diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5ebe7ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+name: Bug report
+about: Create a report to help us improve Revolve2
+title: "[BUG]"
+labels: bug
+assignees: ''
+**Describe the bug**
+A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
+**To Reproduce**
+Steps to reproduce the behavior:
+1. Go to '...'
+2. Click on '....'
+3. Scroll down to '....'
+4. See error
+**Expected behavior**
+A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
+If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
+ - OS: [e.g. Windows, Linux, MacOS]
+ - Python Version
+**Additional context**
+Add any other context about the problem here.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..feae27f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+name: Feature request
+about: Suggest an idea for Revolve2
+title: "[FEATURE]"
+labels: enhancement
+assignees: ''
+**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
+A clear and concise description of what the problem is.
+**Describe the solution you'd like**
+A clear and concise description of what you want to happen, and in which package this solution should be.
+**Describe alternatives you've considered**
+A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
+Also mention your current workarounds if applicable.
+**Additional context**
+Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3a4f9991
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+### Contributing guide
+If you intend to contribute you may find this guide helpful: [Revolve2 Contributing Guide](https://ci-group.github.io/revolve2/contributing_guide/index.html).
+Contributions are highly appreciated.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci_group/pyproject.toml b/ci_group/pyproject.toml
index 0b52b9755..b96bc821e 100644
--- a/ci_group/pyproject.toml
+++ b/ci_group/pyproject.toml
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
name = "revolve2-ci-group"
-version = "1.0.1"
+version = "1.0.2"
description = "Revolve2: Computational Intelligence Group experimentation tools and standards."
readme = "../README.md"
authors = [
"Aart Stuurman ",
- "Oliver Weissl ",
+ "Oliver Weissl ",
repository = "https://github.com/ci-group/revolve2"
classifiers = [
@@ -38,13 +38,15 @@ script = "revolve2/ci_group/morphological_novelty_metric/_build_cmodule.py"
python = "^3.10,<3.12"
-revolve2-modular-robot-simulation = "1.0.1"
+revolve2-modular-robot-simulation = "1.0.2"
noise = "^1.2.2"
multineat = "^0.12"
sqlalchemy = "^2.0.0"
numpy = "^1.21.2"
Cython = "^3.0.4"
setuptools = "^68.2.2"
+opencv-contrib-python = "^"
+opencv-python = "^"
dev = []
diff --git a/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/ci_lab_utilities/__init__.py b/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/ci_lab_utilities/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..000d15f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/ci_lab_utilities/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+"""Utility functions for the CI-group lab."""
+from ._calibrate_camera import calibrate_camera
+from ._ip_camera import IPCamera
+__all__ = ["IPCamera", "calibrate_camera"]
diff --git a/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/ci_lab_utilities/_calibrate_camera.py b/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/ci_lab_utilities/_calibrate_camera.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..191534762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/ci_lab_utilities/_calibrate_camera.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import NDArray
+def calibrate_camera(
+ calibration_images_paths: list[str], checkerboard_size: tuple[int, int] = (9, 9)
+) -> tuple[tuple[int, ...], NDArray[np.float_], NDArray[np.float_]]:
+ """
+ Calibrate cameras for distortion and fisheye effects.
+ In order to use this function effectively please use at least 5 valid calibration images, with differently places checkerboards.
+ The checkerboard has to be fully visible with no occlusion, but it does mot have to lie flat on the ground.
+ :param calibration_images_paths: The calibration images.
+ :param checkerboard_size: The checkerboard size. Note if you have a 10 x 10 checkerboard the size should be (9, 9).
+ :return: The dimension of the calibration images, the camera matrix and the distortion coefficient.
+ """
+ subpix_criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.1)
+ calibration_flags = (
+ + cv2.fisheye.CALIB_CHECK_COND
+ + cv2.fisheye.CALIB_FIX_SKEW
+ )
+ object_point = np.zeros(
+ (1, checkerboard_size[0] * checkerboard_size[1], 3), np.float32
+ )
+ object_point[0, :, :2] = np.mgrid[
+ 0 : checkerboard_size[0], 0 : checkerboard_size[1]
+ ].T.reshape(-1, 2)
+ _image_shape = None
+ object_points = [] # 3d point in real world space
+ image_points = [] # 2d points in image plane
+ for image_path in calibration_images_paths:
+ image = cv2.imread(image_path)
+ if _image_shape is None:
+ _image_shape = image.shape[:2]
+ else:
+ assert (
+ _image_shape == image.shape[:2]
+ ), "All images must share the same size."
+ # Detect checkerboard
+ returned, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(
+ image,
+ checkerboard_size,
+ None,
+ )
+ if returned:
+ object_points.append(object_point)
+ cv2.cornerSubPix(image, corners, (3, 3), (-1, -1), subpix_criteria)
+ image_points.append(corners)
+ camera_matrix = np.zeros((3, 3))
+ distortion_coefficients = np.zeros((4, 1))
+ rotation_vectors = [
+ np.zeros((1, 1, 3), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(len(object_points))
+ ]
+ translation_vectors = [
+ np.zeros((1, 1, 3), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(len(object_points))
+ ]
+ # cv2 operations on numpy objects are in-place -> therefore we do not need to extract the return output.
+ _ = cv2.fisheye.calibrate(
+ object_points,
+ image_points,
+ image_size=image.shape[::-1],
+ K=camera_matrix,
+ D=distortion_coefficients,
+ rvecs=rotation_vectors,
+ tvecs=translation_vectors,
+ flags=calibration_flags,
+ criteria=(cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 1e-6),
+ )
+ print(f"Found {len(object_points)} valid images for calibration")
+ return image.shape[:2][::-1], camera_matrix, distortion_coefficients
diff --git a/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/ci_lab_utilities/_ip_camera.py b/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/ci_lab_utilities/_ip_camera.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b13576571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/ci_lab_utilities/_ip_camera.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+import queue
+import threading
+import time
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import NDArray
+class IPCamera:
+ """
+ A general class to steam and record from IP cameras via opencv.
+ How to use:
+ >>> address = "rtsp://:@:/..."
+ >>> camera = IPCamera(camera_location=address, recording_path="")
+ >>> camera.start(display=True, record=True)
+ If you are experiencing XDG_SESSION_TYPE error messages because of wayland use the following code before you start the recording:
+ >>> import os
+ >>> os.environ["XDG_SESSION_TYPE"] = "xcb"
+ >>> os.environ["OPENCV_FFMPEG_CAPTURE_OPTIONS"] = "rtsp_transport;udp"
+ """
+ _d_q: queue.Queue[cv2.typing.MatLike] # Display queue
+ _r_q: queue.Queue[cv2.typing.MatLike] # Record queue
+ """Threads for camera functionality."""
+ _recieve_thread: threading.Thread
+ _display_thread: threading.Thread
+ _record_thread: threading.Thread
+ _camera_location: str # Location (address) of the camera
+ _is_running: bool # Allows to break threads
+ _image_dimensions: tuple[int, int]
+ _fps: int
+ """Maps for undistorting the camera."""
+ _map1: cv2.typing.MatLike
+ _map2: cv2.typing.MatLike
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ camera_location: str,
+ recording_path: str | None = None,
+ image_dimensions: tuple[int, int] = (1920, 1080),
+ distortion_coefficients: NDArray[np.float_] = np.array(
+ [
+ [-0.2976428547328032],
+ [3.2508343621538445],
+ [-17.38410840159056],
+ [30.01965021834286],
+ ]
+ ),
+ camera_matrix: NDArray[np.float_] = np.array(
+ [
+ [1490.4374643604199, 0.0, 990.6557248821284],
+ [0.0, 1490.6535480621505, 544.6243597123726],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
+ ]
+ ),
+ fps: int = 30,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Initialize the ip camera.
+ :param camera_location: The location of the camera.
+ :param recording_path: The path to store the recording.
+ :param image_dimensions: The dimensions of the image produced by the camera and used for calibration.
+ :param distortion_coefficients: The distortion coefficients for the camera.
+ :param camera_matrix: The camera matrix for calibration.
+ :param fps: The FPS of the camera.
+ """
+ self._camera_location = camera_location
+ self._recording_path = recording_path or f"{time.time()}_output.mp4"
+ self._d_q = queue.Queue()
+ self._r_q = queue.Queue()
+ self._image_dimensions = image_dimensions
+ self._fps = fps
+ self._map1, self._map2 = cv2.fisheye.initUndistortRectifyMap(
+ camera_matrix,
+ distortion_coefficients,
+ np.eye(3),
+ camera_matrix,
+ self._image_dimensions,
+ cv2.CV_16SC2,
+ )
+ def _receive(self) -> None:
+ """Recieve data from the camera."""
+ capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self._camera_location, cv2.CAP_FFMPEG)
+ capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self._image_dimensions[0])
+ capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self._image_dimensions[1])
+ ret, frame = capture.read()
+ frame = self._unfish(frame)
+ self._d_q.put(frame)
+ self._r_q.put(frame)
+ while ret and self._is_running:
+ ret, frame = capture.read()
+ frame = self._unfish(frame)
+ self._d_q.put(frame)
+ self._r_q.put(frame)
+ else:
+ capture.release()
+ def _display(self) -> None:
+ """Display the data from the camera."""
+ while self._is_running:
+ if not self._d_q.empty():
+ frame = self._d_q.get()
+ cv2.imshow("Camera View", frame)
+ key = cv2.waitKey(1)
+ if key == 27: # Exit the viewer using ESC-button
+ self._is_running = False
+ else:
+ cv2.destroyAllWindows()
+ def _record(self) -> None:
+ """Record the data from the camera."""
+ out = cv2.VideoWriter(
+ self._recording_path,
+ cv2.VideoWriter.fourcc(*"mp4v"),
+ self._fps,
+ self._image_dimensions,
+ )
+ print("Recording in progress.")
+ while self._is_running:
+ if not self._r_q.empty():
+ out.write(self._r_q.get())
+ else:
+ print(f"Saving video to: {self._recording_path}")
+ out.release()
+ def _dump_record(self) -> None:
+ """Dump record queue if not used."""
+ while self._is_running:
+ if not self._r_q.empty():
+ self._r_q.get()
+ def _dump_display(self) -> None:
+ """Dump display queue if not used."""
+ while self._is_running:
+ if not self._d_q.empty():
+ self._d_q.get()
+ def _unfish(self, image: cv2.typing.MatLike) -> cv2.typing.MatLike:
+ """
+ Remove fisheye effect from the camera.
