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7.0.2 API Reference

The api is inspired by the amusing amqplib api reference.

API reference


Start new broker owned by optional owner.

broker.subscribe(exchangeName, pattern, queueName, onMessage[, options])

Asserts an exchange, a named queue, and returns consumer to the named queue. The consumer is asserted into existance as well, i.e. message callback and options are matched.

To make sure the exchange, and or queue has the desired behaviour, please use assertExchange() and assertQueue()

  • exchangeName: exchange name
  • pattern: queue binding pattern
  • queueName: queue name
  • onMessage: message callback
  • options:
    • autoDelete: boolean, defaults to true, exchange will be deleted when all bindings are removed; the queue will be removed when all consumers are down
    • consumerTag: unique consumer tag
    • deadLetterExchange: string, name of dead letter exchange. Will be asserted as topic exchange
    • durable: boolean, defaults to true, makes exchange and queue durable, i.e. will be returned when getting state
    • exclusive: boolean, queue is exclusively consumed
    • noAck: boolean, set to true if there is no need to acknowledge message
    • prefetch: integer, defaults to 1, number of messages to consume at a time
    • priority: integer, defaults to 0, higher value gets messages first

The message callback signature:

import {Broker} from 'smqp';

const owner = {name: 'me'};
const broker = Broker(owner);

broker.subscribe('events', '#', 'event-queue', onMessage);

broker.publish('events', 'start', {arg: 1});

function onMessage(routingKey, message, brokerOwner) {
  console.log('received:', routingKey);
  console.log('with message:', message);
  console.log('owned by:',;

broker.subscribeTmp(exchangeName, pattern, onMessage[, options])

Asserts exchange and creates a temporary queue with random name, i.e. not durable, and returns a new consumer.

  • exchangeName: exchange name
  • pattern: queue binding pattern
  • onMessage: message callback
  • options:
    • autoDelete: boolean, defaults to true, exchange will be deleted when all bindings are removed; the queue will be removed when all consumers are down
    • consumerTag: unique consumer tag
    • deadLetterExchange: string, name of dead letter exchange. Will be asserted as topic exchange
    • durable: set to false with no option to override
    • noAck: boolean, set to true if there is no need to acknowledge message
    • prefetch: integer, defaults to 1, number of messages to consume at a time
    • priority: integer, defaults to 0, higher value gets messages first

broker.subscribeOnce(exchangeName, pattern, onMessage[, options])

Same as subscribeTmp and will immediately close consumer when first message arrive.

  • exchangeName: exchange name
  • pattern: queue binding pattern
  • onMessage: message callback
  • options:
    • consumerTag: unique consumer tag
    • priority: integer, defaults to 0, higher value gets messages first

Oh, btw, option noAck will be set to true so there is no need to ack message in message callback.

broker.unsubscribe(queueName, onMessage)

Remove consumer with message callback from queue.

broker.publish(exchangeName, routingKey[, content, options])

Publish message to exchange.


  • exchangeName: exchange name
  • routingKey: routing key
  • content: message content
  • options: optional message options
    • mandatory: boolean indicating if message is mandatory. Value true emits return if not routed to any queue
    • persistent: boolean indicating if message is persistent, defaults to undef (true). Value false ignores the message when queue is recovered from state
    • expiration: integer, expire message after milliseconds, see Message Eviction
    • confirm: boolean, confirm message delivered, emits message.nack, message.ack, or message.undelivered on broker


Close exchanges, queues, and all consumers

broker.assertExchange(exchangeName[, type = topic, options])

Creates exchange with name.

  • type: type of exchange, must be one of topic or direct, defaults to topic.
  • options:
    • durable: boolean, defaults to true, makes queue durable, i.e. will be returned when getting state
    • autoDelete: boolean, defaults to true, the exchange will be removed when all consumers are down

Returns Exchange.

broker.deleteExchange(exchangeName[, ifUnused])

Delete exchange by name

broker.bindExchange(source, destination[, pattern, args])

Shovel messages between exchanges aka e2e binding.


