diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 622636024e..f85e9f23df 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ If you want to contribute to Revolve, be sure to review the [contribution
guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md). By participating, you are expected to
uphold this code.
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We use [GitHub issues](https://github.com/ci-group/revolve/issues) for
tracking requests and bugs.
diff --git a/cpprevolve/revolve/gazebo/brains/NeuralNetwork.cpp b/cpprevolve/revolve/gazebo/brains/NeuralNetwork.cpp
index 94fd84f372..e809c06bf1 100644
--- a/cpprevolve/revolve/gazebo/brains/NeuralNetwork.cpp
+++ b/cpprevolve/revolve/gazebo/brains/NeuralNetwork.cpp
@@ -379,6 +379,9 @@ void NeuralNetwork::Step(const double _time)
/* set output to be in [0.5 - gain/2, 0.5 + gain/2] */
nextState->at(i) = (0.5 - (gain / 2.0) + nextState->at(i) * gain);
+ // add IN connections to oscillators
+ nextState->at(i) = nextState->at(i) + curNeuronActivation;
diff --git a/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/.DS_Store b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/.DS_Store
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c4ca6919d
Binary files /dev/null and b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/baseline2.py b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/baseline2.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ab45e23c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/baseline2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 100
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 50
+ front = 'total_slaves'
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03,
+ 'tilted5': 0.1
+ }
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_plane(robot_manager, robot):
+ #contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ #assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'plane': fitness_function_plane,
+ 'tilted5': fitness_function_plane}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal1_tilted.r b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal1_tilted.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89f7fcdc8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal1_tilted.r
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+paths = c( 'flat', 'tilted', 'baseline2')
+environments = list(c( 'plane'),
+ c( 'tilted5'),
+ c( 'plane')
+base_directory <- paste('data/', sep='')
+experiments = c(1:20)
+gens = 100
+pop = 100
+num_top = 1
+analysis = 'analysis_journal1_tilted'
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,analysis, sep='')
+file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/best.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+# for each method
+for(m in 1:length(paths))
+ # for each repetition
+ for (exp in experiments)
+ {
+ input_directory1 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/data_fullevolution/',environments[[m]][1],sep='')
+ input_directory2 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/selectedpop_', sep='')
+ ids_gens = data.frame()
+ list = strsplit(list.files(paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][1],'/selectedpop_',gens-1, sep='')), ' ')
+ for(geno in 1:pop)
+ {
+ genome = data.frame(cbind(c(gens), c(strsplit(strsplit(list [[geno]],'_')[[1]][3],'.png')[[1]][1] )))
+ names(genome)<-c('generation','robot_id')
+ ids_gens = rbind(ids_gens,genome)
+ }
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory1,"/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ bests = sqldf(paste("select robot_id, cons_fitness from measures inner join ids_gens using (robot_id) order by cons_fitness desc limit",num_top))
+ for(b in 1:nrow(bests))
+ {
+ writeLines( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ), file )
+ print( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ))
+ phenotype= bests[b,'robot_id']
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[m]]))
+ {
+ patha = paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][env], "/selectedpop_",gens-1,sep="")
+ body <- list.files(patha, paste("body_robot_",phenotype,".png$",sep=""), full.names = TRUE)
+ body = image_read(body)
+ body = image_scale(body, "100x100")
+ body = image_border(image_background(body, "white"), "white", "5x5")
+ if(b == 1 && env == 1)
+ {
+ bodies = body
+ }else{
+ bodies = c(bodies, body)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ side_by_side = image_append(bodies, stack=F)
+ image_write(side_by_side, path = paste(output_directory,"/",paths[m],'_', environments[[m]][env], "_bodies_best_",exp,".png",sep=''), format = "png")
+ }
diff --git a/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/consolidate_experiments.py b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/consolidate_experiments.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b5189f207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/consolidate_experiments.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+import os
+import math
+# set these variables according to your experiments #
+dirpath = 'data/'
+experiments_type = [
+ 'baseline2',
+ 'flat',
+ 'tilted'
+environments = {
+ 'baseline2': ['plane','tilted5'],
+ 'flat': ['plane'],
+ 'tilted': ['tilted5'] }
+runs = range(1, 21)
+# set these variables according to your experiments #
+def build_headers(path1, path2):
+ file_summary = open(path1 + "/all_measures.tsv", "w+")
+ file_summary.write('robot_id\t')
+ behavior_headers = []
+ behavior_headers.append('velocity')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('displacement_velocity')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('displacement_velocity_hill')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('head_balance')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('contacts')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ # use this instead? but what if the guy is none?
+ # with open(path + '/data_fullevolution/descriptors/behavior_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
+ # for line in file:
+ # measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ # behavior_headers.append(measure)
+ # file_summary.write(measure+'\t')
+ phenotype_headers = []
+ with open(path1 + '/descriptors/phenotype_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
+ for line in file:
+ measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ phenotype_headers.append(measure)
+ file_summary.write(measure+'\t')
+ file_summary.write('fitness\t cons_fitness\n')
+ file_summary.close()
+ file_summary = open(path2 + "/snapshots_ids.tsv", "w+")
+ file_summary.write('generation\trobot_id\n')
+ file_summary.close()
+ return behavior_headers, phenotype_headers
+for exp in experiments_type:
+ for env in environments[exp]:
+ for run in runs:
+ path0 = dirpath + str(exp) + '_' + str(run) + '/data_fullevolution'
+ path1 = dirpath + str(exp) + '_' + str(run) + '/data_fullevolution/' + env
+ path2 = dirpath + str(exp) + '_' + str(run) + '/selectedpop_' + env
+ behavior_headers, phenotype_headers = build_headers(path1, path2)
+ file_summary = open(path1 + "/all_measures.tsv", "a")
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(path0+'/consolidated_fitness'):
+ for file in f:
+ robot_id = file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
+ file_summary.write(robot_id+'\t')
+ bh_file = path1+'/descriptors/behavior_desc_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt'
+ if os.path.isfile(bh_file):
+ with open(bh_file) as file:
+ for line in file:
+ if line != 'None':
+ measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ file_summary.write(value+'\t')
+ else:
+ for h in behavior_headers:
+ file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
+ else:
+ for h in behavior_headers:
+ file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
+ pt_file = path1+'/descriptors/phenotype_desc_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt'
+ if os.path.isfile(pt_file):
+ with open(pt_file) as file:
+ for line in file:
+ measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ file_summary.write(value+'\t')
+ else:
+ for h in phenotype_headers:
+ file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
+ f_file = open(path1+'/fitness/fitness_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt', 'r')
+ fitness = f_file.read()
+ file_summary.write(fitness + '\t')
+ cf_file = open(path0+'/consolidated_fitness/consolidated_fitness_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt', 'r')
+ cons_fitness = cf_file.read()
+ file_summary.write(cons_fitness + '\n')
+ num_files = len(f)
+ list_gens = []
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(path2):
+ for dir in d:
+ if 'selectedpop' in dir:
+ gen = dir.split('_')[1]
+ list_gens.append(int(gen))
+ list_gens.sort()
+ if len(list_gens)>0:
+ gen = list_gens[-1]
+ else:
+ gen = -1
+ print(exp, run, num_files, gen, num_files-(gen*50+100))
+ file_summary.close()
+ file_summary = open(path2 + "/snapshots_ids.tsv", "a")
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(path2):
+ for dir in d:
+ if 'selectedpop' in dir:
+ gen = dir.split('_')[1]
+ for r2, d2, f2 in os.walk(path2 + '/selectedpop_' + str(gen)):
+ for file in f2:
+ if 'body' in file:
+ id = file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
+ file_summary.write(gen+'\t'+id+'\n')
+ file_summary.close()
diff --git a/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/flat.py b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/flat.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b9fcb277b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/flat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 100
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 50
+ front = None
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03}
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_plane(robot_manager, robot):
+ #contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ #assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'plane': fitness_function_plane}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/run-experiments b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/run-experiments
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6a69187b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/run-experiments
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ #!/bin/bash
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..5}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11000 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {6..10}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11050 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {11..15}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11100 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {16..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11150 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..10}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/flat_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/flat.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11400 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {11..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/flat_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/flat.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11500 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..10}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/tilted_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/tilted.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11600 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {11..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/tilted_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/tilted.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11700 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/summary_measures_journal1_tilted.R b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/summary_measures_journal1_tilted.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18883e700c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/summary_measures_journal1_tilted.R
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+base_directory <-paste('data', sep='')
+analysis = 'analysis_journal1_tilted'
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+experiments_type = c('flat', 'tilted','baseline2')
+environments = list( c( 'plane'),
+ c('tilted5'),
+ c( 'plane','tilted5') )
+methods = c()
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ methods = c(methods, paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env], sep='_'))
+ }
+initials = c( 'bp', 'bt', 'pp', 'pt')
+experiments_labels = c( 'Static: Flat', 'Static: Tilted',
+ 'Seasonal: Flat', 'Seasonal: Tilted')
+experiments_labels2 = c( 'Static: Flat', 'Static: Tilted',
+ 'Seasonal', 'Seasonal')
+runs = list( c(1:20) ,
+ c(1:20) ,
+ c(1:20) )
+gens = 100
+pop = 100
+sig = 0.05
+line_size = 30
+show_markers = FALSE
+show_legends = FALSE
+experiments_type_colors = c( '#00e700' , '#009900', '#ffb83b', '#fd8a3b') # DARK: light green,dark green, light red, dark red
+measures_names = c(
+ 'displacement_velocity_hill',
+ 'head_balance',
+ 'contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'length_of_limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'absolute_size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'symmetry',
+ 'avg_period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'fitness',
+ 'cons_fitness'
+# add proper labels soon...
+measures_labels = c(
+ 'Speed (cm/s)',
+ 'Balance',
+ 'Contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'Branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'Rel number of limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'Rel. Length of Limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'Rel. Number of Joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'Proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'Size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'Symmetry',
+ 'Average Period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'Fitness',
+ 'Number of slaves'
+measures_snapshots_all = NULL
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for(run in runs[[exp]])
+ {
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/',
+ experiments_type[exp], '_',sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory, run, '/data_fullevolution/',
+ environments[[exp]][env], "/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE, fill=TRUE)
+ for( m in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ measures[measures_names[m]] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[[measures_names[m]]]))
+ }
+ snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory, run,'/selectedpop_',
+ environments[[exp]][env],"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
+ measures_snapshots$run = run
+ measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill = measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill*100
+ measures_snapshots$run = as.factor(measures_snapshots$run)
+ measures_snapshots$method = paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env],sep='_')
+ if ( is.null(measures_snapshots_all)){
+ measures_snapshots_all = measures_snapshots
+ }else{
+ measures_snapshots_all = rbind(measures_snapshots_all, measures_snapshots)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
+measures_snapshots_all = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation<=99 and cons_fitness IS NOT NULL")
+# densities
+measures_snapshots_all_densities = sqldf(paste("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation=99
+ and method !='", methods[length(methods)],"'",sep='' ))
+measures_names_densities = c('length_of_limbs','proportion', 'absolute_size','head_balance','joints', 'limbs')
+measures_labels_densities = c('Rel. Length of Limbs','Proportion', 'Size','Balance','Rel. Number of Joints', 'Rel. Number of Limbs')
+for (i in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ for (j in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ if(i != j)
+ {
+ graph <- ggplot(measures_snapshots_all_densities, aes_string(x=measures_names_densities[j], y= measures_names_densities[i]))+
+ geom_density_2d(aes(colour = method ), alpha=0.7, size=3 )+
+ scale_color_manual(values = c(experiments_type_colors[4:4], experiments_type_colors[1:2]) )+
+ labs( x = measures_labels_densities[j], y= measures_labels_densities[i] )+
+ theme(legend.position="none" , axis.text=element_text(size=21),axis.title=element_text(size=22),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 )) +
+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory ,'/density_',measures_names_densities[i],'_', measures_names_densities[j],'.png', sep=''), graph ,
+ device='png', height = 6, width = 6)
+ }
+ }
+measures_averages_gens_1 = list()
+measures_averages_gens_2 = list()
+measures_ini = list()
+measures_fin = list()
+for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ measures_aux = c()
+ query ='select run, generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ query = paste(query,', avg(',measures_names[i],') as ', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from measures_snapshots_all
+ where method="', methods[met],'" group by run, generation', sep='')
+ temp = sqldf(query)
+ measures_averages_gens_1[[met]] = temp
+ temp = measures_averages_gens_1[[met]]
+ temp$generation = as.numeric(temp$generation)
+ measures_ini[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=0"))
+ measures_fin[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=",gens-1))
+ query = 'select generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ # later renames vars _avg_SUMMARY, just to make it in the same style as the quantile variables
+ query = paste(query,', avg(', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', max(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_max', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', stdev(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', median(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_median', sep='')
+ measures_aux = c(measures_aux, paste(methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='') )
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from temp group by generation', sep="")
+ temp2 = sqldf(query)
+ p <- c(0.25, 0.75)
+ p_names <- map_chr(p, ~paste0('Q',.x*100, sep=""))
+ p_funs <- map(p, ~partial(quantile, probs = .x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ set_names(nm = p_names)
+ quantiles = data.frame(temp %>%
+ group_by(generation) %>%
+ summarize_at(vars(measures_aux), funs(!!!p_funs)) )
+ measures_averages_gens_2[[met]] = sqldf('select * from temp2 inner join quantiles using (generation)')
+for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ if(met==1){
+ measures_averages_gens = measures_averages_gens_2[[1]]
+ }else{
+ measures_averages_gens = merge(measures_averages_gens, measures_averages_gens_2[[met]], all=TRUE, by = "generation")
+ }
+file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/trends.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+#tests trends in curves and difference between ini and fin generations
+# ini VS fin
+array_wilcoxon = list()
+array_wilcoxon2 = list()
+# curve
+array_mann = list()
+for (m in 1:length(methods))
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]] = list()
+ array_mann[[m]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'ini avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ #tests trends
+ array_mann[[m]][[i]] = mk.test(c(array(measures_averages_gens_2[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],'_median',sep='')]) )[[1]],
+ continuity = TRUE)
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median p', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)),sep=' '),
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median s', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)),sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+# tests final generation among experiments_type
+aux_m = length(methods)
+if (aux_m>1)
+ # fins
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]] = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]] = list()
+ aux_m = aux_m -1
+ count_pairs = 0
+ for(m in 1:aux_m)
+ {
+ aux = m+1
+ for(m2 in aux:length(methods))
+ {
+ count_pairs = count_pairs+1
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'VS',methods,measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[count_pairs]] = paste(initials[m],initials[m2],sep='')
+ }
+ }
+# plots measures
+for (type_summary in c('means','quants'))
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ tests1 = ''
+ tests2 = ''
+ tests3 = ''
+ break_aux = 0
+ graph <- ggplot(data=measures_averages_gens, aes(x=generation))
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','-',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','+',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }else
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q25',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q75',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }
+ }
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep=''), colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ), size=2)
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m])
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') , colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ),size=2 )
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m] )
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_mann)>0)
+ {
+ if (length(array_mann[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
+ tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2)>0)
+ {
+ for(p in 1:length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]]))
+ {
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
+ break_aux = 1
+ }
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ max_y = 0
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation")
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ graph = graph + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ if(show_markers == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", subtitle = paste(tests1,'\n', tests2, '\n', tests3, sep=''))
+ }
+ graph = graph + theme(legend.position="bottom" , legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=30),axis.title=element_text(size=39),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 ))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/',type_summary,'_' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 10, width = 10)
+ }
+for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ all_final_values = data.frame()
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance') { fin=length(methods)
+ }else{ fin=length(methods)-1 }
+ for (exp in 1:fin)
+ {
+ temp = data.frame( c(measures_fin[[exp]][paste(methods[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')]))
+ colnames(temp) <- 'values'
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance')
+ { temp$type = experiments_labels[exp]
+ }else{ temp$type = experiments_labels2[exp] }
+ all_final_values = rbind(all_final_values, temp)
+ }
+ max_y = max(all_final_values$values) * 1.1
+ g1 <- ggplot(data=all_final_values, aes(x= type , y=values, color=type )) +
+ geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(width=0.9),lwd=2, outlier.size = 4) + #notch=TRUE
+ labs( x="Environment", y=measures_labels[i], title="Final generation")
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance')
+ { g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values=c(experiments_type_colors[3:4], experiments_type_colors[1:2]) )
+ }else{ g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values= c(experiments_type_colors[4:4],experiments_type_colors[1:2])) }
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance') { comps = list(c("Static: Flat", "Seasonal: Flat"),
+ c("Static: Tilted", "Seasonal: Tilted"),
+ c("Static: Tilted", "Static: Flat"),
+ c("Seasonal: Tilted", "Seasonal: Flat"))
+ aux_width=15
+ border_l = 2.5
+ }else{ comps = list(c("Static: Flat", "Static: Tilted"),
+ c("Static: Flat", "Seasonal"),
+ c("Static: Tilted", "Seasonal"))
+ aux_width=11
+ border_l = 1.3
+ }
+ g1 = g1 + theme(legend.position="none" , text = element_text(size=45) ,
+ plot.title=element_text(size=40), axis.text=element_text(size=45),
+ axis.title=element_text(size=50),
+ axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 20, hjust = 1 ),
+ plot.margin=margin(t = 0.5, r = 0.5, b = 0.5, l = border_l, unit = "cm")
+ )+
+ stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point" ,shape = 16, size=11)
+ g1 = g1 + geom_signif( test="wilcox.test", size=2, textsize=22,
+ comparisons = comps,
+ map_signif_level=c("***"=0.001,"**"=0.01, "*"=0.05) )
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ g1 = g1 + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, max_y))
+ }
+ g1
+ ggsave(paste(output_directory,"/",measures_names[i],"_boxes.pdf",sep = ""), g1, device = "pdf", height=18, width = aux_width)
diff --git a/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/tilted.py b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/tilted.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2f8700f0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/Environmental_influences_on_evolvable_robots/tilted.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 100
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 50
+ front = None
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'tilted5': 0.1}
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_tilted(robot_manager, robot):
+ #contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ #assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'tilted5': fitness_function_tilted}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/examples/consolidate_experiments.py b/experiments/examples/consolidate_experiments.py
index b512d681e0..a64a7d14b8 100644
--- a/experiments/examples/consolidate_experiments.py
+++ b/experiments/examples/consolidate_experiments.py
@@ -16,11 +16,22 @@ def build_headers(path):
behavior_headers = []
- with open(path + '/data_fullevolution/descriptors/behavior_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
- for line in file:
- measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
- behavior_headers.append(measure)
- file_summary.write(measure+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('velocity')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('displacement_velocity')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('displacement_velocity_hill')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('head_balance')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('contacts')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ # use this instead? but what if the guy is none?
