diff --git a/cogs/info.py b/cogs/info.py index 2c3c0ed0..6d875059 100644 --- a/cogs/info.py +++ b/cogs/info.py @@ -193,15 +193,9 @@ async def userinfo(self, ctx, *, member : discord.Member=None): @commands.command(aliases=['bot', 'info']) async def about(self, ctx): '''See information about the selfbot and latest changes.''' - cmd = r'git show -s HEAD~3..HEAD --format="[{}](https://github.com/verixx/selfbot/commit/%H) %s (%cr)"' - if os.name == 'posix': - cmd = cmd.format(r'\`%h\`') - else: - cmd = cmd.format(r'`%h`') - revision = '\n'.join(os.popen(cmd).read().strip() .splitlines()[:3]) embed = discord.Embed() - embed.url = 'https://discord.gg/pmQSbAd' + embed.url = 'https://selfbot-py.tk' embed.colour = await ctx.get_dominant_color(ctx.author.avatar_url) embed.set_author(name='selfbot.py', icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url) @@ -230,8 +224,12 @@ async def about(self, ctx): if days: fmt = '{d}d ' + fmt uptime = fmt.format(d=days, h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds) - if revision: - embed.add_field(name='Latest Changes', value=revision) + + github = '[Click Here](https://github.com/verixx/selfbot.py/)' + server = '[Click Here](https://discord.gg/pmQSbAd)' + website = '[selfbot-py.tk](http://selfbot-py.tk/)' + + embed.add_field(name='Author', value='verixx#7220') embed.add_field(name='Uptime', value=uptime) embed.add_field(name='Guilds', value=len(self.bot.guilds)) @@ -240,6 +238,9 @@ async def about(self, ctx): memory_usage = self.bot.process.memory_full_info().uss / 1024**2 cpu_usage = self.bot.process.cpu_percent() / psutil.cpu_count() embed.add_field(name='Process', value=f'{memory_usage:.2f} MiB\n{cpu_usage:.2f}% CPU') + embed.add_field(name='Github', value=github) + embed.add_field(name='Discord', value=server) + embed.add_field(name='Website', value=website) embed.set_footer(text=f'Powered by discord.py {discord.__version__}') await ctx.send(embed=embed)