Useful commands (gw
comes from, otherwise ./gradlew
can be used instead):
# Build and start JMeter GUI
gw runGui
# Build project and copy relevant jars to rootDir/lib, and start JMeter
gw createDist; ./bin/jmeter
# Build all distributions (source, binary)
gw :src:dist:assemble
# Display all submodules
gw projects
# Different tasks for current module
gw tasks
# List all build parameters
gw parameters
Technically clean
should not be required, every time it is required it might be a bug.
However, it might be useful to perform a "clean" build:
# Cleans current project (submodule)
gw clean
# Cleans the specified project
gw :src:core:clean
# Displays dependencies. Gradle's "configurations" are something like different classpaths.
gw dependencies
# Displays dependencies for all projects
gw allDependencies
# Analyze why the project depends on `org.ow2.asm:asm`
gw dependencyInsight --dependency org.ow2.asm:asm
# Verify checksums of dependencies
# Checksum verification is done by default
# Expected checksums are stored in / file
# Actual checksums are stored in /build/checksum/
# Update expected dependencies after updating a dependency version
gw -PupdateExpectedJars check
# Run RAT
gw rat
# Run spotlessApply and checkstyleAll
gw style
# Run checkstlye for all
gw checkstyleAll
# Run checkstyle for main (non-test) code
gw checkstyleMain
# Run checkstyle for test code
gw checkstyleTest
# Run Spotless checks
gw spotlessCheck
# Fix any issues found by Spotless
gw spotlessApply
gw compileJava
gw compileTestJava
# Just build jar (see build/libs/*.jar)
gw jar
# "build" is a default task to "execute all the actions"
gw build
# Test might be skipped by `-x test` (Gradle's default way to skip task by name)
gw -x test build
# Build project in parallel
gw build --parallel
Gradle automatically tracks task dependencies, so if you modify a file in /src/jorphan/*
then you can invoke gw check
at project level or in core
, and Gradle will automatically
build only the required jars and files.
# Runs all the tests (unit tests, checkstyle, etc)
gw check
# Runs just unit tests
gw test
# Runs just core tests
gw :src:core:test
# Generates code coverage report for the test task to build/reports/jacoco/test/html
gw jacocoTestReport -Pcoverage
# Generate combined coverage report
gw jacocoReport -Pcoverage
# Builds javadoc to build/docs/javadoc subfolder
gw javadoc
# Builds javadoc jar to build/libs/jorphan-javadoc.jar
gw javadocJar
# Creates preview of a site to src/dist/build/site
gw :src:dist:previewSite
# Builds and publishes site preview to a Git repository
gw :src:dist:pushPreviewSite
# publishes Maven artifact to local repository
gw publishToMavenLocal
# Generate all pom files (pom-default.xml)
# The files are placed under the individual src/**/build/publications folders
gw generatePom
# Builds ZIP and TGZ artifacts for the release
gw :src:dist:assemble
It is implemented via gradle signing plugin, so it is done automatically provided credentials are specified via signatory credentials
# Signs all the artifacts of the current module
# see results in build/**/*.asc
gw sign
Note: signing is performed as a part of release artifact build, so it will be performed with
gw :src:dist:assemble
# Builds the project, pushes artifacts to svn://.../dev,
# stages artifacts to Nexus staging repository
gw prepareVote -Prc=1
Note: The above step uses an asf-like release environment, so it does not alter public repositories
# Prepare another release candidate
gw prepareVote -Prc=2 -Pasf
# Release staged artifacts to SVN and Nexus
gw publishDist -Prc=2 -Pasf