+ # with open(path + '/data_fullevolution/descriptors/behavior_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
+ # for line in file:
+ # measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ # behavior_headers.append(measure)
+ # file_summary.write(measure+'\t')
phenotype_headers = []
with open(path + '/data_fullevolution/descriptors/phenotype_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
@@ -56,8 +67,12 @@ def build_headers(path):
if os.path.isfile(bh_file):
with open(bh_file) as file:
for line in file:
- measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
- file_summary.write(value+'\t')
+ if line != 'None':
+ measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ file_summary.write(value+'\t')
+ else:
+ for h in behavior_headers:
+ file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
for h in behavior_headers:
@@ -87,4 +102,4 @@ def build_headers(path):
if 'body' in file:
id = file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
- file_summary.close()
+ file_summary.close()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/examples/stuck-experiments_watchman.py b/experiments/examples/stuck-experiments_watchman.py
index 6b0a2a4fc7..60f6ab1ea4 100644
--- a/experiments/examples/stuck-experiments_watchman.py
+++ b/experiments/examples/stuck-experiments_watchman.py
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
- if files[-1] > time_ago:
- some_has_been_updated = True
+ if len(files)>0:
+ if files[-1] > time_ago:
+ some_has_been_updated = True
if not some_has_been_updated:
diff --git a/experiments/examples/summary_measures.R b/experiments/examples/summary_measures.R
index 184eea80d9..be33009560 100644
--- a/experiments/examples/summary_measures.R
+++ b/experiments/examples/summary_measures.R
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ library(dplyr)
base_directory <- paste('../', sep='')
output_directory = base_directory
experiments_type = c(
initials = c('d')
experiments_labels = c('default_experiment')
runs = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
gens = 100
pop = 100
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ show_markers = TRUE
show_legends = TRUE
experiments_type_colors = c( '#009900', '#FF8000', '#BA1616', '#000099') # DARK:green, orange, red, blue
measures_names = c(
@@ -134,10 +138,11 @@ for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
measures_snapshots_all = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where fitness IS NOT NULL")
-fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
measures_averages_gens_1 = list()
@@ -190,8 +195,6 @@ for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/trends.txt',sep=''), open="w")
#tests trends in curves and difference between ini and fin generations
@@ -328,45 +331,55 @@ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
# graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(experiments_type[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') ),size=2, color = colors_median[m])
- if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ if (length(array_mann)>0)
- if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ if (length(array_mann[[m]])>0)
- if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
- tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
+ if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
+ tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
+ }
+ }
- for(m in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon[[m]])>0)
- if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ for(m in 1:length(experiments_type))
- if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
- tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
+ if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
+ }
if (length(array_wilcoxon2)>0)
for(p in 1:length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]]))
- if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]])>0)
- if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
- if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
- tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
- break_aux = 1
+ if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
+ break_aux = 1
+ }
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
- tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
graph = graph +
@@ -378,7 +391,7 @@ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
graph = graph + theme(legend.position="bottom" , legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=30),axis.title=element_text(size=39),
plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 ))
- ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 8, width = 8)
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 8, width = 10)
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ab45e23c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 100
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 50
+ front = 'total_slaves'
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03,
+ 'tilted5': 0.1
+ }
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_plane(robot_manager, robot):
+ #contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ #assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'plane': fitness_function_plane,
+ 'tilted5': fitness_function_plane}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..24b4c02736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 100
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 50
+ front = 'total_slaves'
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03,
+ 'lava': 0.03
+ }
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_plane(robot_manager, robot):
+ #contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ #assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ def fitness_function_lava(robot_manager, robot):
+ contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.floor_is_lava(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'plane': fitness_function_plane,
+ 'lava': fitness_function_lava}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal1_lava.r b/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal1_lava.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f80de3e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal1_lava.r
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+paths = c( 'flat', 'lava', 'baseline2_lava')
+environments = list(c( 'plane'),
+ c( 'lava'),
+ c( 'plane')
+base_directory <- paste('data/', sep='')
+experiments = c(1:20)
+gens = 42#100
+pop = 100
+num_top = 1
+analysis = 'analysis_journal1_tilted'
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,analysis, sep='')
+file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/best.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+# for each method
+for(m in 1:length(paths))
+ # for each repetition
+ for (exp in experiments)
+ {
+ input_directory1 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/data_fullevolution/',environments[[m]][1],sep='')
+ input_directory2 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/selectedpop_', sep='')
+ ids_gens = data.frame()
+ list = strsplit(list.files(paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][1],'/selectedpop_',gens-1, sep='')), ' ')
+ for(geno in 1:pop)
+ {
+ genome = data.frame(cbind(c(gens), c(strsplit(strsplit(list [[geno]],'_')[[1]][3],'.png')[[1]][1] )))
+ names(genome)<-c('generation','robot_id')
+ ids_gens = rbind(ids_gens,genome)
+ }
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory1,"/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ bests = sqldf(paste("select robot_id, cons_fitness from measures inner join ids_gens using (robot_id) order by cons_fitness desc limit",num_top))
+ for(b in 1:nrow(bests))
+ {
+ writeLines( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ), file )
+ print( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ))
+ phenotype= bests[b,'robot_id']
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[m]]))
+ {
+ patha = paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][env], "/selectedpop_",gens-1,sep="")
+ body <- list.files(patha, paste("body_robot_",phenotype,".png$",sep=""), full.names = TRUE)
+ body = image_read(body)
+ body = image_scale(body, "100x100")
+ body = image_border(image_background(body, "white"), "white", "5x5")
+ if(b == 1 && env == 1)
+ {
+ bodies = body
+ }else{
+ bodies = c(bodies, body)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ side_by_side = image_append(bodies, stack=F)
+ image_write(side_by_side, path = paste(output_directory,"/",paths[m],'_', environments[[m]][env], "_bodies_best_",exp,".png",sep=''), format = "png")
+ }
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal1_tilted.r b/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal1_tilted.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89f7fcdc8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal1_tilted.r
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+paths = c( 'flat', 'tilted', 'baseline2')
+environments = list(c( 'plane'),
+ c( 'tilted5'),
+ c( 'plane')
+base_directory <- paste('data/', sep='')
+experiments = c(1:20)
+gens = 100
+pop = 100
+num_top = 1
+analysis = 'analysis_journal1_tilted'
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,analysis, sep='')
+file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/best.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+# for each method
+for(m in 1:length(paths))
+ # for each repetition
+ for (exp in experiments)
+ {
+ input_directory1 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/data_fullevolution/',environments[[m]][1],sep='')
+ input_directory2 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/selectedpop_', sep='')
+ ids_gens = data.frame()
+ list = strsplit(list.files(paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][1],'/selectedpop_',gens-1, sep='')), ' ')
+ for(geno in 1:pop)
+ {
+ genome = data.frame(cbind(c(gens), c(strsplit(strsplit(list [[geno]],'_')[[1]][3],'.png')[[1]][1] )))
+ names(genome)<-c('generation','robot_id')
+ ids_gens = rbind(ids_gens,genome)
+ }
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory1,"/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ bests = sqldf(paste("select robot_id, cons_fitness from measures inner join ids_gens using (robot_id) order by cons_fitness desc limit",num_top))
+ for(b in 1:nrow(bests))
+ {
+ writeLines( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ), file )
+ print( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ))
+ phenotype= bests[b,'robot_id']
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[m]]))
+ {
+ patha = paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][env], "/selectedpop_",gens-1,sep="")
+ body <- list.files(patha, paste("body_robot_",phenotype,".png$",sep=""), full.names = TRUE)
+ body = image_read(body)
+ body = image_scale(body, "100x100")
+ body = image_border(image_background(body, "white"), "white", "5x5")
+ if(b == 1 && env == 1)
+ {
+ bodies = body
+ }else{
+ bodies = c(bodies, body)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ side_by_side = image_append(bodies, stack=F)
+ image_write(side_by_side, path = paste(output_directory,"/",paths[m],'_', environments[[m]][env], "_bodies_best_",exp,".png",sep=''), format = "png")
+ }
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal2_lava.r b/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal2_lava.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..331fab5186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal2_lava.r
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+paths = c( 'baseline2_lava', 'plastic2_lava')
+environments = list(c( 'plane','lava'),
+ c( 'plane','lava')
+base_directory <- paste('data/', sep='')
+experiments = c(1:20)
+gens = 42#100
+pop = 100
+num_top = 1
+analysis = 'analysis_journal2_lava'
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,analysis, sep='')
+file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/best.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+# for each method
+for(m in 1:length(paths))
+ # for each repetition
+ for (exp in experiments)
+ {
+ input_directory1 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/data_fullevolution/',environments[[m]][1],sep='')
+ input_directory2 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/selectedpop_', sep='')
+ ids_gens = data.frame()
+ list = strsplit(list.files(paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][1],'/selectedpop_',gens-1, sep='')), ' ')
+ for(geno in 1:pop)
+ {
+ genome = data.frame(cbind(c(gens), c(strsplit(strsplit(list [[geno]],'_')[[1]][3],'.png')[[1]][1] )))
+ names(genome)<-c('generation','robot_id')
+ ids_gens = rbind(ids_gens,genome)
+ }
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory1,"/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ bests = sqldf(paste("select robot_id, cons_fitness from measures inner join ids_gens using (robot_id) order by cons_fitness desc limit",num_top))
+ for(b in 1:nrow(bests))
+ {
+ writeLines( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ), file )
+ print( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ))
+ phenotype= bests[b,'robot_id']
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[m]]))
+ {
+ patha = paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][env], "/selectedpop_",gens-1,sep="")
+ body <- list.files(patha, paste("body_robot_",phenotype,".png$",sep=""), full.names = TRUE)
+ body = image_read(body)
+ body = image_scale(body, "100x100")
+ body = image_border(image_background(body, "white"), "white", "5x5")
+ if(b == 1 && env == 1)
+ {
+ bodies = body
+ }else{
+ bodies = c(bodies, body)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ side_by_side = image_append(bodies, stack=F)
+ image_write(side_by_side, path = paste(output_directory,"/",paths[m],'_', environments[[m]][env], "_bodies_best_",exp,".png",sep=''), format = "png")
+ }
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal2_tilted.r b/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal2_tilted.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f33f63c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal2_tilted.r
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+paths = c( 'baseline2', 'plastic2')
+environments = list(c( 'plane','tilted5'),
+ c( 'plane','tilted5')
+base_directory <- paste('data/', sep='')
+experiments = c(1:20)
+gens = 42#100
+pop = 100
+num_top = 1
+analysis = 'analysis_journal2_tilted'
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,analysis, sep='')
+file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/best.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+# for each method
+for(m in 1:length(paths))
+ # for each repetition
+ for (exp in experiments)
+ {
+ input_directory1 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/data_fullevolution/',environments[[m]][1],sep='')
+ input_directory2 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/selectedpop_', sep='')
+ ids_gens = data.frame()
+ list = strsplit(list.files(paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][1],'/selectedpop_',gens-1, sep='')), ' ')
+ for(geno in 1:pop)
+ {
+ genome = data.frame(cbind(c(gens), c(strsplit(strsplit(list [[geno]],'_')[[1]][3],'.png')[[1]][1] )))
+ names(genome)<-c('generation','robot_id')
+ ids_gens = rbind(ids_gens,genome)
+ }
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory1,"/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ bests = sqldf(paste("select robot_id, cons_fitness from measures inner join ids_gens using (robot_id) order by cons_fitness desc limit",num_top))
+ for(b in 1:nrow(bests))
+ {
+ writeLines( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ), file )
+ print( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ))
+ phenotype= bests[b,'robot_id']
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[m]]))
+ {
+ patha = paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][env], "/selectedpop_",gens-1,sep="")
+ body <- list.files(patha, paste("body_robot_",phenotype,".png$",sep=""), full.names = TRUE)
+ body = image_read(body)
+ body = image_scale(body, "100x100")
+ body = image_border(image_background(body, "white"), "white", "5x5")
+ if(b == 1 && env == 1)
+ {
+ bodies = body
+ }else{
+ bodies = c(bodies, body)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ side_by_side = image_append(bodies, stack=F)
+ image_write(side_by_side, path = paste(output_directory,"/",paths[m],'_', environments[[m]][env], "_bodies_best_",exp,".png",sep=''), format = "png")
+ }
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/consolidate_experiments.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/consolidate_experiments.py
index e7d713d137..4fe53384ac 100644
--- a/experiments/karines_experiments/consolidate_experiments.py
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/consolidate_experiments.py
@@ -1,92 +1,147 @@
import os
+import math
# set these variables according to your experiments #
-dirpath = 'data'
+dirpath = 'data/'
experiments_type = [
- 'plane',
- 'lava'
- ]
-runs = 10
-# set these variables according to your experiments #
+ # 'baseline2',
+ # 'plastic2',
+ # 'flat',
+ # 'tilted'
+ 'lava',
+ 'baseline2_lava',
+ 'plastic2_lava'
+environments = {
+ # 'baseline2': ['plane','tilted5'],
+ # 'plastic2': ['plane','tilted5'],
+ # 'flat': ['plane'],
+ # 'tilted': ['tilted5'],
+ 'baseline2': ['plane','lava'],
+ 'plastic2': ['plane','lava'],
+ 'lava': ['lava']
+ }
+runs = range(1, 21)
-def build_headers(path):
+# set these variables according to your experiments #
- print(path + "/all_measures.txt")
- file_summary = open(path + "/all_measures.tsv", "w+")
+def build_headers(path1, path2):
+ file_summary = open(path1 + "/all_measures.tsv", "w+")
behavior_headers = []
- with open(path + '/data_fullevolution/descriptors/behavior_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
- for line in file:
- measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
- behavior_headers.append(measure)
- file_summary.write(measure+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('velocity')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('displacement_velocity')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('displacement_velocity_hill')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('head_balance')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('contacts')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ # use this instead? but what if the guy is none?
+ # with open(path + '/data_fullevolution/descriptors/behavior_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
+ # for line in file:
+ # measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ # behavior_headers.append(measure)
+ # file_summary.write(measure+'\t')
phenotype_headers = []
- with open(path + '/data_fullevolution/descriptors/phenotype_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
+ with open(path1 + '/descriptors/phenotype_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
for line in file:
measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
- file_summary.write('fitness\n')
+ file_summary.write('fitness\t cons_fitness\n')
- file_summary = open(path + "/snapshots_ids.tsv", "w+")
+ file_summary = open(path2 + "/snapshots_ids.tsv", "w+")
return behavior_headers, phenotype_headers
for exp in experiments_type:
- for run in range(1, runs+1):
- print(exp, run)
- path = os.path.join(dirpath, str(exp), str(run))
- behavior_headers, phenotype_headers = build_headers(path)
- file_summary = open(path + "/all_measures.tsv", "a")
- for r, d, f in os.walk(path+'/data_fullevolution/fitness'):
- for file in f:
- robot_id = file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
- file_summary.write(robot_id+'\t')
- bh_file = path+'/data_fullevolution/descriptors/behavior_desc_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt'
- if os.path.isfile(bh_file):
- with open(bh_file) as file:
- for line in file:
- measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
- file_summary.write(value+'\t')
- else:
- for h in behavior_headers:
- file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
- pt_file = path+'/data_fullevolution/descriptors/phenotype_desc_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt'
- if os.path.isfile(pt_file):
- with open(pt_file) as file:
- for line in file:
- measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
- file_summary.write(value+'\t')
- else:
- for h in phenotype_headers:
- file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
- file = open(path+'/data_fullevolution/fitness/fitness_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt', 'r')
- fitness = file.read()
- file_summary.write(fitness + '\n')
- file_summary.close()
- file_summary = open(path + "/snapshots_ids.tsv", "a")
- for r, d, f in os.walk(path):
- for dir in d:
- if 'selectedpop' in dir:
- gen = dir.split('_')[1]
- for r2, d2, f2 in os.walk(path + '/selectedpop_' + str(gen)):
- for file in f2:
- if 'body' in file:
- id = file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
- file_summary.write(gen+'\t'+id+'\n')
- file_summary.close()
\ No newline at end of file
+ for env in environments[exp]:
+ for run in runs:
+ path0 = dirpath + str(exp) + '_' + str(run) + '/data_fullevolution'
+ path1 = dirpath + str(exp) + '_' + str(run) + '/data_fullevolution/' + env
+ path2 = dirpath + str(exp) + '_' + str(run) + '/selectedpop_' + env
+ behavior_headers, phenotype_headers = build_headers(path1, path2)
+ file_summary = open(path1 + "/all_measures.tsv", "a")
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(path0+'/consolidated_fitness'):
+ for file in f:
+ robot_id = file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
+ file_summary.write(robot_id+'\t')
+ bh_file = path1+'/descriptors/behavior_desc_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt'
+ if os.path.isfile(bh_file):
+ with open(bh_file) as file:
+ for line in file:
+ if line != 'None':
+ measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ file_summary.write(value+'\t')
+ else:
+ for h in behavior_headers:
+ file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
+ else:
+ for h in behavior_headers:
+ file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
+ pt_file = path1+'/descriptors/phenotype_desc_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt'
+ if os.path.isfile(pt_file):
+ with open(pt_file) as file:
+ for line in file:
+ measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ file_summary.write(value+'\t')
+ else:
+ for h in phenotype_headers:
+ file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
+ f_file = open(path1+'/fitness/fitness_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt', 'r')
+ fitness = f_file.read()
+ file_summary.write(fitness + '\t')
+ cf_file = open(path0+'/consolidated_fitness/consolidated_fitness_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt', 'r')
+ cons_fitness = cf_file.read()
+ file_summary.write(cons_fitness + '\n')
+ num_files = len(f)
+ list_gens = []
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(path2):
+ for dir in d:
+ if 'selectedpop' in dir:
+ gen = dir.split('_')[1]
+ list_gens.append(int(gen))
+ list_gens.sort()
+ if len(list_gens)>0:
+ gen = list_gens[-1]
+ else:
+ gen = -1
+ print(exp, run, num_files, gen, num_files-(gen*50+100))
+ file_summary.close()
+ file_summary = open(path2 + "/snapshots_ids.tsv", "a")
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(path2):
+ for dir in d:
+ if 'selectedpop' in dir:
+ gen = dir.split('_')[1]
+ for r2, d2, f2 in os.walk(path2 + '/selectedpop_' + str(gen)):
+ for file in f2:
+ if 'body' in file:
+ id = file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
+ file_summary.write(gen+'\t'+id+'\n')
+ file_summary.close()
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/densities_tilted.R b/experiments/karines_experiments/densities_tilted.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2491e45f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/densities_tilted.R
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ library(ggplot2)
+ library(sqldf)
+ library(plyr)
+ library(dplyr)
+ library(trend)
+ library(purrr)
+ base_directory <- paste('data', sep='') #paste('projects/revolve/experiments/karines_experiments/data', sep='')
+ analysis = 'analysis2_plane_tilted'
+ output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+ experiments_type_colors = c('#FF8000', '#009900') # DARK: green, orange
+ experiments_type = c( 'plane', 'tilted5')
+ experiments_type_label = c( '2-Plane', '1-Tilted')
+ runs = c(1:60)
+ gens = 100
+ pop = 100
+ sig = 0.05
+ line_size = 30
+ show_markers = TRUE
+ show_legends = FALSE
+ measures_names = c('length_of_limbs','proportion', 'absolute_size','head_balance','joints', 'limbs')
+ measures_labels = c('Rel. Length of Limbs','Proportion', 'Size','Balance','Rel. Number of Joints', 'Rel. Number of Limbs')
+ measures_snapshots_all = NULL
+ for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ {
+ for(run in runs)
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/', experiments_type[exp], '_', run, sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory,"/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ for( m in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ measures[measures_names[m]] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[[measures_names[m]]]))
+ }
+ snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory,"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
+ measures_snapshots$run = run
+ measures_snapshots$run = as.factor(measures_snapshots$run)
+ measures_snapshots$method = experiments_type_label[exp]
+ if ( is.null(measures_snapshots_all)){
+ measures_snapshots_all = measures_snapshots
+ }else{
+ measures_snapshots_all = rbind(measures_snapshots_all, measures_snapshots)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ measures_snapshots_all_final = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation=99")
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ for (j in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ if(i != j)
+ {
+ graph <- ggplot(measures_snapshots_all_final, aes_string(x=measures_names[j], y= measures_names[i]))+
+ geom_density_2d(aes(colour = method ), alpha=0.7, size=3 )+
+ scale_color_manual(values = experiments_type_colors )+
+ labs( x = measures_labels[j], y= measures_labels[i] )+
+ theme(legend.position="none" , axis.text=element_text(size=21),axis.title=element_text(size=22),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 )) +
+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory ,'/',measures_names[i],'_', measures_names[j],'.tiff', sep=''), graph ,
+ device='tiff', height = 6, width = 6)
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/flat.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/flat.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b9fcb277b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/flat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 100
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 50
+ front = None
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03}
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_plane(robot_manager, robot):
+ #contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ #assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'plane': fitness_function_plane}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/manager_pop_lava.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/lava.py
similarity index 73%
rename from experiments/karines_experiments/manager_pop_lava.py
rename to experiments/karines_experiments/lava.py
index 0d5ab20a5b..cacd1eb200 100755
--- a/experiments/karines_experiments/manager_pop_lava.py
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/lava.py
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
async def run():
@@ -27,9 +28,14 @@ async def run():
num_generations = 100
population_size = 100
offspring_size = 50
+ front = None
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'lava': 0.03}
genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
- max_structural_modules=100,
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
@@ -44,13 +50,14 @@ async def run():
# Parse command line / file input arguments
settings = parser.parse_args()
- experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings)
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
if do_recovery:
- gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size, offspring_size)
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
if gen_num == num_generations-1:
logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
@@ -59,11 +66,13 @@ async def run():
gen_num = 0
next_robot_id = 1
- def fitness_function(robot_manager, robot):
+ def fitness_function_lava(robot_manager, robot):
contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
assert(contacts != 0)
return fitness.floor_is_lava(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'lava': fitness_function_lava}
population_conf = PopulationConfig(
@@ -73,27 +82,51 @@ def fitness_function(robot_manager, robot):
- selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, 2),
- parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection),
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
settings = parser.parse_args()
- simulator_queue = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, settings.port_start)
- await simulator_queue.start()
- population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, next_robot_id)
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
if do_recovery:
- # loading a previous state of the experiment
- await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
if has_offspring:
individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
gen_num += 1
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/plastic2.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/plastic2.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..754fd4c9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/plastic2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+import time
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 100
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 50
+ front = 'total_slaves'
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03,
+ 'tilted5': 0.1
+ }
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=True,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_plane(robot_manager, robot):
+ #contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ #assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'plane': fitness_function_plane,
+ 'tilted5': fitness_function_plane}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/plastic2_lava.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/plastic2_lava.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..df0652c531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/plastic2_lava.py
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 100
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 50
+ front = 'total_slaves'
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03,
+ 'lava': 0.03
+ }
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=True,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_plane(robot_manager, robot):
+ contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ def fitness_function_lava(robot_manager, robot):
+ contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.floor_is_lava(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_functions = {'plane': fitness_function_plane,
+ 'lava': fitness_function_lava}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_functions,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/run-experiments b/experiments/karines_experiments/run-experiments
index 2499bbd4cc..27b46e2f08 100755
--- a/experiments/karines_experiments/run-experiments
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/run-experiments
@@ -1,10 +1,264 @@
+ #!/bin/bash
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..5}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11000 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {6..10}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11050 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {11..15}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11100 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {16..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11150 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..5}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/plastic2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/plastic2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11200 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {6..10}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/plastic2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/plastic2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11250 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {11..15}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/plastic2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/plastic2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11300 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {16..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/plastic2_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/plastic2.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11350 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
while true
for i in {1..10}; do
- ./revolve.py --experiment_name karines_experiments/data/lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/manager_pop_lava.py --n-cores 5;
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/flat_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/flat.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11400 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {11..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/flat_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/flat.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11500 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..10}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/tilted_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/tilted.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11600 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {11..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/tilted_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/tilted.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11700 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..5}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11111 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {6..10}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11121 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {11..15}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11131 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {16..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11141 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..2}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11111 --evaluation-time 50;
sleep 5s
- ./revolve.py --experiment_name karines_experiments/data/plane_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/manager_pop.py --n-cores 5;
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {3..4}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11121 --evaluation-time 50;
sleep 5s
\ No newline at end of file
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {5..6}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11131 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {7..8}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11141 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {9..11}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11151 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {12..14}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11161 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {15..17}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11171 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {18..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline2_lava_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline2_lava.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11181 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ sleep 900s;
+ kill $( ps aux | grep 'gzserver' | awk '{print $2}');
+ kill $( ps aux | grep 'revolve.py' | awk '{print $2}');
+ sleep 60s;
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/scatter.R b/experiments/karines_experiments/scatter.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5a678305a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/scatter.R
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+base_directory <-paste('data', sep='')
+analysis = 'analysis_journal2_tilted'
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+experiments_type = c( 'baseline2','plastic2')
+labels_type = c( 'Baseline','Plastic')
+environments = c( 'plane','tilted5')
+labels = c('Speed (cm/s) in Flat', 'Speed (cm/s) in Tilted')
+runs = list( c(1:20),
+ c(1:20))
+measures_all = NULL
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for(run in runs[[exp]])
+ {
+ measures_envs = NULL
+ for (env in 1:length(environments))
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/',
+ experiments_type[exp], '_',sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory, run, '/data_fullevolution/',
+ environments[env], "/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures = sqldf('select robot_id, displacement_velocity_hill from measures')
+ measures[paste('speed_',environments[env],sep='')] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[['displacement_velocity_hill']]))
+ measures[paste('speed_',environments[env],sep='')] = measures[paste('speed_',environments[env],sep='')] * 100
+ measures$run = run
+ if(env==1){
+ measures_envs = measures
+ }else{
+ measures_envs = merge(measures_envs, measures, by = "robot_id")
+ }
+ }
+ if ( is.null(measures_all)){
+ measures_all = measures_envs
+ }else{
+ measures_all = rbind(measures_all, measures_envs)
+ }
+ }
+ measures_all = sqldf('select * from measures_all order by robot_id ')
+ graph = ggplot(measures_all, aes(x=speed_plane, y=speed_tilted5, colour=robot_id))+
+ geom_point(alpha=0.5, size=3)+
+ labs(subtitle=labels_type[exp], x=labels[1], y=labels[2])+
+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-5, 5), xlim = c(-5, 5))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/',experiments_type[exp],'_scatter.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 10, width = 10)
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/scatter2.R b/experiments/karines_experiments/scatter2.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4203e22a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/scatter2.R
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+base_directory <-paste('data', sep='')
+analysis = 'analysis_journal2_tilted'
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+experiments_type = c( 'baseline2','plastic2')
+labels_type = c( 'Baseline','Plastic')
+environments = c( 'plane','tilted5')
+labels = c('Speed (cm/s) in Flat', 'Speed (cm/s) in Tilted')
+runs = list( c(1:20), c(1:20))
+measures_all = NULL
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for(run in runs[[exp]])
+ {
+ measures_envs = NULL
+ for (env in 1:length(environments))
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/',
+ experiments_type[exp], '_',sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory, run, '/data_fullevolution/',
+ environments[env], "/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures = sqldf('select robot_id, displacement_velocity_hill from measures')
+ measures[paste('speed_',environments[env],sep='')] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[['displacement_velocity_hill']]))
+ measures[paste('speed_',environments[env],sep='')] = measures[paste('speed_',environments[env],sep='')] * 100
+ measures$run = run
+ snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory, run,'/selectedpop_',
+ environments[env],"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
+ #measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from measures_snapshots where generation in (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 99)')
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from measures_snapshots where generation in (0, 30, 60, 99)')
+ if(env==1){
+ measures_envs = measures_snapshots
+ }else{
+ measures_envs = merge(measures_envs, measures_snapshots, by = "robot_id")
+ }
+ }
+ if ( is.null(measures_all)){
+ measures_all = measures_envs
+ }else{
+ measures_all = rbind(measures_all, measures_envs)
+ }
+ }
+ measures_all = sqldf('select * from measures_all order by robot_id ')
+ graph = ggplot(measures_all, aes(x=speed_plane, y=speed_tilted5, colour=generation.x))+
+ geom_point(alpha=0.5, size=3)+
+ labs(subtitle=labels_type[exp], x=labels[1], y=labels[2])+
+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-2, 2), xlim = c(-2.5, 3.5))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/',experiments_type[exp],'_scatter.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 10, width = 10)
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/stuck-experiments_watchman.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/stuck-experiments_watchman.py
index 272d59a67a..af46e77214 100644
--- a/experiments/karines_experiments/stuck-experiments_watchman.py
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/stuck-experiments_watchman.py
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@
- if files[-1] > time_ago:
- some_has_been_updated = True
+ if len(files)>0:
+ if files[-1] > time_ago:
+ some_has_been_updated = True
if not some_has_been_updated:
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures.R b/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures.R
deleted file mode 100644
index b9a396edee..0000000000
--- a/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-base_directory <- paste('projects/revolve/experiments/karines_experiments/data', sep='')
-output_directory = base_directory
-experiments_type = c(
- 'plane',
- 'lava'
- )
-initials = c('p', 'l')
-experiments_labels = c('Plane', 'Floor is lava')
-runs = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
-gens = 100
-pop = 100
-sig = 0.05
-line_size = 30
-show_markers = TRUE
-show_legends = TRUE
-experiments_type_colors = c( '#009900', '#FF8000', '#BA1616', '#000099') # DARK:green, orange, red, blue
-measures_names = c(
- 'displacement_velocity_hill',
- 'head_balance',
- 'contacts',
- 'displacement_velocity',
- 'branching',
- 'branching_modules_count',
- 'limbs',
- 'extremities',
- 'length_of_limbs',
- 'extensiveness',
- 'coverage',
- 'joints',
- 'hinge_count',
- 'active_hinges_count',
- 'brick_count',
- 'touch_sensor_count',
- 'brick_sensor_count',
- 'proportion',
- 'width',
- 'height',
- 'absolute_size',
- 'sensors',
- 'symmetry',
- 'avg_period',
- 'dev_period',
- 'avg_phase_offset',
- 'dev_phase_offset',
- 'avg_amplitude',
- 'dev_amplitude',
- 'avg_intra_dev_params',
- 'avg_inter_dev_params',
- 'sensors_reach',
- 'recurrence',
- 'synaptic_reception',
- 'fitness'
-# add proper labels soon...