  • source: source exchange name
  • destination: destination exchange name
  • pattern: optional binding pattern, defaults to all (#)
  • args: Optional options object
    • priority: optional binding priority
    • cloneMessage: clone message function called with shoveled message


  • name: name of e2e binding
  • source: source exchange name
  • destination: destination exchange name
  • pattern: pattern
  • queue: name of source e2e queue
  • consumerTag: consumer tag for temporary source e2e queue
  • on(eventName, handler): listen for shovel events, returns event consumer
  • close(): close e2e binding

broker.unbindExchange(source, destination[, pattern])

Close e2e binding.


  • source: source exchange name
  • destination: destination exchange name
  • pattern: optional binding pattern, defaults to all (#)

broker.assertQueue(queueName[, options])

Assert a queue into existence.

  • options: optional queue options
    • durable: boolean, defaults to true, makes queue durable, i.e. will be returned when getting state
    • autoDelete: boolean, defaults to true, the queue will be removed when all consumers are down
    • deadLetterExchange: string, name of dead letter exchange. Will be asserted as topic exchange if non-existing
    • messageTtl: integer, expire message after milliseconds, see Message Eviction

broker.bindQueue(queueName, exchangeName, pattern[, options])

Bind queue to exchange with routing key pattern.

  • queueName: queue name
  • exchangeName: exchange name
  • pattern: queue binding pattern
  • options: binding options
    • priority: integer, defaults to 0, higher value gets messages first

Returns Binding

broker.unbindQueue(queueName, exchangeName, pattern)

Unbind queue from exchange that match routing key pattern.

  • queueName: queue name
  • exchangeName: exchange name
  • pattern: queue binding pattern

broker.consume(queueName, onMessage[, options])

Consume queue. Returns a consumer. If the message callback is already used for consumption, the existing consumer will be returned.

  • queueName: queue name
  • onMessage: message callback
  • options:
    • exclusive: boolean, defaults to false, queue is exclusively consumed
    • noAck: boolean, defaults to false
    • prefetch: integer, defaults to 1, number of messages to consume at a time
    • priority: integer, defaults to 0, higher value gets messages first

broker.cancel(consumerTag[, requeue = true])

Cancel consumption by consumer tag.

  • consumerTag: consumer tag
  • requeue: optional boolean to requeue messages consumed by consumer

broker.createQueue(queueName[, options])

Create queue with name. Throws if queue already exists.

broker.deleteQueue(queueName[, {ifUnused, ifEmpty}])

Delete queue by name.

  • options
    • ifUnused: delete if no consumers, defaults to false
    • ifEmpty: delete if no messages, defaults to false


Get exchange by name.


Get queue by name. Returns existing queue or nothing


Returns a list of consumer properties, i.e. queue name, consumer tag, and options.


Get consumer by consumer tag. Returns existing consumer or nothing


Return serializable object containing durable exchanges, bindings, and durable queues with messages.

  • onlyWithContent: boolean indicating that only exchanges and queues with undelivered or queued messages will be returned


Recovers exchanges, bindings, and queues with messages. A state can be passed, preferably from getState().


Purge queue by name if found. Removes all non consumed messages.

broker.sendToQueue(queueName, content[, options])

Send message directly to queue, bypassing routing key patterns etc.


No more messages through this broker, i.e. publish will be ignored. Use broker.recover() to resume.

broker.get(queueName[, options])

Get message from queue. Returns false if there are no messages to be retrieved. Returns undefined if the queue is not found.


  • queueName: name of queue
  • options: optional object with options
    • noAck: optional boolean, defaults to false

broker.ack(message[, allUpTo])


Acknowledge all outstanding messages.

broker.nack(message[, allUpTo, requeue])


Nack all outstanding messages.

broker.reject(message[, requeue])

broker.createShovel(name, source, destination[, options])

Shovel messages from exchange to another broker exchange.

