- DICOM WorkItem for HJT2K Approved!
- SIIM/RSNA Updates
- Hackathon taking place June 1-3
- https://siim.org/page/hacking_healthcare
- Highly encourage people new to the space (students, etc)
- New this year
- Blockchain Network
- New images - dermatology, pathology, opthamology
- Updated documentation https://imaginginformatics.github.io/hackathon-docs/
- Hackathon taking place June 1-3
- Imaging AI in practice demo is underway
- Taking submissions of interest (closes tomorrow): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeg2LY2jadKgrk39YWBRxuxMNg2tBiTmlSu9YdImkL7u5iKmg/viewform
- How interoperability can be achieved end to end
- Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rsna+imaging+ai+in+practice
- Coherent Data Set
- Has FHIR, DICOM and Genomics data
- 9GB in size
- https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/11/8/1199
- everything in DICOM is a chest x-ray?
- What is the history between Horos and Osirix
- OpenSource community became unhappy with Osirix
- Not all code was released as open source (64 bit support, JPEG2000)
- Horos created by PurView https://www.purview.net/
- Activity seems to have dwindled
- x86 only build - no ARM build
- Activity seems to have dwindled
- Who uses Osirix FDA version?
- lots of users - telerad, in hospital, etc
- Very cost effective compared to commercial offerings
- Widely used in developing countries
- lots of users - telerad, in hospital, etc
- OpenSource community became unhappy with Osirix
- IHE Rad Tech meeting this week (David Kwan / Neil Teneholtz)
- IMR profile
- https://profiles.ihe.net/RAD/IMR/index.html
- Leveraging FHIR DiagnosticReport and FHIR Observation resources
- AI Results - Extensions (AIR+)
- Out for public comment
- https://www.ihe.net/uploadedFiles/Documents/Radiology/IHE_RAD_Suppl_AIR-Extensions_Rev-1-0_PC_2022-02-28.pdf
- Kevin O'Donnel asked DICOM Standards Committee for structured support for AIR+. Was pushback until AIR has better adoption
- SOLE Updates (Neil)
- Want to be able to convert into other formats (e.g. open telematry)
- Distributed tracing
- General idea - add trace ids and span ids into log messages
- Q: Any idea on how long until these updates come out?
- A: Hopefully have them ready soon - before RSNA
- Chris Roth and Kinson Ho are the IHE RadTech chairs
- Q: Is there vendor buy in for SOLE?
- A: Vendors are interested and agree they should move towards it
- IHE RAD - New profiles are proposed yearly (August)
- IMR profile