- Gem now explicitly requires version
~> 2.19
of rubocop-capybara
- Include rubocop-performance
- Drop ruby 2.7, and 3.0 support
- Bump dependency versions to latest
- Now includes the correct version number
- Remove
exclude forMetrics/BlockLength
as this is now a default in rubocop-rspec 2.11+ - Gem now requires version
~> 1.45
of rubocop - Gem now requires version
~> 2.18
of rubocop-rspec - Add rubocop-rails as as dependency using
~> 2.17
- Count arrays and hashes as one-line when calculating method and class length
Jun. 17 2022
- Gem now uses v1.30 of rubocop
- Gem now uses v2.11 of rubocop-rspec
May. 5 2022
- Gem now uses v1.28 of rubocop
- Gem now uses v2.10 of rubocop-rspec
Feb. 25 2022
- Gem now uses v1.25 of rubocop
- Gem now uses v2.8 of rubocop-rspec
Jan. 12 2022
- Gem now uses v1.24 of rubocop
- Gem now uses v2.7 of rubocop-rspec
- Removed required ruby version
Dec. 13 2021
- Gem now uses v1.23 of rubocop
- (Re)Enabled Rails/HasManyOrHasOneDependent
- Additional exclusions for Rails migrations
Breaking changes:
- Requires Ruby 3.0.3
- Includes rubocop-rspec by default
Sep. 23 2021
- Gem now uses v1.21 of rubocop
Sep. 14 2021
Breaking changes:
- Removed final undocumented exclusions from
- Brewfile's shouldn't be monitored in this gem
- Rails migration's should conform to standard linting
- Removed the need for git when determining files included in gem
- Gem now uses v1.20 of rubocop
Aug. 12 2021
- Moved the merge exclude rule from rails config to default config
Jul. 26 2021
Breaking changes:
Removed all testing based ignores
is no longer ignoredMetrics/ClassLength
is no longer ignoredMetrics/BlockLength
has been removed from being ignored in test locations (But is still overridden a few times)Rails/SkipsModelValidations
is no longer ignored
Some of
overrides which were flagged as rails based are now moved into the coredefault.yml
- Gem now uses v1.18 of rubocop
Mar. 6 2021
- Gem now uses v1.11 of rubocop
Feb. 23 2021
Breaking changes:
- Removed all V2 (TOFIX), cops.
is now set to 140, with no exceptionsLint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation
is now enabledNaming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName
is now enabledNaming/MethodParameterName
has had the redundant ignores removedStyle/MultilineBlockChain
is now enabled
- Re-added in
NewCops: enabled
as this is used in rubocop 1.x as well
Feb. 4 2021
New features:
- Added/Amended
across both configurations
- Gem now uses v1.7 of rubocop
Jan. 15 2021
- Gem now uses v1.3 of rubocop
Nov. 26 2020
New features:
- Cut stable candidate of gem
- Enforced rubocop v1.0 as a minimum as that is now stable
- Began Semver
- Added v2 cop plans for removal / updates
Breaking changes:
Enforce Ruby 2.7 as a minimum
Removed/Altered some cop configurations
now won't count rubocop in-line disables (Should try avoid this)Metrics/MethodLength
doesn't have Max override (Tests are ignored by design)Metrics/ClassLength
doesn't have Max override (Tests are ignored by design)Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation
is no longer ignored (Was previously on specs)Style/MixinGrouping
is no longer ignored (Was previously on specs)Metrics/AbcSize
is no longer ignored (As we don't ignore Cyclomatic Complexity)