- Adding a save_backtrace matcher [webdestroya#61]
- Get specs to green [petergoldstein#58]
- Update spec syntax in README. [futhr#60]
- Add support for 3.0.0 [yelled3#47]
- Completely remove have_enqueued_jobs matcher [philostler#56]
- Added Support for RSpec 3 [TBAA#44]
- Fix gem build error ERROR: (Gem::InvalidSpecificationException) [mourad-ifeelgoods#42]
- Make sure sidekiq is required [mourad-ifeelgoods#43]
- attempt at fixing 'undefined method `configure' for RSpec:Module' [homanchou#51]
- Supports accessing the batch id [fabiokr#54]
- Pass message hash to retries_exhausted block [layervault#52]
- added support for unique scheduled worker matching [jkogara#55]
- Improve coverage and readability of README [philostler#26]
- Greatly increase test coverage [philostler#27]
- Refactor and greatly improve be_a_delayed_job matcher (now be_delayed) [philostler#24 & #25]
- Add implementation of status.total [matthargett & Kelly Felkins#32 & #39]
- Fix Rubinius build [petergoldstein#38]
- Remove have_enqueued_jobs matcher [philostler#37]
- Travis - Ruby 2.1.0, fix Rubinius build [petergoldstein#35]
- Prepare for RSpec 3.x [petergoldstein#34]
- Print warning when used in development mode [mperham & philostler#33]
- Add helper for testing retries exhausted block [Noreaster76#31]
- Allow to use general matchers in have_enqueued_job [johanneswuerbach#30]
- Loosen RSpec dependency [philostler#23]
- Add delay extension matchers [sosaucily#22]
- Update coveralls development dependency to version 0.7.x [philostler]
- Allows Sidekiq::Batch support to work with Mocha as well RSpec stubbing [noiseunion#20]
- Adds stub support for Sidekiq::Batch [kmayer#17]
- Bug fix for matcher failure if sidekiq_options were defined as strings vs symbols [mhuffnagle#16 & philostler]
- Matcher tests (partial coverage) added [mhuffnagle#16 & philostler]
- Removed restriction on needing to use sidekiq-middleware with be_unique matcher [philostler#4]
- Ensure RSpec.configure is defined on loading rspec/sidekiq/matchers [centaure#3]
- Matcher
be_retryable false
not producing correct output description [philostler]
- Removed debug #puts [philostler]
- New #have_enqueued_job matcher [philostler]
- Improved #have_enqueued_jobs description [philostler]
- Minor documentation updates [philostler]
- Initial release [philostler]