DICOMweb performance
- multi-part mime vs single part for video
- Is single part API new?
- Redocument effort changed how bulk data should work
- Original documentation - it was multi-part mime wrapped
- New documentation added support for single part
- Single part vs multi part controlled via content-type header
- CORS can be bypassed if you specify the content-type without using quotes (")
- Still an issue if you use authorization HTTP Headers
- Passing token via URI or cookie is OK though
- Documentation on this here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS#simple_requests
- Example commit: https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneWADOImageLoader/commit/37b076d336951d3added50b352c4f87b78778f25
- Still an issue if you use authorization HTTP Headers
- Redocument effort changed how bulk data should work
- What is the fastest way to download entire study in DICOM P10 format from DICOMweb
- Some people are calling the study or series multi-part mime API /studies/studyuid /studies/studyuid/series/seriesuid
- This is not ideal for the following reasons:
- The maximum download rate over a single connection is limited. (e.g. 100 Gbps, you might get 2 Gbps with this method)
- TCP is chatty and this is noticeable at high bandwidths
- TCP Window Size Limitations/issues configuring
- Server needs to "build" the multi-part mime response
- should be able to stream it
- can use a lot of memory if your not careful (need to retrieve several in parallel but not all)
- Client needs to "parse" the multi-part mime response
- Requires lots of things to go right to avoid massive delays and memory usage
- Not allow HTTP Body to be accessed until entire response read
- Client environment limitations on buffer sizes (e.g. browsers limit arrays to 4GB RAM)
- To do this right:
- Need stream based network API
- Need stream based multi-part mime parser
- Need code that can make sense of streamed instances
- The maximum download rate over a single connection is limited. (e.g. 100 Gbps, you might get 2 Gbps with this method)
- Better to use HTTP/2 and make concurrent requests
- Requires a smart DICOMweb implementation
- DCM4CHEE / frame endpoint is slow at extracting individual frames from a DICOM P10 instance
- Bill has a test digital pathology image with 32,000 frames in one SOP Instance - takes 60 seconds on DCM4CHEE
- Can probably find data like this in the IDC: https://datacommons.cancer.gov/repository/imaging-data-commons
- This could be resolved by storing indexes of each frame to avoid seeking from beginning each time
- Bill has a test digital pathology image with 32,000 frames in one SOP Instance - takes 60 seconds on DCM4CHEE
- DCM4CHEE / frame endpoint is slow at extracting individual frames from a DICOM P10 instance
- Requires a smart DICOMweb implementation
- Speed mainluy depends on how the service was implemented
DICOMweb WG27 Activities
- Relative URI CP
- Standard as written does not say you can't use relative URIs, so you have to fall back on the standard it references to understand what it means
- This CP defines this explicitly
- All metadata requests are relative to the study root (e.g. studies/$studyuid)
- JPEG-XL Work Item
- Targeting having the supplement ready in 3 months
- JPEG-XL vs HTJ2K performance: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gS3cc7p00M3_Ub-0AC7shm16H_FCC2IyxqE2TCjpzUI/edit
- Main value is enhanced color support (which is limited in all other codecs except JPEG2000)
- NOTE: There are well defined ways of doing the color transform in the browser via SVG, but only supported for 8 bit data
- Relative URI CP
DICOM QIDO-RS Study Query in memory project
- https://github.com/chafey/qido-rs-in-memory-js
- loaded 1M studies into in memory db https://github.com/techfort/LokiJS
- 50MB for 1M Studies (JSON size)
- Question: how to keep it up to date with changes in data store?
- Need to find the right in memory db technology
- Idea: duckdb?: https://duckdb.org/
DICOM Test Data Generator
- JF Created his own
- Simon created his own...
- Need a "Synthia for FHIR" for DICOM
- Pantelis DICOM WSI Generator: https://gist.github.com/PantelisGeorgiadis/fb9e305610c92633fd93fcc3e973d8a2
- Synthia FHIR ImagingStudy Generator: https://github.com/synthetichealth/synthea/wiki/Generic-Module-Framework%3A-States#imagingstudy
MIMIC data sets
- 400k chest radiographs released as DICOM. Some tags anonymized, some scrubbed
- Requires data use agreement
- https://physionet.org/content/mimic-cxr/2.0.0/
- MIMIC has other non imaging data too - EHR?