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Design Patterns Status

James Nurthen edited this page Jul 11, 2016 · 26 revisions

Design pattern status

The following table shows the status of work on each APG design pattern section. It is arranged by pattern. The section following the table shows the order in which the taskforce will be reviewing the patterns.

Pattern Reviewed Edits Done Example Coded
Accordion Bryan (Assigned 6/27/2016)
Alert Y Y Y
Alert Dialog or Message Dialog
Auto Complete
Button Y Y Y
Checkbox Y Y Y
Combo Box JG (1.0)
?? (1.1)
Date Picker
Dialog (modal) Y MK
Dialog (non-Modal) Y
Dialog (tooltip) Y
Grid (Simple Data Tables) MK (assigned 7/11)
Landmarks Y Y
Links Y Y Y
Listbox Y
Media Player
Menu or Menu bar Y Y (Jemma/Jon)
Menu Button Y Y Y
popup Help
Radio Group Y Y Y
Rich Text Editor
Site Navigator - general
Site Navigator - tree
Site Navigator - Tabbed Style
Slider Y Y Y
Slider (Multi-Thumb) Y Y
Spinbutton Y Y (Michiel)
Tab panel Y Y pending orientation issue [issue]( MB
Tool Bar Y Y JG
Tooltip Widget Y Y (Michiel)
tree grid
Tree view Y Y Jemma
Window Splitter Y Y JN

Review plan

The taskforce is reviewing the design pattern sections of the APG in the following sequence. Patterns marked with an asterisk have been reviewed.

  1. link (*)
  2. button (*)
  3. checkbox (*)
  4. radiobutton/Radio group (*)
  5. spinbutton (*)
  6. slider (*)
  7. slider two thumb (*)
  8. alert (*)
  9. tooltip (*)
  10. windowsplitter (*)
  11. Menu or Menu bar (*)
  12. menubutton (*)
  13. Listbox (*)
  14. TreeView (*)
  15. toolbar (*)
  16. tabpanel (*)
  17. accordion (*)
  18. Hide/Show or disclosure pattern (new) (*)
  19. dialog_modal (*)
  20. dialog_nonmodal (*)
  21. alertdialog
  22. dialog_tooltip
  23. popup help
  24. landmarks
  25. grid
  26. sortable grid
  27. treegridd
  28. combobox
  29. autocomplete
  30. datepicker
  31. Site_Navigator_General
  32. Site_Navigator_Tabbed_Style
  33. Site_Navigator_Tree
  34. wizard
  35. richtext
  36. mediaplayer
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