+ :param image: The image
+ :return: The undistorted image.
+ """
+ undistorted = cv2.remap(
+ image,
+ self._map1,
+ self._map2,
+ interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
+ borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
+ )
+ return undistorted
+ def start(self, record: bool = False, display: bool = True) -> None:
+ """
+ Start the camera.
+ :param record: Whether to record.
+ :param display: Whether to display the video stream.
+ """
+ assert (
+ record or display
+ ), "The camera is neither recording or displaying, are you sure you are using it?"
+ self._recieve_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._receive)
+ self._display_thread = threading.Thread(
+ target=self._display if display else self._dump_display
+ )
+ self._record_thread = threading.Thread(
+ target=self._record if record else self._dump_record
+ )
+ self._is_running = True
+ self._recieve_thread.start()
+ self._record_thread.start()
+ self._display_thread.start()
diff --git a/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/genotypes/cppnwin/modular_robot/v2/_body_develop.py b/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/genotypes/cppnwin/modular_robot/v2/_body_develop.py
index c9520cdf9..57f26f3d0 100644
--- a/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/genotypes/cppnwin/modular_robot/v2/_body_develop.py
+++ b/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/genotypes/cppnwin/modular_robot/v2/_body_develop.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def develop(
:param genotype: The genotype to create the body from.
:returns: The create body.
- max_parts = 10
+ max_parts = 20
body_net = multineat.NeuralNetwork()
@@ -127,9 +127,8 @@ def __add_child(
new_pos = np.array(np.round(position + attachment_point.offset), dtype=np.int64)
child_type, child_rotation = __evaluate_cppn(body_net, new_pos, chain_length)
angle = child_rotation * (np.pi / 2.0)
- child = child_type(angle)
if child_type is None or not module.module_reference.can_set_child(
- child, attachment_index
+ child := child_type(angle), attachment_index
return None
diff --git a/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/morphological_measures.py b/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/morphological_measures.py
index b46e3fa3c..21bbf7d42 100644
--- a/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/morphological_measures.py
+++ b/ci_group/revolve2/ci_group/morphological_measures.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class MorphologicalMeasures(Generic[TModule]):
Only works for robot with only right angle module rotations (90 degrees).
Some measures only work for 2d robots, which is noted in their docstring.
- Some measures are based on the following paper:
+ The measures are based on the following paper:
Miras, K., Haasdijk, E., Glette, K., Eiben, A.E. (2018).
Search Space Analysis of Evolvable Robot Morphologies.
In: Sim, K., Kaufmann, P. (eds) Applications of Evolutionary Computation.
diff --git a/contributors.txt b/contributors.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b7f3f81..000000000
--- a/contributors.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Computation Intelligence Group, Vrije Universiteit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/contributing_guide/index.rst b/docs/source/contributing_guide/index.rst
index 99ef8d759..8146cd27b 100644
--- a/docs/source/contributing_guide/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/contributing_guide/index.rst
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The first time you make a contribution to a Revolve2 package your PR should add
Developer installation
The normal installation guide applies. You should definitely use :ref:`editable mode`.
-The ``dev_install.sh`` script installs all Revolve2 packages in editable mode, as well as required packages for developer tools.
-If you want to uninstall all Revolve2 packages, you can use ``./uninstall_revolve2star.sh``, which uninstall all packages like ``revolve2*``.
+Using the ``requirements_dev.txt`` allows you to quickly install all packages in editable mode, by executing: ``pip install -r requirements_dev.txt``.
+If you want to uninstall all Revolve2 packages, you can use ``./uninstall.sh``, which uninstall all packages like ``revolve2*``.
Continuous integration
diff --git a/examples/brain_with_feedback/main.py b/examples/brain_with_feedback/main.py
index 85d3a528d..6786c699a 100644
--- a/examples/brain_with_feedback/main.py
+++ b/examples/brain_with_feedback/main.py
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
import logging
-from revolve2.ci_group import modular_robots_v1, terrains
+from revolve2.ci_group import modular_robots_v2, terrains
from revolve2.ci_group.simulation_parameters import make_standard_batch_parameters
from revolve2.experimentation.logging import setup_logging
from revolve2.modular_robot import ModularRobot, ModularRobotControlInterface
-from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHinge, ActiveHingeSensor
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHinge
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.sensors import ActiveHingeSensor, IMUSensor
from revolve2.modular_robot.brain import Brain, BrainInstance
from revolve2.modular_robot.sensor_state import ModularRobotSensorState
from revolve2.modular_robot_simulation import ModularRobotScene, simulate_scenes
@@ -17,17 +18,17 @@ class ANNBrainInstance(BrainInstance):
"""ANN brain instance."""
active_hinges: list[ActiveHinge]
+ imu_sensor: IMUSensor
- def __init__(
- self,
- active_hinges: list[ActiveHinge],
- ) -> None:
+ def __init__(self, active_hinges: list[ActiveHinge], imu_sensor: IMUSensor) -> None:
Initialize the Object.
:param active_hinges: The active hinges to control.
+ :param imu_sensor: The IMU sensor.
self.active_hinges = active_hinges
+ self.imu_sensor = imu_sensor
def control(
@@ -57,7 +58,13 @@ def control(
for sensor in sensors
- logging.info(current_positions)
+ logging.info(f"current positions: {current_positions}")
+ # Get the imu state
+ imu_state = sensor_state.get_imu_sensor_state(self.imu_sensor)
+ logging.info(f"orientation: {imu_state.orientation}")
+ logging.info(f"angular rate: {imu_state.angular_rate}")
+ logging.info(f"specific force: {imu_state.specific_force}")
# Here you can implement your controller.
# The current controller does nothing except for always settings the joint positions to 0.5.
@@ -70,17 +77,17 @@ class ANNBrain(Brain):
"""The ANN brain."""
active_hinges: list[ActiveHinge]
+ imu_sensor: IMUSensor
- def __init__(
- self,
- active_hinges: list[ActiveHinge],
- ) -> None:
+ def __init__(self, active_hinges: list[ActiveHinge], imu_sensor: IMUSensor) -> None:
Initialize the Object.
:param active_hinges: The active hinges to control.
+ :param imu_sensor: The IMU sensor.
self.active_hinges = active_hinges
+ self.imu_sensor = imu_sensor
def make_instance(self) -> BrainInstance:
@@ -89,7 +96,7 @@ def make_instance(self) -> BrainInstance:
:returns: The created instance.
return ANNBrainInstance(
- active_hinges=self.active_hinges,
+ active_hinges=self.active_hinges, imu_sensor=self.imu_sensor
@@ -99,18 +106,18 @@ def main() -> None:
# Create a body for the robot.
- body = modular_robots_v1.gecko_v1()
+ body = modular_robots_v2.gecko_v2()
# Add sensors to each active hinge that measure the current angle of the hinge.
active_hinges = body.find_modules_of_type(ActiveHinge)
for active_hinge in active_hinges:
active_hinge.sensor = ActiveHingeSensor()
+ body.core.imu_sensor = IMUSensor()
# Create a brain for the robot.
active_hinges = body.find_modules_of_type(ActiveHinge)
- brain = ANNBrain(
- active_hinges=active_hinges,
- )
+ brain = ANNBrain(active_hinges=active_hinges, imu_sensor=body.core.imu_sensor)
# Combine the body and brain into a modular robot.
robot = ModularRobot(body, brain)
diff --git a/examples/compare_simulated_and_physical_robot/main_physical.py b/examples/compare_simulated_and_physical_robot/main_physical.py
index 15da6a66d..2885fa63a 100644
--- a/examples/compare_simulated_and_physical_robot/main_physical.py
+++ b/examples/compare_simulated_and_physical_robot/main_physical.py
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
"""Manually control a physical robot to test if it works as expected."""
from revolve2.modular_robot.body import RightAngles
-from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHinge, ActiveHingeSensor
-from revolve2.modular_robot.body.v1 import ActiveHingeV1, BodyV1, BrickV1
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHinge
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.sensors import ActiveHingeSensor
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.v2 import ActiveHingeV2, BodyV2, BrickV2
from revolve2.modular_robot_physical import UUIDKey
from revolve2.modular_robot_physical.remote import test_physical_robot
def make_body() -> (
- tuple[BodyV1, tuple[ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge]]
+ tuple[BodyV2, tuple[ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge]]
Create a body for the robot.
@@ -19,24 +20,25 @@ def make_body() -> (
# From here, other modular can be attached.
# Modules can be attached in a rotated fashion.
# This can be any angle, although the original design takes into account only multiples of 90 degrees.
- body = BodyV1()
- body.core_v1.left = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.left.sensor = ActiveHingeSensor()
- body.core_v1.left.attachment = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.left.attachment.sensor = ActiveHingeSensor()
- body.core_v1.left.attachment.attachment = BrickV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.right = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.right.sensor = ActiveHingeSensor()
- body.core_v1.right.attachment = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.right.attachment.sensor = ActiveHingeSensor()
- body.core_v1.right.attachment.attachment = BrickV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body = BodyV2()
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom.sensor = ActiveHingeSensor()
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom.attachment = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom.attachment.sensor = ActiveHingeSensor()
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom.attachment.attachment = BrickV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom.sensor = ActiveHingeSensor()
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom.attachment = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom.attachment.sensor = ActiveHingeSensor()
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom.attachment.attachment = BrickV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
"""Here we collect all ActiveHinges, to map them later onto the physical robot."""
active_hinges = (
- body.core_v1.left,
- body.core_v1.left.attachment,
- body.core_v1.right,
- body.core_v1.right.attachment,
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom,
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom.attachment,
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom,
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom.attachment,
return body, active_hinges
diff --git a/examples/custom_brain/main.py b/examples/custom_brain/main.py
index 05340f4d8..996b1e78c 100644
--- a/examples/custom_brain/main.py
+++ b/examples/custom_brain/main.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
from revolve2.experimentation.logging import setup_logging
from revolve2.modular_robot import ModularRobot, ModularRobotControlInterface
from revolve2.modular_robot.body import RightAngles
-from revolve2.modular_robot.body.v1 import ActiveHingeV1, BodyV1, BrickV1
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.v2 import ActiveHingeV2, BodyV2, BrickV2
from revolve2.modular_robot.brain import Brain, BrainInstance
from revolve2.modular_robot.sensor_state import ModularRobotSensorState
from revolve2.modular_robot_simulation import ModularRobotScene, simulate_scenes
@@ -13,24 +13,24 @@
def make_body() -> (
- tuple[BodyV1, ActiveHingeV1, ActiveHingeV1, ActiveHingeV1, ActiveHingeV1]
+ tuple[BodyV2, ActiveHingeV2, ActiveHingeV2, ActiveHingeV2, ActiveHingeV2]
Create a body for the robot.
