OpenSource Developers Conference - Dr. Paul Nagy
- https://www.ohdsi.org/
- https://www.ohdsi.org/devcon2022/
- https://github.com/OHDSI
- How Johns Hopkins is using this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Ur1xzVjS0&t=3s
- April 22 8AM-noon (eastern)
- Co-lead for open source community for Odyssey
- How to add contributors
- Open science committee
- 350 sites
- 160 repositories
- Large network studies
- Everything on github
- Dr. Nagy leads the imaging community
- Johns Hopkins have office for open source development
- "Apache Way": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUt2nb0mgwg&t=1630s
dicom-codecs project
- https://github.com/dicom-codecs
- One static library with multiple codecs
- Has a wasm build as well (500k)
- faster that JS versions of codecs
JPEG Lossless Info
- Two DICOM transfer syntaxes for JPEG Lossless (.57, .70)
- Historical issues - GE or Philips incorrectly coded some images
- There is no one master library...
- libjpeg - but the design is really hard to use
- Adobe ?? - but its not easy to use
- IJG - someone created a patch to 6b for JPEG Lossless
- DCMTK and GDCM have created their own IJG6b_Lossless Patch version
- Several VNA/PACS Vendors tend to use this
- Will probably create a repo it dicom-codecs with IJG6.b + Patch + CMakeLists.txt
OpenJPH Updates
- Recently added support WASM-SIMD
- 5-10% speedup for grayscale images
- 50% speedup for color images
- Started refactoring the code: https://github.com/chafey/openjph
- Recently added support WASM-SIMD
HTJ2K Work Item for DICOM
- Will be presented at DICOM Standards Committe meeting on April 19
In person meeting at SIIM?
- Yes lets find a time during the day for this
What has changed in medical imaging open source over the past 6 years?
- Cornerstone3D - (Alireza Sedghi) new version came out with GPU accelerated 3D rendering
- OHIF V3 - (Alireza Sedghi)
- MONAI (Label/Deploy) - Brad Genereaux
- Orthanc is having funding problems
- dcmjs - (Steve Pieper) javascript dicom library - can create/write dicom p10
- vtkjs - (kitware) VTK running in javascript with WebGL
- slicer3d - (Steve Pieper) cloud hosting
- dcmjs-dimse - (Pantelis Georgiadis) javascript DIMSE library
- highdicom - (Markus Herrmman / Chris Bridge) layer on top of pydicom to encode DICOM SEG - capture AI results
- IHE AI Workflow - AIW-I (AI Workflow for Imaging); AIR (AI for reporting); AI Whitepaper (lays out everything else -creating repositories, training, validation, feedback)