Chrome extension allows users to take notes in a new tab. Notion-like functionality (wysiwyg), github-flavoured markdown. Data is persisted.
20-ish hours, June 20 to Jul 7 2024
- Edit text in a contenteditable div
- Save text to storage
- Load text from storage
- Track cursor and selection
- Convert row type by commands
- Add setTimeout to save text to storage
- Heading for 1-3 (#, ##, ###)
- Bullet points
- Numbered lists
- Checkboxes
- Code blocks
- Save to storage
- Disappearing prompt text for first time users
July 7 to July 12
- Code blocks
- keyboard shortcuts: bold, italic, underline, link
- List tabbing
- Information popup for commands and about
- Different themes (dark, light, secret one)
- multiple note tabs
- Convert text to markdownx
Pikolo Fri Jul 12
- Convert text to markdown
- Copy Markdown to clipboard and snackbar
- Move around info button
- fix code block newline
- create chrome popup for nota bena
- fix first line newline
- Different themes (dark, light, secret one)
- multiple note tabs
- list tabbing
- list tab to markdown
- enter for commands, not just spacebar