:returns: The created body and references to each hinge: first_left_active_hinge, second_left_active_hinge, first_right_active_hinge, second_right_active_hinge.
- body = BodyV1()
- first_left_active_hinge = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- second_left_active_hinge = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- first_right_active_hinge = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- second_right_active_hinge = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.left = first_left_active_hinge
+ body = BodyV2()
+ first_left_active_hinge = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ second_left_active_hinge = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ first_right_active_hinge = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ second_right_active_hinge = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom = first_left_active_hinge
first_left_active_hinge.attachment = second_left_active_hinge
- second_left_active_hinge.attachment = BrickV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.right = first_right_active_hinge
+ second_left_active_hinge.attachment = BrickV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom = first_right_active_hinge
first_right_active_hinge.attachment = second_right_active_hinge
- second_right_active_hinge.attachment = BrickV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ second_right_active_hinge.attachment = BrickV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
return (
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ class CustomBrainInstance(BrainInstance):
Created by the `CustomBrain` class.
- first_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1
- second_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1
- first_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1
- second_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1
+ first_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2
+ second_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2
+ first_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2
+ second_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2
def __init__(
- first_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1,
- second_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1,
- first_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1,
- second_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1,
+ first_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2,
+ second_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2,
+ first_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2,
+ second_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2,
) -> None:
Initialize the Object.
@@ -99,17 +99,17 @@ class CustomBrain(Brain):
A brain has a function `make_instance`, which creates the actual object that controls a robot.
- first_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1
- second_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1
- first_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1
- second_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1
+ first_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2
+ second_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2
+ first_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2
+ second_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2
def __init__(
- first_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1,
- second_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1,
- first_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1,
- second_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV1,
+ first_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2,
+ second_left_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2,
+ first_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2,
+ second_right_active_hinge: ActiveHingeV2,
) -> None:
Initialize the Object.
diff --git a/examples/custom_terrain/main.py b/examples/custom_terrain/main.py
index 9c6078662..dbc85b3a6 100644
--- a/examples/custom_terrain/main.py
+++ b/examples/custom_terrain/main.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from pyrr import Quaternion, Vector3
-from revolve2.ci_group.modular_robots_v1 import gecko_v1
+from revolve2.ci_group.modular_robots_v2 import gecko_v2
from revolve2.ci_group.simulation_parameters import make_standard_batch_parameters
from revolve2.experimentation.logging import setup_logging
from revolve2.experimentation.rng import make_rng_time_seed
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ def main() -> None:
rng = make_rng_time_seed()
# Create a robot
- body = gecko_v1()
+ body = gecko_v2()
brain = BrainCpgNetworkNeighborRandom(body=body, rng=rng)
robot = ModularRobot(body, brain)
diff --git a/examples/evaluate_single_robot/main.py b/examples/evaluate_single_robot/main.py
index fcaf33913..bd2073f62 100644
--- a/examples/evaluate_single_robot/main.py
+++ b/examples/evaluate_single_robot/main.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import logging
-from revolve2.ci_group import fitness_functions, modular_robots_v1, terrains
+from revolve2.ci_group import fitness_functions, modular_robots_v2, terrains
from revolve2.ci_group.simulation_parameters import make_standard_batch_parameters
from revolve2.experimentation.logging import setup_logging
from revolve2.experimentation.rng import make_rng_time_seed
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def main() -> None:
rng = make_rng_time_seed()
# Create the robot.
- body = modular_robots_v1.gecko_v1()
+ body = modular_robots_v2.gecko_v2()
brain = BrainCpgNetworkNeighborRandom(body=body, rng=rng)
robot = ModularRobot(body, brain)
diff --git a/examples/physical_robot_remote/main.py b/examples/physical_robot_remote/main.py
index e4c9e54f0..9e7657adc 100644
--- a/examples/physical_robot_remote/main.py
+++ b/examples/physical_robot_remote/main.py
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
from revolve2.modular_robot import ModularRobot
from revolve2.modular_robot.body import RightAngles
from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHinge
-from revolve2.modular_robot.body.v1 import ActiveHingeV1, BodyV1, BrickV1
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.v2 import ActiveHingeV2, BodyV2, BrickV2
from revolve2.modular_robot.brain.cpg import BrainCpgNetworkNeighborRandom
from revolve2.modular_robot_physical import Config, UUIDKey
from revolve2.modular_robot_physical.remote import run_remote
def make_body() -> (
- tuple[BodyV1, tuple[ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge]]
+ tuple[BodyV2, tuple[ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge, ActiveHinge]]
Create a body for the robot.
@@ -23,20 +23,20 @@ def make_body() -> (
# From here, other modular can be attached.
# Modules can be attached in a rotated fashion.
# This can be any angle, although the original design takes into account only multiples of 90 degrees.
- body = BodyV1()
- body.core_v1.left = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.left.attachment = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.left.attachment.attachment = BrickV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.right = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.right.attachment = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.right.attachment.attachment = BrickV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body = BodyV2()
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom.attachment = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom.attachment.attachment = BrickV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom.attachment = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom.attachment.attachment = BrickV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
"""Here we collect all ActiveHinges, to map them later onto the physical robot."""
active_hinges = (
- body.core_v1.left,
- body.core_v1.left.attachment,
- body.core_v1.right,
- body.core_v1.right.attachment,
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom,
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom.attachment,
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom,
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom.attachment,
return body, active_hinges
diff --git a/examples/robot_bodybrain_ea/genotype.py b/examples/robot_bodybrain_ea/genotype.py
index d58522247..3665c01b2 100644
--- a/examples/robot_bodybrain_ea/genotype.py
+++ b/examples/robot_bodybrain_ea/genotype.py
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
import numpy as np
from revolve2.ci_group.genotypes.cppnwin.modular_robot import BrainGenotypeCpg
-from revolve2.ci_group.genotypes.cppnwin.modular_robot.v1 import BodyGenotypeV1
+from revolve2.ci_group.genotypes.cppnwin.modular_robot.v2 import BodyGenotypeV2
from revolve2.modular_robot import ModularRobot
-class Genotype(BodyGenotypeV1, BrainGenotypeCpg):
+class Genotype(BodyGenotypeV2, BrainGenotypeCpg):
"""A genotype for a body and brain using CPPN."""
diff --git a/examples/robot_bodybrain_ea_database/genotype.py b/examples/robot_bodybrain_ea_database/genotype.py
index 9fcbd798d..406efd64b 100644
--- a/examples/robot_bodybrain_ea_database/genotype.py
+++ b/examples/robot_bodybrain_ea_database/genotype.py
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
from base import Base
from revolve2.ci_group.genotypes.cppnwin.modular_robot import BrainGenotypeCpgOrm
-from revolve2.ci_group.genotypes.cppnwin.modular_robot.v1 import BodyGenotypeOrmV1
+from revolve2.ci_group.genotypes.cppnwin.modular_robot.v2 import BodyGenotypeOrmV2
from revolve2.experimentation.database import HasId
from revolve2.modular_robot import ModularRobot
-class Genotype(Base, HasId, BodyGenotypeOrmV1, BrainGenotypeCpgOrm):
+class Genotype(Base, HasId, BodyGenotypeOrmV2, BrainGenotypeCpgOrm):
"""SQLAlchemy model for a genotype for a modular robot body and brain."""
__tablename__ = "genotype"
diff --git a/examples/robot_brain_cmaes_database/config.py b/examples/robot_brain_cmaes_database/config.py
index 34e52d113..5e1374124 100644
--- a/examples/robot_brain_cmaes_database/config.py
+++ b/examples/robot_brain_cmaes_database/config.py
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"""Configuration parameters for this example."""
-from revolve2.ci_group.modular_robots_v1 import gecko_v1
+from revolve2.ci_group.modular_robots_v2 import gecko_v2
DATABASE_FILE = "database.sqlite"
-BODY = gecko_v1()
+BODY = gecko_v2()
diff --git a/examples/simulate_single_robot/main.py b/examples/simulate_single_robot/main.py
index e240b0de6..175db6523 100644
--- a/examples/simulate_single_robot/main.py
+++ b/examples/simulate_single_robot/main.py
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
from revolve2.experimentation.rng import make_rng_time_seed
from revolve2.modular_robot import ModularRobot
from revolve2.modular_robot.body import RightAngles
-from revolve2.modular_robot.body.v1 import ActiveHingeV1, BodyV1, BrickV1
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.v2 import ActiveHingeV2, BodyV2, BrickV2
from revolve2.modular_robot.brain.cpg import BrainCpgNetworkNeighborRandom
from revolve2.modular_robot_simulation import ModularRobotScene, simulate_scenes
from revolve2.simulators.mujoco_simulator import LocalSimulator
-def make_body() -> BodyV1:
+def make_body() -> BodyV2:
Create a body for the robot.
