We use ViewComponent to manage the majority of the templating logic in our application.
See the ViewComponent docs for an overview of what ViewComponent is and how it works.
We build our views using ViewComponents that tend to fall into two categories: Design System components and app-specific components.
The core set of components that make up our application come from our internal citizens_advice_components
See the design system architecture guide for more information on how the Design System works.
These can be used directly within views or composed within other ViewComponents. For example:
= render CitizensAdviceComponents::Callout.new(type: :standard)) do
%h3 Callout title
%p Some example text
For anything that doesn't come from the design system we also write app-specific ViewComponents under app/components
These can do small things like wrap Design System components to customise them up to providing whole page layouts.
By using the same framework for both our Design System components and our app-specific components it makes it much simpler to upstream components to the Design System if we need to.
In our experience, having one ViewComponent inherit from another leads to confusion, especially when each component has its own template. Instead, we recommend using composition to wrap one component with another.
ViewComponents have less value in single-use cases like replacing a show
view. However, it can make sense to render an entire layout with a ViewComponent when unit testing is valuable, such as for views with many permutations.
When migrating an entire layout to use ViewComponents, we've had our best luck doing so from the bottom up, extracting portions of the page into ViewComponents first.
Use ViewComponents in place of partials, as ViewComponents allow us to test reused view code directly (via unit tests) instead of through each place a partial is reused.
Use ViewComponents in place of helpers that return HTML.
The more a ViewComponent is dependent on global state (such as request parameters or the current URL), the less likely it's to be reusable. Avoid implicit coupling to global state, instead passing it into the component explicitly. Thorough unit testing is a good way to ensure decoupling from global state.
# good
class MyComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def initialize(name:)
@name = name
# not our preference
class MyComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def initialize
@name = params[:name]
Avoid writing inline Ruby in ViewComponent templates. Try using an instance method on the ViewComponent instead:
# good
class MyComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def message
"Hello, #{@name}!"
-# not our preference
- message = "Hello, #{@name}"
ViewComponents should be passed individual object attributes unless three or more attributes are needed from the object, in which case the entire object should be passed:
# good
class MyComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def initialize(page:); end
# not our preference
class MyComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def initialize(page_title:, page_body:, page_last_reviewed:); end
If you are writing a small component prefer inlining the template into the call
method rather than using a single line template file.
# good
class MyComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def initialize(date:)
@date = date
def call
tag.div(formatted_date, class: "my-component")
def formatted_date
I18n.l(@date, format: "%d %B %Y")
# not our preference
class MyComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def initialize(date:)
@date = date
def formatted_date
I18n.l(@date, format: "%d %B %Y")
-# my_component.html.haml
.my-component= formatted_date
The ViewComponent guide on testing is a good starting point for understanding how to test components. However the official guides mostly use Minitest so there are a few extra considerations when using RSpec.
ViewComponent provides capybara support for tests with the :component
type as long as you follow a particular set up. This also makes it easier to use simple one-line expectations.
# good
RSpec.describe MyComponent, type: :component do
before do
# Calling render_inline with a before block will
# automatically assign the `page` variable which
# is a capybara node
render_inline described_class.new(message: "Hello")
it { is_expected.to have_selector ".my-component", text: "Hello" }
# not our preference
RSpec.describe MyComponent, type: :component do
subject(:component) do
# Assigning the result of render_inline to
# a subject directly will return a plain
# Nokogiri which is harder to work with
render_inline described_class.new(message: "Hello")
it "renders message"
expect(component.at(".my-component").text.strip).to include("Hello")
ViewComponent tests should use render_inline
and assert against the rendered output. While it can appear useful to test specific component instance methods directly, it is our strong preference to write assertions against what we show to the end user:
# good
render_inline MyComponent.new
expect(page).to have_content "Hello, World!"
# not our preference
expect(MyComponent.new.message).to eq "Hello, World!"
This guide was written by David Rapson and Peyton Sterling for the referrals project.