-measures_labels = c(
- 'Speed',
- 'Balance',
- 'Contacts',
- 'displacement_velocity',
- 'branching',
- 'branching_modules_count',
- 'limbs',
- 'extremities',
- 'length_of_limbs',
- 'extensiveness',
- 'coverage',
- 'joints',
- 'hinge_count',
- 'active_hinges_count',
- 'brick_count',
- 'touch_sensor_count',
- 'brick_sensor_count',
- 'proportion',
- 'width',
- 'height',
- 'absolute_size',
- 'sensors',
- 'symmetry',
- 'avg_period',
- 'dev_period',
- 'avg_phase_offset',
- 'dev_phase_offset',
- 'avg_amplitude',
- 'dev_amplitude',
- 'avg_intra_dev_params',
- 'avg_inter_dev_params',
- 'sensors_reach',
- 'recurrence',
- 'synaptic_reception',
- 'Fitness'
-measures_snapshots_all = NULL
-for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
- for(run in runs)
- {
- input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/', experiments_type[exp], '_', run, sep='')
- measures = read.table(paste(input_directory,"/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
- for( m in 1:length(measures_names))
- {
- measures[measures_names[m]] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[[measures_names[m]]]))
- }
- snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory,"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
- measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
- measures_snapshots$run = run
- measures_snapshots$run = as.factor(measures_snapshots$run)
- measures_snapshots$method = experiments_type[exp]
- if ( is.null(measures_snapshots_all)){
- measures_snapshots_all = measures_snapshots
- }else{
- measures_snapshots_all = rbind(measures_snapshots_all, measures_snapshots)
- }
- }
-measures_snapshots_all = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where fitness IS NOT NULL")
-fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
-measures_averages_gens_1 = list()
-measures_averages_gens_2 = list()
-measures_ini = list()
-measures_fin = list()
-for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
- query ='select run, generation'
- for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
- {
- query = paste(query,', avg(',measures_names[i],') as ',experiments_type[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
- }
- query = paste(query,' from measures_snapshots_all
- where method="',experiments_type[exp],'" group by run, generation', sep='')
- measures_averages_gens_1[[exp]] = sqldf(query)
- temp = measures_averages_gens_1[[exp]]
- measures_ini[[exp]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=1"))
- measures_fin[[exp]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=",gens-1))
- query = 'select generation'
- for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
- {
- query = paste(query,', avg(',experiments_type[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as ',experiments_type[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
- query = paste(query,', max(',experiments_type[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as ',experiments_type[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_max', sep='')
- query = paste(query,', stdev(',experiments_type[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as ',experiments_type[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev', sep='')
- query = paste(query,', median(',experiments_type[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as ',experiments_type[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_median', sep='')
- }
- query = paste(query,' from temp group by generation', sep="")
- measures_averages_gens_2[[exp]] = sqldf(query)
- measures_averages_gens_2[[exp]]$generation = as.numeric(measures_averages_gens_2[[exp]]$generation)
-for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
- if(exp==1){
- measures_averages_gens = measures_averages_gens_2[[1]]
- }else{
- measures_averages_gens = merge(measures_averages_gens, measures_averages_gens_2[[exp]], by = "generation")
- }
-file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/trends.txt',sep=''), open="w")
-#tests trends in curves and difference between ini and fin generations
-# ini VS fin
-array_wilcoxon = list()
-array_wilcoxon2 = list()
-# curve
-array_mann = list()
-for (m in 1:length(experiments_type))
- array_wilcoxon[[m]] = list()
- array_mann[[m]] = list()
- for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
- {
- writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'ini avg ',as.character(
- mean(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(experiments_type[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
- writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
- mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(experiments_type[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
- array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(experiments_type[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
- c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(experiments_type[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
- )
- writeLines(c(
- paste(experiments_type[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
- ,paste(experiments_type[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
- ), file)
- #tests trends
- array_mann[[m]][[i]] = mk.test(c(array(measures_averages_gens_2[[m]][paste(experiments_type[m],"_",measures_names[i],'_median',sep='')]) )[[1]],
- continuity = TRUE)
- writeLines(c(
- paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median p', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)),sep=' '),
- paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median s', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)),sep=' ')
- ), file)
- }
-# tests final generation among experiments_type
-aux_m = length(experiments_type)
-if (aux_m>1)
- # fins
- array_wilcoxon2[[1]] = list()
- array_wilcoxon2[[2]] = list()
-aux_m = aux_m -1
-count_pairs = 0
-for(m in 1:aux_m)
- aux = m+1
- for(m2 in aux:length(experiments_type))
- {
- count_pairs = count_pairs+1
- array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]] = list()
- for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
- {
- writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
- mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(experiments_type[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
- writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
- mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(experiments_type[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
- array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(experiments_type[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
- c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(experiments_type[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
- )
- writeLines(c(
- paste(experiments_type[m],'VS',experiments_type[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
- ,paste(experiments_type[m],'VS',experiments_type[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
- ), file)
- }
- array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[count_pairs]] = paste(initials[m],initials[m2],sep='')
- }
-# plots measures
-for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
- tests1 = ''
- tests2 = ''
- tests3 = ''
- break_aux = 0
- graph <- ggplot(data=measures_averages_gens, aes(x=generation))
- for(m in 1:length(experiments_type))
- {
- graph = graph + geom_errorbar(aes_string(ymin=paste(experiments_type[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','-',experiments_type[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep=''),
- ymax=paste(experiments_type[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','+',experiments_type[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep='') ),
- color=experiments_type_colors[m],
- alpha=0.35,size=0.5,width=0.001)
- }
- for(m in 1:length(experiments_type))
- {
- if(show_legends == TRUE){
- graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(experiments_type[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep=''), colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ), size=2)
- }else{
- graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(experiments_type[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m])
- }
- # graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(experiments_type[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') ),size=2, color = colors_median[m])
- if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
- {
- if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
- {
- if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
- tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
- }
- }
- }
- for(m in 1:length(experiments_type))
- {
- if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
- {
- if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
- {
- tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
- }
- }
- }
- if (length(array_wilcoxon2)>0)
- {
- for(p in 1:length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]]))
- {
- if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
- {
- if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
- {
- if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
- tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
- break_aux = 1
- }
- tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
- }
- }
- }
- }
- graph = graph +
- #coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1))+
- labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation")
- if(show_markers == TRUE){
- graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", subtitle = paste(tests1,'\n', tests2, '\n', tests3, sep=''))
- }
- graph = graph + theme(legend.position="bottom" , legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=30),axis.title=element_text(size=39),
- plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 ))
- ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 8, width = 8)
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal1_lava.R b/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal1_lava.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbdc8ab835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal1_lava.R
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+base_directory <-paste('data', sep='')
+analysis = 'analysis_journal1_lava'
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+experiments_type = c('flat', 'lava','baseline2_lava')
+environments = list( c( 'plane'),
+ c('lava'),
+ c( 'plane','lava') )
+methods = c()
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ methods = c(methods, paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env], sep='_'))
+ }
+initials = c( 'bp', 'bt', 'pp', 'pt')
+experiments_labels = c( 'Non-S: Flat', 'Non-S: Lava',
+ 'Seasonal: Flat', 'Seasonal: Lava')
+experiments_labels2 = c( 'Non-S: Flat', 'Non-S: Lava',
+ 'Seasonal', 'Seasonal')
+runs = list( c(1:20) ,
+ c(1:20) ,
+ c(1:20) )
+gens = 1#100
+pop = 100
+sig = 0.05
+line_size = 30
+show_markers = TRUE#FALSE
+show_legends = FALSE
+experiments_type_colors = c( '#00e700' , '#009900', '#ffb83b', '#fd8a3b') # DARK: light green,dark green, light red, dark red
+measures_names = c(
+ 'displacement_velocity_hill',
+ 'head_balance',
+ 'contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'length_of_limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'absolute_size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'symmetry',
+ 'avg_period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'fitness',
+ 'cons_fitness'
+# add proper labels soon...
+measures_labels = c(
+ 'Speed (cm/s)',
+ 'Balance',
+ 'Contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'Branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'Rel number of limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'Rel. Length of Limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'Rel. Number of Joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'Proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'Size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'Symmetry',
+ 'Average Period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'Fitness',
+ 'Number of slaves'
+measures_snapshots_all = NULL
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for(run in runs[[exp]])
+ {
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/',
+ experiments_type[exp], '_',sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory, run, '/data_fullevolution/',
+ environments[[exp]][env], "/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE, fill=TRUE)
+ for( m in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ measures[measures_names[m]] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[[measures_names[m]]]))
+ }
+ snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory, run,'/selectedpop_',
+ environments[[exp]][env],"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
+ measures_snapshots$run = run
+ measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill = measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill*100
+ measures_snapshots$run = as.factor(measures_snapshots$run)
+ measures_snapshots$method = paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env],sep='_')
+ if ( is.null(measures_snapshots_all)){
+ measures_snapshots_all = measures_snapshots
+ }else{
+ measures_snapshots_all = rbind(measures_snapshots_all, measures_snapshots)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
+measures_snapshots_all = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where cons_fitness IS NOT NULL")
+# densities
+measures_snapshots_all_densities = sqldf(paste("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation=42
+ and method !='", methods[length(methods)],"'",sep='' )) #99!!!!
+measures_names_densities = c('length_of_limbs','proportion', 'absolute_size','head_balance','joints', 'limbs')
+measures_labels_densities = c('Rel. Length of Limbs','Proportion', 'Size','Balance','Rel. Number of Joints', 'Rel. Number of Limbs')
+for (i in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ for (j in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ if(i != j)
+ {
+ graph <- ggplot(measures_snapshots_all_densities, aes_string(x=measures_names_densities[j], y= measures_names_densities[i]))+
+ geom_density_2d(aes(colour = method ), alpha=0.7, size=3 )+
+ scale_color_manual(values = c(experiments_type_colors[4:4], experiments_type_colors[1:2]) )+
+ labs( x = measures_labels_densities[j], y= measures_labels_densities[i] )+
+ theme(legend.position="bottom" , axis.text=element_text(size=21),axis.title=element_text(size=22),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 )) +
+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory ,'/density_',measures_names_densities[i],'_', measures_names_densities[j],'.png', sep=''), graph ,
+ device='png', height = 6, width = 6)
+ }
+ }
+measures_averages_gens_1 = list()
+measures_averages_gens_2 = list()
+measures_ini = list()
+measures_fin = list()
+for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ measures_aux = c()
+ query ='select run, generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ query = paste(query,', avg(',measures_names[i],') as ', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from measures_snapshots_all
+ where method="', methods[met],'" group by run, generation', sep='')
+ temp = sqldf(query)
+ measures_averages_gens_1[[met]] = temp
+ temp = measures_averages_gens_1[[met]]
+ temp$generation = as.numeric(temp$generation)
+ measures_ini[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=0"))
+ measures_fin[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=",gens-1))
+ query = 'select generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ # later renames vars _avg_SUMMARY, just to make it in the same style as the quantile variables
+ query = paste(query,', avg(', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', max(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_max', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', stdev(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', median(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_median', sep='')
+ measures_aux = c(measures_aux, paste(methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='') )
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from temp group by generation', sep="")
+ temp2 = sqldf(query)
+ p <- c(0.25, 0.75)
+ p_names <- map_chr(p, ~paste0('Q',.x*100, sep=""))
+ p_funs <- map(p, ~partial(quantile, probs = .x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ set_names(nm = p_names)
+ quantiles = data.frame(temp %>%
+ group_by(generation) %>%
+ summarize_at(vars(measures_aux), funs(!!!p_funs)) )
+ measures_averages_gens_2[[met]] = sqldf('select * from temp2 inner join quantiles using (generation)')
+for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ if(met==1){
+ measures_averages_gens = measures_averages_gens_2[[1]]
+ }else{
+ measures_averages_gens = merge(measures_averages_gens, measures_averages_gens_2[[met]], all=TRUE, by = "generation")
+ }
+file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/trends.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+#tests trends in curves and difference between ini and fin generations
+# ini VS fin
+array_wilcoxon = list()
+array_wilcoxon2 = list()
+# curve
+array_mann = list()
+for (m in 1:length(methods))
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]] = list()
+ array_mann[[m]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'ini avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ #tests trends
+ array_mann[[m]][[i]] = mk.test(c(array(measures_averages_gens_2[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],'_median',sep='')]) )[[1]],
+ continuity = TRUE)
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median p', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)),sep=' '),
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median s', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)),sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+# tests final generation among experiments_type
+aux_m = length(methods)
+if (aux_m>1)
+ # fins
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]] = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]] = list()
+ aux_m = aux_m -1
+ count_pairs = 0
+ for(m in 1:aux_m)
+ {
+ aux = m+1
+ for(m2 in aux:length(methods))
+ {
+ count_pairs = count_pairs+1
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'VS',methods,measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[count_pairs]] = paste(initials[m],initials[m2],sep='')
+ }
+ }
+# plots measures
+for (type_summary in c('means','quants'))
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ tests1 = ''
+ tests2 = ''
+ tests3 = ''
+ break_aux = 0
+ graph <- ggplot(data=measures_averages_gens, aes(x=generation))
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','-',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','+',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }else
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q25',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q75',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }
+ }
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep=''), colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ), size=2)
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m])
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') , colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ),size=2 )
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m] )
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_mann)>0)
+ {
+ if (length(array_mann[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
+ tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2)>0)
+ {
+ for(p in 1:length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]]))
+ {
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
+ break_aux = 1
+ }
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ max_y = 0
+ min_y = 0
+ if(measures_names[i]=='displacement_velocity_hill' ){
+ max_y = 3
+ min_y = -0.5
+ }
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation")
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ graph = graph + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ if(show_markers == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", subtitle = paste(tests1,'\n', tests2, '\n', tests3, sep=''))
+ }
+ graph = graph + theme(legend.position="bottom" , legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=30),axis.title=element_text(size=39),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 ))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/',type_summary,'_' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 10, width = 10)
+ }
+for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ all_final_values = data.frame()
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill') { fin=length(methods)
+ }else{ fin=length(methods)-1 }
+ for (exp in 1:fin)
+ {
+ temp = data.frame( c(measures_fin[[exp]][paste(methods[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')]))
+ colnames(temp) <- 'values'
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill') { temp$type = experiments_labels[exp]
+ }else{ temp$type = experiments_labels2[exp] }
+ all_final_values = rbind(all_final_values, temp)
+ }
+ max_y = 0
+ # if(measures_names[i]=='proportion' || measures_names[i]=='head_balance' || measures_names[i]=='joints' ){ max_y = 1.1 }
+ g1 <- ggplot(data=all_final_values, aes(x= type , y=values, color=type )) +
+ geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(width=0.9),lwd=2, outlier.size = 4, notch=TRUE) +
+ labs( x="Environment", y=measures_labels[i], title="Final generation")
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill') { g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values=experiments_type_colors)
+ }else{ g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values= c(experiments_type_colors[1:2],experiments_type_colors[4:4])) }
+ g1 = g1 + theme(legend.position="none" , text = element_text(size=45) ,
+ plot.title=element_text(size=40), axis.text=element_text(size=45),
+ axis.title=element_text(size=50),
+ axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 20, hjust = 1 ),
+ plot.margin=margin(t = 0.5, r = 0.5, b = 0.5, l = 0.5, unit = "cm")
+ )+
+ stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point" ,shape = 16, size=11)
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill') { comps = list(c("Non-S: Flat", "Seasonal: Flat"),
+ c("Non-S: Lava", "Seasonal: Lava"),
+ c("Non-S: Lava", "Non-S: Flat"),
+ c("Seasonal: Lava", "Seasonal: Flat"))
+ aux_width=13
+ }else{ comps = list(c("Non-S: Flat", "Non-S: Lava"),
+ c("Non-S: Flat", "Seasonal"),
+ c("Non-S: Lava", "Seasonal"))
+ aux_width=10
+ }
+ g1 = g1 + geom_signif( test="wilcox.test", size=2, textsize=22,
+ comparisons = comps,
+ map_signif_level=c("***"=0.001,"**"=0.01, "*"=0.05) )
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ g1 = g1 + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, max_y))
+ }
+ ggsave(paste(output_directory,"/",measures_names[i],"_boxes.pdf",sep = ""), g1, device = "pdf", height=18, width = aux_width)
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal1_tilted.R b/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal1_tilted.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a57ff469ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal1_tilted.R
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+base_directory <-paste('data', sep='')
+analysis = 'analysis_journal1_tilted'
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+experiments_type = c('flat', 'tilted','baseline2')
+environments = list( c( 'plane'),
+ c('tilted5'),
+ c( 'plane','tilted5') )
+methods = c()
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ methods = c(methods, paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env], sep='_'))
+ }
+initials = c( 'bp', 'bt', 'pp', 'pt')
+experiments_labels = c( 'Non-S: Flat', 'Non-S: Tilted',
+ 'Seasonal: Flat', 'Seasonal: Tilted')
+experiments_labels2 = c( 'Non-S: Flat', 'Non-S: Tilted',
+ 'Seasonal', 'Seasonal')
+runs = list( c(1:20) ,
+ c(1:20) ,
+ c(1:20) )
+gens = 100
+pop = 100
+sig = 0.05
+line_size = 30
+show_markers = FALSE
+show_legends = FALSE
+experiments_type_colors = c( '#00e700' , '#009900', '#ffb83b', '#fd8a3b') # DARK: light green,dark green, light red, dark red
+measures_names = c(
+ 'displacement_velocity_hill',
+ 'head_balance',
+ 'contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'length_of_limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'absolute_size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'symmetry',
+ 'avg_period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'fitness',
+ 'cons_fitness'
+# add proper labels soon...
+measures_labels = c(
+ 'Speed (cm/s)',
+ 'Balance',
+ 'Contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'Branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'Rel number of limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'Rel. Length of Limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'Rel. Number of Joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'Proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'Size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'Symmetry',
+ 'Average Period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'Fitness',
+ 'Number of slaves'
+measures_snapshots_all = NULL
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for(run in runs[[exp]])
+ {
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/',
+ experiments_type[exp], '_',sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory, run, '/data_fullevolution/',
+ environments[[exp]][env], "/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE, fill=TRUE)
+ for( m in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ measures[measures_names[m]] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[[measures_names[m]]]))
+ }
+ snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory, run,'/selectedpop_',
+ environments[[exp]][env],"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
+ measures_snapshots$run = run
+ measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill = measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill*100
+ measures_snapshots$run = as.factor(measures_snapshots$run)
+ measures_snapshots$method = paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env],sep='_')
+ if ( is.null(measures_snapshots_all)){
+ measures_snapshots_all = measures_snapshots
+ }else{
+ measures_snapshots_all = rbind(measures_snapshots_all, measures_snapshots)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
+measures_snapshots_all = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation<=99 and cons_fitness IS NOT NULL")
+# densities
+measures_snapshots_all_densities = sqldf(paste("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation=99
+ and method !='", methods[length(methods)],"'",sep='' ))
+measures_names_densities = c('length_of_limbs','proportion', 'absolute_size','head_balance','joints', 'limbs')
+measures_labels_densities = c('Rel. Length of Limbs','Proportion', 'Size','Balance','Rel. Number of Joints', 'Rel. Number of Limbs')
+for (i in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ for (j in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ if(i != j)
+ {
+ graph <- ggplot(measures_snapshots_all_densities, aes_string(x=measures_names_densities[j], y= measures_names_densities[i]))+
+ geom_density_2d(aes(colour = method ), alpha=0.7, size=3 )+
+ scale_color_manual(values = c(experiments_type_colors[4:4], experiments_type_colors[1:2]) )+
+ labs( x = measures_labels_densities[j], y= measures_labels_densities[i] )+
+ theme(legend.position="bottom" , axis.text=element_text(size=21),axis.title=element_text(size=22),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 )) +
+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory ,'/density_',measures_names_densities[i],'_', measures_names_densities[j],'.png', sep=''), graph ,
+ device='png', height = 6, width = 6)
+ }
+ }
+measures_averages_gens_1 = list()
+measures_averages_gens_2 = list()
+measures_ini = list()
+measures_fin = list()
+for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ measures_aux = c()
+ query ='select run, generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ query = paste(query,', avg(',measures_names[i],') as ', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from measures_snapshots_all
+ where method="', methods[met],'" group by run, generation', sep='')
+ temp = sqldf(query)
+ measures_averages_gens_1[[met]] = temp
+ temp = measures_averages_gens_1[[met]]
+ temp$generation = as.numeric(temp$generation)
+ measures_ini[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=0"))
+ measures_fin[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=",gens-1))
+ query = 'select generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ # later renames vars _avg_SUMMARY, just to make it in the same style as the quantile variables
+ query = paste(query,', avg(', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', max(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_max', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', stdev(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', median(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_median', sep='')
+ measures_aux = c(measures_aux, paste(methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='') )
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from temp group by generation', sep="")
+ temp2 = sqldf(query)
+ p <- c(0.25, 0.75)
+ p_names <- map_chr(p, ~paste0('Q',.x*100, sep=""))
+ p_funs <- map(p, ~partial(quantile, probs = .x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ set_names(nm = p_names)
+ quantiles = data.frame(temp %>%
+ group_by(generation) %>%
+ summarize_at(vars(measures_aux), funs(!!!p_funs)) )
+ measures_averages_gens_2[[met]] = sqldf('select * from temp2 inner join quantiles using (generation)')
+for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ if(met==1){
+ measures_averages_gens = measures_averages_gens_2[[1]]
+ }else{
+ measures_averages_gens = merge(measures_averages_gens, measures_averages_gens_2[[met]], all=TRUE, by = "generation")
+ }
+file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/trends.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+#tests trends in curves and difference between ini and fin generations
+# ini VS fin
+array_wilcoxon = list()
+array_wilcoxon2 = list()
+# curve
+array_mann = list()
+for (m in 1:length(methods))
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]] = list()
+ array_mann[[m]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'ini avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ #tests trends
+ array_mann[[m]][[i]] = mk.test(c(array(measures_averages_gens_2[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],'_median',sep='')]) )[[1]],
+ continuity = TRUE)
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median p', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)),sep=' '),
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median s', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)),sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+# tests final generation among experiments_type
+aux_m = length(methods)
+if (aux_m>1)
+ # fins
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]] = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]] = list()
+ aux_m = aux_m -1
+ count_pairs = 0
+ for(m in 1:aux_m)
+ {
+ aux = m+1
+ for(m2 in aux:length(methods))
+ {
+ count_pairs = count_pairs+1
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'VS',methods,measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[count_pairs]] = paste(initials[m],initials[m2],sep='')
+ }
+ }
+# plots measures
+for (type_summary in c('means','quants'))
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ tests1 = ''
+ tests2 = ''
+ tests3 = ''
+ break_aux = 0
+ graph <- ggplot(data=measures_averages_gens, aes(x=generation))
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','-',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','+',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }else
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q25',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q75',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }
+ }
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep=''), colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ), size=2)
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m])
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') , colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ),size=2 )
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m] )
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_mann)>0)
+ {
+ if (length(array_mann[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
+ tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2)>0)
+ {
+ for(p in 1:length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]]))
+ {
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
+ break_aux = 1
+ }
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ max_y = 0
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation")
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ graph = graph + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ if(show_markers == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", subtitle = paste(tests1,'\n', tests2, '\n', tests3, sep=''))
+ }
+ graph = graph + theme(legend.position="bottom" , legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=30),axis.title=element_text(size=39),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 ))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/',type_summary,'_' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 10, width = 10)
+ }
+for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ all_final_values = data.frame()
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance') { fin=length(methods)
+ }else{ fin=length(methods)-1 }
+ for (exp in 1:fin)
+ {
+ temp = data.frame( c(measures_fin[[exp]][paste(methods[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')]))
+ colnames(temp) <- 'values'
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance')
+ { temp$type = experiments_labels[exp]
+ }else{ temp$type = experiments_labels2[exp] }
+ all_final_values = rbind(all_final_values, temp)
+ }
+ max_y = max(all_final_values$values) * 1.1
+ g1 <- ggplot(data=all_final_values, aes(x= type , y=values, color=type )) +
+ geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(width=0.9),lwd=2, outlier.size = 4) + #notch=TRUE
+ labs( x="Environment", y=measures_labels[i], title="Final generation")
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance')
+ { g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values=experiments_type_colors)
+ }else{ g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values= c(experiments_type_colors[1:2],experiments_type_colors[4:4])) }
+ g1 = g1 + theme(legend.position="none" , text = element_text(size=45) ,
+ plot.title=element_text(size=40), axis.text=element_text(size=45),
+ axis.title=element_text(size=50),
+ axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 20, hjust = 1 ),
+ plot.margin=margin(t = 0.5, r = 0.5, b = 0.5, l = 0.9, unit = "cm")
+ )+
+ stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point" ,shape = 16, size=11)
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance') { comps = list(c("Non-S: Flat", "Seasonal: Flat"),
+ c("Non-S: Tilted", "Seasonal: Tilted"),
+ c("Non-S: Tilted", "Non-S: Flat"),
+ c("Seasonal: Tilted", "Seasonal: Flat"))
+ aux_width=13
+ }else{ comps = list(c("Non-S: Flat", "Non-S: Tilted"),
+ c("Non-S: Flat", "Seasonal"),
+ c("Non-S: Tilted", "Seasonal"))
+ aux_width=10
+ }
+ g1 = g1 + geom_signif( test="wilcox.test", size=2, textsize=22,
+ comparisons = comps,
+ map_signif_level=c("***"=0.001,"**"=0.01, "*"=0.05) )
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ g1 = g1 + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, max_y))
+ }
+ ggsave(paste(output_directory,"/",measures_names[i],"_boxes.pdf",sep = ""), g1, device = "pdf", height=18, width = aux_width)
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal2_lava.R b/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal2_lava.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58ebe2efa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal2_lava.R
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+ library(ggplot2)
+ library(sqldf)
+ library(plyr)
+ library(dplyr)
+ library(trend)
+ library(purrr)
+ library(ggsignif)
+ base_directory <-paste('data', sep='')
+analysis = 'analysis_journal2_lava'
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+experiments_type = c( 'baseline2_lava', 'plastic2_lava')
+environments = list(c( 'plane','lava'), c( 'plane','lava') )
+methods = c()
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ methods = c(methods, paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env], sep='_'))
+ }
+initials = c( 'bp', 'bt', 'pp', 'pt')
+experiments_labels = c( 'Baseline: Flat', 'Baseline: Lava',
+ 'Plastic: Flat', 'Plastic: Lava')
+experiments_labels2 = c( 'Baseline', 'Baseline',
+ 'Plastic: Flat', 'Plastic: Lava')
+ runs = list( c(1:20), c(1:20) )
+ gens = 10#100
+ pop = 100
+ sig = 0.05
+ line_size = 30
+ show_markers = TRUE#FALSE
+ show_legends = FALSE
+ experiments_type_colors = c( '#00e700' , '#009900', '#ffb83b', '#fd8a3b') # DARK: light green,dark green, light red, dark red
+ measures_names = c(
+ 'displacement_velocity_hill',
+ 'head_balance',
+ 'contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'length_of_limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'absolute_size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'symmetry',
+ 'avg_period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'fitness',
+ 'cons_fitness'
+ )
+ # add proper labels soon...