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ def make_body() -> BodyV1:
# From here, other modular can be attached.
# Modules can be attached in a rotated fashion.
# This can be any angle, although the original design takes into account only multiples of 90 degrees.
- body = BodyV1()
- body.core_v1.left = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.left.attachment = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.left.attachment.attachment = BrickV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.right = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.right.attachment = ActiveHingeV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
- body.core_v1.right.attachment.attachment = BrickV1(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body = BodyV2()
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom.attachment = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.left_face.bottom.attachment.attachment = BrickV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom.attachment = ActiveHingeV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
+ body.core_v2.right_face.bottom.attachment.attachment = BrickV2(RightAngles.DEG_0)
return body
diff --git a/experimentation/pyproject.toml b/experimentation/pyproject.toml
index acaa9c589..a105d5fe7 100644
--- a/experimentation/pyproject.toml
+++ b/experimentation/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
name = "revolve2-experimentation"
-version = "1.0.1"
+version = "1.0.2"
description = "Revolve2: Tools for experimentation."
readme = "../README.md"
-authors = ["Aart Stuurman "]
+authors = [
+ "Aart Stuurman ",
+ "Oliver Weissl ",
repository = "https://github.com/ci-group/revolve2"
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
diff --git a/modular_robot/pyproject.toml b/modular_robot/pyproject.toml
index ab0fbeeb9..bbdc41a36 100644
--- a/modular_robot/pyproject.toml
+++ b/modular_robot/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
name = "revolve2-modular-robot"
-version = "1.0.1"
+version = "1.0.2"
description = "Revolve2: Everything for defining modular robots."
readme = "../README.md"
-authors = ["Aart Stuurman "]
+authors = [
+ "Aart Stuurman ",
+ "Oliver Weissl ",
repository = "https://github.com/ci-group/revolve2"
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/__init__.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/__init__.py
index d28362d52..83fa114a2 100644
--- a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/__init__.py
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
"""Base Modules for Robots."""
from ._active_hinge import ActiveHinge
-from ._active_hinge_sensor import ActiveHingeSensor
from ._attachment_face import AttachmentFace
from ._body import Body
from ._brick import Brick
@@ -8,7 +7,6 @@
__all__ = [
- "ActiveHingeSensor",
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_active_hinge.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_active_hinge.py
index 023e03345..8b5b2c900 100644
--- a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_active_hinge.py
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_active_hinge.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from .._color import Color
from .._module import Module
from .._right_angles import RightAngles
-from ._active_hinge_sensor import ActiveHingeSensor
+from ..sensors import ActiveHingeSensor
class ActiveHinge(Module):
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_core.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_core.py
index dc2435762..cc697e155 100644
--- a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_core.py
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_core.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from .._color import Color
from .._module import Module
from .._right_angles import RightAngles
+from ..sensors import IMUSensor
class Core(Module):
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ class Core(Module):
See `_get_new_module_id` on what this is used for.
+ imu_sensor: IMUSensor | None
def __init__(
rotation: float | RightAngles,
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/__init__.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..538ce19bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+"""Base Sensors for Modular Robots."""
+from ._active_hinge_sensor import ActiveHingeSensor
+from ._camera_sensor import CameraSensor
+from ._imu_sensor import IMUSensor
+from ._sensor import Sensor
+__all__ = ["ActiveHingeSensor", "CameraSensor", "IMUSensor", "Sensor"]
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_active_hinge_sensor.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_active_hinge_sensor.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c23b53123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_active_hinge_sensor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import uuid
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from ._sensor import Sensor
+class ActiveHingeSensor(Sensor):
+ """A sensors for an active hinge that measures its angle."""
+ _uuid: uuid.UUID = field(init=False, default_factory=uuid.uuid1)
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_camera_sensor.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_camera_sensor.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9050c422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_camera_sensor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import uuid
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from pyrr import Vector3
+from revolve2.simulation.scene.vector2 import Vector2
+from ._sensor import Sensor
+class CameraSensor(Sensor):
+ """A camera for the Modular Robot."""
+ position: Vector3 # The position of the camera on the parent module.
+ camera_size: Vector2 = field(
+ init=False, default_factory=Vector2([200, 200])
+ ) # The size of the image produced by the camera (w x h).
+ _uuid: uuid.UUID = field(init=False, default_factory=uuid.uuid1)
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_imu_sensor.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_imu_sensor.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0e1459d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_imu_sensor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import uuid
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from ._sensor import Sensor
+class IMUSensor(Sensor):
+ """
+ An inertial measurement unit.
+ Reports specific force(closely related to acceleration), angular rate(closely related to angular velocity), and orientation.
+ """
+ _uuid: uuid.UUID = field(init=False, default_factory=uuid.uuid1)
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_active_hinge_sensor.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_sensor.py
similarity index 62%
rename from modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_active_hinge_sensor.py
rename to modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_sensor.py
index 5be899781..448cdbff8 100644
--- a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/base/_active_hinge_sensor.py
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/sensors/_sensor.py
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
import uuid
+from abc import ABC
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-class ActiveHingeSensor:
- """A sensor for an active hinge that measures its angle."""
+class Sensor(ABC):
+ """An abstract Sensor Class."""
_uuid: uuid.UUID = field(init=False, default_factory=uuid.uuid1)
def uuid(self) -> uuid.UUID:
- Get the uuid.
+ Get the uuid of the sensor.
- :returns: The uuid.
+ :return: The uuid.
return self._uuid
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/v2/_attachment_face_core_v2.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/v2/_attachment_face_core_v2.py
index faa22928d..7685a9c94 100644
--- a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/v2/_attachment_face_core_v2.py
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/body/v2/_attachment_face_core_v2.py
@@ -61,7 +61,13 @@ def __init__(
h_o = (i % 3 - 1) * horizontal_offset
v_o = -(i // 3 - 1) * vertical_offset
- offset = rot * Vector3([0.0, h_o, v_o])
+ h_o = h_o if int(rot.angle / np.pi) % 2 == 0 else -h_o
+ offset = (
+ Vector3([0.0, h_o, v_o])
+ if np.isclose(rot.angle % np.pi, 0)
+ else Vector3([h_o, 0.0, v_o])
+ )
+ offset = rot * offset
attachment_points[i] = AttachmentPoint(
orientation=rot, offset=self._child_offset + offset
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/__init__.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/__init__.py
index 4b4f56f1a..5194cad02 100644
--- a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/__init__.py
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
"""Sensor states from modular robots."""
from ._active_hinge_sensor_state import ActiveHingeSensorState
+from ._camera_sensor_state import CameraSensorState
+from ._imu_sensor_state import IMUSensorState
from ._modular_robot_sensor_state import ModularRobotSensorState
-__all__ = ["ActiveHingeSensorState", "ModularRobotSensorState"]
+__all__ = [
+ "ActiveHingeSensorState",
+ "CameraSensorState",
+ "IMUSensorState",
+ "ModularRobotSensorState",
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/_camera_sensor_state.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/_camera_sensor_state.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62aeeb8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/_camera_sensor_state.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import NDArray
+class CameraSensorState(ABC):
+ """The state of a camera sensor."""
+ @property
+ @abstractmethod
+ def image(self) -> NDArray[np.float_]:
+ """
+ Get the current image.
+ :returns: The image.
+ """
+ pass
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/_imu_sensor_state.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/_imu_sensor_state.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..426122d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/_imu_sensor_state.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from pyrr import Vector3
+class IMUSensorState(ABC):
+ """The state of an IMU sensor."""
+ @property
+ @abstractmethod
+ def specific_force(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the measured specific force.
+ :returns: The measured specific force.
+ """
+ @property
+ @abstractmethod
+ def angular_rate(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the measured angular rate.
+ :returns: The measured angular rate.
+ """
+ @property
+ @abstractmethod
+ def orientation(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the measured orientation.
+ :returns: The measured orientation.
+ """
diff --git a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/_modular_robot_sensor_state.py b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/_modular_robot_sensor_state.py
index a93e3ec42..08a715f09 100644
--- a/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/_modular_robot_sensor_state.py
+++ b/modular_robot/revolve2/modular_robot/sensor_state/_modular_robot_sensor_state.py
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
-from ..body.base._active_hinge_sensor import ActiveHingeSensor
+from ..body.sensors import ActiveHingeSensor, CameraSensor, IMUSensor
from ._active_hinge_sensor_state import ActiveHingeSensorState
+from ._camera_sensor_state import CameraSensorState
+from ._imu_sensor_state import IMUSensorState
class ModularRobotSensorState(ABC):
@@ -17,3 +19,21 @@ def get_active_hinge_sensor_state(
:param sensor: The sensor.
:returns: The state.
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_imu_sensor_state(self, sensor: IMUSensor) -> IMUSensorState:
+ """
+ Get the state of the provided IMU sensor.
+ :param sensor: The sensor.
+ :returns: The state.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_camera_sensor_state(self, sensor: CameraSensor) -> CameraSensorState:
+ """
+ Get the state of the provided camera sensor.
+ :param sensor: The sensor.
+ :returns: The state.
+ """
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/pyproject.toml b/modular_robot_physical/pyproject.toml
index 14f097054..c3f806e02 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/pyproject.toml
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
name = "revolve2-modular-robot-physical"
-version = "1.0.1"
+version = "1.0.2"
description = "Revolve2: Everything for physical modular robot control. This package is intended to be installed on the modular robot hardware."
readme = "../README.md"
authors = [
"Aart Stuurman ",
- "Oliver Weissl ",
+ "Oliver Weissl ",
repository = "https://github.com/ci-group/revolve2"
classifiers = [
@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ packages = [{ include = "revolve2" }]
python = "^3.10,<3.12"
-revolve2-modular-robot = "1.0.1"
+revolve2-modular-robot = "1.0.2"
revolve2-robohat = { version = "0.5.0", optional = true }
+pyrr = "^0.10.3"
typed-argparse = "^0.3.1"
pycapnp = { version = "^2.0.0b2" }
pigpio = { version = "^1.78", optional = true }
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/_physical_interface.py b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/_physical_interface.py
index ab76f7682..0be69f254 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/_physical_interface.py
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/_physical_interface.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Sequence
+from pyrr import Vector3
class PhysicalInterface(ABC):
"""Abstract implementation for interfacing with hardware."""
@@ -46,3 +48,30 @@ def get_multiple_servo_positions(self, pins: Sequence[int]) -> list[float]:
:returns: The current positions.
:raises NotImplementedError: If getting the servo position is not supported on this hardware.
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_imu_angular_rate(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the angular rate from the IMU.
+ :returns: The angular rate.
+ :raises NotImplementedError: If the IMU is not supported on this hardware.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_imu_orientation(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the orientation from the IMU.
+ :returns: The orientation.
+ :raises NotImplementedError: If the IMU is not supported on this hardware.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_imu_specific_force(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the specific force from the IMU.
+ :returns: The specific force.
+ :raises NotImplementedError: If the IMU is not supported on this hardware.
+ """
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/v1/_v1_physical_interface.py b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/v1/_v1_physical_interface.py
index d483d9b9a..c061d2d36 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/v1/_v1_physical_interface.py
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/v1/_v1_physical_interface.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
from typing import Sequence
import pigpio
+from pyrr import Vector3
from .._physical_interface import PhysicalInterface
@@ -101,3 +102,27 @@ def get_multiple_servo_positions(self, pins: Sequence[int]) -> list[float]:
:raises NotImplementedError: If getting the servo position is not supported on this hardware.
raise NotImplementedError("Getting servo position not supported on v1 harware.")
+ def get_imu_angular_rate(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the angular rate from the IMU.
+ :raises NotImplementedError: Always.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def get_imu_orientation(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the orientation from the IMU.
+ :raises NotImplementedError: Always.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def get_imu_specific_force(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the specific force from the IMU.
