- AWS HealthImaging
- Yiannis looking for new opportunities
- AlaraImaging - https://www.linkedin.com/company/alara-imaging-inc/
- RadicalImaging - https://www.linkedin.com/company/radical-imaging/
- Sectra - https://sectra.com/
- IHE Call for proposals is open (closes at end of month)
- Brad Genereaux [email protected] toying with a proposalf for a paper on generative ai
- https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Radiology_2023-2024_Development_Cycle
- benefits: get access to experts, meet people with shared interests you don't know
- Ideas
- Mapping IHE serives to Cloud Services (how to cloudify)
- White paper on "cloudifying IHE profiles". Tips, tricks, considerations. Written generically for cloud services
- How to use similar IHE parts with cloud native sevices (e.g. UPSRS with AWS CloudTrail, AWS EventBridge)
- Mapping IHE serives to Cloud Services (how to cloudify)
- AIWI - AI Workflow for Imaging https://www.ihe.net/uploadedFiles/Documents/Radiology/IHE_RAD_Suppl_AIW-I.pdf
- Triggered by DICOMweb UPSRS - create a workitem, send to orchestrator, orchestrator takes ticket and sends to everyone subscribe to jobs
- Ticket describes where dicom is, where to put results, what type of data
- Like modality worklist but restful and more generic
- Creat items in a list, someone can pickup the items, there is a status on each item
- UPS has been part of dicom standard for > 10 years, joined the DICOMweb services back in 2015/2016
- UPS has been in IHE for a while, part of the RRR-WF supplement (remote reading workflow)
- https://www.ihe.net/uploadedFiles/Documents/Radiology/IHE_RAD_Supp_RRR-WF.pdf
- https://www.dicomstandard.org/using/dicomweb/workflow-ups-rs
- Supports DICOMweb, FHIR endpoints
- Technology - has APIS for WS (websockets) for push notifications and RESTful for polling
- SIIM Had a digital pathology webinar last week
- Was rudimentary
- First 15-20 minutes was covering the basics (background) - different focal lengths, pyramid
- Second half was more of an advertisement for monitor vendor
- Touch screen diagnostic monitor
- Monitor Calibration
- SMPT Pattern
- Monitor characterisitcs "Drift" over time - requires calibiration and monitoring
- EU Group studies best monitors for digital pathology
- 27" - no bigger?
- https://www.aapm.org/ - professional society for medical physicists - created standards for diagnostic monitors
- Digital Pathology Slide Scanners
- Microscope vendors are adopting DICOM
- Philips (iSyntax) - DTS (Dynamic Transfer Syntax) Dr. Paul Chang
- Leica
- https://gdcm.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/ISyntax