+ measures_labels = c(
+ 'Speed (cm/s)',
+ 'Balance',
+ 'Contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'Branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'Rel number of limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'Rel. Length of Limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'Rel. Number of Joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'Proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'Size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'Symmetry',
+ 'Average Period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'Fitness',
+ 'Number of slaves'
+ )
+ measures_snapshots_all = NULL
+ for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ {
+ for(run in runs[[exp]])
+ {
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/',
+ experiments_type[exp], '_',sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory, run, '/data_fullevolution/',
+ environments[[exp]][env], "/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE, fill=TRUE)
+ for( m in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ measures[measures_names[m]] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[[measures_names[m]]]))
+ }
+ snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory, run,'/selectedpop_',
+ environments[[exp]][env],"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
+ measures_snapshots$run = run
+ measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill = measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill*100
+ measures_snapshots$run = as.factor(measures_snapshots$run)
+ measures_snapshots$method = paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env],sep='_')
+ if ( is.null(measures_snapshots_all)){
+ measures_snapshots_all = measures_snapshots
+ }else{
+ measures_snapshots_all = rbind(measures_snapshots_all, measures_snapshots)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
+ measures_snapshots_all = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where cons_fitness IS NOT NULL")
+ # densities
+ measures_snapshots_all_densities = sqldf(paste("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation=42
+ and method !='", methods[length(methods)],"'",sep='' )) #99!!!!
+ measures_names_densities = c('length_of_limbs','proportion', 'absolute_size','head_balance','joints', 'limbs')
+ measures_labels_densities = c('Rel. Length of Limbs','Proportion', 'Size','Balance','Rel. Number of Joints', 'Rel. Number of Limbs')
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ for (j in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ if(i != j)
+ {
+ graph <- ggplot(measures_snapshots_all_densities, aes_string(x=measures_names_densities[j], y= measures_names_densities[i]))+
+ geom_density_2d(aes(colour = method ), alpha=0.7, size=3 )+
+ scale_color_manual(values = experiments_type_colors[-1] )+
+ labs( x = measures_labels_densities[j], y= measures_labels_densities[i] )+
+ theme(legend.position="bottom" , axis.text=element_text(size=21),axis.title=element_text(size=22),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 )) +
+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory ,'/density_',measures_names_densities[i],'_', measures_names_densities[j],'.png', sep=''), graph ,
+ device='png', height = 6, width = 6)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ measures_averages_gens_1 = list()
+ measures_averages_gens_2 = list()
+ measures_ini = list()
+ measures_fin = list()
+ for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ measures_aux = c()
+ query ='select run, generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ query = paste(query,', avg(',measures_names[i],') as ', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from measures_snapshots_all
+ where method="', methods[met],'" group by run, generation', sep='')
+ temp = sqldf(query)
+ measures_averages_gens_1[[met]] = temp
+ temp = measures_averages_gens_1[[met]]
+ temp$generation = as.numeric(temp$generation)
+ measures_ini[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=0"))
+ measures_fin[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=",gens-1))
+ query = 'select generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ # later renames vars _avg_SUMMARY, just to make it in the same style as the quantile variables
+ query = paste(query,', avg(', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', max(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_max', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', stdev(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', median(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_median', sep='')
+ measures_aux = c(measures_aux, paste(methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='') )
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from temp group by generation', sep="")
+ temp2 = sqldf(query)
+ p <- c(0.25, 0.75)
+ p_names <- map_chr(p, ~paste0('Q',.x*100, sep=""))
+ p_funs <- map(p, ~partial(quantile, probs = .x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ set_names(nm = p_names)
+ quantiles = data.frame(temp %>%
+ group_by(generation) %>%
+ summarize_at(vars(measures_aux), funs(!!!p_funs)) )
+ measures_averages_gens_2[[met]] = sqldf('select * from temp2 inner join quantiles using (generation)')
+ }
+ for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(met==1){
+ measures_averages_gens = measures_averages_gens_2[[1]]
+ }else{
+ measures_averages_gens = merge(measures_averages_gens, measures_averages_gens_2[[met]], by = "generation")
+ }
+ }
+ file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/trends.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+ #tests trends in curves and difference between ini and fin generations
+ # ini VS fin
+ array_wilcoxon = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2 = list()
+ # curve
+ array_mann = list()
+ for (m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]] = list()
+ array_mann[[m]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'ini avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ #tests trends
+ array_mann[[m]][[i]] = mk.test(c(array(measures_averages_gens_2[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],'_median',sep='')]) )[[1]],
+ continuity = TRUE)
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median p', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)),sep=' '),
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median s', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)),sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ }
+ # tests final generation among experiments_type
+ aux_m = length(methods)
+ if (aux_m>1)
+ {
+ # fins
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]] = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]] = list()
+ aux_m = aux_m -1
+ count_pairs = 0
+ for(m in 1:aux_m)
+ {
+ aux = m+1
+ for(m2 in aux:length(methods))
+ {
+ count_pairs = count_pairs+1
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'VS',methods,measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[count_pairs]] = paste(initials[m],initials[m2],sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(file)
+ # plots measures
+ for (type_summary in c('means','quants'))
+ {
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ tests1 = ''
+ tests2 = ''
+ tests3 = ''
+ break_aux = 0
+ graph <- ggplot(data=measures_averages_gens, aes(x=generation))
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','-',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','+',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }else
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q25',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q75',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }
+ }
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep=''), colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ), size=2)
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m])
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') , colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ),size=2 )
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m] )
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_mann)>0)
+ {
+ if (length(array_mann[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
+ tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2)>0)
+ {
+ for(p in 1:length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]]))
+ {
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
+ break_aux = 1
+ }
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ max_y = 0
+ min_y = 0
+ if(measures_names[i]=='displacement_velocity_hill' ){
+ max_y = 3
+ min_y = -0.5
+ }
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation")
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ graph = graph + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ if(show_markers == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", subtitle = paste(tests1,'\n', tests2, '\n', tests3, sep=''))
+ }
+ graph = graph + theme(legend.position="bottom" , legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=30),axis.title=element_text(size=39),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 ))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/',type_summary,'_' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 10, width = 10)
+ }
+ }
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ all_final_values = data.frame()
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill') { ini=1
+ }else{ ini=2 }
+ for (exp in ini:length(methods))
+ {
+ temp = data.frame( c(measures_fin[[exp]][paste(methods[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')]))
+ colnames(temp) <- 'values'
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill') { temp$type = experiments_labels[exp]
+ }else{ temp$type = experiments_labels2[exp] }
+ all_final_values = rbind(all_final_values, temp)
+ }
+ max_y = 0
+ # min_y = -0.5
+ #if(measures_names[i]=='displacement_velocity_hill' ){ max_y = 3 }
+ g1 <- ggplot(data=all_final_values, aes(x= type , y=values, color=type )) +
+ geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(width=0.9),lwd=2, outlier.size = 4, notch=TRUE) +
+ labs( x="Environment", y=measures_labels[i], title="Final generation")
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill') { g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values=experiments_type_colors)
+ }else{ g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values=experiments_type_colors[-1]) }
+ g1 = g1 + theme(legend.position="none" , text = element_text(size=45) ,
+ plot.title=element_text(size=40), axis.text=element_text(size=45),
+ axis.title=element_text(size=50),
+ axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 20, hjust = 1))+
+ stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point" ,shape = 16, size=11)
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill') { comps = list(c("Baseline: Flat", "Plastic: Flat"),
+ c("Baseline: Lava", "Plastic: Lava"))
+ }else{ comps = list(c("Baseline", "Plastic: Flat"),
+ c("Baseline", "Plastic: Lava"),
+ c("Plastic: Flat", "Plastic: Lava")) }
+ g1 = g1 + geom_signif( test="wilcox.test", size=2, textsize=22,
+ comparisons = comps,
+ map_signif_level=c("***"=0.001,"**"=0.01, "*"=0.05) )
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ g1 = g1 + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, max_y))
+ }
+ ggsave(paste(output_directory,"/",measures_names[i],"_boxes.pdf",sep = ""), g1, device = "pdf", height=18, width = 10)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal2_tilted.R b/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal2_tilted.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b877ed6701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/summary_measures_journal2_tilted.R
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+ library(ggplot2)
+ library(sqldf)
+ library(plyr)
+ library(dplyr)
+ library(trend)
+ library(purrr)
+ library(ggsignif)
+ base_directory <-paste('data', sep='')
+analysis = 'analysis_journal2_tilted'
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+experiments_type = c( 'baseline2', 'plastic2')
+environments = list(c( 'plane','tilted5'), c( 'plane','tilted5') )
+methods = c()
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ methods = c(methods, paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env], sep='_'))
+ }
+initials = c( 'bp', 'bt', 'pp', 'pt')
+experiments_labels = c( 'Baseline: Flat', 'Baseline: Tilted',
+ 'Plastic: Flat', 'Plastic: Tilted')
+experiments_labels2 = c( 'Baseline', 'Baseline',
+ 'Plastic: Flat', 'Plastic: Tilted')
+ runs = list( c(1:20), c(1:20) )
+ gens = 100
+ pop = 100
+ sig = 0.05
+ line_size = 30
+ show_markers = TRUE#FALSE
+ show_legends = FALSE
+ experiments_type_colors = c( '#00e700' , '#009900', '#ffb83b', '#fd8a3b') # DARK: light green,dark green, light red, dark red
+ measures_names = c(
+ 'displacement_velocity_hill',
+ 'head_balance',
+ 'contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'length_of_limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'absolute_size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'symmetry',
+ 'avg_period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'fitness',
+ 'cons_fitness'
+ )
+ # add proper labels soon...
+ measures_labels = c(
+ 'Speed (cm/s)',
+ 'Balance',
+ 'Contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'Branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'Rel number of limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'Rel. Length of Limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'Rel. Number of Joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'Proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'Size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'Symmetry',
+ 'Average Period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'Fitness',
+ 'Number of slaves'
+ )
+ measures_snapshots_all = NULL
+ for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ {
+ for(run in runs[[exp]])
+ {
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/',
+ experiments_type[exp], '_',sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory, run, '/data_fullevolution/',
+ environments[[exp]][env], "/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE, fill=TRUE)
+ for( m in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ measures[measures_names[m]] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[[measures_names[m]]]))
+ }
+ snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory, run,'/selectedpop_',
+ environments[[exp]][env],"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
+ measures_snapshots$run = run
+ measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill = measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill*100
+ measures_snapshots$run = as.factor(measures_snapshots$run)
+ measures_snapshots$method = paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env],sep='_')
+ if ( is.null(measures_snapshots_all)){
+ measures_snapshots_all = measures_snapshots
+ }else{
+ measures_snapshots_all = rbind(measures_snapshots_all, measures_snapshots)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
+ measures_snapshots_all = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation<= 99 and cons_fitness IS NOT NULL")
+ # densities
+ measures_snapshots_all_densities = sqldf(paste("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation=99
+ and method !='", methods[1],"'",sep='' ))
+ measures_names_densities = c('length_of_limbs','proportion', 'absolute_size','head_balance','joints', 'limbs')
+ measures_labels_densities = c('Rel. Length of Limbs','Proportion', 'Size','Balance','Rel. Number of Joints', 'Rel. Number of Limbs')
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ for (j in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ if(i != j)
+ {
+ graph <- ggplot(measures_snapshots_all_densities, aes_string(x=measures_names_densities[j], y= measures_names_densities[i]))+
+ geom_density_2d(aes(colour = method ), alpha=0.7, size=3 )+
+ scale_color_manual(values = experiments_type_colors[-1] )+
+ labs( x = measures_labels_densities[j], y= measures_labels_densities[i] )+
+ theme(legend.position="bottom" , axis.text=element_text(size=21),axis.title=element_text(size=22),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 )) +
+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory ,'/density_',measures_names_densities[i],'_', measures_names_densities[j],'.png', sep=''), graph ,
+ device='png', height = 6, width = 6)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ measures_averages_gens_1 = list()
+ measures_averages_gens_2 = list()
+ measures_ini = list()
+ measures_fin = list()
+ for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ measures_aux = c()
+ query ='select run, generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ query = paste(query,', avg(',measures_names[i],') as ', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from measures_snapshots_all
+ where method="', methods[met],'" group by run, generation', sep='')
+ temp = sqldf(query)
+ measures_averages_gens_1[[met]] = temp
+ temp = measures_averages_gens_1[[met]]
+ temp$generation = as.numeric(temp$generation)
+ measures_ini[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=0"))
+ measures_fin[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=",gens-1))
+ query = 'select generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ # later renames vars _avg_SUMMARY, just to make it in the same style as the quantile variables
+ query = paste(query,', avg(', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', max(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_max', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', stdev(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', median(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_median', sep='')
+ measures_aux = c(measures_aux, paste(methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='') )
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from temp group by generation', sep="")
+ temp2 = sqldf(query)
+ p <- c(0.25, 0.75)
+ p_names <- map_chr(p, ~paste0('Q',.x*100, sep=""))
+ p_funs <- map(p, ~partial(quantile, probs = .x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ set_names(nm = p_names)
+ quantiles = data.frame(temp %>%
+ group_by(generation) %>%
+ summarize_at(vars(measures_aux), funs(!!!p_funs)) )
+ measures_averages_gens_2[[met]] = sqldf('select * from temp2 inner join quantiles using (generation)')
+ }
+ for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(met==1){
+ measures_averages_gens = measures_averages_gens_2[[1]]
+ }else{
+ measures_averages_gens = merge(measures_averages_gens, measures_averages_gens_2[[met]], by = "generation")
+ }
+ }
+ file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/trends.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+ #tests trends in curves and difference between ini and fin generations
+ # ini VS fin
+ array_wilcoxon = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2 = list()
+ # curve
+ array_mann = list()
+ for (m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]] = list()
+ array_mann[[m]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'ini avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ #tests trends
+ array_mann[[m]][[i]] = mk.test(c(array(measures_averages_gens_2[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],'_median',sep='')]) )[[1]],
+ continuity = TRUE)
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median p', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)),sep=' '),
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median s', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)),sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ }
+ # tests final generation among experiments_type
+ aux_m = length(methods)
+ if (aux_m>1)
+ {
+ # fins
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]] = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]] = list()
+ aux_m = aux_m -1
+ count_pairs = 0
+ for(m in 1:aux_m)
+ {
+ aux = m+1
+ for(m2 in aux:length(methods))
+ {
+ count_pairs = count_pairs+1
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'VS',methods,measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[count_pairs]] = paste(initials[m],initials[m2],sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(file)
+ # plots measures
+ for (type_summary in c('means','quants'))
+ {
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ tests1 = ''
+ tests2 = ''
+ tests3 = ''
+ break_aux = 0
+ graph <- ggplot(data=measures_averages_gens, aes(x=generation))
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','-',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','+',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }else
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q25',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q75',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }
+ }
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep=''), colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ), size=2)
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m])
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') , colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ),size=2 )
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m] )
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_mann)>0)
+ {
+ if (length(array_mann[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
+ tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2)>0)
+ {
+ for(p in 1:length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]]))
+ {
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
+ break_aux = 1
+ }
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ max_y = 0
+ min_y = 0
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation")
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ graph = graph + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ if(show_markers == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", subtitle = paste(tests1,'\n', tests2, '\n', tests3, sep=''))
+ }
+ graph = graph + theme(legend.position="bottom" , legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=30),axis.title=element_text(size=39),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 ))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/',type_summary,'_' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 10, width = 10)
+ }
+ }
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ all_final_values = data.frame()
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance') { ini=1
+ }else{ ini=2 }
+ for (exp in ini:length(methods))
+ {
+ temp = data.frame( c(measures_fin[[exp]][paste(methods[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')]))
+ colnames(temp) <- 'values'
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance') { temp$type = experiments_labels[exp]
+ }else{ temp$type = experiments_labels2[exp] }
+ all_final_values = rbind(all_final_values, temp)
+ }
+ max_y = max(all_final_values$values) * 1.1
+ g1 <- ggplot(data=all_final_values, aes(x= type , y=values, color=type )) +
+ geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(width=0.9),lwd=2, outlier.size = 4) +
+ labs( x="Environment", y=measures_labels[i], title="Final generation")
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance') { g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values=experiments_type_colors)
+ }else{ g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values=experiments_type_colors[-1]) }
+ g1 = g1 + theme(legend.position="none" , text = element_text(size=45) ,
+ plot.title=element_text(size=40), axis.text=element_text(size=45),
+ axis.title=element_text(size=50),
+ axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 20, hjust = 1))+
+ stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point" ,shape = 16, size=11)
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' || measures_names[i] == 'head_balance') { comps = list(c("Baseline: Flat", "Plastic: Flat"),
+ c("Baseline: Tilted", "Plastic: Tilted"))
+ }else{ comps = list(c("Baseline", "Plastic: Flat"),
+ c("Baseline", "Plastic: Tilted"),
+ c("Plastic: Flat", "Plastic: Tilted")) }
+ g1 = g1 + geom_signif( test="wilcox.test", size=2, textsize=22,
+ comparisons = comps,
+ map_signif_level=c("***"=0.001,"**"=0.01, "*"=0.05) )
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ g1 = g1 + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, max_y))
+ }
+ ggsave(paste(output_directory,"/",measures_names[i],"_boxes.pdf",sep = ""), g1, device = "pdf", height=18, width = 10)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/tilted.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/tilted.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2f8700f0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/tilted.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 100
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 50
+ front = None
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'tilted5': 0.1}
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_tilted(robot_manager, robot):
+ #contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ #assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'tilted5': fitness_function_tilted}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/watch_best.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/watch_best.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e0b2997bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/karines_experiments/watch_best.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+import time
+import numpy as np
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 100
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 50
+ front = 'slaves'
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03,
+ 'tilted5': 0.1
+ }
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=True,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #load_individual
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ def fitness_function(robot_manager, robot):
+ #contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
+ #assert(contacts != 0)
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, 1)
+ # choose a snapshot here. and the maximum best individuals you wish to watch
+ generation = 61#99
+ max_best = 3#10
+ await population.load_snapshot(generation)
+ values = []
+ for ind in population.individuals:
+ # define a criteria here
+ for environment in environments:
+ ind[environment].evaluated = False
+ values.append(ind[list(environments.keys())[-1]].consolidated_fitness)
+ #values.append(ind['plane'].phenotype._behavioural_measurements.displacement_velocity_hill)
+ values = np.array(values)
+ ini = len(population.individuals)-max_best
+ fin = len(population.individuals)
+ population.individuals = np.array(population.individuals)
+ # highest
+ population.individuals = population.individuals[np.argsort(values)[ini:fin]]
+ # lowest
+ #population.individuals = population.individuals[np.argsort(values)[0:max_best]]
+ for ind in population.individuals:
+ print(ind[list(environments.keys())[-1]].phenotype.id)
+ print('consolidated_fitness', ind[list(environments.keys())[-1]].consolidated_fitness)
+ for environment in environments:
+ print(environment)
+ await population.evaluate(new_individuals=population.individuals, gen_num=generation,
+ environment=environment, type_simulation='watch')
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/watch_best_robots.py b/experiments/karines_experiments/watch_best_robots.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f84e81562..0000000000
--- a/experiments/karines_experiments/watch_best_robots.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import asyncio
-from pyrevolve import parser
-from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
-from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
-from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
-from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
-from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
-from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
-from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
-from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
-from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
-from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
-from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
-from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
-import numpy as np
-async def run():
- """
- The main coroutine, which is started below.
- """
- # Parse command line / file input arguments
- genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
- max_structural_modules=100,
- )
- mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
- mutation_prob=0.8,
- genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
- )
- crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
- crossover_prob=0.8,
- )
- settings = parser.parse_args()
- experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings)
- population_conf = PopulationConfig(
- population_size=100,
- genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
- genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
- fitness_function=fitness.displacement_velocity_hill,
- mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
- mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
- crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
- crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
- selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, 2),
- parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection),
- population_management=steady_state_population_management,
- population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
- evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
- offspring_size=50,
- experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
- experiment_management=experiment_management,
- )
- settings = parser.parse_args()
- simulator_queue = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, settings.port_start)
- await simulator_queue.start()
- population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, 0)
- # choose a snapshot here. and the maximum best individuals you wish to watch
- generation = 99
- max_best = 10
- await population.load_snapshot(generation)
- values = []
- for ind in population.individuals:
- # define a criteria here
- #values.append(ind.fitness)
- values.append(ind.phenotype._behavioural_measurements.contacts)
- values = np.array(values)
- ini = len(population.individuals)-max_best
- fin = len(population.individuals)
- population.individuals = np.array(population.individuals)
- population.individuals = population.individuals[np.argsort(values)[ini:fin]]
- for ind in population.individuals:
- print(ind.phenotype.id)
- print('contacts', ind.phenotype._behavioural_measurements.contacts)
- await population.evaluate(population.individuals, generation, 'watch')
diff --git a/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/.DS_Store b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/.DS_Store
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5008ddfcf5
Binary files /dev/null and b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/baseline_big.py b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/baseline_big.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c40c150d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/baseline_big.py
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+import time
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 200
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 100
+ front = 'slaves'
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03,
+ 'tilted5': 0.1
+ }
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_plane(robot_manager, robot):
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'plane': fitness_function_plane,
+ 'tilted5': fitness_function_plane}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal2_tilted_big.r b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal2_tilted_big.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eff7bed226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/bestrobots_summary_renders_journal2_tilted_big.r
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+paths = c( 'baseline_big', 'plastic_big' )
+environments = list(
+ c( 'plane','tilted5'),
+ c( 'plane','tilted5')
+base_directory <- paste('journal2/', sep='')
+runs = list( c(1:20), c(1:20) )
+gens = 200
+pop = 100
+num_top = 1
+analysis = 'nonstatic/images'
+##### change paths/labels/params here #####
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,analysis, sep='')
+file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/best.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+# for each method
+for(m in 1:length(paths))
+ # for each repetition
+ for (exp in runs[[m]])
+ {
+ input_directory1 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/data_fullevolution/',environments[[m]][1],sep='')
+ input_directory2 <- paste(base_directory, paths[m],'_',exp, '/selectedpop_', sep='')
+ ids_gens = data.frame()
+ list = strsplit(list.files(paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][1],'/selectedpop_',gens-1, sep='')), ' ')
+ for(geno in 1:pop)
+ {
+ genome = data.frame(cbind(c(gens), c(strsplit(strsplit(list [[geno]],'_')[[1]][3],'.png')[[1]][1] )))
+ names(genome)<-c('generation','robot_id')
+ ids_gens = rbind(ids_gens,genome)
+ }
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory1,"/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE, fill=TRUE)
+ bests = sqldf(paste("select robot_id, cons_fitness from measures inner join ids_gens using (robot_id) order by cons_fitness desc limit",num_top))
+ for(b in 1:nrow(bests))
+ {
+ writeLines( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ), file )
+ print( paste(paths[m],'exp',exp,bests[b,'robot_id'] ,bests[b,'cons_fitness'] ))
+ phenotype= bests[b,'robot_id']
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[m]]))
+ {
+ patha = paste(input_directory2, environments[[m]][env], "/selectedpop_",gens-1,sep="")
+ body <- list.files(patha, paste("body_robot_",phenotype,".png$",sep=""), full.names = TRUE)
+ body = image_read(body)
+ body = image_scale(body, "100x100")
+ body = image_border(image_background(body, "white"), "white", "5x5")
+ if(b == 1 && env == 1)
+ {
+ bodies = body
+ }else{
+ bodies = c(bodies, body)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ side_by_side = image_append(bodies, stack=F)
+ image_write(side_by_side, path = paste(output_directory,"/",paths[m],'_', environments[[m]][env], "_bodies_best_",exp,".png",sep=''), format = "png")
+ }
diff --git a/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/consolidate_experiments.py b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/consolidate_experiments.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbdd9dc878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/consolidate_experiments.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+import os
+import math
+# set these variables according to your experiments #
+dirpath = 'data/'
+experiments_type = [
+ 'flat_big',
+ 'plastic_big'
+environments = {
+ 'flat_big': ['plane'],
+'tilted_big': ['tilted5'],
+ 'plastic_big': ['plane','tilted5']
+ ,'baseline_big': ['plane','tilted5']
+ }
+runs = range(1, 21)
+# set these variables according to your experiments #
+def build_headers(path1, path2):
+ file_summary = open(path1 + "/all_measures.tsv", "w+")
+ file_summary.write('robot_id\t')
+ behavior_headers = []
+ behavior_headers.append('velocity')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('displacement_velocity')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('displacement_velocity_hill')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('head_balance')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ behavior_headers.append('contacts')
+ file_summary.write(behavior_headers[-1]+'\t')
+ # use this instead? but what if the guy is none?