+ :raises NotImplementedError: Always.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/v2/_v2_physical_interface.py b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/v2/_v2_physical_interface.py
index 1ced1b57e..4353d4167 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/v2/_v2_physical_interface.py
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/physical_interfaces/v2/_v2_physical_interface.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import math
from typing import Sequence
+from pyrr import Vector3
from robohatlib.hal.assemblyboard.PwmPlug import PwmPlug
from robohatlib.hal.assemblyboard.servo.ServoData import ServoData
from robohatlib.hal.assemblyboard.ServoAssemblyConfig import ServoAssemblyConfig
@@ -136,3 +137,39 @@ def get_multiple_servo_positions(self, pins: Sequence[int]) -> list[float]:
angles = self._robohat.get_servo_multiple_angles()
return [(angles[pin] - 90) / 360.0 * math.pi * 2.0 for pin in pins]
+ def get_imu_angular_rate(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the angular rate from the IMU.
+ :returns: The angular rate.
+ :raises RuntimeError: When imu could not be read.
+ """
+ gyro = self._robohat.get_imu_gyro()
+ if gyro is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not get IMU gyro reading!")
+ return Vector3(gyro)
+ def get_imu_orientation(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the orientation from the IMU.
+ :returns: The orientation.
+ :raises RuntimeError: When imu could not be read.
+ """
+ orientation = self._robohat.get_imu_magnetic_fields()
+ if orientation is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not get IMU magnetic fields reading!")
+ return Vector3(orientation)
+ def get_imu_specific_force(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the specific force from the IMU.
+ :returns: The specific force.
+ :raises RuntimeError: When imu could not be read.
+ """
+ accel = self._robohat.get_imu_acceleration()
+ if accel is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not get IMU acceleration reading!")
+ return Vector3(accel)
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_imu_sensor_state_impl.py b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_imu_sensor_state_impl.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ce09193c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_imu_sensor_state_impl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+from pyrr import Vector3
+from revolve2.modular_robot.sensor_state import IMUSensorState
+class IMUSensorStateImpl(IMUSensorState):
+ """The state of an IMU sensor."""
+ _specific_force: Vector3
+ _angular_rate: Vector3
+ _orientation: Vector3
+ def __init__(
+ self, specific_force: Vector3, angular_rate: Vector3, orientation: Vector3
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Initialize this object.
+ :param specific_force: Speicfic force.
+ :param angular_rate: Angular rate.
+ :param orientation: Orientation.
+ """
+ self._specific_force = specific_force
+ self._angular_rate = angular_rate
+ self._orientation = orientation
+ @property
+ def specific_force(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the measured specific force.
+ :returns: The measured specific force.
+ """
+ return self._specific_force
+ @property
+ def angular_rate(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the measured angular rate.
+ :returns: The measured angular rate.
+ """
+ return self._angular_rate
+ @property
+ def orientation(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the measured orientation.
+ :returns: The measured orientation.
+ """
+ return self._orientation
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl_v1.py b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl_v1.py
index e073cbdcf..dbbbc9cd5 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl_v1.py
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl_v1.py
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
-from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHingeSensor
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.sensors import (
+ ActiveHingeSensor,
+ CameraSensor,
+ IMUSensor,
from revolve2.modular_robot.sensor_state import (
+ CameraSensorState,
+ IMUSensorState,
@@ -18,3 +24,21 @@ def get_active_hinge_sensor_state(
:raises NotImplementedError: Always.
raise NotImplementedError("V1 hardware does not support sensor reading.")
+ def get_imu_sensor_state(self, sensor: IMUSensor) -> IMUSensorState:
+ """
+ Get the state of the provided IMU sensor.
+ :param sensor: The sensor.
+ :raises NotImplementedError: Always.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def get_camera_sensor_state(self, sensor: CameraSensor) -> CameraSensorState:
+ """
+ Get the state of the provided camera sensor.
+ :param sensor: The sensor.
+ :raises NotImplementedError: Always.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl_v2.py b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl_v2.py
index c90ddd6e6..732b7f608 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl_v2.py
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl_v2.py
@@ -1,32 +1,44 @@
-from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHingeSensor
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.sensors import (
+ ActiveHingeSensor,
+ CameraSensor,
+ IMUSensor,
from revolve2.modular_robot.sensor_state import (
+ CameraSensorState,
+ IMUSensorState,
from .._uuid_key import UUIDKey
from ._active_hinge_sensor_state_impl import ActiveHingeSensorStateImpl
+from ._imu_sensor_state_impl import IMUSensorStateImpl
class ModularRobotSensorStateImplV2(ModularRobotSensorState):
"""Implementation of ModularRobotSensorState for v2 robots."""
_hinge_sensor_mapping: dict[UUIDKey[ActiveHingeSensor], int]
- _positions: dict[int, float]
+ _hinge_positions: dict[int, float]
+ _imu_sensor_states: dict[UUIDKey[IMUSensor], IMUSensorStateImpl]
def __init__(
hinge_sensor_mapping: dict[UUIDKey[ActiveHingeSensor], int],
- positions: dict[int, float],
+ hinge_positions: dict[int, float],
+ imu_sensor_states: dict[UUIDKey[IMUSensor], IMUSensorStateImpl],
) -> None:
Initialize this object.
:param hinge_sensor_mapping: Mapping from active hinge sensors to pin ids.
- :param positions: Position of hinges accessed by pin id.
+ :param hinge_positions: Position of hinges accessed by pin id.
+ :param imu_sensor_states: State of the IMU sensors.
self._hinge_sensor_mapping = hinge_sensor_mapping
- self._positions = positions
+ self._hinge_positions = hinge_positions
+ self._imu_sensor_states = imu_sensor_states
def get_active_hinge_sensor_state(
self, sensor: ActiveHingeSensor
@@ -38,5 +50,29 @@ def get_active_hinge_sensor_state(
:returns: The Sensor State.
return ActiveHingeSensorStateImpl(
- self._positions[self._hinge_sensor_mapping[UUIDKey(sensor)]]
+ self._hinge_positions[self._hinge_sensor_mapping[UUIDKey(sensor)]]
+ def get_imu_sensor_state(self, sensor: IMUSensor) -> IMUSensorState:
+ """
+ Get the state of the provided IMU sensor.
+ :param sensor: The sensor.
+ :raises ValueError: If IMU sensors is not part of the robot.
+ :returns: The state.
+ """
+ state = self._imu_sensor_states.get(UUIDKey(sensor))
+ if state is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "State for IMU sensor not found. Does it exist in the robot definition?"
+ )
+ return state
+ def get_camera_sensor_state(self, sensor: CameraSensor) -> CameraSensorState:
+ """
+ Get the state of the provided camera sensor.
+ :param sensor: The sensor.
+ :raises NotImplementedError: Always.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_remote.py b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_remote.py
index 0f4e13ed9..341e6ebf0 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_remote.py
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/remote/_remote.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
from typing import Callable
import capnp
+from pyrr import Vector3
from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHinge
from revolve2.modular_robot.sensor_state import ModularRobotSensorState
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
from .._standard_port import STANDARD_PORT
from .._uuid_key import UUIDKey
from ..robot_daemon_api import robot_daemon_protocol_capnp
+from ._imu_sensor_state_impl import IMUSensorStateImpl
from ._modular_robot_control_interface_impl import ModularRobotControlInterfaceImpl
from ._modular_robot_sensor_state_impl_v1 import ModularRobotSensorStateImplV1
from ._modular_robot_sensor_state_impl_v2 import ModularRobotSensorStateImplV2
@@ -153,12 +155,25 @@ async def _run_remote_impl(
+ if config.modular_robot.body.core.imu_sensor is None:
+ imu_sensor_states = {}
+ else:
+ imu_sensor_states = {
+ UUIDKey(
+ config.modular_robot.body.core.imu_sensor
+ ): IMUSensorStateImpl(
+ _capnp_to_vector3(sensor_readings.imuSpecificForce),
+ _capnp_to_vector3(sensor_readings.imuAngularRate),
+ _capnp_to_vector3(sensor_readings.imuOrientation),
+ )
+ }
sensor_state = ModularRobotSensorStateImplV2(
- positions={
+ hinge_positions={
pin: position
for pin, position in zip(pins, sensor_readings.pins)
+ imu_sensor_states=imu_sensor_states,
case _:
raise NotImplementedError("Hardware type not supported.")
@@ -207,12 +222,25 @@ async def _run_remote_impl(
+ if config.modular_robot.body.core.imu_sensor is None:
+ imu_sensor_states = {}
+ else:
+ imu_sensor_states = {
+ UUIDKey(
+ config.modular_robot.body.core.imu_sensor
+ ): IMUSensorStateImpl(
+ _capnp_to_vector3(sensor_readings.imuSpecificForce),
+ _capnp_to_vector3(sensor_readings.imuAngularRate),
+ _capnp_to_vector3(sensor_readings.imuOrientation),
+ )
+ }
sensor_state = ModularRobotSensorStateImplV2(
- positions={
+ hinge_positions={
pin: position
for pin, position in zip(pins, sensor_readings.pins)
+ imu_sensor_states=imu_sensor_states,
if battery_print_timer > 5.0:
@@ -222,6 +250,10 @@ async def _run_remote_impl(
raise NotImplementedError("Hardware type not supported.")
