = module.iam_roles.terraform_profile_name
+ dynamic "assume_role" {
+ # module.iam_roles.terraform_role_arn may be null, in which case do not assume a role.
+ for_each = compact([module.iam_roles.terraform_role_arn])
+ content {
+ role_arn = module.iam_roles.terraform_role_arn
+ }
+ }
+module "iam_roles" {
+ source = "../account-map/modules/iam-roles"
+ context = module.this.context
diff --git a/src/templates/.gitignore.tpl b/src/templates/.gitignore.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1086c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/templates/.gitignore.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This file has been programmatically generated and committed by the argocd-repo Terraform component in the infrastructure
+# monorepo. It can be updated to contain further entries by adjusting var.gitignore_entries in the aforementioned component.
+%{ for entry in entries ~}
+%{ endfor ~}
diff --git a/src/templates/CODEOWNERS.tpl b/src/templates/CODEOWNERS.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..633b815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/templates/CODEOWNERS.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Use this file to define individuals or teams that are responsible for code in a repository.
+# Read more: https://docs.github.com/en/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/creating-a-repository-on-github/about-code-owners
+* %{ for codeowner in codeowners }${codeowner} %{ endfor }
diff --git a/src/templates/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/src/templates/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c86cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/templates/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+## what
+- Describe high-level what changed as a result of these commits (i.e. in plain-english, what do these changes mean?)
+- Use bullet points to be concise and to the point.
+## why
+- Provide the justifications for the changes (e.g. business case).
+- Describe why these changes were made (e.g. why do these commits fix the problem?)
+- Use bullet points to be concise and to the point.
+## references
+- Link to any supporting github issues or helpful documentation to add some context (e.g. stackoverflow).
+- Use `closes #123`, if this PR closes a GitHub issue `#123`
diff --git a/src/templates/README.md.tpl b/src/templates/README.md.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8593e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/templates/README.md.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# `${repository_name}`
+## What This Repository Does
+This repository accepts inbound commits from CD workflows using the `cd/argocd` composite action in `${github_organization}/github_actions`.
+In particular, these CD workflows render application Kubernetes manifests using their respective Helm charts and commits
+them to an `apps/[app name]/` subdirectory in each environment's directory.
+The `applicationset.yaml` file in each environment directory's `argocd/` subdirectory is referenced by ArgoCD deployment
+in each environment's dedicated EKS cluster. This ApplicationSet manifest makes use of [Git Generators](https://argocd-applicationset.readthedocs.io/en/stable/Generators-Git/)
+in order to dynamically create ArgoCD Application objects based on the manifests in the `apps/[app name]/` directory.
diff --git a/src/templates/applicationset.yaml.tpl b/src/templates/applicationset.yaml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e44b750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/templates/applicationset.yaml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# This file has been programmatically generated and committed by the argocd-repo Terraform component in the infrastructure
+# monorepo. It can be adjusted by modifying templates/applicationset.yaml.tpl in the aforementioned component.
+apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
+kind: AppProject
+ annotations:
+ argocd-autopilot.argoproj-labs.io/default-dest-server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
+ argocd.argoproj.io/sync-options: PruneLast=true
+ argocd.argoproj.io/sync-wave: "-2"
+ name: ${name}
+ namespace: ${namespace}
+ clusterResourceWhitelist:
+ - group: '*'
+ kind: '*'
+ description: ${name} project
+ destinations:
+ - namespace: '*'
+ server: '*'
+ namespaceResourceWhitelist:
+ - group: '*'
+ kind: '*'
+ sourceRepos:
+ - '*'
+status: {}
+apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
+kind: ApplicationSet
+ annotations:
+ argocd.argoproj.io/sync-wave: "0"
+ creationTimestamp: null
+ name: ${name}
+ namespace: ${namespace}
+ generators:
+ - git:
+ repoURL: ${ssh_url}
+ revision: HEAD
+ files:
+ - path: ${environment}/apps/*/*/config.yaml
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ annotations:
+ deployment_id: '{{deployment_id}}'
+ app_repository: '{{app_repository}}'
+ app_commit: '{{app_commit}}'
+ app_hostname: 'https://{{app_hostname}}'
+%{for noti in notifications ~}
+ ${noti}
+%{ endfor ~}
+%{if length(slack_notifications_channel) > 0 ~}
+ notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-created.slack: ${slack_notifications_channel}
+ notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deleted.slack: ${slack_notifications_channel}
+ notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-success.slack: ${slack_notifications_channel}
+ notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-health-degraded.slack: ${slack_notifications_channel}
+ notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-failure.slack: ${slack_notifications_channel}
+ notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-started.slack: ${slack_notifications_channel}
+%{ endif ~}
+ name: '{{name}}'
+ spec:
+ project: ${name}
+ source:
+ repoURL: ${ssh_url}
+ targetRevision: HEAD
+ path: '{{manifests}}'
+ destination:
+ server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
+ namespace: '{{namespace}}'
+ syncPolicy:
+%{if auto-sync ~}
+ automated:
+ prune: true
+ selfHeal: true
+%{ endif ~}
+ syncOptions:
+ - CreateNamespace=true
+%{if length(ignore-differences) > 0 ~}
+ - RespectIgnoreDifferences=true
+ ignoreDifferences:
+%{for item in ignore-differences ~}
+ - group: "${item.group}"
+ kind: "${item.kind}"
+ jsonPointers:
+%{for pointer in item.json-pointers ~}
+ - ${pointer}
+%{ endfor ~}
+%{ endfor ~}
+%{ endif ~}
diff --git a/src/variables.tf b/src/variables.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02fc4e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/variables.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+variable "region" {
+ type = string
+ description = "AWS Region"
+variable "description" {
+ type = string
+ description = "The description of the repository"
+ default = null
+variable "environments" {
+ type = list(object({
+ tenant = optional(string, null)
+ environment = string
+ stage = string
+ attributes = optional(list(string), [])
+ auto-sync = bool
+ ignore-differences = optional(list(object({
+ group = string,
+ kind = string,
+ json-pointers = list(string)
+ })), [])
+ }))
+ description = <<-EOT
+ Environments to populate `applicationset.yaml` files and repository deploy keys (for ArgoCD) for.