+ # with open(path + '/data_fullevolution/descriptors/behavior_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
+ # for line in file:
+ # measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ # behavior_headers.append(measure)
+ # file_summary.write(measure+'\t')
+ phenotype_headers = []
+ with open(path1 + '/descriptors/phenotype_desc_robot_1.txt') as file:
+ for line in file:
+ measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ phenotype_headers.append(measure)
+ file_summary.write(measure+'\t')
+ file_summary.write('fitness\t cons_fitness\n')
+ file_summary.close()
+ file_summary = open(path2 + "/snapshots_ids.tsv", "w+")
+ file_summary.write('generation\trobot_id\n')
+ file_summary.close()
+ return behavior_headers, phenotype_headers
+for exp in experiments_type:
+ for env in environments[exp]:
+ for run in runs:
+ path0 = dirpath + str(exp) + '_' + str(run) + '/data_fullevolution'
+ path1 = dirpath + str(exp) + '_' + str(run) + '/data_fullevolution/' + env
+ path2 = dirpath + str(exp) + '_' + str(run) + '/selectedpop_' + env
+ behavior_headers, phenotype_headers = build_headers(path1, path2)
+ file_summary = open(path1 + "/all_measures.tsv", "a")
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(path0+'/consolidated_fitness'):
+ for file in f:
+ robot_id = file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
+ file_summary.write(robot_id+'\t')
+ bh_file = path1+'/descriptors/behavior_desc_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt'
+ if os.path.isfile(bh_file):
+ with open(bh_file) as file:
+ for line in file:
+ if line != 'None':
+ measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ file_summary.write(value+'\t')
+ else:
+ for h in behavior_headers:
+ file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
+ else:
+ for h in behavior_headers:
+ file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
+ pt_file = path1+'/descriptors/phenotype_desc_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt'
+ if os.path.isfile(pt_file):
+ with open(pt_file) as file:
+ for line in file:
+ measure, value = line.strip().split(' ')
+ file_summary.write(value+'\t')
+ else:
+ for h in phenotype_headers:
+ file_summary.write('None'+'\t')
+ f_file = open(path1+'/fitness/fitness_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt', 'r')
+ fitness = f_file.read()
+ file_summary.write(fitness + '\t')
+ cf_file = open(path0+'/consolidated_fitness/consolidated_fitness_robot_'+robot_id+'.txt', 'r')
+ cons_fitness = cf_file.read()
+ file_summary.write(cons_fitness + '\n')
+ num_files = len(f)
+ list_gens = []
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(path2):
+ for dir in d:
+ if 'selectedpop' in dir:
+ gen = dir.split('_')[1]
+ list_gens.append(int(gen))
+ list_gens.sort()
+ if len(list_gens)>0:
+ gen = list_gens[-1]
+ else:
+ gen = -1
+ print(exp, run, num_files, gen, num_files-(gen*100+100))
+ file_summary.close()
+ file_summary = open(path2 + "/snapshots_ids.tsv", "a")
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(path2):
+ for dir in d:
+ if 'selectedpop' in dir:
+ gen = dir.split('_')[1]
+ for r2, d2, f2 in os.walk(path2 + '/selectedpop_' + str(gen)):
+ for file in f2:
+ if 'body' in file:
+ id = file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
+ file_summary.write(gen+'\t'+id+'\n')
+ file_summary.close()
diff --git a/experiments/karines_experiments/manager_pop.py b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/flat_big.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 71%
rename from experiments/karines_experiments/manager_pop.py
rename to experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/flat_big.py
index 2c82914acd..35369c12e5
--- a/experiments/karines_experiments/manager_pop.py
+++ b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/flat_big.py
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
async def run():
@@ -24,12 +25,17 @@ async def run():
# experiment params #
- num_generations = 100
+ num_generations = 200
population_size = 100
- offspring_size = 50
+ offspring_size = 100
+ front = None
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03}
genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
- max_structural_modules=100,
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
@@ -44,13 +50,14 @@ async def run():
# Parse command line / file input arguments
settings = parser.parse_args()
- experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings)
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
if do_recovery:
- gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size, offspring_size)
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
if gen_num == num_generations-1:
logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
@@ -59,11 +66,11 @@ async def run():
gen_num = 0
next_robot_id = 1
- def fitness_function(robot_manager, robot):
- contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
- assert(contacts != 0)
+ def fitness_function_plane(robot_manager, robot):
return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'plane': fitness_function_plane}
population_conf = PopulationConfig(
@@ -73,27 +80,51 @@ def fitness_function(robot_manager, robot):
- selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, 2),
- parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection),
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
settings = parser.parse_args()
- simulator_queue = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, settings.port_start)
- await simulator_queue.start()
- population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, next_robot_id)
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
if do_recovery:
- # loading a previous state of the experiment
- await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
if has_offspring:
individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
gen_num += 1
diff --git a/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/plastic_big.py b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/plastic_big.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..927a9e1cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/plastic_big.py
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+import time
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 200
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 100
+ front = 'slaves'
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'plane': 0.03,
+ 'tilted5': 0.1
+ }
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=True,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_plane(robot_manager, robot):
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'plane': fitness_function_plane,
+ 'tilted5': fitness_function_plane}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/run-experiments b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/run-experiments
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a48cea1da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/run-experiments
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ #!/bin/bash
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/baseline_big_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/baseline_big.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11000 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/plastic_big_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/plastic_big.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11141 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+ while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/flat_big_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/flat_big.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11141 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
+ while true
+ do
+ for i in {1..20}; do
+ ./revolve.py --experiment-name karines_experiments/data/tilted_big_$i --run $i --manager experiments/karines_experiments/tilted_big.py --n-cores 4 --port-start 11141 --evaluation-time 50;
+ sleep 5s
+ done
diff --git a/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/summary_measures_journal2_tilted_big_1.R b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/summary_measures_journal2_tilted_big_1.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0beb61d404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/summary_measures_journal2_tilted_big_1.R
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+ library(ggplot2)
+ library(sqldf)
+ library(plyr)
+ library(dplyr)
+ library(trend)
+ library(purrr)
+ library(ggsignif)
+ base_directory <-paste('journal2', sep='')
+analysis = 'analysis_journal2_tilted_big_1'
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+experiments_type = c( 'flat_big', 'tilted_big' )
+environments = list(c( 'plane'), c('tilted5') )
+methods = c()
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ methods = c(methods, paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env], sep='_'))
+ }
+initials = c( 'p', 't' )
+experiments_labels = c( 'Static: Flat', 'Static: Tilted')
+ runs = list( c(1:20), c(1:20) )
+ gens = 200
+ pop = 100
+ sig = 0.05
+ line_size = 30
+ show_markers = TRUE#FALSE
+ show_legends = FALSE
+ experiments_type_colors = c( '#009999' , '#cc9900' ) # weird green and weird yellow
+ measures_names = c(
+ 'displacement_velocity_hill',
+ 'head_balance',
+ 'contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'length_of_limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'absolute_size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'symmetry',
+ 'avg_period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'fitness',
+ 'cons_fitness'
+ )
+ # add proper labels soon...
+ measures_labels = c(
+ 'Speed (cm/s)',
+ 'Balance',
+ 'Contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'Branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'Rel number of limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'Rel. Length of Limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'Rel. Number of Joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'Proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'Size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'Symmetry',
+ 'Average Period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'Fitness',
+ 'Number of slaves'
+ )
+ measures_snapshots_all = NULL
+ for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ {
+ for(run in runs[[exp]])
+ {
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/',
+ experiments_type[exp], '_',sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory, run, '/data_fullevolution/',
+ environments[[exp]][env], "/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE, fill=TRUE)
+ for( m in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ measures[measures_names[m]] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[[measures_names[m]]]))
+ }
+ snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory, run,'/selectedpop_',
+ environments[[exp]][env],"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
+ measures_snapshots$run = run
+ measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill = measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill*100
+ measures_snapshots$run = as.factor(measures_snapshots$run)
+ measures_snapshots$method = paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env],sep='_')
+ if ( is.null(measures_snapshots_all)){
+ measures_snapshots_all = measures_snapshots
+ }else{
+ measures_snapshots_all = rbind(measures_snapshots_all, measures_snapshots)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
+ measures_snapshots_all = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where cons_fitness IS NOT NULL")
+ measures_averages_gens_1 = list()
+ measures_averages_gens_2 = list()
+ measures_ini = list()
+ measures_fin = list()
+ for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ measures_aux = c()
+ query ='select run, generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ query = paste(query,', avg(',measures_names[i],') as ', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from measures_snapshots_all
+ where method="', methods[met],'" group by run, generation', sep='')
+ temp = sqldf(query)
+ measures_averages_gens_1[[met]] = temp
+ temp = measures_averages_gens_1[[met]]
+ temp$generation = as.numeric(temp$generation)
+ measures_ini[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=0"))
+ measures_fin[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=",gens-1))
+ query = 'select generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ # later renames vars _avg_SUMMARY, just to make it in the same style as the quantile variables
+ query = paste(query,', avg(', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', max(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_max', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', stdev(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', median(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_median', sep='')
+ measures_aux = c(measures_aux, paste(methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='') )
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from temp group by generation', sep="")
+ temp2 = sqldf(query)
+ p <- c(0.25, 0.75)
+ p_names <- map_chr(p, ~paste0('Q',.x*100, sep=""))
+ p_funs <- map(p, ~partial(quantile, probs = .x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ set_names(nm = p_names)
+ quantiles = data.frame(temp %>%
+ group_by(generation) %>%
+ summarize_at(vars(measures_aux), funs(!!!p_funs)) )
+ measures_averages_gens_2[[met]] = sqldf('select * from temp2 inner join quantiles using (generation)')
+ }
+ for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(met==1){
+ measures_averages_gens = measures_averages_gens_2[[1]]
+ }else{
+ measures_averages_gens = merge(measures_averages_gens, measures_averages_gens_2[[met]], all=TRUE, by = "generation")
+ }
+ }
+ file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/trends.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+ #tests trends in curves and difference between ini and fin generations
+ # ini VS fin
+ array_wilcoxon = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2 = list()
+ # curve
+ array_mann = list()
+ for (m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]] = list()
+ array_mann[[m]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'ini avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ #tests trends
+ array_mann[[m]][[i]] = mk.test(c(array(measures_averages_gens_2[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],'_median',sep='')]) )[[1]],
+ continuity = TRUE)
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median p', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)),sep=' '),
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median s', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)),sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ }
+ # tests final generation among experiments_type
+ aux_m = length(methods)
+ if (aux_m>1)
+ {
+ # fins
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]] = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]] = list()
+ aux_m = aux_m -1
+ count_pairs = 0
+ for(m in 1:aux_m)
+ {
+ aux = m+1
+ for(m2 in aux:length(methods))
+ {
+ count_pairs = count_pairs+1
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[count_pairs]] = paste(initials[m],initials[m2],sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(file)
+ # plots measures
+ for (type_summary in c('means','quants'))
+ {
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ tests1 = ''
+ tests2 = ''
+ tests3 = ''
+ break_aux = 0
+ graph <- ggplot(data=measures_averages_gens, aes(x=generation))
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','-',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','+',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }else
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q25',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q75',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }
+ }
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep=''), colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ), size=2)
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m])
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') , colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ),size=2 )
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m] )
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_mann)>0)
+ {
+ if (length(array_mann[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
+ tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2)>0)
+ {
+ for(p in 1:length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]]))
+ {
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
+ break_aux = 1
+ }
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ max_y = 0
+ min_y = 0
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' ) {
+ max_y = 6
+ min_y = -0.5}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'head_balance' || measures_names[i] == 'limbs' || measures_names[i] == 'joints') { max_y = 1.1}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'proportion' ) { max_y = 1}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'absolute_size' ) { max_y = 16}
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation")
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ graph = graph + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ if(show_markers == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", subtitle = paste(tests1,'\n', tests2, '\n', tests3, sep=''))
+ }
+ graph = graph + theme(legend.position="bottom" , legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=27),axis.title=element_text(size=25),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 ))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/',type_summary,'_' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 10, width = 10)
+ }
+ }
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ max_y = 0
+ min_y = 0
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' ) {
+ max_y = 6
+ min_y = -0.5}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'head_balance' || measures_names[i] == 'limbs' || measures_names[i] == 'joints') { max_y = 1.1}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'proportion' ) { max_y = 1}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'absolute_size' ) { max_y = 16}
+ all_final_values = data.frame()
+ for (exp in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ temp = data.frame( c(measures_fin[[exp]][paste(methods[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')]))
+ colnames(temp) <- 'values'
+ temp$type = experiments_labels[exp]
+ all_final_values = rbind(all_final_values, temp)
+ }
+ g1 <- ggplot(data=all_final_values, aes(x= type , y=values, color=type )) +
+ geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(width=0.9),lwd=2, outlier.size = 4) +
+ labs( x="Environment", y=measures_labels[i])
+ g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values=experiments_type_colors)
+ g1 = g1 + theme(legend.position="none" , text = element_text(size=45) ,
+ plot.title=element_text(size=40), axis.text=element_text(size=45),
+ axis.title=element_text(size=50),
+ axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 20, hjust = 1))+
+ stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point" ,shape = 16, size=11)
+ comps = list(c( 'Static: Flat', 'Static: Tilted') )
+ g1 = g1 + geom_signif( test="wilcox.test", size=2, textsize=22,
+ comparisons = comps,
+ map_signif_level=c("***"=0.001,"**"=0.01, "*"=0.05) )
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ g1 = g1 + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ ggsave(paste(output_directory,"/",measures_names[i],"_boxes.pdf",sep = ""), g1, device = "pdf", height=18, width = 10)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/summary_measures_journal2_tilted_big_2.R b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/summary_measures_journal2_tilted_big_2.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81216b481e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/summary_measures_journal2_tilted_big_2.R
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+ library(ggplot2)
+ library(sqldf)
+ library(plyr)
+ library(dplyr)
+ library(trend)
+ library(purrr)
+ library(ggsignif)
+ base_directory <-paste('journal2', sep='')
+analysis = 'nonstatic/analysis_journal2_tilted_big_2'
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+experiments_type = c('baseline_big', 'plastic_big' )
+environments = list( c( 'plane'), c( 'plane') )
+methods = c()
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ methods = c(methods, paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env], sep='_'))
+ }
+initials = c( 'b', 'p' )
+experiments_labels = c( 'Baseline' , 'Plastic')
+experiments_labels2 = c( 'Baseline: Flat' , 'Plastic: Flat')
+ runs = list( c(1:20), c(1:20) )
+ gens = 200
+ pop = 100
+ sig = 0.05
+ line_size = 30
+ show_markers = FALSE
+ show_legends = FALSE
+ experiments_type_colors = c( '#00ff00', '#006600' ) # light green; dark green;
+ measures_names = c(
+ 'displacement_velocity_hill',
+ 'head_balance',
+ 'contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'length_of_limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'absolute_size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'symmetry',
+ 'avg_period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'fitness',
+ 'cons_fitness'
+ )
+ # add proper labels soon...
+ measures_labels = c(
+ 'Speed (cm/s)',
+ 'Balance',
+ 'Contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'Branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'Rel number of limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'Rel. Length of Limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'Rel. Number of Joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'Proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'Size',
+ 'Sensors',
+ 'Symmetry',
+ 'Average Period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'Sensors Reach',
+ 'Recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'Fitness',
+ 'Number of slaves'
+ )
+ measures_snapshots_all = NULL
+ for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ {
+ for(run in runs[[exp]])
+ {
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/',
+ experiments_type[exp], '_',sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory, run, '/data_fullevolution/',
+ environments[[exp]][env], "/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE, fill=TRUE)
+ for( m in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ measures[measures_names[m]] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[[measures_names[m]]]))
+ }
+ snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory, run,'/selectedpop_',
+ environments[[exp]][env],"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
+ measures_snapshots$run = run
+ measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill = measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill*100
+ measures_snapshots$run = as.factor(measures_snapshots$run)
+ measures_snapshots$method = paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env],sep='_')
+ measures_snapshots$method_label = experiments_labels2[exp]
+ if ( is.null(measures_snapshots_all)){
+ measures_snapshots_all = measures_snapshots
+ }else{
+ measures_snapshots_all = rbind(measures_snapshots_all, measures_snapshots)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
+ measures_snapshots_all = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where cons_fitness IS NOT NULL")
+ # densities
+ measures_snapshots_all_densities = sqldf(paste("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation=199",sep='' ))
+ measures_names_densities = c('length_of_limbs','proportion', 'absolute_size','head_balance','joints', 'limbs', 'recurrence', 'sensors', 'sensors_reach','displacement_velocity_hill')
+ measures_labels_densities = c('Rel. Length of Limbs','Proportion', 'Size','Balance','Rel. Number of Joints', 'Rel. Number of Limbs', 'Recurrence', 'Sensors', 'Sensors Reach', 'Speed (cm/s)')
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ for (j in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ if(i != j)
+ {
+ summary = sqldf(paste('select method_label,',measures_names_densities[j], ' as x,', measures_names_densities[i],
+ " as y, count(*) as n from measures_snapshots_all_densities
+ group by 1,2 order by n", sep=''))
+ graph = ggplot(data=summary,aes(x=x ,y=y ,fill=n)) +
+ stat_density_2d(geom = "raster", aes(fill = stat(density)), contour = FALSE)+
+ labs( x = measures_labels_densities[j], y= measures_labels_densities[i] )+
+ theme(legend.position="none" , strip.text = element_text( size = 20 ), plot.title=element_text(size=25),
+ axis.text=element_text(size=17),axis.title=element_text(size=20) ) +
+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1))+ facet_grid(. ~ method_label)
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory ,'/density_',measures_names_densities[i],'_', measures_names_densities[j],'.png', sep=''), graph ,
+ device='png', height = 6, width = 10)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ measures_averages_gens_1 = list()
+ measures_averages_gens_2 = list()
+ measures_ini = list()
+ measures_fin = list()
+ for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ measures_aux = c()
+ query ='select run, generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ query = paste(query,', avg(',measures_names[i],') as ', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from measures_snapshots_all
+ where method="', methods[met],'" group by run, generation', sep='')
+ temp = sqldf(query)
+ measures_averages_gens_1[[met]] = temp
+ temp = measures_averages_gens_1[[met]]
+ temp$generation = as.numeric(temp$generation)
+ measures_ini[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=0"))
+ measures_fin[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=",gens-1))
+ query = 'select generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ # later renames vars _avg_SUMMARY, just to make it in the same style as the quantile variables
+ query = paste(query,', avg(', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', max(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_max', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', stdev(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', median(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_median', sep='')
+ measures_aux = c(measures_aux, paste(methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='') )
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from temp group by generation', sep="")
+ temp2 = sqldf(query)
+ p <- c(0.25, 0.75)
+ p_names <- map_chr(p, ~paste0('Q',.x*100, sep=""))
+ p_funs <- map(p, ~partial(quantile, probs = .x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ set_names(nm = p_names)
+ quantiles = data.frame(temp %>%
+ group_by(generation) %>%
+ summarize_at(vars(measures_aux), funs(!!!p_funs)) )
+ measures_averages_gens_2[[met]] = sqldf('select * from temp2 inner join quantiles using (generation)')
+ }
+ for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(met==1){
+ measures_averages_gens = measures_averages_gens_2[[1]]
+ }else{
+ measures_averages_gens = merge(measures_averages_gens, measures_averages_gens_2[[met]], all=TRUE, by = "generation")
+ }
+ }
+ file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/trends.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+ #tests trends in curves and difference between ini and fin generations
+ # ini VS fin
+ array_wilcoxon = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2 = list()
+ # curve
+ array_mann = list()
+ for (m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]] = list()
+ array_mann[[m]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'ini avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ #tests trends
+ array_mann[[m]][[i]] = mk.test(c(array(measures_averages_gens_2[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],'_median',sep='')]) )[[1]],
+ continuity = TRUE)
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median p', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)),sep=' '),
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median s', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)),sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ }
+ # tests final generation among experiments_type
+ aux_m = length(methods)
+ if (aux_m>1)
+ {
+ # fins
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]] = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]] = list()
+ aux_m = aux_m -1
+ count_pairs = 0
+ for(m in 1:aux_m)
+ {
+ aux = m+1
+ for(m2 in aux:length(methods))
+ {
+ count_pairs = count_pairs+1
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[count_pairs]] = paste(initials[m],initials[m2],sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(file)
+ # plots measures
+ for (type_summary in c('means','quants'))
+ {
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ tests1 = ''
+ tests2 = ''
+ tests3 = ''
+ break_aux = 0
+ graph <- ggplot(data=measures_averages_gens, aes(x=generation))
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','-',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','+',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }else
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q25',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q75',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }
+ }
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep=''), colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ), size=2)
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m])
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') , colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ),size=2 )
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m] )
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_mann)>0)
+ {
+ if (length(array_mann[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
+ tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2)>0)
+ {
+ for(p in 1:length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]]))
+ {
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
+ break_aux = 1
+ }
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ max_y = 0
+ min_y = 0
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' ) {
+ max_y = 2.5
+ min_y = -0.5}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'head_balance' ) {
+ max_y = 1
+ min_y = 0.6}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'absolute_size' ) { max_y = 16}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'recurrence' ) { max_y = 0.3}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'sensors' ) { max_y = 0.3 }
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'sensors_reach' ) { max_y = 1 }
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", title="Flat Season")
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ graph = graph + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ if(show_markers == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", subtitle = paste(tests1,'\n', tests2, '\n', tests3, sep=''))
+ }
+ graph = graph + theme(legend.position="bottom" , legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=27),axis.title=element_text(size=25),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 ),plot.title=element_text(size=25 ))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/',type_summary,'_' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 10, width = 10)
+ }
+ }
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ all_final_values = data.frame()
+ for (exp in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ temp = data.frame( c(measures_fin[[exp]][paste(methods[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')]))
+ colnames(temp) <- 'values'
+ temp$type = experiments_labels[exp]
+ all_final_values = rbind(all_final_values, temp)
+ }
+ g1 <- ggplot(data=all_final_values, aes(x= type , y=values, color=type )) +
+ geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(width=0.9),lwd=2, outlier.size = 4) +
+ labs( x="Environment", y=measures_labels[i], title="Flat Season")
+ max_y = 0
+ min_y = 0
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' ) {
+ g1 = g1 + geom_hline(yintercept=3.63, linetype="dashed", color = "red", size=2)
+ max_y = 4.8
+ min_y = -0.5}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'head_balance'){
+ max_y = 1.15
+ min_y = 0.55
+ }
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'sensors_reach') { max_y = 1.15}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'recurrence' ) { max_y = 0.8}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'sensors' ) { max_y = 0.6}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'absolute_size' ) { max_y = 16}
+ g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values= experiments_type_colors )
+ g1 = g1 + theme(legend.position="none" , text = element_text(size=45) ,
+ plot.title=element_text(size=45), axis.text=element_text(size=45),
+ axis.title=element_text(size=50),
+ axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 20, hjust = 0.9),
+ plot.margin=margin(t = 0.5, r = 0.5, b = 0.5, l = 1.3, unit = "cm"))+
+ stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point" ,shape = 16, size=11)
+ comps = list( c( 'Baseline', 'Plastic') )
+ g1 = g1 + geom_signif( test="wilcox.test", size=2, textsize=22,
+ comparisons = comps,
+ map_signif_level=c("***"=0.001,"**"=0.01, "*"=0.05) )
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ g1 = g1 + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ ggsave(paste(output_directory,"/",measures_names[i],"_boxes.pdf",sep = ""), g1, device = "pdf", height=18, width = 10)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/summary_measures_journal2_tilted_big_3.R b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/summary_measures_journal2_tilted_big_3.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aef75a5867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/summary_measures_journal2_tilted_big_3.R
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+ library(ggplot2)
+ library(sqldf)
+ library(plyr)
+ library(dplyr)
+ library(trend)
+ library(purrr)
+ library(ggsignif)
+ base_directory <-paste('journal2', sep='')
+analysis = 'nonstatic/analysis_journal2_tilted_big_3'
+output_directory = paste(base_directory,'/',analysis ,sep='')
+experiments_type = c( 'baseline_big', 'plastic_big' )
+experiments_labels2 = c( 'Baseline: Tilted' , 'Plastic: Tilted')
+environments = list( c( 'tilted5'), c( 'tilted5') )
+methods = c()
+for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ methods = c(methods, paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env], sep='_'))
+ }
+initials = c( 'b', 'p' )
+experiments_labels = c( 'Baseline' , 'Plastic')
+experiments_labels2 = c( 'Baseline: Tilted' , 'Plastic: Tilted')
+ runs = list( c(1:20),c(1:20) )
+ gens = 200
+ pop = 100
+ sig = 0.05
+ line_size = 30
+ show_markers = FALSE
+ show_legends = FALSE
+ experiments_type_colors = c( '#ff9933', '#cc0000' ) # orange ; dark red
+ measures_names = c(
+ 'displacement_velocity_hill',
+ 'head_balance',
+ 'contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'length_of_limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'absolute_size',
+ 'sensors',
+ 'symmetry',
+ 'avg_period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'sensors_reach',
+ 'recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'fitness',
+ 'cons_fitness'
+ )
+ # add proper labels soon...