+def _capnp_to_vector3(vector: robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.Vector3) -> Vector3:
+ return Vector3([vector.x, vector.y, vector.z])
def run_remote(
config: Config,
hostname: str,
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon/_robo_server_impl.py b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon/_robo_server_impl.py
index c428c9238..0d49e97a0 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon/_robo_server_impl.py
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon/_robo_server_impl.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
import time
from typing import Any, Sequence
+from pyrr import Vector3
from .._hardware_type import HardwareType
from .._protocol_version import PROTOCOL_VERSION
from ..physical_interfaces import PhysicalInterface
@@ -248,6 +250,20 @@ def _get_sensor_readings(
battery = self._physical_interface.get_battery_level()
+ imu_orientation = self._physical_interface.get_imu_orientation()
+ imu_specific_force = self._physical_interface.get_imu_specific_force()
+ imu_angular_rate = self._physical_interface.get_imu_angular_rate()
return robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.SensorReadings(
- pins=pins_readings, battery=battery
+ pins=pins_readings,
+ battery=battery,
+ imuOrientation=self._vector3_to_capnp(imu_orientation),
+ imuSpecificForce=self._vector3_to_capnp(imu_specific_force),
+ imuAngularRate=self._vector3_to_capnp(imu_angular_rate),
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def _vector3_to_capnp(vector: Vector3) -> Vector3:
+ return robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.Vector3(
+ x=float(vector.x), y=float(vector.y), z=float(vector.z)
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol.capnp b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol.capnp
index 1577824b6..e2d9fa269 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol.capnp
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol.capnp
@@ -33,9 +33,18 @@ struct ControlAndReadSensorsArgs {
readPins @1 :List(Int32);
+struct Vector3 {
+ x @0 :Float32;
+ y @1 :Float32;
+ z @2 :Float32;
struct SensorReadings {
pins @0 :List(Float32);
battery @1 :Float32;
+ imuOrientation @2 :Vector3;
+ imuSpecificForce @3 :Vector3;
+ imuAngularRate @4 :Vector3;
interface RoboServer {
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.py b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.py
index 49245fd20..38c8d2b99 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.py
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
module_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, "robot_daemon_protocol.capnp"))
SetupArgs = capnp.load(module_file).SetupArgs
SetupArgsBuilder = SetupArgs
-SetupaArgsReader = SetupArgs
+SetupArgsReader = SetupArgs
SetupResponse = capnp.load(module_file).SetupResponse
SetupResponseBuilder = SetupResponse
SetupResponseReader = SetupResponse
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
ControlAndReadSensorsArgs = capnp.load(module_file).ControlAndReadSensorsArgs
ControlAndReadSensorsArgsBuilder = ControlAndReadSensorsArgs
ControlAndReadSensorsArgsReader = ControlAndReadSensorsArgs
+Vector3 = capnp.load(module_file).Vector3
+Vector3Builder = Vector3
+Vector3Reader = Vector3
SensorReadings = capnp.load(module_file).SensorReadings
SensorReadingsBuilder = SensorReadings
SensorReadingsReader = SensorReadings
diff --git a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.pyi b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.pyi
index 9a2caf59b..a5532de14 100644
--- a/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.pyi
+++ b/modular_robot_physical/revolve2/modular_robot_physical/robot_daemon_api/robot_daemon_protocol_capnp.pyi
@@ -251,10 +251,58 @@ class ControlAndReadSensorsArgsBuilder(ControlAndReadSensorsArgs):
def write_packed(file: BufferedWriter) -> None: ...
+class Vector3:
+ x: float
+ y: float
+ z: float
+ def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ @contextmanager
+ def from_bytes(
+ data: bytes,
+ traversal_limit_in_words: int | None = ...,
+ nesting_limit: int | None = ...,
+ ) -> Iterator[Vector3Reader]: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_bytes_packed(
+ data: bytes,
+ traversal_limit_in_words: int | None = ...,
+ nesting_limit: int | None = ...,
+ ) -> Vector3Reader: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def new_message() -> Vector3Builder: ...
+ def to_dict(self) -> dict[Any, Any]: ...
+class Vector3Reader(Vector3):
+ def as_builder(self) -> Vector3Builder: ...
+class Vector3Builder(Vector3):
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_dict(dictionary: dict[Any, Any]) -> Vector3Builder: ...
+ def copy(self) -> Vector3Builder: ...
+ def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: ...
+ def to_bytes_packed(self) -> bytes: ...
+ def to_segments(self) -> list[bytes]: ...
+ def as_reader(self) -> Vector3Reader: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def write(file: BufferedWriter) -> None: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def write_packed(file: BufferedWriter) -> None: ...
class SensorReadings:
pins: Sequence[float]
battery: float
- def __init__(self, pins: Sequence[float], battery: float) -> None: ...
+ imuOrientation: Vector3 | Vector3Builder | Vector3Reader
+ imuSpecificForce: Vector3 | Vector3Builder | Vector3Reader
+ imuAngularRate: Vector3 | Vector3Builder | Vector3Reader
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ pins: Sequence[float],
+ battery: float,
+ imuOrientation: Vector3 | Vector3Builder | Vector3Reader,
+ imuSpecificForce: Vector3 | Vector3Builder | Vector3Reader,
+ imuAngularRate: Vector3 | Vector3Builder | Vector3Reader,
+ ) -> None: ...
def from_bytes(
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/pyproject.toml b/modular_robot_simulation/pyproject.toml
index 21cfe417e..5dc4eda74 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/pyproject.toml
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
name = "revolve2-modular-robot-simulation"
-version = "1.0.1"
+version = "1.0.2"
description = "Revolve2: Functionality to define scenes with modular robots in a terrain and simulate them."
readme = "../README.md"
-authors = ["Aart Stuurman "]
+authors = [
+ "Aart Stuurman ",
+ "Oliver Weissl "
repository = "https://github.com/ci-group/revolve2"
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
@@ -24,8 +27,8 @@ packages = [{ include = "revolve2" }]
python = "^3.10,<3.12"
-revolve2-modular-robot = "1.0.1"
-revolve2-simulation = "1.0.1"
+revolve2-modular-robot = "1.0.2"
+revolve2-simulation = "1.0.2"
dev = []
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_body_to_multi_body_system_converter.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_body_to_multi_body_system_converter.py
index f263742bb..1d9c83a5b 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_body_to_multi_body_system_converter.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_body_to_multi_body_system_converter.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import Body
from revolve2.simulation.scene import MultiBodySystem, Pose, RigidBody
+from revolve2.simulation.scene.sensors import IMUSensor
from ._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
from ._get_builder import get_builder
@@ -29,14 +30,21 @@ def convert_robot_body(
:returns: The created multi-body system, and a mapping from body to multi-body system.
multi_body_system = MultiBodySystem(pose=pose, is_static=False)
- mapping = BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping()
+ core_imu = IMUSensor(pose=Pose(position=Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])))
rigid_body = RigidBody(
+ imu_sensors=[core_imu],
+ )
+ mapping = BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping(
+ core_imu=core_imu, multi_body_system=multi_body_system
unbuilt = UnbuiltChild(
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_body_to_multi_body_system_mapping.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_body_to_multi_body_system_mapping.py
index 42930c4d2..058d81acc 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_body_to_multi_body_system_mapping.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_body_to_multi_body_system_mapping.py
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHinge, ActiveHingeSensor
-from revolve2.simulation.scene import JointHinge, UUIDKey
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHinge
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.sensors import ActiveHingeSensor
+from revolve2.simulation.scene import JointHinge, MultiBodySystem, UUIDKey
+from revolve2.simulation.scene.sensors import IMUSensor
class BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping:
"""Mappings from bodies to multi-body system objects."""
+ core_imu: IMUSensor
+ multi_body_system: MultiBodySystem
active_hinge_to_joint_hinge: dict[UUIDKey[ActiveHinge], JointHinge] = field(
init=False, default_factory=dict
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/__init__.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43162bc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+"""Builders for specific modules or the modular robots."""
+from ._active_hinge_builder import ActiveHingeBuilder
+from ._attachment_face_builder import AttachmentFaceBuilder
+from ._brick_builder import BrickBuilder
+from ._builder import Builder
+from ._core_builder import CoreBuilder
+__all__ = [
+ "ActiveHingeBuilder",
+ "AttachmentFaceBuilder",
+ "BrickBuilder",
+ "Builder",
+ "CoreBuilder",
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_active_hinge_builder.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_active_hinge_builder.py
similarity index 96%
rename from modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_active_hinge_builder.py
rename to modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_active_hinge_builder.py
index 567fb9012..367f38210 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_active_hinge_builder.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_active_hinge_builder.py
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
from revolve2.simulation.scene.geometry import GeometryBox
from revolve2.simulation.scene.geometry.textures import Texture
-from ._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
+from .._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
+from .._convert_color import convert_color
+from .._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
from ._builder import Builder
-from ._convert_color import convert_color
-from ._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
class ActiveHingeBuilder(Builder):
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ def build(
+ imu_sensors=[],
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_attachment_face_builder.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_attachment_face_builder.py
similarity index 93%
rename from modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_attachment_face_builder.py
rename to modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_attachment_face_builder.py
index 89e94b05f..b805325aa 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_attachment_face_builder.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_attachment_face_builder.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import AttachmentFace
from revolve2.simulation.scene import MultiBodySystem, Pose, RigidBody
-from ._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
+from .._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
+from .._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
from ._builder import Builder
-from ._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
class AttachmentFaceBuilder(Builder):
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_brick_builder.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_brick_builder.py
similarity index 94%
rename from modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_brick_builder.py
rename to modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_brick_builder.py
index f3df09bf4..2f004fe74 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_brick_builder.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_brick_builder.py
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
from revolve2.simulation.scene.geometry import GeometryBox
from revolve2.simulation.scene.geometry.textures import Texture
-from ._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
+from .._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
+from .._convert_color import convert_color
+from .._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
from ._builder import Builder
-from ._convert_color import convert_color
-from ._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
class BrickBuilder(Builder):
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builder.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_builder.py
similarity index 83%
rename from modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builder.py
rename to modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_builder.py
index 4f2fe99c2..0ca518505 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builder.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_builder.py
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
from revolve2.simulation.scene import MultiBodySystem
-from ._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
-from ._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
+from .._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
+from .._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
class Builder(ABC):
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_core_builder.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_core_builder.py
similarity index 93%
rename from modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_core_builder.py
rename to modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_core_builder.py
index f5eb5b146..2f1eb250a 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_core_builder.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_builders/_core_builder.py
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
from revolve2.simulation.scene.geometry import GeometryBox
from revolve2.simulation.scene.geometry.textures import Texture
-from ._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
+from .._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
+from .._convert_color import convert_color
+from .._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
from ._builder import Builder
-from ._convert_color import convert_color
-from ._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
class CoreBuilder(Builder):
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_get_builder.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_get_builder.py
index 6d902632c..15fe6d0b7 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_get_builder.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_build_multi_body_systems/_get_builder.py
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHinge, AttachmentFace, Brick, Core
-from ._active_hinge_builder import ActiveHingeBuilder
-from ._attachment_face_builder import AttachmentFaceBuilder
-from ._brick_builder import BrickBuilder
-from ._builder import Builder
-from ._core_builder import CoreBuilder
+from ._builders import (
+ ActiveHingeBuilder,
+ AttachmentFaceBuilder,
+ BrickBuilder,
+ Builder,
+ CoreBuilder,
from ._unbuilt_child import UnbuiltChild
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_convert_terrain.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_convert_terrain.py
index 9d2dff2e7..78b491c83 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_convert_terrain.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_convert_terrain.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ def convert_terrain(terrain: Terrain) -> MultiBodySystem:
+ imu_sensors=[],
) # We use these friction values but in the future they should be set through the terrain description.