NB! Shovels are not recovered, the source exchange and queue may be recoverable depending on how they were created.


  • name: mandatory name of shovel
  • source: source options
    • exchange: source exchange name
    • pattern: optional binding pattern, defaults to all (#)
    • queue: optional queue name, defaults to temporary autodeleted queue
    • priority: optional binding priority
    • consumerTag: optional consumer tag, defaults to composed consumer tag
  • destination: destination broker options
    • broker: destination broker instance
    • exchange: destination exchange name, must be asserted into existance before shovel is created
    • exchangeKey: optional destination exchange key, defaults to original message's routing key
    • publishProperties: optional object with properties to overwrite when shovelling messages, applied after cloneMessage function
  • options: Optional options object
    • cloneMessage: clone message function called with shoveled message, should return new message

Returns Shovel:

  • name: name of shovel
  • source: input source options
  • destination: input destination broker options
    • queue: name of queue, added if not provided when creating shovel
  • consumerTag: consumer tag for source shovel queue
  • on(eventName, handler): listen for shovel events, returns event consumer
  • close(): close shovel and cancel source consumer tag

Shovel is closed if either source- or destination exchange is closed, or source consumer is canceled.


Get shovel by name.


Close shovel by name.

broker.on(eventName, callback[, options])

Listen for events from Broker.


  • eventName: name of event or a "routingKey" pattern
  • callback: event callback
  • options: optional consume options
    • consumerTag: optional event consumer tag

Returns consumer - that can be canceled.

Callback is called with the event and the name of the event, in the same object.

broker.on('message.*', (event) => {
  console.log(, 'fired');
}, {consumerTag: 'my-event-consumertag'});, callbackOrObject)

Turn off event listener(s) associated with event callback.


  • eventName: name of event
  • callbackOrObject: event callback function to off or object with basically one property:
    • consumerTag: optional event consumer tag to off
broker.on('return', onMessageEvent, {consumerTag: 'my-event-consumertag'});

function onMessageEvent(event) {
  console.log(, 'fired');

/* later */'return', onMessageEvent);

/* or */'return', {consumerTag: 'my-event-consumertag'});


Noop, only placeholder.


Reset everything. Deletes exchanges, queues, consumers, and bindings.




  • name: exchange name
  • type: exchange type, topic or direct
  • options: exchange options
  • bindingCount: getter for number of bindings
  • bindings: getter for list of bindings
  • stopped: boolean for if the exchange is stopped

exchange.bindQueue(queue, pattern[, bindOptions])

Bind queue to exchange.


  • queue: queue instance
  • pattern: binding pattern
  • bindOptions: optional binding options
    • priority: defaults to 0


Close exchange and all bindings.

exchange.emit(eventName[, content])

exchange.getBinding(queueName, pattern)

Get binding to queue by name and with pattern.


Get recoverable exchange state.

exchange.on(pattern, handler[, consumeOptions])

Listen for exchange events.


  • pattern: event pattern
  • handler: event handler function
  • consumeOptions: optional consume options
    • consumerTag: optional event consumer tag, handlerOrObject)

Stop consuming events from exchange.

  • pattern: event pattern
  • handlerOrObject: handler function to off or object with basically one property:
    • consumerTag: optional event consumer tag to off

exchange.publish(routingKey[, content, properties])

Publish message on exchange.

exchange.recover([state, getQueue])

Recover exchange.

  • state: optional object with exchange state, preferably from exchange.getState(). NB! state name and type is ignored
  • getQueue: mandatory function if state.binding is passed, to recover bindings a queue is required, this function should return such by name


exchange.unbindQueue(queue, pattern)

Unbind queue from exchange.


  • queue: queue instance
  • pattern: binding pattern


Remove all bindings to queue by queue name.