+ measures_labels = c(
+ 'Speed (cm/s)',
+ 'Balance',
+ 'Contacts',
+ 'displacement_velocity',
+ 'Branching',
+ 'branching_modules_count',
+ 'Rel number of limbs',
+ 'extremities',
+ 'Rel. Length of Limbs',
+ 'extensiveness',
+ 'coverage',
+ 'Rel. Number of Joints',
+ 'hinge_count',
+ 'active_hinges_count',
+ 'brick_count',
+ 'touch_sensor_count',
+ 'brick_sensor_count',
+ 'Proportion',
+ 'width',
+ 'height',
+ 'Size',
+ 'Sensors',
+ 'Symmetry',
+ 'Average Period',
+ 'dev_period',
+ 'avg_phase_offset',
+ 'dev_phase_offset',
+ 'avg_amplitude',
+ 'dev_amplitude',
+ 'avg_intra_dev_params',
+ 'avg_inter_dev_params',
+ 'Sensors Reach',
+ 'Recurrence',
+ 'synaptic_reception',
+ 'Fitness',
+ 'Number of slaves'
+ )
+ measures_snapshots_all = NULL
+ for (exp in 1:length(experiments_type))
+ {
+ for(run in runs[[exp]])
+ {
+ for (env in 1:length(environments[[exp]]))
+ {
+ input_directory <- paste(base_directory, '/',
+ experiments_type[exp], '_',sep='')
+ measures = read.table(paste(input_directory, run, '/data_fullevolution/',
+ environments[[exp]][env], "/all_measures.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE, fill=TRUE)
+ for( m in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ measures[measures_names[m]] = as.numeric(as.character(measures[[measures_names[m]]]))
+ }
+ snapshots = read.table(paste(input_directory, run,'/selectedpop_',
+ environments[[exp]][env],"/snapshots_ids.tsv", sep=''), header = TRUE)
+ measures_snapshots = sqldf('select * from snapshots inner join measures using(robot_id) order by generation')
+ measures_snapshots$run = run
+ measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill = measures_snapshots$displacement_velocity_hill*100
+ measures_snapshots$run = as.factor(measures_snapshots$run)
+ measures_snapshots$method = paste(experiments_type[exp], environments[[exp]][env],sep='_')
+ measures_snapshots$method_label = experiments_labels2[exp]
+ if ( is.null(measures_snapshots_all)){
+ measures_snapshots_all = measures_snapshots
+ }else{
+ measures_snapshots_all = rbind(measures_snapshots_all, measures_snapshots)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fail_test = sqldf(paste("select method,run,generation,count(*) as c from measures_snapshots_all group by 1,2,3 having c<",gens," order by 4"))
+ measures_snapshots_all = sqldf("select * from measures_snapshots_all where cons_fitness IS NOT NULL")
+ # densities
+ measures_snapshots_all_densities = sqldf(paste("select * from measures_snapshots_all where generation=199",sep='' ))
+ measures_names_densities = c('length_of_limbs','proportion', 'absolute_size','head_balance','joints', 'limbs', 'recurrence', 'sensors', 'sensors_reach','displacement_velocity_hill')
+ measures_labels_densities = c('Rel. Length of Limbs','Proportion', 'Size','Balance','Rel. Number of Joints', 'Rel. Number of Limbs', 'Recurrence', 'Sensors', 'Sensors Reach', 'Speed (cm/s)')
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ for (j in 1:length(measures_names_densities))
+ {
+ if(i != j)
+ {
+ summary = sqldf(paste('select method_label,',measures_names_densities[j], ' as x,', measures_names_densities[i],
+ " as y, count(*) as n from measures_snapshots_all_densities
+ group by 1,2 order by n", sep=''))
+ graph = ggplot(data=summary,aes(x=x ,y=y ,fill=n)) +
+ stat_density_2d(geom = "raster", aes(fill = stat(density)), contour = FALSE)+
+ labs( x = measures_labels_densities[j], y= measures_labels_densities[i] )+
+ theme(legend.position="none" , strip.text = element_text( size = 20 ), plot.title=element_text(size=25),
+ axis.text=element_text(size=17),axis.title=element_text(size=20) ) +
+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1))+ facet_grid(. ~ method_label)
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory ,'/density_',measures_names_densities[i],'_', measures_names_densities[j],'.png', sep=''), graph ,
+ device='png', height = 6, width = 10)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ measures_averages_gens_1 = list()
+ measures_averages_gens_2 = list()
+ measures_ini = list()
+ measures_fin = list()
+ for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ measures_aux = c()
+ query ='select run, generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ query = paste(query,', avg(',measures_names[i],') as ', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from measures_snapshots_all
+ where method="', methods[met],'" group by run, generation', sep='')
+ temp = sqldf(query)
+ measures_averages_gens_1[[met]] = temp
+ temp = measures_averages_gens_1[[met]]
+ temp$generation = as.numeric(temp$generation)
+ measures_ini[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=0"))
+ measures_fin[[met]] = sqldf(paste("select * from temp where generation=",gens-1))
+ query = 'select generation'
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ # later renames vars _avg_SUMMARY, just to make it in the same style as the quantile variables
+ query = paste(query,', avg(', methods[met], '_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', max(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ ,methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_max', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', stdev(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev', sep='')
+ query = paste(query,', median(', methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg) as '
+ , methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_median', sep='')
+ measures_aux = c(measures_aux, paste(methods[met],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='') )
+ }
+ query = paste(query,' from temp group by generation', sep="")
+ temp2 = sqldf(query)
+ p <- c(0.25, 0.75)
+ p_names <- map_chr(p, ~paste0('Q',.x*100, sep=""))
+ p_funs <- map(p, ~partial(quantile, probs = .x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ set_names(nm = p_names)
+ quantiles = data.frame(temp %>%
+ group_by(generation) %>%
+ summarize_at(vars(measures_aux), funs(!!!p_funs)) )
+ measures_averages_gens_2[[met]] = sqldf('select * from temp2 inner join quantiles using (generation)')
+ }
+ for (met in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(met==1){
+ measures_averages_gens = measures_averages_gens_2[[1]]
+ }else{
+ measures_averages_gens = merge(measures_averages_gens, measures_averages_gens_2[[met]], all=TRUE, by = "generation")
+ }
+ }
+ file <-file(paste(output_directory,'/trends.txt',sep=''), open="w")
+ #tests trends in curves and difference between ini and fin generations
+ # ini VS fin
+ array_wilcoxon = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2 = list()
+ # curve
+ array_mann = list()
+ for (m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]] = list()
+ array_mann[[m]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i],'ini avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_ini[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'iniVSfin',measures_names[i],'wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ #tests trends
+ array_mann[[m]][[i]] = mk.test(c(array(measures_averages_gens_2[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],'_median',sep='')]) )[[1]],
+ continuity = TRUE)
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median p', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value,4)),sep=' '),
+ paste(experiments_type[m],measures_names[i], ' Mann-Kendall median s', as.character(round(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic,4)),sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ }
+ # tests final generation among experiments_type
+ aux_m = length(methods)
+ if (aux_m>1)
+ {
+ # fins
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]] = list()
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]] = list()
+ aux_m = aux_m -1
+ count_pairs = 0
+ for(m in 1:aux_m)
+ {
+ aux = m+1
+ for(m2 in aux:length(methods))
+ {
+ count_pairs = count_pairs+1
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]] = list()
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ writeLines(paste(methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg ',as.character(
+ mean(c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]) )[[1]]) ) ,sep=" "), file )
+ array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]] = wilcox.test(c(array(measures_fin[[m]][paste(methods[m],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]] ,
+ c(array(measures_fin[[m2]][paste(methods[m2],"_",measures_names[i],"_avg",sep='')]))[[1]]
+ )
+ writeLines(c(
+ paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox p: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$p.value,4)), sep=' ')
+ ,paste(methods[m],'VS',methods[m2],measures_names[i],'fin avg wilcox est: ',as.character(round(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[count_pairs]][[i]]$statistic,4)), sep=' ')
+ ), file)
+ }
+ array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[count_pairs]] = paste(initials[m],initials[m2],sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(file)
+ # plots measures
+ for (type_summary in c('means','quants'))
+ {
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ tests1 = ''
+ tests2 = ''
+ tests3 = ''
+ break_aux = 0
+ graph <- ggplot(data=measures_averages_gens, aes(x=generation))
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','-',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg','+',methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_stdev',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }else
+ {
+ graph = graph + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q25',sep=''),
+ ymax=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg_Q75',sep='') ),
+ fill=experiments_type_colors[m] , color=experiments_type_colors[m],alpha=0.2)
+ }
+ }
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(type_summary == 'means')
+ {
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep=''), colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ), size=2)
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m])
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(show_legends == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') , colour=shQuote(experiments_labels[m]) ),size=2 )
+ }else{
+ graph = graph + geom_line(aes_string(y=paste(methods[m],'_',measures_names[i],'_median',sep='') ),size=2, color = experiments_type_colors[m] )
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_mann)>0)
+ {
+ if (length(array_mann[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(array_mann[[m]][[i]]$statistic>0){ direction = "/ "} else { direction = "\\ "}
+ tests1 = paste(tests1, initials[m],direction,sep="")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon[[m]])>0)
+ {
+ for(m in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon[[m]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ tests2 = paste(tests2, initials[m],'C ', sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2)>0)
+ {
+ for(p in 1:length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]]))
+ {
+ if (length(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]])>0)
+ {
+ if(!is.na(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value))
+ {
+ if(array_wilcoxon2[[1]][[p]][[i]]$p.value<=sig)
+ {
+ if(nchar(tests3)>line_size && break_aux == 0){
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, '\n')
+ break_aux = 1
+ }
+ tests3 = paste(tests3, array_wilcoxon2[[2]][[p]],'D ',sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ max_y = 0
+ min_y = 0
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' ) {
+ max_y = 2.5
+ min_y = -0.5}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'head_balance' ) {
+ max_y = 1
+ min_y = 0.6}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'absolute_size' ) { max_y = 16}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'recurrence' ) { max_y = 0.3}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'sensors' ) { max_y = 0.3 }
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'sensors_reach' ) { max_y = 1 }
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", title="Tilted Season")
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ graph = graph + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ if(show_markers == TRUE){
+ graph = graph + labs( y=measures_labels[i], x="Generation", subtitle = paste(tests1,'\n', tests2, '\n', tests3, sep=''))
+ }
+ graph = graph + theme(legend.position="bottom" , legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=27),axis.title=element_text(size=25),
+ plot.subtitle=element_text(size=25 ),plot.title=element_text(size=25 ))
+ ggsave(paste( output_directory,'/',type_summary,'_' ,measures_names[i],'_generations.pdf', sep=''), graph , device='pdf', height = 10, width = 10)
+ }
+ }
+ for (i in 1:length(measures_names))
+ {
+ all_final_values = data.frame()
+ for (exp in 1:length(methods))
+ {
+ temp = data.frame( c(measures_fin[[exp]][paste(methods[exp],'_',measures_names[i],'_avg', sep='')]))
+ colnames(temp) <- 'values'
+ temp$type = experiments_labels[exp]
+ all_final_values = rbind(all_final_values, temp)
+ }
+ g1 <- ggplot(data=all_final_values, aes(x= type , y=values, color=type )) +
+ geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(width=0.9),lwd=2, outlier.size = 4) +
+ labs( x="Environment", y=measures_labels[i], title="Tilted Season")
+ max_y = 0
+ min_y = 0
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'displacement_velocity_hill' ) {
+ g1 = g1 + geom_hline(yintercept=1.32, linetype="dashed", color = "red", size=2)
+ max_y = 4.8
+ min_y = -0.5}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'head_balance'){
+ max_y = 1.15
+ min_y = 0.55
+ }
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'sensors_reach') { max_y = 1.15}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'recurrence' ) { max_y = 0.8}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'sensors' ) { max_y = 0.6}
+ if (measures_names[i] == 'absolute_size' ) { max_y = 16}
+ g1 = g1 + scale_color_manual(values= experiments_type_colors )
+ g1 = g1 + theme(legend.position="none" , text = element_text(size=45) ,
+ plot.title=element_text(size=45), axis.text=element_text(size=45),
+ axis.title=element_text(size=50),
+ axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 20, hjust = 0.9),
+ plot.margin=margin(t = 0.5, r = 0.5, b = 0.5, l = 1.3, unit = "cm"))+
+ stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point" ,shape = 16, size=11)
+ comps = list( c( 'Baseline', 'Plastic') )
+ g1 = g1 + geom_signif( test="wilcox.test", size=2, textsize=22,
+ comparisons = comps,
+ map_signif_level=c("***"=0.001,"**"=0.01, "*"=0.05) )
+ if (max_y>0) {
+ g1 = g1 + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min_y, max_y))
+ }
+ ggsave(paste(output_directory,"/",measures_names[i],"_boxes.pdf",sep = ""), g1, device = "pdf", height=18, width = 10)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/tilted_big.py b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/tilted_big.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcc769c2ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/plasticoding_frontiers2020/tilted_big.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import asyncio
+from pyrevolve import parser
+from pyrevolve.evolution import fitness
+from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection, tournament_selection
+from pyrevolve.evolution.population import Population, PopulationConfig
+from pyrevolve.evolution.pop_management.steady_state import steady_state_population_management
+from pyrevolve.experiment_management import ExperimentManagement
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.crossover import CrossoverConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.crossover.standard_crossover import standard_crossover
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.initialization import random_initialization
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.mutation import MutationConfig
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.mutation.standard_mutation import standard_mutation
+from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import PlasticodingConfig
+from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.simulator_queue import SimulatorQueue
+from pyrevolve.util.supervisor.analyzer_queue import AnalyzerQueue
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+async def run():
+ """
+ The main coroutine, which is started below.
+ """
+ # experiment params #
+ num_generations = 200
+ population_size = 100
+ offspring_size = 100
+ front = None
+ # environment world and z-start
+ environments = {'tilted5': 0.1}
+ genotype_conf = PlasticodingConfig(
+ max_structural_modules=15,
+ plastic=False,
+ )
+ mutation_conf = MutationConfig(
+ mutation_prob=0.8,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ )
+ crossover_conf = CrossoverConfig(
+ crossover_prob=0.8,
+ )
+ # experiment params #
+ # Parse command line / file input arguments
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ experiment_management = ExperimentManagement(settings, environments)
+ do_recovery = settings.recovery_enabled and not experiment_management.experiment_is_new()
+ logger.info('Activated run '+settings.run+' of experiment '+settings.experiment_name)
+ if do_recovery:
+ gen_num, has_offspring, next_robot_id = experiment_management.read_recovery_state(population_size,
+ offspring_size)
+ if gen_num == num_generations-1:
+ logger.info('Experiment is already complete.')
+ return
+ else:
+ gen_num = 0
+ next_robot_id = 1
+ def fitness_function_tilted(robot_manager, robot):
+ return fitness.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
+ fitness_function = {'tilted5': fitness_function_tilted}
+ population_conf = PopulationConfig(
+ population_size=population_size,
+ genotype_constructor=random_initialization,
+ genotype_conf=genotype_conf,
+ fitness_function=fitness_function,
+ mutation_operator=standard_mutation,
+ mutation_conf=mutation_conf,
+ crossover_operator=standard_crossover,
+ crossover_conf=crossover_conf,
+ selection=lambda individuals: tournament_selection(individuals, environments, 2),
+ parent_selection=lambda individuals: multiple_selection(individuals, 2, tournament_selection, environments),
+ population_management=steady_state_population_management,
+ population_management_selector=tournament_selection,
+ evaluation_time=settings.evaluation_time,
+ offspring_size=offspring_size,
+ experiment_name=settings.experiment_name,
+ experiment_management=experiment_management,
+ environments=environments,
+ front=front
+ )
+ settings = parser.parse_args()
+ simulator_queue = {}
+ analyzer_queue = None
+ previous_port = None
+ for environment in environments:
+ settings.world = environment
+ settings.z_start = environments[environment]
+ if previous_port is None:
+ port = settings.port_start
+ previous_port = port
+ else:
+ port = previous_port+settings.n_cores
+ previous_port = port
+ simulator_queue[environment] = SimulatorQueue(settings.n_cores, settings, port)
+ await simulator_queue[environment].start()
+ analyzer_queue = AnalyzerQueue(1, settings, port+settings.n_cores)
+ await analyzer_queue.start()
+ population = Population(population_conf, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue, next_robot_id)
+ if do_recovery:
+ if gen_num >= 0:
+ # loading a previous state of the experiment
+ await population.load_snapshot(gen_num)
+ logger.info('Recovered snapshot '+str(gen_num)+', pop with ' + str(len(population.individuals))+' individuals')
+ if has_offspring:
+ individuals = await population.load_offspring(gen_num, population_size, offspring_size, next_robot_id)
+ gen_num += 1
+ logger.info('Recovered unfinished offspring '+str(gen_num))
+ if gen_num == 0:
+ await population.init_pop(individuals)
+ else:
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num, individuals)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ else:
+ # starting a new experiment
+ experiment_management.create_exp_folders()
+ await population.init_pop()
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ while gen_num < num_generations-1:
+ gen_num += 1
+ population = await population.next_gen(gen_num)
+ experiment_management.export_snapshots(population.individuals, gen_num)
+ # output result after completing all generations...
diff --git a/pyrevolve/evolution/fitness.py b/pyrevolve/evolution/fitness.py
index 95be1c03cf..f939acb2db 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/evolution/fitness.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/evolution/fitness.py
@@ -57,21 +57,26 @@ def online_old_revolve(robot_manager):
return v if v <= fitness_limit else 0.0
+def size_penalty(robot_manager, robot):
+ _size_penalty = 1 / robot.phenotype._morphological_measurements.measurements_to_dict()['absolute_size']
+ return _size_penalty
def displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot):
- _displacement_velocity_hill = measures.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager)
- if _displacement_velocity_hill < 0:
- _displacement_velocity_hill /= 10
- elif _displacement_velocity_hill == 0:
- _displacement_velocity_hill = -0.1
- # temp elif
- # elif _displacement_velocity_hill > 0:
- # _displacement_velocity_hill *= _displacement_velocity_hill
+ fitness = measures.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager)
- return _displacement_velocity_hill
+ if fitness == 0 or robot.phenotype._morphological_measurements.measurements_to_dict()['hinge_count'] == 0:
+ fitness = -0.1
+ elif fitness < 0:
+ fitness /= 10
+ return fitness
def floor_is_lava(robot_manager, robot):
- _displacement_velocity_hill = measures.displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager)
+ _displacement_velocity_hill = displacement_velocity_hill(robot_manager, robot)
_contacts = measures.contacts(robot_manager, robot)
_contacts = max(_contacts, 0.0001)
diff --git a/pyrevolve/evolution/individual.py b/pyrevolve/evolution/individual.py
index c2448b3423..89cc542d82 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/evolution/individual.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/evolution/individual.py
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
# (G,P)
+import pickle
class Individual:
def __init__(self, genotype, phenotype=None):
Creates an Individual object with the given genotype and optionally the phenotype.
:param genotype: genotype of the individual
:param phenotype (optional): phenotype of the individual
self.genotype = genotype
self.phenotype = phenotype
self.fitness = None
+ self.consolidated_fitness = None
+ self.evaluated = False
self.parents = None
self.failed_eval_attempt_count = 0
- def develop(self):
+ def develop(self, environment):
Develops genotype into a intermediate phenotype
if self.phenotype is None:
- self.phenotype = self.genotype.develop()
+ self.phenotype = self.genotype.develop(environment)
def id(self):
@@ -47,6 +49,15 @@ def export_fitness(self, folder):
with open(f'{folder}/fitness_{self.id}.txt', 'w') as f:
+ def export_consolidated_fitness(self, folder):
+ with open(f'{folder}/consolidated_fitness_{self.id}.txt', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(str(self.consolidated_fitness))
+ def export_individual(self, folder):
+ f = open(f'{folder}/individuals/individual_{self.id}.pkl', "wb")
+ pickle.dump(self, f)
+ f.close()
def export(self, folder):
diff --git a/pyrevolve/evolution/pop_management/steady_state.py b/pyrevolve/evolution/pop_management/steady_state.py
index 1f675664c7..b4e357d7d3 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/evolution/pop_management/steady_state.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/evolution/pop_management/steady_state.py
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
from pyrevolve.evolution.selection import multiple_selection
-def steady_state_population_management(old_individuals, new_individuals, selector):
- pop_size = len(old_individuals)
- selection_pool = old_individuals + new_individuals
+def steady_state_population_management(selection_pool, selector, conf):
+ pop_size = conf.population_size
- return multiple_selection(selection_pool, pop_size, selector)
+ return multiple_selection(selection_pool, pop_size, selector, conf.environments)
diff --git a/pyrevolve/evolution/population.py b/pyrevolve/evolution/population.py
index 45ad959032..8f869d919a 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/evolution/population.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/evolution/population.py
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
# [(G,P), (G,P), (G,P), (G,P), (G,P)]
from pyrevolve.evolution.individual import Individual
-from pyrevolve.SDF.math import Vector3
-from pyrevolve.tol.manage import measures
from ..custom_logging.logger import logger
-import time
import asyncio
+import copy
import os
+import pickle
class PopulationConfig:
@@ -26,6 +25,8 @@ def __init__(self,
+ environments,
+ front,
@@ -61,11 +62,14 @@ def __init__(self,
self.evaluation_time = evaluation_time
self.experiment_name = experiment_name
self.experiment_management = experiment_management
+ self.environments = environments
+ self.front = front
self.offspring_size = offspring_size
self.next_robot_id = next_robot_id
class Population:
def __init__(self, conf: PopulationConfig, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue=None, next_robot_id=1):
Creates a Population object that initialises the
@@ -85,58 +89,54 @@ def __init__(self, conf: PopulationConfig, simulator_queue, analyzer_queue=None,
self.next_robot_id = next_robot_id
def _new_individual(self, genotype):
- individual = Individual(genotype)
- individual.develop()
- self.conf.experiment_management.export_genotype(individual)
- self.conf.experiment_management.export_phenotype(individual)
- self.conf.experiment_management.export_phenotype_images(os.path.join('data_fullevolution', 'phenotype_images'), individual)
- individual.phenotype.measure_phenotype()
- individual.phenotype.export_phenotype_measurements(self.conf.experiment_management.data_folder)
+ individual = {}
+ individual_temp = Individual(genotype)
+ for environment in self.conf.environments:
+ individual[environment] = copy.deepcopy(individual_temp)
+ individual[environment].develop(environment)
+ if len(individual) == 1:
+ self.conf.experiment_management.export_genotype(individual[environment])
+ for environment in self.conf.environments:
+ self.conf.experiment_management.export_phenotype(individual[environment], environment)
+ self.conf.experiment_management.export_phenotype_images(os.path.join('data_fullevolution',
+ environment, 'phenotype_images'),
+ individual[environment])
+ individual[environment].phenotype.measure_phenotype(self.conf.experiment_name)
+ individual[environment].phenotype.export_phenotype_measurements(self.conf.experiment_name, environment)
+ self.conf.experiment_management.export_individual(individual[environment], environment)
return individual
async def load_individual(self, id):
- data_path = self.conf.experiment_management.data_folder
- genotype = self.conf.genotype_constructor(self.conf.genotype_conf, id)
- genotype.load_genotype(os.path.join(data_path, 'genotypes', f'genotype_{id}.txt'))
- individual = Individual(genotype)
- individual.develop()
- individual.phenotype.measure_phenotype()
- with open(os.path.join(data_path, 'fitness', f'fitness_{id}.txt')) as f:
- data = f.readlines()[0]
- individual.fitness = None if data == 'None' else float(data)
- with open(os.path.join(data_path, 'descriptors', f'behavior_desc_{id}.txt')) as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- if lines[0] == 'None':
- individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements = None
- else:
- individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements = measures.BehaviouralMeasurements()
- for line in lines:
- if line.split(' ')[0] == 'velocity':
- individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements.velocity = float(line.split(' ')[1])
- #if line.split(' ')[0] == 'displacement':
- # individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements.displacement = float(line.split(' ')[1])
- if line.split(' ')[0] == 'displacement_velocity':
- individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements.displacement_velocity = float(line.split(' ')[1])
- if line.split(' ')[0] == 'displacement_velocity_hill':
- individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements.displacement_velocity_hill = float(line.split(' ')[1])
- if line.split(' ')[0] == 'head_balance':
- individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements.head_balance = float(line.split(' ')[1])
- if line.split(' ')[0] == 'contacts':
- individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements.contacts = float(line.split(' ')[1])
+ path = 'experiments/'+self.conf.experiment_name+'/data_fullevolution'
+ individual = {}
+ for environment in self.conf.environments:
+ try:
+ file_name = os.path.join(path, environment,'individuals','individual_'+id+'.pkl')
+ file = open(file_name, 'rb')
+ individual[environment] = pickle.load(file)
+ except EOFError:
+ print('bad pickle for robot', id, ' was replaced for new robot with None fitness')
+ individual = self._new_individual(
+ self.conf.genotype_constructor(self.conf.genotype_conf, id))
return individual
async def load_snapshot(self, gen_num):
- Recovers all genotypes and fitnesses of robots in the lastest selected population
+ Recovers all genotypes and fitnesses of robots in the latest selected population
:param gen_num: number of the generation snapshot to recover
- data_path = self.conf.experiment_management.experiment_folder
- for r, d, f in os.walk(data_path +'/selectedpop_'+str(gen_num)):
+ path = 'experiments/'+self.conf.experiment_name
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(os.path.join(path,'selectedpop_'+
+ list(self.conf.environments.keys())[-1],'selectedpop_'+str(gen_num))):
for file in f:
if 'body' in file:
id = file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-2]+'_'+file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
@@ -158,21 +158,112 @@ async def load_offspring(self, last_snapshot, population_size, offspring_size, n
for robot_id in range(n_robots+1, next_robot_id):
individuals.append(await self.load_individual('robot_'+str(robot_id)))
- self.next_robot_id = next_robot_id
return individuals
+ async def consolidate_fitness(self, individuals):
+ last_environment = list(self.conf.environments.keys())[-1]
+ if len(self.conf.environments) == 1:
+ for individual in individuals:
+ individual[last_environment].consolidated_fitness = individual[last_environment].fitness
+ # if there are multiple seasons (environments)
+ else:
+ for individual_ref in individuals:
+ slaves = 0
+ total_slaves = 0
+ total_masters = 0
+ masters = 0
+ # this BIZARRE logic works only for two seasons! shame on me! fix it later!
