react 0.14 supports two types of refs( string based and callback). In future string ref's are going to be obsolete
The next big (and probably most invasive change for a while) will be replacing string refs. Most can be automatically converted. #reactjs Use callback refs e.g. this.node = n} /> to avoid having to do any upgrade work. Allows you to move work from life-cycles too
so Sri only supports callback refs.
Let's say we have a Child component which has public method hideMe()
, and in Parent component we're rendering child component, after render if we want to invoke childs hideMe()
method then we must get reference to child component.
object Parent {
class Component extends ReactComponent[Unit, Unit] {
def render() = div(null,Child(ref = storeChildRef _))
var childRef: Child.Component = _
def storeChildRef(cref: Child.Component) = {
childRef = cref // store reference to use later
childRef.hideMe() // invoke actions
def apply(key: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, ref: js.Function1[Component, Unit] = null) =
makeElementNoProps[Component](key, ref)
object Child {
class Component extends ReactComponent[Unit, Unit] {
def render() = div(null, "Child Component")
def hideMe() = {
println(s"Ok done!.")
def apply(key: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, ref: js.Function1[Component, Unit] = null) =
makeElementNoProps[Component](key, ref)