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A julia implementation of the LambdaTAME, LowRankTAME, and TAME heurestics for pairwise graph alignments.

How to Install

# in ']' mode

Why do I have to install those packages first?

NetworkAlign.jl & DistributedTensorConstruction.jl are unregistered package dependencies, which must be installed first.

relevant discourse:


Aligning the smallest LVGNA networks

using LambdaTAME 

path = "data/sparse_matrices/LVGNA/"
    # assumes this being run from the project folder
files = readdir(path)

alignment_output = align_matrices(path*files[6],path*files[7];method=ΛTAME_M())
                                  #aligned via absolute paths

Aligning a synthetic experiment

using LambdaTAME

A = LambdaTAME.spatial_network(25, 2;degreedist=LambdaTAME.LogNormal(log(5),1))
B, duplicated_vertices = LambdaTAME.duplication_perturbation_noise_model(A,10, .5)   
perm = LambdaTAME.shuffle(1:size(B,1))
B = B[perm,perm]

betas = [0.0,1.0,10.0]
    # kwargs can be passed down into alignment methods
alignment_output, postprocessing_output = 
                           #put bigger networks first for better cache performance

using DistributedTensorConstruction
# `_MultiMotif_M()` routines sample the network for motifs 
alignment_output, postprocessing_output = 
                           motif=Clique(), samples=1000,orders=[4])
                           # using `Clique()` uses TuranShadow 
                           #                            Note: order's form is important. 
                           #                                  multiple motifs are supported
                           #                                  by experimental routines.

for more examples, please view the drivers/ folder for Distributed.jl experiment drivers which recreate our results in Dominant Z-Eigenpairs of Tensor Kronecker Products are Decoupled (with applications to Higher-Order Graph Matching).


  • LambdaTAME.jl: Top file.
  • Experiments.jl: Routines for running synthetic experiments or local tensor files.
  • RandomGraphs.jl: Routines for building random graphs.
  • Matchings.jl: Routines for finding low rank matches.
  • [...]_implementation.jl: Implementations of the TAME, \Lambda-TAME, and low rank TAME routines.
  • Contractions.jl: Routines for computing the tensor contraction operations.
  • PostProcessing.jl: Routines for new k-nearest neighbor augmentations of LocalSearch and Klau's algorithm.


LinearAlgebra and SparseArrays for sparse numerical linear algebra routines. MatrixNetworks for finding triangle motifs in arbitrary graphs and random graph generation (TGPA source code also used for generating the HyperKron models).

NPZ, Random, and Distributed for saving, generating, and running experiments (in parallel) respectively.

DataStructures used in postprocessing algorithm for finding swap candidates efficiently. Parameters is used to insert algorithm parameters into type flags to pass parameters in a type stable fashion.

Tests and Suppressor for testing.

NetworkAlign.jl is a fork of Huda Nassar's repository updated to v1 with some generalized type signatures for ease of use. DistributedTensorConstruction.jl is an experimental package containing the routines used for building adjacency tensors with sampled motifs.


included files are sparse matrix and sparse tensor (.smat and .ssten files respectively) representations of the subset of PPI networks from the LVGNA project which we use (original .gw files can be directly downloaded here). Data is included for convenience of recreating our experiments. If utilizing these files, please add appropriate citations to their original project source.