+ for individual_comp in individuals:
+ equal = 0
+ better = 0
+ for environment in self.conf.environments:
+ if individual_ref[environment].fitness is None \
+ and individual_comp[environment].fitness is None:
+ equal += 1
+ if individual_ref[environment].fitness is None \
+ and individual_comp[environment].fitness is not None:
+ equal += -1
+ if individual_ref[environment].fitness is not None \
+ and individual_comp[environment].fitness is None:
+ better += 1
+ if individual_ref[environment].fitness is not None \
+ and individual_comp[environment].fitness is not None:
+ if individual_ref[environment].fitness > individual_comp[environment].fitness:
+ better += 1
+ if individual_ref[environment].fitness < individual_comp[environment].fitness:
+ equal += -1
+ if individual_ref[environment].fitness == individual_comp[environment].fitness:
+ equal += 1
+ # if it ref is not worse in any objective, and better in at least one, the comp becomes slave of ref
+ if equal >= 0 and better > 0:
+ slaves += 1
+ # if better in all objectives
+ if better == len(self.conf.environments):
+ total_slaves += 1
+ # if it is totally worse
+ if equal < 0 and better == 0:
+ total_masters += 1
+ # if it is worse
+ if equal <= 0 and better == 0:
+ masters += 1
+ if self.conf.front == 'slaves':
+ individual_ref[last_environment].consolidated_fitness = slaves
+ if self.conf.front == 'total_slaves':
+ individual_ref[last_environment].consolidated_fitness = total_slaves
+ if self.conf.front == 'total_masters':
+ if total_masters == 0:
+ individual_ref[last_environment].consolidated_fitness = 0
+ else:
+ individual_ref[last_environment].consolidated_fitness = 1/total_masters
+ if self.conf.front == 'masters':
+ if masters == 0:
+ individual_ref[last_environment].consolidated_fitness = 0
+ else:
+ individual_ref[last_environment].consolidated_fitness = 1/masters
+ for individual in individuals:
+ self.conf.experiment_management.export_consolidated_fitness(individual[last_environment])
+ self.conf.experiment_management.export_individual(individual[last_environment], last_environment)
async def init_pop(self, recovered_individuals=[]):
Populates the population (individuals list) with Individual objects that contains their respective genotype.
for i in range(self.conf.population_size-len(recovered_individuals)):
- individual = self._new_individual(self.conf.genotype_constructor(self.conf.genotype_conf, self.next_robot_id))
+ individual = self._new_individual(
+ self.conf.genotype_constructor(self.conf.genotype_conf, self.next_robot_id))
self.next_robot_id += 1
- await self.evaluate(self.individuals, 0)
self.individuals = recovered_individuals + self.individuals
+ for environment in self.conf.environments:
+ await self.evaluate(new_individuals=self.individuals, gen_num=0, environment=environment)
+ await self.consolidate_fitness(self.individuals)
async def next_gen(self, gen_num, recovered_individuals=[]):
Creates next generation of the population through selection, mutation, crossover
@@ -189,7 +280,10 @@ async def next_gen(self, gen_num, recovered_individuals=[]):
# Crossover
if self.conf.crossover_operator is not None:
parents = self.conf.parent_selection(self.individuals)
- child_genotype = self.conf.crossover_operator(parents, self.conf.genotype_conf, self.conf.crossover_conf)
+ child_genotype = self.conf.crossover_operator(self.conf.environments,
+ parents,
+ self.conf.genotype_conf,
+ self.conf.crossover_conf)
child = Individual(child_genotype)
child = self.conf.selection(self.individuals)
@@ -198,30 +292,39 @@ async def next_gen(self, gen_num, recovered_individuals=[]):
self.next_robot_id += 1
# Mutation operator
- child_genotype = self.conf.mutation_operator(child.genotype, self.conf.mutation_conf)
+ child_genotype = self.conf.mutation_operator(child.genotype,
+ self.conf.mutation_conf)
# Insert individual in new population
individual = self._new_individual(child_genotype)
+ new_individuals = recovered_individuals + new_individuals
# evaluate new individuals
- await self.evaluate(new_individuals, gen_num)
+ for environment in self.conf.environments:
+ await self.evaluate(new_individuals=new_individuals, gen_num=gen_num, environment=environment)
- new_individuals = recovered_individuals + new_individuals
+ selection_pool = self.individuals + new_individuals
+ await self.consolidate_fitness(selection_pool)
# create next population
if self.conf.population_management_selector is not None:
- new_individuals = self.conf.population_management(self.individuals, new_individuals,
- self.conf.population_management_selector)
+ new_individuals = self.conf.population_management(selection_pool,
+ self.conf.population_management_selector,
+ self.conf)
- new_individuals = self.conf.population_management(self.individuals, new_individuals)
+ new_individuals = self.conf.population_management(self.individuals, new_individuals, self.conf)
new_population = Population(self.conf, self.simulator_queue, self.analyzer_queue, self.next_robot_id)
new_population.individuals = new_individuals
logger.info(f'Population selected in gen {gen_num} with {len(new_population.individuals)} individuals...')
return new_population
- async def evaluate(self, new_individuals, gen_num, type_simulation = 'evolve'):
+ async def evaluate(self, new_individuals, gen_num, environment, type_simulation = 'evolve'):
Evaluates each individual in the new gen population
@@ -231,14 +334,20 @@ async def evaluate(self, new_individuals, gen_num, type_simulation = 'evolve'):
# Parse command line / file input arguments
# await self.simulator_connection.pause(True)
robot_futures = []
+ to_evaluate = []
for individual in new_individuals:
- logger.info(f'Evaluating individual (gen {gen_num}) {individual.genotype.id} ...')
- robot_futures.append(asyncio.ensure_future(self.evaluate_single_robot(individual)))
+ if not individual[environment].evaluated:
+ logger.info(f'Evaluating individual (gen {gen_num}) {individual[environment].genotype.id} ...')
+ to_evaluate.append(individual)
+ robot_futures.append(asyncio.ensure_future(self.evaluate_single_robot(individual[environment],
+ environment)))
+ individual[environment].evaluated = True
await asyncio.sleep(1)
for i, future in enumerate(robot_futures):
- individual = new_individuals[i]
+ individual = to_evaluate[i][environment]
logger.info(f'Evaluation of Individual {individual.phenotype.id}')
individual.fitness, individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements = await future
@@ -246,24 +355,44 @@ async def evaluate(self, new_individuals, gen_num, type_simulation = 'evolve'):
assert (individual.fitness is None)
if type_simulation == 'evolve':
- self.conf.experiment_management.export_behavior_measures(individual.phenotype.id, individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements)
+ self.conf.experiment_management.export_behavior_measures(individual.phenotype.id,
+ individual.phenotype._behavioural_measurements,
+ environment)
logger.info(f'Individual {individual.phenotype.id} has a fitness of {individual.fitness}')
if type_simulation == 'evolve':
- self.conf.experiment_management.export_fitness(individual)
- async def evaluate_single_robot(self, individual):
+ self.conf.experiment_management.export_fitness(individual, environment)
+ self.conf.experiment_management.export_individual(individual, environment)
+ # async def evaluate_single_robot(self, individual, environment):
+ # """
+ # :param individual: individual
+ # :return: Returns future of the evaluation, future returns (fitness, [behavioural] measurements)
+ # """
+ #
+ # if self.analyzer_queue is not None:
+ # collisions, _bounding_box = await self.analyzer_queue.test_robot(individual,
+ # self.conf)
+ # if collisions > 0:
+ # logger.info(f"discarding robot {individual} because there are {collisions} self collisions")
+ # return None, None
+ #
+ # return await self.simulator_queue[environment].test_robot(individual, self.conf)
+ async def evaluate_single_robot(self, individual, environment):
:param individual: individual
:return: Returns future of the evaluation, future returns (fitness, [behavioural] measurements)
- if individual.phenotype is None:
- individual.develop()
+ conf = copy.deepcopy(self.conf)
+ conf.fitness_function = conf.fitness_function[environment]
if self.analyzer_queue is not None:
- collisions, _bounding_box = await self.analyzer_queue.test_robot(individual, self.conf)
+ collisions, _bounding_box = await self.analyzer_queue.test_robot(individual,
+ conf)
if collisions > 0:
logger.info(f"discarding robot {individual} because there are {collisions} self collisions")
return None, None
- return await self.simulator_queue.test_robot(individual, self.conf)
+ return await self.simulator_queue[environment].test_robot(individual, conf)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyrevolve/evolution/selection.py b/pyrevolve/evolution/selection.py
index 9b3e06cb8c..631aad5fe0 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/evolution/selection.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/evolution/selection.py
@@ -3,13 +3,18 @@
_neg_inf = -float('Inf')
-def _compare_maj_fitness(indiv_1, indiv_2):
- fit_1 = _neg_inf if indiv_1.fitness is None else indiv_1.fitness
- fit_2 = _neg_inf if indiv_2.fitness is None else indiv_2.fitness
+def _compare_maj_fitness(indiv_1, indiv_2, environments):
+ environment = list(environments.keys())[-1]
+ fit_1 = indiv_1[environment].consolidated_fitness
+ fit_2 = indiv_2[environment].consolidated_fitness
+ fit_1 = _neg_inf if fit_1 is None else fit_1
+ fit_2 = _neg_inf if fit_2 is None else fit_2
return fit_1 > fit_2
-def tournament_selection(population, k=2):
+def tournament_selection(population, environments, k=2):
Perform tournament selection and return best individual
:param k: amount of individuals to participate in tournament
@@ -17,12 +22,12 @@ def tournament_selection(population, k=2):
best_individual = None
for _ in range(k):
individual = population[randint(0, len(population) - 1)]
- if (best_individual is None) or (_compare_maj_fitness(individual, best_individual)):
+ if (best_individual is None) or (_compare_maj_fitness(individual, best_individual, environments)):
best_individual = individual
return best_individual
-def multiple_selection(population, selection_size, selection_function):
+def multiple_selection(population, selection_size, selection_function, environments):
Perform selection on population of distinct group, can be used in the form parent selection or survival selection
:param population: parent selection in population
@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@ def multiple_selection(population, selection_size, selection_function):
for _ in range(selection_size):
new_individual = False
while new_individual is False:
- selected_individual = selection_function(population)
+ selected_individual = selection_function(population, environments)
if selected_individual not in selected_individuals:
new_individual = True
diff --git a/pyrevolve/experiment_management.py b/pyrevolve/experiment_management.py
index af9f38207c..dca4305370 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/experiment_management.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/experiment_management.py
@@ -8,51 +8,56 @@
class ExperimentManagement:
# ids of robots in the name of all types of files are always phenotype ids, and the standard for id is 'robot_ID'
- def __init__(self, settings):
+ def __init__(self, settings, environments):
self.settings = settings
- manager_folder = os.path.dirname(self.settings.manager)
- self._experiment_folder = os.path.join(manager_folder, 'data', self.settings.experiment_name, self.settings.run)
- self._data_folder = os.path.join(self._experiment_folder, 'data_fullevolution')
+ self.environments = environments
+ self.dirpath = os.path.join('experiments', self.settings.experiment_name)
def create_exp_folders(self):
- if os.path.exists(self.experiment_folder):
- shutil.rmtree(self.experiment_folder)
- os.makedirs(self.experiment_folder)
- os.mkdir(self.data_folder)
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'genotypes'))
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'phenotypes'))
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'descriptors'))
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'fitness'))
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'phenotype_images'))
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots'))
- @property
- def experiment_folder(self):
- return self._experiment_folder
- @property
- def data_folder(self):
- return self._data_folder
+ if os.path.exists(self.dirpath):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.dirpath)
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath)
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/data_fullevolution')
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/data_fullevolution/genotypes')
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/data_fullevolution/consolidated_fitness')
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/data_fullevolution/failed_eval_robots')
+ for environment in self.environments:
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/selectedpop_'+environment)
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/data_fullevolution/'+environment)
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/data_fullevolution/'+environment+'/individuals')
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/data_fullevolution/'+environment+'/phenotypes')
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/data_fullevolution/'+environment+'/descriptors')
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/data_fullevolution/'+environment+'/fitness')
+ os.mkdir(self.dirpath+'/data_fullevolution/'+environment+'/phenotype_images')
+ def _experiment_folder(self):
+ return self.dirpath
+ def _data_folder(self):
+ return os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'data_fullevolution')
def export_genotype(self, individual):
if self.settings.recovery_enabled:
- individual.export_genotype(self.data_folder)
+ individual.export_genotype(self._data_folder())
- def export_phenotype(self, individual):
+ def export_phenotype(self, individual, environment):
if self.settings.export_phenotype:
- individual.export_phenotype(self.data_folder)
+ individual.export_phenotype(self._data_folder()+'/'+environment)
- def export_fitnesses(self, individuals):
- folder = self.data_folder
- for individual in individuals:
- individual.export_fitness(folder)
- def export_fitness(self, individual):
- folder = os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'fitness')
+ def export_fitness(self, individual, environment):
+ folder = os.path.join(self._data_folder(), environment, 'fitness')
- def export_behavior_measures(self, _id, measures):
- filename = os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'descriptors', f'behavior_desc_{_id}.txt')
+ def export_consolidated_fitness(self, individual):
+ folder = os.path.join(self._data_folder(), 'consolidated_fitness')
+ individual.export_consolidated_fitness(folder)
+ def export_individual(self, individual, environment):
+ folder = self._data_folder()+'/'+environment
+ individual.export_individual(folder)
+ def export_behavior_measures(self, _id, measures, environment):
+ filename = os.path.join(self._data_folder()+'/'+environment, 'descriptors', f'behavior_desc_{_id}.txt')
with open(filename, "w") as f:
if measures is None:
@@ -61,41 +66,51 @@ def export_behavior_measures(self, _id, measures):
f.write(f"{key} {val}\n")
def export_phenotype_images(self, dirpath, individual):
- individual.phenotype.render_body(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, dirpath, f'body_{individual.phenotype.id}.png'))
- individual.phenotype.render_brain(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, dirpath, f'brain_{individual.phenotype.id}.png'))
+ individual.phenotype.render_body(self._experiment_folder()+'/'+dirpath+f'/body_{individual.phenotype.id}.png')
+ individual.phenotype.render_brain(self._experiment_folder()+'/'+dirpath+f'/brain_{individual.phenotype.id}')
def export_failed_eval_robot(self, individual):
- individual.genotype.export_genotype(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots', f'genotype_{individual.phenotype.id}.txt'))
- individual.phenotype.save_file(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots', f'phenotype_{individual.phenotype.id}.yaml'))
- individual.phenotype.save_file(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots', f'phenotype_{individual.phenotype.id}.sdf'), conf_type='sdf')
+ individual.genotype.export_genotype(f'{self._data_folder()}/failed_eval_robots/genotype_{str(individual.phenotype.id)}.txt')
+ individual.phenotype.save_file(f'{self._data_folder()}/failed_eval_robots/phenotype_{str(individual.phenotype.id)}.yaml')
+ individual.phenotype.save_file(f'{self._data_folder()}/failed_eval_robots/phenotype_{str(individual.phenotype.id)}.sdf', conf_type='sdf')
def export_snapshots(self, individuals, gen_num):
if self.settings.recovery_enabled:
- path = os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, f'selectedpop_{gen_num}')
- if os.path.exists(path):
- shutil.rmtree(path)
- os.mkdir(path)
- for ind in individuals:
- self.export_phenotype_images(f'selectedpop_{str(gen_num)}', ind)
- logger.info(f'Exported snapshot {str(gen_num)} with {str(len(individuals))} individuals')
+ for environment in self.environments:
+ path = os.path.join(self._experiment_folder()+'/selectedpop_'+environment, f'selectedpop_{gen_num}')
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ for ind in individuals:
+ self.export_phenotype_images('selectedpop_'+environment+'/'+f'selectedpop_{str(gen_num)}', ind[environment])
+ logger.info(f'Exported snapshot {str(gen_num)} with {str(len(individuals))} individuals')
def experiment_is_new(self):
- if not os.path.exists(self.experiment_folder):
+ if not os.path.exists(self._experiment_folder()):
return True
- path, dirs, files = next(os.walk(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'fitness')))
- if len(files) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
+ # if any robot in any environment has been finished
+ for environment in self.environments:
+ path, dirs, files = next(os.walk(os.path.join(self._data_folder()+'/'+environment, 'individuals')))
+ if len(files) > 0:
+ return False
+ return True
def read_recovery_state(self, population_size, offspring_size):
snapshots = []
- for r, d, f in os.walk(self.experiment_folder):
+ # checks existent robots using the last environment of the dict as reference
+ path = self._experiment_folder()+'/selectedpop_'+list(self.environments.keys())[-1]
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(path):
for dir in d:
if 'selectedpop' in dir:
- exported_files = len([name for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, dir)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, dir, name))])
- if exported_files == (population_size * 2): # body and brain files
+ exported_files = len([name for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(path,
+ dir))
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, dir, name))])
+ # snapshot is complete if all body/brain files exist
+ if exported_files == (population_size * 2):
if len(snapshots) > 0:
@@ -107,8 +122,11 @@ def read_recovery_state(self, population_size, offspring_size):
last_snapshot = -1
n_robots = 0
+ # if a robot is developed in the last environment
robot_ids = []
- for r, d, f in os.walk(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'fitness')):
+ last_id = 0
+ environment = list(self.environments.keys())[-1]
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(os.path.join(self._data_folder()+'/'+environment, 'individuals')):
for file in f:
last_id = np.sort(robot_ids)[-1]
diff --git a/pyrevolve/experiment_management_tmp.py b/pyrevolve/experiment_management_tmp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a0066d9b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyrevolve/experiment_management_tmp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import os
+import shutil
+import numpy as np
+from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger
+import sys
+class ExperimentManagement:
+ # ids of robots in the name of all types of files are always phenotype ids, and the standard for id is 'robot_ID'
+ def __init__(self, settings, environments):
+ self.settings = settings
+ self.environments = environments
+ manager_folder = os.path.dirname(self.settings.manager)
+ self._experiment_folder = os.path.join(manager_folder, 'data', self.settings.experiment_name, self.settings.run)
+ self._data_folder = os.path.join(self._experiment_folder, 'data_fullevolution')
+ def create_exp_folders(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.experiment_folder):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.experiment_folder)
+ os.makedirs(self.experiment_folder)
+ os.mkdir(self.data_folder)
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'genotypes'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots'))
+ for environment in self.environments:
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, f'selectedpop_{environment}'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment, 'individuals'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment, 'phenotypes'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment, 'descriptors'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment, 'fitness'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment, 'phenotype_images'))
+ @property
+ def experiment_folder(self):
+ return self._experiment_folder
+ @property
+ def data_folder(self):
+ return self._data_folder
+ def export_genotype(self, individual):
+ if self.settings.recovery_enabled:
+ individual.export_genotype(self.data_folder)
+ def export_phenotype(self, individual, environment):
+ if self.settings.export_phenotype:
+ individual.export_phenotype(os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment))
+ def export_fitnesses(self, individuals, environment):
+ folder = self.data_folder
+ for individual in individuals:
+ individual.export_fitness(os.path.join(folder, environment))
+ def export_fitness(self, individual, environment):
+ folder = os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment, 'fitness')
+ individual.export_fitness(folder)
+ def export_individual(self, individual, environment):
+ folder = os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment)
+ individual.export_individual(folder)
+ def export_behavior_measures(self, _id, measures, environment):
+ filename = os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment, 'descriptors', f'behavior_desc_{_id}.txt')
+ with open(filename, "w") as f:
+ if measures is None:
+ f.write(str(None))
+ else:
+ for key, val in measures.items():
+ f.write(f"{key} {val}\n")
+ def export_phenotype_images(self, dirpath, individual):
+ individual.phenotype.render_body(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, dirpath, f'body_{individual.phenotype.id}.png'))
+ individual.phenotype.render_brain(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, dirpath, f'brain_{individual.phenotype.id}.png'))
+ def export_failed_eval_robot(self, individual):
+ individual.genotype.export_genotype(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots', f'genotype_{individual.phenotype.id}.txt'))
+ individual.phenotype.save_file(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots', f'phenotype_{individual.phenotype.id}.yaml'))
+ individual.phenotype.save_file(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots', f'phenotype_{individual.phenotype.id}.sdf'), conf_type='sdf')
+ def export_snapshots(self, individuals, gen_num):
+ if self.settings.recovery_enabled:
+ for environment in self.environments:
+ path = os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, f'selectedpop{environment}', f'selectedpop_{gen_num}')
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ for ind in individuals:
+ self.export_phenotype_images(os.path.join(f'selectedpop_{environment}', f'selectedpop_{str(gen_num)}', ind[environment]))
+ logger.info(f'Exported snapshot {str(gen_num)} with {str(len(individuals))} individuals')
+ def experiment_is_new(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.experiment_folder):
+ return True
+ # if any robot in any environment has been finished
+ for environment in self.environments:
+ path, dirs, files = next(os.walk(os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment, 'individuals')))
+ if len(files) > 0:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def read_recovery_state(self, population_size, offspring_size):
+ snapshots = []
+ # checks existent robots using the last environment of the dict as reference
+ last_env = list(self.environments.keys())[-1]
+ environment_snapshot_path = os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, f'selectedpop_{last_env}')
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(environment_snapshot_path):
+ for dir in d:
+ if 'selectedpop' in dir:
+ exported_files = len([name for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(environment_snapshot_path, dir))
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(environment_snapshot_path, dir, name))])
+ # snapshot is complete if all body/brain files exist
+ if exported_files == (population_size * 2):
+ snapshots.append(int(dir.split('_')[1]))
+ if len(snapshots) > 0:
+ # the latest complete snapshot
+ last_snapshot = np.sort(snapshots)[-1]
+ # number of robots expected until the snapshot
+ n_robots = population_size + last_snapshot * offspring_size
+ else:
+ last_snapshot = -1
+ n_robots = 0
+ # if a robot is developed in any of the environments, then it exists
+ robot_ids = []
+ for environment in self.environments:
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(os.path.join(self.data_folder, environment, 'individuals')):
+ for file in f:
+ robot_ids.append(int(file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]))
+ last_id = np.sort(robot_ids)[-1]
+ # if there are more robots to recover than the number expected in this snapshot
+ if last_id > n_robots:
+ # then recover also this partial offspring
+ has_offspring = True
+ else:
+ has_offspring = False
+ return last_snapshot, has_offspring, last_id+1
diff --git a/pyrevolve/genotype/genotype.py b/pyrevolve/genotype/genotype.py
index 4317fad3f4..1f632f69b0 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/genotype/genotype.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/genotype/genotype.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ def clone(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented by genome")
- def develop(self):
+ def develop(self, environment):
Develops the genome into a revolve_bot (proto-phenotype)
@@ -23,7 +23,12 @@ def __init__(self,
- oscillator_param_max):
+ oscillator_param_max,
+ max_clauses,
+ max_terms_clause,
+ plastic,
+ environmental_conditions,
+ logic_operators):
self.e_max_groups = e_max_groups
self.axiom_w = axiom_w
self.i_iterations = i_iterations
@@ -31,3 +36,8 @@ def __init__(self,
self.weight_max = weight_max
self.oscillator_param_min = oscillator_param_min
self.oscillator_param_max = oscillator_param_max
+ self.max_clauses = max_clauses
+ self.max_terms_clause = max_terms_clause
+ self.plastic = plastic
+ self.environmental_conditions = environmental_conditions
+ self.logic_operators = logic_operators
diff --git a/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/crossover/standard_crossover.py b/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/crossover/standard_crossover.py
index d95ad6286c..2c0afad436 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/crossover/standard_crossover.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/crossover/standard_crossover.py
@@ -27,15 +27,18 @@ def generate_child_genotype(parent_genotypes, genotype_conf, crossover_conf):
return genotype.clone()
-def standard_crossover(parent_individuals, genotype_conf, crossover_conf):
+def standard_crossover(environments, parent_individuals, genotype_conf, crossover_conf):
Creates an child (individual) through crossover with two parents
:param parent_genotypes: genotypes of the parents to be used for crossover
:return: genotype result of the crossover
- parent_genotypes = [p.genotype for p in parent_individuals]
+ first_environment = list(environments.keys())[-1]
+ parent_genotypes = [p[first_environment].genotype for p in parent_individuals]
new_genotype = generate_child_genotype(parent_genotypes, genotype_conf, crossover_conf)
#TODO what if you have more than 2 parents? fix log
f'crossover: for genome {new_genotype.id} - p1: {parent_genotypes[0].id} p2: {parent_genotypes[1].id}.')
diff --git a/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/initialization.py b/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/initialization.py
index 7f784313f0..f5583f231c 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/initialization.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/initialization.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import Plasticoding
from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import Alphabet
import random
+import pprint
def _generate_random_grammar(conf):
@@ -47,6 +48,86 @@ def _generate_random_grammar(conf):
return grammar
+def _generate_random_plastic_grammar(conf):
+ """
+ Initializing a new genotype,
+ :param conf: e_max_groups, maximum number of groups of symbols
+ :return: a random new Genome
+ :rtype: dictionary
+ """
+ s_segments = random.randint(1, conf.e_max_groups)
+ grammar = {}
+ for symbol in Alphabet.modules():
+ grammar[symbol[0]] = []
+ # generates clause and rule for each flavor of the letter
+ for flavor in range(0, conf.max_clauses):
+ grammar[symbol[0]].append([])
+ if symbol[0] == conf.axiom_w:
+ grammar[symbol[0]][-1].extend([build_clause(conf.environmental_conditions,
+ conf.logic_operators,
+ conf.max_terms_clause),
+ [[conf.axiom_w, []]]])
+ else:
+ grammar[symbol[0]][-1].extend([build_clause(conf.environmental_conditions,
+ conf.logic_operators,
+ conf.max_terms_clause),
+ []])
+ for s in range(0, s_segments):
+ symbol_module = random.randint(
+ 1, len(Alphabet.modules()) - 1)
+ symbol_mounting = random.randint(
+ 0, len(Alphabet.morphology_mounting_commands()) - 1)
+ symbol_morph_moving = random.randint(
+ 0, len(Alphabet.morphology_moving_commands()) - 1)
+ symbol_contr_moving = random.randint(
+ 0, len(Alphabet.controller_moving_commands()) - 1)
+ symbol_changing = random.randint(
+ 0, len(Alphabet.controller_changing_commands()) - 1)
+ grammar[symbol[0]][-1][1].extend([
+ Plasticoding.build_symbol(
+ Alphabet.controller_moving_commands()[symbol_contr_moving], conf),
+ Plasticoding.build_symbol(
+ Alphabet.controller_changing_commands()[symbol_changing], conf),
+ Plasticoding.build_symbol(
+ Alphabet.morphology_mounting_commands()[symbol_mounting], conf),
+ Plasticoding.build_symbol(
+ Alphabet.modules()[symbol_module], conf),
+ Plasticoding.build_symbol(
+ Alphabet.morphology_moving_commands()[symbol_morph_moving], conf),
+ ])
+ return grammar
+def build_clause(environmental_conditions, logic_operators, max_terms_clause):
+ clause = []
+ num_terms_clause = random.choice(range(1, max_terms_clause+1))
+ for term_idx in range(1, num_terms_clause+1):
+ # selects a random term and makes a random comparison
+ term = random.choice(environmental_conditions)
+ state = random.choice([True, False])
+ clause.append([term, '==', state])
+ # adds logical operators if there are multiple terms
+ if term_idx < num_terms_clause:
+ clause.append([random.choice(logic_operators)])
+ return clause
def random_initialization(conf, next_robot_id):
Initializing a random genotype.