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_modular_robot_simulation_handler.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_modular_robot_simulation_handler.py
index 1e3bf9136..f2d6fc1e1 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_modular_robot_simulation_handler.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_modular_robot_simulation_handler.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
from ._build_multi_body_systems import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
from ._modular_robot_control_interface_impl import ModularRobotControlInterfaceImpl
-from ._modular_robot_sensor_state_impl import ModularRobotSensorStateImpl
+from ._sensor_state_impl import ModularRobotSensorStateImpl
class ModularRobotSimulationHandler(SimulationHandler):
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/__init__.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ce76dad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+"""Sensor state implementations for the simulations."""
+from ._active_hinge_sensor_state_impl import ActiveHingeSensorStateImpl
+from ._imu_sensor_state_impl import IMUSensorStateImpl
+from ._modular_robot_sensor_state_impl import ModularRobotSensorStateImpl
+__all__ = [
+ "ActiveHingeSensorStateImpl",
+ "IMUSensorStateImpl",
+ "ModularRobotSensorStateImpl",
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_active_hinge_sensor_state_impl.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/_active_hinge_sensor_state_impl.py
similarity index 100%
rename from modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_active_hinge_sensor_state_impl.py
rename to modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/_active_hinge_sensor_state_impl.py
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/_imu_sensor_state_impl.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/_imu_sensor_state_impl.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..874228ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/_imu_sensor_state_impl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+from pyrr import Quaternion, Vector3
+from revolve2.modular_robot.sensor_state import IMUSensorState
+from revolve2.simulation.scene import MultiBodySystem, SimulationState
+from revolve2.simulation.scene.sensors import IMUSensor
+class IMUSensorStateImpl(IMUSensorState):
+ """Implements the IMU sensor state."""
+ _simulation_state: SimulationState
+ _multi_body_system: MultiBodySystem
+ _core_imu: IMUSensor
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ simulation_state: SimulationState,
+ multi_body_system: MultiBodySystem,
+ core_imu: IMUSensor,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Initialize this object.
+ :param simulation_state: The state of the simulation.
+ :param multi_body_system: The multi body system this imu is attached to.
+ :param core_imu: The imu attached to the core.
+ """
+ self._simulation_state = simulation_state
+ self._multi_body_system = multi_body_system
+ self._core_imu = core_imu
+ @property
+ def specific_force(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the measured specific force.
+ :returns: The measured specific force.
+ """
+ return self._simulation_state.get_imu_specific_force(self._core_imu)
+ @property
+ def angular_rate(self) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the measured angular rate.
+ :returns: The measured angular rate.
+ """
+ return self._simulation_state.get_imu_angular_rate(self._core_imu)
+ @property
+ def orientation(self) -> Quaternion:
+ """
+ Get the measured orientation.
+ :returns: The measured position.
+ """
+ return self._simulation_state.get_multi_body_system_pose(
+ self._multi_body_system
+ ).orientation
diff --git a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl.py b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl.py
similarity index 59%
rename from modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl.py
rename to modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl.py
index 75c408309..6b4b6b558 100644
--- a/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl.py
+++ b/modular_robot_simulation/revolve2/modular_robot_simulation/_sensor_state_impl/_modular_robot_sensor_state_impl.py
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
-from revolve2.modular_robot.body.base import ActiveHingeSensor
+from revolve2.modular_robot.body.sensors import (
+ ActiveHingeSensor,
+ CameraSensor,
+ IMUSensor,
from revolve2.modular_robot.sensor_state import (
+ CameraSensorState,
+ IMUSensorState,
from revolve2.simulation.scene import SimulationState, UUIDKey
+from .._build_multi_body_systems import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
from ._active_hinge_sensor_state_impl import ActiveHingeSensorStateImpl
-from ._build_multi_body_systems import BodyToMultiBodySystemMapping
+from ._imu_sensor_state_impl import IMUSensorStateImpl
class ModularRobotSensorStateImpl(ModularRobotSensorState):
@@ -46,3 +53,25 @@ def get_active_hinge_sensor_state(
return ActiveHingeSensorStateImpl(
simulation_state=self._simulation_state, hinge_joint=maybe_joint
+ def get_imu_sensor_state(self, sensor: IMUSensor) -> IMUSensorState:
+ """
+ Get the state of the provided IMU sensor.
+ :param sensor: The sensor.
+ :returns: The state.
+ """
+ return IMUSensorStateImpl(
+ simulation_state=self._simulation_state,
+ multi_body_system=self._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping.multi_body_system,
+ core_imu=self._body_to_multi_body_system_mapping.core_imu,
+ )
+ def get_camera_sensor_state(self, sensor: CameraSensor) -> CameraSensorState:
+ """
+ Get the state of the camera sensor.
+ :param sensor: The sensor.
+ :raises NotImplementedError: It is not implemented.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("Camera not yet defined for simulation")
diff --git a/simulation/pyproject.toml b/simulation/pyproject.toml
index e6c415abf..49230b967 100644
--- a/simulation/pyproject.toml
+++ b/simulation/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
name = "revolve2-simulation"
-version = "1.0.1"
+version = "1.0.2"
description = "Revolve2: Physics simulation abstraction layer."
readme = "../README.md"
authors = [
diff --git a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_camera.py b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_camera.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ead8fcf8..000000000
--- a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_camera.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from ._pose import Pose
-from ._rigid_body import RigidBody
-class Camera:
- """Camera sensor."""
- parent: RigidBody
- """
- Parent rigid body.
- The camera will be rigidly attached to its parent, relatively using the camera's pose.
- """
- pose: Pose
- """Pose of the geometry, relative to its parent rigid body."""
diff --git a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_rigid_body.py b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_rigid_body.py
index 0cc5b112b..28ddec4dc 100644
--- a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_rigid_body.py
+++ b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_rigid_body.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from ._pose import Pose
from .geometry import Geometry, GeometryBox
+from .sensors import IMUSensor
@@ -38,6 +39,9 @@ def uuid(self) -> uuid.UUID:
geometries: list[Geometry]
"""Geometries describing the shape of the body."""
+ imu_sensors: list[IMUSensor]
+ """The IMU sensors attached to this rigid body."""
def mass(self) -> float:
"""Get mass of the rigid body.
diff --git a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_simulation_state.py b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_simulation_state.py
index 0ebbd4340..4920627c8 100644
--- a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_simulation_state.py
+++ b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/_simulation_state.py
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from pyrr import Vector3
from ._joint_hinge import JointHinge
from ._multi_body_system import MultiBodySystem
from ._pose import Pose
from ._rigid_body import RigidBody
+from .sensors import IMUSensor
class SimulationState(ABC):
@@ -44,3 +47,21 @@ def get_hinge_joint_position(self, joint: JointHinge) -> float:
:param joint: The joint to get the rotational position for.
:returns: The rotational position.
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_imu_specific_force(self, imu_sensor: IMUSensor) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the specific force measured an IMU.
+ :param imu_sensor: The IMU.
+ :returns: The specific force.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_imu_angular_rate(self, imu_sensor: IMUSensor) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the angular rate measured by am IMU.
+ :param imu_sensor: The IMU.
+ :returns: The angular rate.
+ """
diff --git a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/conversion/_multi_body_system_to_urdf.py b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/conversion/_multi_body_system_to_urdf.py
index acab8546e..50fe2f575 100644
--- a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/conversion/_multi_body_system_to_urdf.py
+++ b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/conversion/_multi_body_system_to_urdf.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ def multi_body_system_to_urdf(
list[tuple[JointHinge, str]],
list[tuple[Geometry, str]],
+ list[tuple[RigidBody, str]],
Convert a multi-body system to URDF.
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ def multi_body_system_to_urdf(
:param multi_body_system: The multi-body system to convert.
:param name: The name to using in the URDF. It will be a prefix for every name in the model.
- :returns: A urdf string, plane geometries, heightmap geometries, joints and their names in the urdf, geometries and their names in the urdf
+ :returns: A urdf string, plane geometries, heightmap geometries, joints and their names in the urdf, geometries and their names in the urdf, rigid bodies and their names in the urdf.
:raises ValueError: In case the graph is cyclic.
# noqa: DAR402 ValueError
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ class _URDFConverter:
visited_rigid_bodies: set[uuid.UUID] # their indices
joints_and_names: list[tuple[JointHinge, str]]
geometries_and_names: list[tuple[Geometry, str]]
+ rigid_bodies_and_names: list[tuple[RigidBody, str]]
planes: list[GeometryPlane]
heightmaps: list[GeometryHeightmap]
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ def build(
list[tuple[JointHinge, str]],
list[tuple[Geometry, str]],
+ list[tuple[RigidBody, str]],
assert multi_body_system.has_root()
@@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ def build(
self.visited_rigid_bodies = set()
self.joints_and_names = []
self.geometries_and_names = []
+ self.rigid_bodies_and_names = []
self.planes = []
self.heightmaps = []
@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ def build(
for element in self._make_links_xml_elements(
- f"{name}_root",
+ f"{name}",
@@ -86,6 +90,7 @@ def build(
+ self.rigid_bodies_and_names,
def _make_links_xml_elements(
@@ -103,6 +108,7 @@ def _make_links_xml_elements(
link = xml.Element("link", {"name": rigid_body_name})
+ self.rigid_bodies_and_names.append((rigid_body, rigid_body_name))
com_xyz = link_pose.orientation.inverse * (
diff --git a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/__init__.py b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6162ad197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+"""Sensor classes for the simulators."""
+from ._camera_sensor import CameraSensor
+from ._imu_sensor import IMUSensor
+from ._sensor import Sensor
+__all__ = ["CameraSensor", "IMUSensor", "Sensor"]
diff --git a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/_camera_sensor.py b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/_camera_sensor.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7325a4e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/_camera_sensor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from .._pose import Pose
+from ._sensor import Sensor
+class CameraSensor(Sensor):
+ """Camera sensor."""
+ pose: Pose
+ """Pose of the geometry, relative to its parent rigid body."""
diff --git a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/_imu_sensor.py b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/_imu_sensor.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1beaeacc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/_imu_sensor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from .._pose import Pose
+from ._sensor import Sensor
+class IMUSensor(Sensor):
+ """
+ An inertial measurement unit.
