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meico v0.8.17

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@axelberndt axelberndt released this 18 Sep 10:57
· 86 commits to master since this release


  • Made class meico.midi.InstrumentsDirectory public so it can be used outside of its package.
  • Extended method meico.mei.Mei.makePart().
    • This addresses issue #23 where the staff label did not suffice to properly indicate which General MIDI instrument should be chosen during the MIDI export.
    • Thus, support for MEI element instrDef has been added. It should be used as follows.
      <staffDef clef.line="2" clef.shape="G" lines="5" n="1" label="unhelpful label">
          <instrDef midi.instrname="Violin" midi.instrnum="40"/>
      Only one of the attributes midi.instrnum (prioritized) and midi.instrname is required. The former should have values from 0 to 127 (not 1 to 128!). A list of General MIDI instrument names and numbers can be found on Wikipedia (here the numbers must be decreased by 1!).
    • Meico will add a programChangeMap to the MSM part during export and use this instead of the label to generate the corresponding MIDI messages during MIDI export.
    • The MEI Coverage Documentation has been updated accordingly and provides further information.