Exchange to queue binding


  • id: exchange binding id
  • options: binding options
  • pattern: binding pattern
  • exchange: exchange instance
  • queue: queue instance


Test routing key against binding pattern


Close binding




  • name: queue name
  • options: queue options
  • messages: actual messages array, probably a good idea to not mess with, but it's there
  • messageCount: message count
  • consumerCount: consumer count
  • stopped: is stopped
  • exclusive: is exclusively consumed
  • maxLength: get or set max length of queue
  • capacity: maxLength - messageCount
  • messageTtl: expire messages after milliseconds, see Message Eviction



queue.assertConsumer(onMessage[, consumeOptions, owner])


Cancel consumer with tag


queue.consume(onMessage[, consumeOptions, owner])


Delete queue.


  • deleteOptions: Object with options
    • ifUnused: boolean, delete if unused
    • ifEmpty: boolean, delete if empty


  • messageCount: number of messages deleted


Dismiss first consumer with onMessage handler.



Get queue state.

Will throw a TypeError of messages contains circular JSON. The error will be decorated with code EQUEUE_STATE and the name of the queue as queue.

queue.nack(message[, allUpTo, requeue = true])

queue.nackAll([requeue = true]), handler)

Stop listening for events from queue.

queue.on(eventName, handler)

Listen for events from queue.


  • cancel: consumer was cancelled
  • consume: consumer was added
  • dead-letter: message was dead-lettered, sends deadLetterExchange name and message
  • delete: queue was deleted
  • depleted: queue is depleted
  • message: message was queued
  • ready: queue is ready to ready to receive new messages
  • saturated: queue is saturated, i.e. max capacity was reached


Peek into queue.

  • ignoreDelivered: ignore if message was delivered or not


Removes all non consumed messages from queue.

queue.queueMessage(fields[, content, properties])

Queue message.

  • fields: object with fields, proposal:
    • exchangeName: exchange name
    • routingKey: routing key
  • content: message content
  • properties: message properties, basic properties are:
    • persistent: boolean indicating if message is persistent, defaults to undef (true). Value false ignores the message when queue is recovered from state


queue.reject(message[, requeue = true])



Unbind consumer instance.


Queue consumer


  • options: returns passed options
  • capacity: consumer message capacity
  • consumerTag: consumer tag
  • messageCount: current amount of messages handled by consumer
  • onMessage: message callback
  • queueName: consuming queue with name
  • ready: boolean indicating if the consumer is ready for messages
  • stopped: is the consumer stopped


Ack all messages currently held by consumer


Nack all messages currently held by consumer


Cancel consumption and unsubscribe from queue



What it is all about - convey messages.


  • fields: message fields
    • routingKey: routing key if any
    • redelivered: message is redelivered
    • exchange: published through exchange
    • consumerTag: consumer tag when consumed
  • content: message content
  • properties: message properties, any number of properties can be set, known:
    • messageId: unique message id
    • persistent: persist message, if unset queue option durable prevails
    • timestamp:
    • expiration: Expire message after milliseconds


Acknowledge message

  • allUpTo: boolean, consider all messages above this one to be acknowledged as well

message.nack([allUpTo, requeue])

Reject message.

  • allUpTo: boolean, consider all messages above this one to be rejected as well
  • requeue: boolean, requeue messages

NB! Beware of requeue argument since the message will immmediately be returned to queue and consumed, ergo an infinite loop and maximum call stack size exceeded error. Unless! some precautions are taken.


Same as nack(false, true)


Test routing key pattern against routing key.

import {getRoutingKeyPattern} from 'smqp';

const {test} = getRoutingKeyPattern('activity.*');

console.log(test('activity.start')); // true
console.log(test('activity.execution.completed')); // false

Message eviction

A little about message eviction. There are no timeouts that will automatically evict expired messages. Expired messages will simply not be returned in the message callback when the queue is consumed. Use a dead letter exchange to pick them up.