+ Reports specific force(closely related to acceleration), angular rate(closely related to angularvelocity), and orientation.
+ """
+ pose: Pose
diff --git a/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/_sensor.py b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/_sensor.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2580aeb1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulation/revolve2/simulation/scene/sensors/_sensor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import uuid
+from abc import ABC
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+class Sensor(ABC):
+ """
+ An inertial measurement unit.
+ Reports specific force(closely related to acceleration), angular rate(closely related to angularvelocity), and orientation.
+ """
+ _uuid: uuid.UUID = field(init=False, default_factory=uuid.uuid1)
+ @property
+ def uuid(self) -> uuid.UUID:
+ """
+ Get the uuid.
+ :returns: The uuid.
+ """
+ return self._uuid
diff --git a/simulators/mujoco_simulator/pyproject.toml b/simulators/mujoco_simulator/pyproject.toml
index f90399286..426e099d4 100644
--- a/simulators/mujoco_simulator/pyproject.toml
+++ b/simulators/mujoco_simulator/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
name = "revolve2-mujoco-simulator"
-version = "1.0.1"
+version = "1.0.2"
description = "Revolve2: MuJoCo simulator."
readme = "../../README.md"
-authors = ["Aart Stuurman "]
+authors = [
+ "Aart Stuurman ",
+ "Oliver Weissl "
repository = "https://github.com/ci-group/revolve2"
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ packages = [{ include = "revolve2" }]
python = "^3.10,<3.12"
-revolve2-simulation = "1.0.1"
+revolve2-simulation = "1.0.2"
mujoco-python-viewer = "^0.1.3"
mujoco = "^2.2.0"
dm-control = "^1.0.3"
diff --git a/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping.py b/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping.py
index 39717b946..42e56b4de 100644
--- a/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping.py
+++ b/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from revolve2.simulation.scene import JointHinge, MultiBodySystem, UUIDKey
+from revolve2.simulation.scene.sensors import IMUSensor
@@ -19,6 +20,14 @@ class MultiBodySystemMujoco:
id: int
+class IMUSensorMujoco:
+ """Information about a MuJoCo IMU sensor."""
+ gyro_id: int
+ accelerometer_id: int
class AbstractionToMujocoMapping:
"""Data to interpret a MuJoCo model using the simulation abstraction."""
@@ -30,3 +39,7 @@ class AbstractionToMujocoMapping:
multi_body_system: dict[UUIDKey[MultiBodySystem], MultiBodySystemMujoco] = field(
init=False, default_factory=dict
+ imu_sensor: dict[UUIDKey[IMUSensor], IMUSensorMujoco] = field(
+ init=False, default_factory=dict
+ )
diff --git a/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_custom_mujoco_viewer.py b/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_custom_mujoco_viewer.py
index f438bb73a..b732f11ac 100644
--- a/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_custom_mujoco_viewer.py
+++ b/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_custom_mujoco_viewer.py
@@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ def __init__(
:param render_every_frame: If every frame is rendered or not.
:param mode: The mode of the viewer (classic, manual).
- self._viewer_mode = mode
- self._position = 0
- self._paused = start_paused
- self._render_every_frame = render_every_frame
- self._mujoco_version = tuple(map(int, mujoco.__version__.split(".")))
@@ -70,6 +65,11 @@ def __init__(
+ self._viewer_mode = mode
+ self._position = 0
+ self._paused = start_paused
+ self._mujoco_version = tuple(map(int, mujoco.__version__.split(".")))
+ self._render_every_frame = render_every_frame
def _add_overlay(self, gridpos: int, text1: str, text2: str) -> None:
diff --git a/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_scene_to_model.py b/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_scene_to_model.py
index b968b7c69..20925bb2e 100644
--- a/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_scene_to_model.py
+++ b/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_scene_to_model.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
from ._abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping import (
+ IMUSensorMujoco,
@@ -74,21 +75,22 @@ def scene_to_model(
- all_joints_and_names = [v for _, _, _, v, _ in conversions]
+ all_joints_and_names = [c[3] for c in conversions]
+ all_rigid_bodies_and_names = [c[5] for c in conversions]
heightmaps: list[GeometryHeightmap] = []
- for multi_body_system, (
- urdf,
- plane_geometries,
- heightmap_geometries,
- joints_and_names,
- geoms_and_names,
- ) in zip(
- scene.multi_body_systems,
- conversions,
- strict=True,
- ):
+ for mbs_i, (
+ multi_body_system,
+ (
+ urdf,
+ plane_geometries,
+ heightmap_geometries,
+ joints_and_names,
+ geoms_and_names,
+ rigid_bodies_and_names,
+ ),
+ ) in enumerate(zip(scene.multi_body_systems, conversions, strict=True)):
multi_body_system_model = mujoco.MjModel.from_xml_string(urdf)
# MuJoCo can only save to a file, not directly to string,
@@ -165,6 +167,43 @@ def scene_to_model(
+ # Add IMUs
+ for rigid_body, name in rigid_bodies_and_names:
+ if len(rigid_body.imu_sensors) > 0:
+ if name == f"mbs{mbs_i}":
+ rigid_body_mjcf = multi_body_system_mjcf.worldbody
+ else:
+ rigid_body_mjcf = multi_body_system_mjcf.find(
+ namespace="body", identifier=name
+ )
+ for imu_i, imu in enumerate(rigid_body.imu_sensors):
+ site_name = f"{name}_site_imu_{imu_i}"
+ rigid_body_mjcf.add(
+ "site",
+ name=site_name,
+ pos=[
+ imu.pose.position.x,
+ imu.pose.position.y,
+ imu.pose.position.z,
+ ],
+ quat=[
+ imu.pose.orientation.x,
+ imu.pose.orientation.y,
+ imu.pose.orientation.z,
+ imu.pose.orientation.w,
+ ],
+ )
+ gyro_name = f"imu_gyro_{name}_{imu_i}"
+ multi_body_system_mjcf.sensor.add(
+ "gyro", name=gyro_name, site=site_name
+ )
+ accelerometer_name = f"imu_accelerometer_{name}_{imu_i}"
+ multi_body_system_mjcf.sensor.add(
+ "accelerometer",
+ name=accelerometer_name,
+ site=site_name,
+ )
# Add plane geometries
i_plane = 0
for plane in plane_geometries:
@@ -290,6 +329,19 @@ def scene_to_model(
+ # Create IMU map
+ for mbs_i, rigid_bodies_and_names in enumerate(all_rigid_bodies_and_names):
+ for rigid_body, name in rigid_bodies_and_names:
+ for imu_i, imu in enumerate(rigid_body.imu_sensors):
+ gyro_name = f"imu_gyro_{name}_{imu_i}"
+ accelerometer_name = f"imu_accelerometer_{name}_{imu_i}"
+ mapping.imu_sensor[UUIDKey(imu)] = IMUSensorMujoco(
+ gyro_id=model.sensor(f"mbs{mbs_i}/{gyro_name}").id,
+ accelerometer_id=model.sensor(
+ f"mbs{mbs_i}/{accelerometer_name}"
+ ).id,
+ )
return (model, mapping)
diff --git a/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_simulation_state_impl.py b/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_simulation_state_impl.py
index f7f1ddfb8..7726e47f4 100644
--- a/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_simulation_state_impl.py
+++ b/simulators/mujoco_simulator/revolve2/simulators/mujoco_simulator/_simulation_state_impl.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+from revolve2.simulation.scene.sensors import IMUSensor
from ._abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping import AbstractionToMujocoMapping
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ class SimulationStateImpl(SimulationState):
_xpos: npt.NDArray[np.float_]
_xquat: npt.NDArray[np.float_]
_qpos: npt.NDArray[np.float_]
+ _sensordata: npt.NDArray[np.float_]
_abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping: AbstractionToMujocoMapping
def __init__(
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ def __init__(
self._xpos = data.xpos.copy()
self._xquat = data.xquat.copy()
self._qpos = data.qpos.copy()
+ self._sensordata = data.sensordata.copy()
self._abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping = abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping
def get_rigid_body_relative_pose(self, rigid_body: RigidBody) -> Pose:
@@ -88,3 +91,29 @@ def get_hinge_joint_position(self, joint: JointHinge) -> float:
joint_mujoco = self._abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping.hinge_joint[UUIDKey(joint)]
return float(self._qpos[joint_mujoco.id])
+ def get_imu_specific_force(self, imu_sensor: IMUSensor) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the specific force measured an IMU.
+ :param imu_sensor: The IMU.
+ :returns: The specific force.
+ """
+ accelerometer_id = self._abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping.imu_sensor[
+ UUIDKey(imu_sensor)
+ ].accelerometer_id
+ specific_force = self._sensordata[accelerometer_id : accelerometer_id + 3]
+ return Vector3(specific_force)
+ def get_imu_angular_rate(self, imu_sensor: IMUSensor) -> Vector3:
+ """
+ Get the angular rate measured by am IMU.
+ :param imu_sensor: The IMU.
+ :returns: The angular rate.
+ """
+ gyro_id = self._abstraction_to_mujoco_mapping.imu_sensor[
+ UUIDKey(imu_sensor)
+ ].gyro_id
+ angular_rate = self._sensordata[gyro_id : gyro_id + 3]
+ return Vector3(angular_rate)
diff --git a/tests/examples/test_brain_with_feedback.py b/tests/examples/test_brain_with_feedback.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed10f5d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examples/test_brain_with_feedback.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import os
+import sys
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+from ..conftest import EXAMPLES_DIR
+from ._clear_example_modules_from_cache import clear_exp_modules_from_cache
+from ._patched_batch_parameters import make_patched_batch_parameters
+def test_brain_with_feedback(mocker: Mock) -> None:
+ """
+ Test brain_with_feedback example can complete.
+ :param mocker: The mock object.
+ """
+ exp_dir = os.path.join(EXAMPLES_DIR, "brain_with_feedback")
+ # Clear any previously imported modules from examples directory from cache
+ clear_exp_modules_from_cache()
+ # Add examples directory to path, so we can import them without the examples being packages.
+ sys.path.insert(0, exp_dir)
+ # Override import for patching batch parameters.
+ mocker.patch("main.make_standard_batch_parameters", make_patched_batch_parameters)
+ try:
+ # This type ignore is required since mypy cant resolve this import.
+ import main # type: ignore
+ main.main()
+ finally:
+ # Remove the example directory from path, even if the test fails.
+ sys.path.pop(0)