Used boards:
Due to antenna issues of the Heltect modules I decided to continue the project with T-Beams only.
Folder | Description | Sources | Status |
01_sender-receiver-trials | Example sketches of simple LoRa sender and receiver programs by Heltec and LilyGO | Heltec Sender, Heltec Receiver, T-Beam Sender, T-Beam Receiver | ✅ |
02_sender-receiver-interoperable | Same programs as above, but using the same Spreading Factor to make the devices interoperable | Same as above | Very poor performance between Heltec module and T-Beam |
03_RxGPS_t-beam | Example sketch provided by LilyGO to test the GPS module | LilyGO GPS | ✅ |
04_RxGPS_t-beam_update | Updated GPS example by Xinyuan-LilyGO | Xinyuan-LilyGO GPS | ✅ |
05_multipleTx_singleRx | Checking the behaviour of a single receiver with multiple senders | Based on same sources as 01_sender-receiver-trials | Works, but messages are corrupted at the receiver when two T-Beams send at the same time |
06_server_client | Simple Client-Server connection between a T-Beam client and a socket server program in C | ESP32 Socket Client Example, Socket Server Example in C | Works, but socket server disconnects after client connection. Odd formatting of received message |
07_alternating_Rx-Tx | Duplex LoRa connection between two T-Beams. Both alternating between sender and receiver mode | Duplex T-Beam A Duplex T-Beam B | ✅ |
08_alternating_Rx-Tx_callback | Same as above but using callbacks | LoRa.h Duplex Callback example | Doesn't work even though 09_gateway-node-duplex also uses callbacks extensively |
09_gateway-node-duplex | Simple duplex connection between a T-Beam gateway and a T-Beam node based on callbacks | LoRa.h SimpleGateway LoRa.h SimpleNode | ✅ |