This folder contains different graphs (raw data and/or graphical representation) extracted from the GHArchive database. The graph visualizations are made with Gephi.
The folder is orgonised as following :
- data source
- graph name
- periode
- data.csv
- graph.csv
- graph.pdf
- periode
- graph name
To reduce the scope the repo are only the top 1000 Java projects in terms of stars (list available here).
(repo)<--[number of contributions]--(user)
SQL query :
select repo_name, login, contributions from `tx01-234015.java_projects.stars` stars join (
SELECT as repo_name, actor.login as login, count(id) as contributions
FROM `githubarchive.month.201801` p
where date(created_at) between date('2018-01-01')
and date('2018-02-01')
and type in ('PullRequestReviewCommentEvent','IssueCommentEvent', 'PullRequestEvent', 'CommitCommentEvent', 'PullRequestEvent', 'PullRequestReviewEvent')
group by, actor.login
) on repo_name =
order by contributions desc
Yet, a contribution is described as an event of one of the following GitHub event type :
- PullRequestReviewCommentEvent
- IssueCommentEvent
- PullRequestEvent
- CommitCommentEvent
- PullRequestEvent
- PullRequestReviewEvent
This graph is based on the repo_developer graph.
(repo)<--[number of contributions]--(user)
SQL query :
SELECT name as repo1, t2.name2 as repo2, count(login) as contributors FROM `tx01-234015.GHA.contributions_201801` t1
join ( SELECT name as name2, login as login2 FROM `tx01-234015.GHA.contributions_201801` ) t2
on login = t2.login2
WHERE name <> name2
GROUP BY repo1, repo2
order by contributors desc