@@ -55,6 +136,10 @@ def random_initialization(conf, next_robot_id):
:rtype: Plasticoding
genotype = Plasticoding(conf, next_robot_id)
- genotype.grammar = _generate_random_grammar(conf)
+ if conf.plastic:
+ genotype.grammar = _generate_random_plastic_grammar(conf)
+ else:
+ genotype.grammar = _generate_random_grammar(conf)
return genotype
diff --git a/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/mutation/standard_mutation.py b/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/mutation/standard_mutation.py
index e877a947a1..77f778666c 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/mutation/standard_mutation.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/mutation/standard_mutation.py
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
import random
from pyrevolve.genotype.plasticoding.plasticoding import Alphabet, Plasticoding
from ....custom_logging.logger import genotype_logger
+import sys
def handle_deletion(genotype):
Deletes symbols from genotype
:param genotype: genotype to be modified
:return: genotype
target_production_rule = random.choice(list(genotype.grammar))
@@ -26,9 +23,7 @@ def handle_deletion(genotype):
def handle_swap(genotype):
Swaps symbols within the genotype
:param genotype: genotype to be modified
:return: genotype
target_production_rule = random.choice(list(genotype.grammar))
@@ -46,6 +41,97 @@ def handle_swap(genotype):
return genotype
+def handle_addition(genotype, genotype_conf):
+ """
+ Adds symbol to genotype
+ :param genotype: genotype to add to
+ :param genotype_conf: configuration for the genotype
+ :return: genotype
+ """
+ target_production_rule = random.choice(list(genotype.grammar))
+ if target_production_rule == Alphabet.CORE_COMPONENT:
+ addition_index = random.randint(1, len(genotype.grammar[target_production_rule]) - 1)
+ else:
+ addition_index = random.randint(0, len(genotype.grammar[target_production_rule]) - 1)
+ symbol_to_add = generate_symbol(genotype_conf)
+ genotype.grammar[target_production_rule].insert(addition_index, symbol_to_add)
+ genotype_logger.info(
+ f'mutation: add {symbol_to_add} in {genotype.id} for {target_production_rule} at {addition_index}.')
+ return genotype
+def handle_deletion_plastic(genotype):
+ """
+ Deletes symbols from genotype
+ :param genotype: genotype to be modified
+ :return: genotype
+ """
+ target_letter = random.choice(list(genotype.grammar))
+ target_clause = random.choice(range(0, len(genotype.grammar[target_letter])))
+ if (len(genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1])) > 1:
+ symbol_to_delete = random.choice(genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1])
+ if symbol_to_delete[0] != Alphabet.CORE_COMPONENT:
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1].remove(symbol_to_delete)
+ genotype_logger.info(
+ f'mutation: remove in {genotype.id} for {target_letter} in {target_clause} at {symbol_to_delete[0]}.')
+ return genotype
+def handle_swap_plastic(genotype):
+ """
+ Swaps symbols within the genotype
+ :param genotype: genotype to be modified
+ :return: genotype
+ """
+ target_letter = random.choice(list(genotype.grammar))
+ target_clause = random.choice(range(0, len(genotype.grammar[target_letter])))
+ if (len(genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1])) > 1:
+ symbols_to_swap = random.choices(population=genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1], k=2)
+ for symbol in symbols_to_swap:
+ if symbol[0] == Alphabet.CORE_COMPONENT:
+ return genotype
+ item_index_1 = genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1].index(symbols_to_swap[0])
+ item_index_2 = genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1].index(symbols_to_swap[1])
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1][item_index_2], genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1][item_index_1] = \
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1][item_index_1], genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1][item_index_2]
+ genotype_logger.info(
+ f'mutation: swap in {genotype.id} for {target_letter} in {target_clause} between {symbols_to_swap[0]} and {symbols_to_swap[1]}.')
+ return genotype
+def handle_addition_plastic(genotype, genotype_conf):
+ """
+ Adds symbol to genotype
+ :param genotype: genotype to add to
+ :param genotype_conf: configuration for the genotype
+ :return: genotype
+ """
+ target_letter = random.choice(list(genotype.grammar))
+ target_clause = random.choice(range(0, len(genotype.grammar[target_letter])))
+ if target_letter == Alphabet.CORE_COMPONENT:
+ addition_index = random.randint(1, len(genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1]) - 1)
+ else:
+ addition_index = random.randint(0, len(genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1]) - 1)
+ symbol_to_add = generate_symbol(genotype_conf)
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][1].insert(addition_index, symbol_to_add)
+ genotype_logger.info(
+ f'mutation: add {symbol_to_add} in {genotype.id} for {target_letter} in {target_clause} at {addition_index}.')
+ return genotype
def generate_symbol(genotype_conf):
Generates a symbol for addition
@@ -82,24 +168,60 @@ def generate_symbol(genotype_conf):
return symbol
-def handle_addition(genotype, genotype_conf):
- """
- Adds symbol to genotype
+def handle_clause(genotype, mutation_conf):
- :param genotype: genotype to add to
- :param genotype_conf: configuration for the genotype
+ max_terms_clause = mutation_conf.genotype_conf.max_terms_clause
+ target_letter = random.choice(list(genotype.grammar))
+ target_clause = random.choice(range(0, len(genotype.grammar[target_letter])))
+ environmental_conditions = mutation_conf.genotype_conf.environmental_conditions
+ logic_operators = mutation_conf.genotype_conf.logic_operators
+ # defines which mutations are possible
+ possible_mutations = ['flipping_value']
+ if len(genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0]) > 1:
+ possible_mutations.append('deletion')
+ possible_mutations.append('flipping_operator')
+ if len(genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0]) < max_terms_clause:
+ possible_mutations.append('addition')
+ mutation_type = random.choice(possible_mutations)
+ # deletes terms items and logic operator
+ if mutation_type == 'deletion':
+ position_delete = random.choice(range(0, len(genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0]) + 1, 2))
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0].pop(position_delete)
+ if position_delete == 0:
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0].pop(position_delete)
+ else:
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0].pop(position_delete-1)
+ if mutation_type == 'addition':
+ term = random.choice(environmental_conditions)
+ state = random.choice([True, False])
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0].append([random.choice(logic_operators)])
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0].append([term, '==', state])
+ if mutation_type == 'flipping_value':
+ position_flip = random.choice(range(0, len(genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0]) + 1, 2))
+ if genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0][position_flip][2]:
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0][position_flip][2] = False
+ else:
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0][position_flip][2] = True
+ if mutation_type == 'flipping_operator':
+ position_flip = random.choice(range(1, len(genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0]), 2))
+ if genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0][position_flip][0] == 'and':
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0][position_flip][0] = 'or'
+ else:
+ genotype.grammar[target_letter][target_clause][0][position_flip][0] = 'and'
- :return: genotype
- """
- target_production_rule = random.choice(list(genotype.grammar))
- if target_production_rule == Alphabet.CORE_COMPONENT:
- addition_index = random.randint(1, len(genotype.grammar[target_production_rule]) - 1)
- else:
- addition_index = random.randint(0, len(genotype.grammar[target_production_rule]) - 1)
- symbol_to_add = generate_symbol(genotype_conf)
- genotype.grammar[target_production_rule].insert(addition_index, symbol_to_add)
- genotype_logger.info(
- f'mutation: add {symbol_to_add} in {genotype.id} for {target_production_rule} at {addition_index}.')
return genotype
@@ -116,15 +238,36 @@ def standard_mutation(genotype, mutation_conf):
mutation_attempt = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if mutation_attempt > mutation_conf.mutation_prob:
return new_genotype
- mutation_type = random.randint(1, 3) # NTS: better way?
- if mutation_type == 1:
- modified_genotype = handle_deletion(new_genotype)
- elif mutation_type == 2:
- modified_genotype = handle_swap(new_genotype)
- elif mutation_type == 3:
- modified_genotype = handle_addition(new_genotype, mutation_conf.genotype_conf)
+ if mutation_conf.genotype_conf.plastic:
+ mutation_type = random.randint(1, 4)
+ if mutation_type == 1:
+ modified_genotype = handle_deletion_plastic(new_genotype)
+ elif mutation_type == 2:
+ modified_genotype = handle_swap_plastic(new_genotype)
+ elif mutation_type == 3:
+ modified_genotype = handle_addition_plastic(new_genotype, mutation_conf.genotype_conf)
+ elif mutation_type == 4:
+ modified_genotype = handle_clause(new_genotype, mutation_conf)
+ else:
+ raise Exception(
+ 'mutation_type value was not in the expected range (1,4). The value was: {}'.format(mutation_type))
- raise Exception(
- 'mutation_type value was not in the expected range (1,3). The value was: {}'.format(mutation_type))
+ mutation_type = random.randint(1, 3)
+ if mutation_type == 1:
+ modified_genotype = handle_deletion(new_genotype)
+ elif mutation_type == 2:
+ modified_genotype = handle_swap(new_genotype)
+ elif mutation_type == 3:
+ modified_genotype = handle_addition(new_genotype, mutation_conf.genotype_conf)
+ else:
+ raise Exception(
+ 'mutation_type value was not in the expected range (1,3). The value was: {}'.format(mutation_type))
return modified_genotype
diff --git a/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/plasticoding.py b/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/plasticoding.py
index 5cd314997d..98ff6eeec2 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/plasticoding.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/genotype/plasticoding/plasticoding.py
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
import math
import copy
import itertools
+import sys
+import json
class Alphabet(Enum):
@@ -150,21 +151,9 @@ def load_genotype(self, genotype_file):
self.grammar[repleceable_symbol].append([symbol, params])
def export_genotype(self, filepath):
- file = open(filepath, 'w+')
- for key, rule in self.grammar.items():
- line = key.value + ' '
- for item_rule in range(0, len(rule)):
- symbol = rule[item_rule][self.index_symbol].value
- if len(rule[item_rule][self.index_params]) > 0:
- params = '_'
- for param in range(0, len(rule[item_rule][self.index_params])):
- params += str(rule[item_rule][self.index_params][param])
- if param < len(rule[item_rule][self.index_params])-1:
- params += '|'
- symbol += params
- line += symbol + ' '
- file.write(line+'\n')
- file.close()
+ f = open(filepath, "w")
+ f.write(str(self.grammar))
+ f.close()
def load_and_develop(self, load, genotype_path='', id_genotype=None):
@@ -182,15 +171,68 @@ def check_validity(self):
if self.phenotype._morphological_measurements.measurement_to_dict()['hinge_count'] > 0:
self.valid = True
- def develop(self):
- self.early_development()
+ def develop(self, environment):
+ self.early_development(environment)
phenotype = self.late_development()
return phenotype
- def early_development(self):
+ def early_development(self, environment):
+ if self.conf.plastic:
+ grammar = {}
+ for letter in self.grammar:
+ if environment == 'plane':
+ hill = False
+ hot = False
+ if environment == 'tilted5':
+ hill = True
+ hot = False
+ if environment == 'lava':
+ hill = False
+ hot = True
+ if environment == 'lavatilted5':
+ hill = True
+ hot = True
+ true_clauses = []
+ clause_is_true = None
+ for flavor in range(0, len(self.grammar[letter])):
+ clause = ''
+ for item in self.grammar[letter][flavor][0]:
+ for subitem in item:
+ clause += str(subitem) + ' '
+ clause_is_true = eval(clause)
+ if clause_is_true:
+ true_clauses.append(flavor)
+ # if no clause is true, letter doesnt get expressed
+ if len(true_clauses) == 0:
+ grammar[letter] = []
+ # actually...for now, it is safer to just express the first rule
+ # because this could result in tiny robots, which could be exploited in the hill
+ #grammar[letter] = self.grammar[letter][0][1]
+ else:
+ # if multiple clauses are true, all get expressed
+ for idx in range(0, len(true_clauses)):
+ if idx == 0:
+ grammar[letter] = self.grammar[letter][true_clauses[idx]][1]
+ else:
+ if letter == Alphabet.CORE_COMPONENT:
+ aux_list = self.grammar[letter][true_clauses[idx]][1][1:]
+ else:
+ aux_list = self.grammar[letter][true_clauses[idx]][1]
+ grammar[letter].extend(aux_list)
- self.intermediate_phenotype = [[self.conf.axiom_w, []]]
+ else:
+ grammar = self.grammar
+ self.intermediate_phenotype = [[self.conf.axiom_w, []]]
for i in range(0, self.conf.i_iterations):
position = 0
@@ -198,16 +240,20 @@ def early_development(self):
symbol = self.intermediate_phenotype[position]
if [symbol[self.index_symbol], []] in Alphabet.modules():
- # removes symbol
- self.intermediate_phenotype.pop(position)
- # replaces by its production rule
- for ii in range(0, len(self.grammar[symbol[self.index_symbol]])):
- self.intermediate_phenotype.insert(position+ii,
- self.grammar[symbol[self.index_symbol]][ii])
+ ii = 0
+ if len(grammar[symbol[self.index_symbol]]) > 0:
+ # removes symbol
+ self.intermediate_phenotype.pop(position)
+ # replaces it by its production rule
+ for ii in range(0, len(grammar[symbol[self.index_symbol]])):
+ self.intermediate_phenotype.insert(position+ii,
+ grammar[symbol[self.index_symbol]][ii])
position = position+ii+1
position = position + 1
- # logger.info('Robot ' + str(self.id) + ' was early-developed.')
+ logger.info('Robot ' + str(self.id) + ' was early-developed.')
def late_development(self):
@@ -513,8 +559,12 @@ def new_module(self, slot, new_module_type, symbol):
if not intersection:
self.mounting_reference.children[slot] = module
self.morph_mounting_container = None
- self.mounting_reference_stack.append(self.mounting_reference)
- self.mounting_reference = module
+ # moves turtle to new module
+ if self.conf.move_to_new:
+ self.mounting_reference_stack.append(self.mounting_reference)
+ self.mounting_reference = module
if new_module_type == Alphabet.JOINT_HORIZONTAL \
or new_module_type == Alphabet.JOINT_VERTICAL:
self.decode_brain_node(symbol, module.id)
@@ -676,7 +726,7 @@ def __init__(self):
class PlasticodingConfig:
def __init__(self,
- e_max_groups=3,
+ e_max_groups=4,
@@ -686,7 +736,13 @@ def __init__(self,
- robot_id=0
+ robot_id=0,
+ move_to_new=False,
+ max_clauses=2,
+ max_terms_clause=2,
+ plastic=False,
+ environmental_conditions=['hill'],
+ logic_operators=['and', 'or']
self.initialization_genome = initialization_genome
self.e_max_groups = e_max_groups
@@ -700,3 +756,9 @@ def __init__(self,
self.i_iterations = i_iterations
self.max_structural_modules = max_structural_modules
self.robot_id = robot_id
+ self.move_to_new = move_to_new
+ self.max_clauses = max_clauses
+ self.max_terms_clause = max_terms_clause
+ self.plastic = plastic
+ self.environmental_conditions = environmental_conditions
+ self.logic_operators = logic_operators
diff --git a/pyrevolve/revolve_bot/revolve_bot.py b/pyrevolve/revolve_bot/revolve_bot.py
index f9b59456dc..ce9dda6a53 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/revolve_bot/revolve_bot.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/revolve_bot/revolve_bot.py
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def measure_behaviour(self):
- def measure_phenotype(self):
+ def measure_phenotype(self, experiment_name):
self._morphological_measurements = self.measure_body()
self._brain_measurements = self.measure_brain()
logger.info('Robot ' + str(self.id) + ' was measured.')
@@ -86,13 +86,14 @@ def measure_body(self):
except Exception as e:
logger.exception('Failed measuring body')
- def export_phenotype_measurements(self, data_path):
- filepath = os.path.join(data_path, 'descriptors', f'phenotype_desc_{self.id}.txt')
- with open(filepath, 'w+') as file:
+ def export_phenotype_measurements(self, path, environment):
+ with open('experiments/' + path + '/data_fullevolution/'+environment+'/descriptors/'
+ + 'phenotype_desc_' + str(self.id) + '.txt', 'w+') as file:
for key, value in self._morphological_measurements.measurements_to_dict().items():
- file.write(f'{key} {value}\n')
+ file.write('{} {}\n'.format(key, value))
for key, value in self._brain_measurements.measurements_to_dict().items():
- file.write(f'{key} {value}\n')
+ file.write('{} {}\n'.format(key, value))
def measure_brain(self):
diff --git a/pyrevolve/tol/manage/robotmanager.py b/pyrevolve/tol/manage/robotmanager.py
index 78200e0010..703db3ee27 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/tol/manage/robotmanager.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/tol/manage/robotmanager.py
@@ -30,14 +30,13 @@ def __init__(
:param robot: RevolveBot
:param position:
:type position: Vector3
- :param time:
+ :param time: time the robot was created
:type time: Time
:param battery_level: Battery charge for this robot
:type battery_level: float
- time = conf.evaluation_time if time is None else time
- speed_window = int(float(time) * conf.pose_update_frequency) + 1 if position_log_size is None \
+ speed_window = int(float(conf.evaluation_time) * conf.pose_update_frequency) + 1 if position_log_size is None \
else position_log_size
super(RobotManager, self).__init__(
diff --git a/pyrevolve/util/supervisor/simulator_queue.py b/pyrevolve/util/supervisor/simulator_queue.py
index 8f69eb52a9..2ee13517ac 100644
--- a/pyrevolve/util/supervisor/simulator_queue.py
+++ b/pyrevolve/util/supervisor/simulator_queue.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def __init__(self, n_cores: int, settings, port_start=11345, simulator_cmd=None)
def _simulator_supervisor(self, simulator_name_postfix):
return DynamicSimSupervisor(
- world_file=self._settings.world,
+ world_file='worlds/'+self._settings.world+'.world',
plugins_dir_path=os.path.join('.', 'build', 'lib'),
diff --git a/worlds/lava.world b/worlds/lava.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07330739c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/lava.world
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.005
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ world
+ model://sun
+ model://tol_ground
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/plane.realtime.world b/worlds/plasticoding/plane.realtime.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a710a7b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/plane.realtime.world
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.005
+ 1000
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ world
+ model://sun
+ model://tol_ground
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles.realtime.world b/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles.realtime.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..167cbaee98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles.realtime.world
@@ -0,0 +1,7632 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.005
+ 5000
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ quick
+ -1 -1 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 -0.87 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -1 -0.74 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 -0.61 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -1 -0.48 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 -0.35 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -1 -0.22 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 -0.0899999999999999 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -1 0.0400000000000001 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 0.17 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -1 0.3 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 0.43 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -1 0.56 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 0.69 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -1 0.82 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 0.95 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.82 -0.93 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.75 -0.8 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.72 0.82 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 -0.67 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 -0.54 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 -0.41 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 -0.28 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 -0.02 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 0.5 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 0.63 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 0.76 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ model://sun
+ model://tol_ground
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles.world b/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0350221f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles.world
@@ -0,0 +1,12344 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.005
+ 0.0
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ quick
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 -0.37 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -1 -0.24 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 -0.11 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -1 0.02 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 0.15 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -1 0.28 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.93 0.41 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.82 -0.24 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.82 0.28 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.75 0.41 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.06
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.64 -0.5 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.03
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.72 0.0400000000000001 0 0 0 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.72 0.3 0 0 0 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.79 0.69 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.72 0.82 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.79 0.95 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 -0.93 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 -0.8 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 -0.67 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 -0.54 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 -0.41 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 -0.28 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 -0.15 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 -0.02 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 0.11 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 0.24 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 0.37 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 0.5 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 0.63 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.97 0.76 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.9 0.89 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.03 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ model://sun
+ model://tol_ground
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles2.realtime.world b/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles2.realtime.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ff1a76298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles2.realtime.world
@@ -0,0 +1,2781 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.005
+ 1000
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ quick
+ -0.6 -0.6 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.53 -0.45 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.6 -0.3 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.53 -0.15 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.6 6.93889390390723e-17 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
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+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
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+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
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+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.19 -0.45 0 0 0 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
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+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.12 -0.3 0 0 0 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.19 -0.15 0 0 0 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
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+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.12 0.3 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.19 0.45 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.3 -0.5 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.3 -0.2 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.37 -0.05 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.3 0.1 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.37 0.25 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.3 0.4 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.37 0.55 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.48 -0.6 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.55 -0.45 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.48 -0.3 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.55 -0.15 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.48 6.93889390390723e-17 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.55 0.15 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.48 0.3 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.55 0.45 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ model://sun
+ model://tol_ground
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles2.world b/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles2.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8b893892c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/planeobstacles2.world
@@ -0,0 +1,2781 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.005
+ 0.0
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ quick
+ -0.6 -0.6 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.53 -0.45 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.6 -0.3 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.53 -0.15 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.6 6.93889390390723e-17 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.53 0.15 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.6 0.3 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.53 0.45 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ -0.35 0.55 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.3 0.4 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.37 0.55 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.02
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.48 -0.6 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.55 -0.45 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.48 -0.3 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.55 -0.15 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.48 6.93889390390723e-17 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.55 0.15 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.48 0.3 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0.55 0.45 0 0 0 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 10
+ 0.03 0.05 0.01
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ model://sun
+ model://tol_ground
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/tilted10.realtime.world b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted10.realtime.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75ae943e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted10.realtime.world
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.005
+ 1000
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ quick
+ model://sun
+ model://tilted10
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/tilted10.world b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted10.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29ee9f85bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted10.world
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.005
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ quick
+ model://sun
+ model://tilted10
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/tilted15.realtime.world b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted15.realtime.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02a4f994bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted15.realtime.world
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.001
+ 5000
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ quick
+ model://sun
+ model://tilted15
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/tilted15.world b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted15.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f596916f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted15.world
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.005
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ quick
+ model://sun
+ model://tilted15
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/tilted5.realtime.world b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted5.realtime.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95d13320a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted5.realtime.world
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.005
+ 1000
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ quick
+ model://sun
+ model://tilted5
diff --git a/worlds/plasticoding/tilted5.world b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted5.world
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6810efd7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlds/plasticoding/tilted5.world
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.003
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ 10e-6
+ 100
+ 1e-8
+ quick
+ model://sun
+ model://tilted5