This guide is about how we manage our open-source work at Cloud Four. Given that this work happens across several Git repos that have been set up by various people over many years, it makes sense to have a guide that documents our current best thinking about how to operate them.
For open-source work that is published to npm, we need to do our due diligence. That includes ensuring that the package has tests, the build passes, there are no security vulnerabilities, and it stays up-to-date with dependencies.
- one
- two
- three
Add note about recommended README bits:
- npm badge
- build status badge
- install instructions (from npm)
- link to documentation
- link to changelog
Add note about the importance of maintaining a changelog.
Add note about version bump and npm release process
Add note about testing and linting
Add note about Travis (and .com/.org) to run tests and lint
Add note about Renovate
- How to evaluate Renovate PRs
Add note about Snyk
Added by Jason in April 2017. Company was started by a friend of his, and some good people work there.
How to evaluate Snyk security patches
Lifecycle of a Snyk security patch
npm audit
: Identify and fix insecure dependencies