+ `auto-sync` determines whether or not the ArgoCD application will be automatically synced.
+ `ignore-differences` determines whether or not the ArgoCD application will ignore the number of
+ replicas in the deployment. Read more on ignore differences here:
+ https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user-guide/sync-options/#respect-ignore-difference-configs
+ Example:
+ ```
+ tenant: plat
+ environment: use1
+ stage: sandbox
+ auto-sync: true
+ ignore-differences:
+ - group: apps
+ kind: Deployment
+ json-pointers:
+ - /spec/replicas
+ ```
+ default = []
+variable "gitignore_entries" {
+ type = list(string)
+ description = <<-EOT
+ List of .gitignore entries to use when populating the .gitignore file.
+ For example: `[".idea/", ".vscode/"]`.
+variable "github_base_url" {
+ type = string
+ description = "This is the target GitHub base API endpoint. Providing a value is a requirement when working with GitHub Enterprise. It is optional to provide this value and it can also be sourced from the `GITHUB_BASE_URL` environment variable. The value must end with a slash, for example: `https://terraformtesting-ghe.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/`"
+ default = null
+variable "github_codeowner_teams" {
+ type = list(string)
+ description = <<-EOT
+ List of teams to use when populating the CODEOWNERS file.
+ For example: `["@ACME/cloud-admins", "@ACME/cloud-developers"]`.
+variable "github_user" {
+ type = string
+ description = "Github user"
+variable "github_user_email" {
+ type = string
+ description = "Github user email"
+variable "github_organization" {
+ type = string
+ description = "GitHub Organization"
+variable "github_token_override" {
+ type = string
+ description = "Use the value of this variable as the GitHub token instead of reading it from SSM"
+ default = null
+variable "ssm_github_api_key" {
+ type = string
+ description = "SSM path to the GitHub API key"
+ default = "/argocd/github/api_key"
+variable "ssm_github_deploy_key_format" {
+ type = string
+ description = "Format string of the SSM parameter path to which the deploy keys will be written to (%s will be replaced with the environment name)"
+ default = "/argocd/deploy_keys/%s"
+variable "permissions" {
+ type = list(object({
+ team_slug = string,
+ permission = string
+ }))
+ description = <<-EOT
+ A list of Repository Permission objects used to configure the team permissions of the repository
+ `team_slug` should be the name of the team without the `@{org}` e.g. `@cloudposse/team` => `team`
+ `permission` is just one of the available values listed below
+ default = []
+ validation {
+ condition = alltrue([
+ for obj in var.permissions : can(contains(["pull", "triage", "push", "maintain", "admin"], obj.permission))
+ ])
+ error_message = "Permission value must be a subset of [pull, triage, push, maintain, admin]."
+ }
+variable "github_default_notifications_enabled" {
+ type = string
+ description = "Enable default GitHub commit statuses notifications (required for CD sync mode)"
+ default = true
+variable "create_repo" {
+ type = bool
+ description = "Whether or not to create the repository or use an existing one"
+ default = true
+variable "required_pull_request_reviews" {
+ type = bool
+ description = "Enforce restrictions for pull request reviews"
+ default = true
+variable "push_restrictions_enabled" {
+ type = bool
+ description = "Enforce who can push to the main branch"
+ default = true
+variable "vulnerability_alerts_enabled" {
+ type = bool
+ description = "Enable security alerts for vulnerable dependencies"
+ default = false
+variable "restrict_pushes_blocks_creations" {
+ type = bool
+ description = "Setting this to `false` allows people, teams, or apps to create new branches matching this rule"
+ default = true
+variable "slack_notifications_channel" {
+ type = string
+ default = ""
+ description = "If given, the Slack channel to for deployment notifications."
+variable "manifest_kubernetes_namespace" {
+ type = string
+ default = "argocd"
+ description = "The namespace used for the ArgoCD application"
+variable "github_notifications" {
+ type = list(string)
+ default = [
+ "notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-started.app-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
+ "notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-started.argocd-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
+ "notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-succeded.app-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
+ "notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-succeded.argocd-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
+ "notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-failed.app-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
+ "notifications.argoproj.io/subscribe.on-deploy-failed.argocd-repo-github-commit-status: \"\"",
+ ]
+ description = <