- AWS HealthImaging Series?
- The journey from day 1
- Anything medical imaging is interesting
- How AWS builds services
- Digital Pathology related
- What does a CloudNative / Modernized application look like with AHI?
- What is so wrong with DICOM? How can DICOMweb be improved?
- How often or if people are dealing with the problems of global latency
- Centralized server in one location, users accross the globe
- Are people doing this and is latency an issue?
- Yes - mostly with pre-fetching and client side rendering
- AWS Technologies/Services relevant
- AWS DirectConnect - dedicated network connection from a location to an AWS Region
- very low latency (<10 ms)
- High bandwidth = up to 100G
- AWS Global Accelerator - routing traffic over the AWS internal network around the world
- CloudFront - CDN with edge compute (Lambda@edge)
- Edge Technologies
- LocalZones
- Snowcone
- IOT Greengrass
- Outposts
- AWS DirectConnect - dedicated network connection from a location to an AWS Region
- How does client side rendering help with latency?
- it doesn't change network latency, but it makes the end user experience immune to it (as well as network variability)
- 10 years from now:
- Assuming: Redundant, high bandwidth, low latency networks are everywhere
- Very few rads on premises
- Don't need any local cache OR prefetching
- Local Caching
- Additional hardware $
- Additional complexity $$ human and software
- Prefetching
- doesn't help with ad-hoc (<10%)
- complex ($$ human it cost)
- wasteful - prefetch same case to multiple rads just in case
- Local Caching
- Today -
- First step is hybrid full archive on presmises, partial data in cloud
- Second step is hybrid full archive in cloud, recent data (and maybe priors) on premises
- Performance
- Egress Cost
- Third Party Applications
- Third step is full archive in cloud, prefetching to local cache when needed
- Very few here today (telerad company?)
- Fourth step is full archvie in cloud, no local cache/prefetching
- Patient controlled copy of medical records (blockchain based)
- Would this throw a kink in cloud systems
- distributed file systems (IPFS/FileCoin/Chia) - these may make sense
- Would this throw a kink in cloud systems