Photometric Interpretation and compressed transfer syntaxes
- Uncompressed image with YBR_422 photometric interpretation and wanted to compress with HTJ2K
- Cornerstone library assumes that color images after decompression are in RGB encoding
- What is the correct way to do this for compressed transfer syntaxes?
- are you supposed to convert other photometric interpretations into RGB before compressing?
- In DICOM - the image compression header trumps the DICOM attributes
- Rows, Columns, Pixel Layout, Bits Allocated, Bits Stored, Signed/Unsigned
- When decoding JPEG2000/HTJ2K - you should check to see if a color transform was employed and if so - convert it to RGB for display
- When encoding to JPEG2000/HTJ2K you should check the source photometric interpretation and if YBR, apply color transform flag to avoid losing data precision
- TODO: File bug in CornerstoneJS to fix this behavior
- TODO: Audit the other transfer syntaxes for color transform support
- TODO: Look into existing blogs on this? Talk to David Clunie
Latest thinking on DICOM Anonymization
- Expereinces that people can share?
- Has the trend moved more towards storing PHI in the cloud?
- high percentage >80% of new vna/pacs projects are cloud
- What anonymization takes place on premise side
- Using off the shelf software? Building it themselves?
- Metadata and Pixel Data
- Any experience with anonymization and LLMs in the cloud
- Univ. Misourri Columbia
- Want you to work in their "air gapped" area
- Has a long wait list - may be 2 years before you get access
- MIT is very open - just need to go through their training course then you get access for 3 years
- MIMIC - EMR data only
- Everything de-identified before uploaded to cloud
- Each instituion has its its own process for approving de-identification of data
- Half (?) run their data through PACS BIN default anonymizer and verify
- Other half have more strict internal process where they have to do the de-identification first, dumped into preprocessed bucked, then can query the bucket
- Do customers use the DICOM De-identification profiles?
- not very often
- What about HIPAA safe harbor?
- Some? DICOM de-identification profiles are compliant with this
- Some organizations require that you sign a document that you won't try to re-identify the patient
- Some orgqnizations will ask you to sign a BAA just "in case"