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Releases: buildpacks/lifecycle

lifecycle v0.17.0-pre.2

17 May 22:11
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lifecycle v0.17.0-pre.2

Welcome to v0.17.0-pre.2, a beta pre-release of the Cloud Native Buildpacks Lifecycle.


The lifecycle runs as a normal user in a series of unprivileged containers. To export images and cache image layers, it requires access to a Docker daemon or Docker registry.


Extract the .tgz file and copy the lifecycle binaries into a build stack base image. The build image can then be orchestrated by a platform implementation such as the pack CLI or tekton.

Lifecycle Image

An OCI image containing the lifecycle binaries is available at buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.17.0-pre.2.


This minor version is a work-in-progress - please open an issue or comment here to report issues
In v0.17.0-pre.2 you get everything in v0.17.0-pre1 AND ...

  • improved OS inference for multi-OS buildpacks
  • run image extensions have the final say on their own run image references
  • we bumped some dependencies (you won't believe which was fourth!)
  • analyzer validates cache and previous image
  • we only select run-image mirrors that we can definitely read from
  • lifecycle should now populate the CNB_TARGET_* environment variables
  • ... and more!

lifecycle v0.16.3

05 May 21:56
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lifecycle v0.16.3

Welcome to v0.16.3, a beta release of the Cloud Native Buildpacks Lifecycle.


The lifecycle runs as a normal user in a series of unprivileged containers. To export images and cache image layers, it requires access to a Docker daemon or Docker registry.


Extract the .tgz file and copy the lifecycle binaries into a build stack base image. The build image can then be orchestrated by a platform implementation such as the pack CLI or tekton.

Lifecycle Image

An OCI image containing the lifecycle binaries is available at buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.16.3.


  • Updates go to version 1.19.9

lifecycle v0.16.2

05 May 19:54
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lifecycle v0.16.2

Welcome to v0.16.2, a beta release of the Cloud Native Buildpacks Lifecycle.


The lifecycle runs as a normal user in a series of unprivileged containers. To export images and cache image layers, it requires access to a Docker daemon or Docker registry.


Extract the .tgz file and copy the lifecycle binaries into a build stack base image. The build image can then be orchestrated by a platform implementation such as the pack CLI or tekton.

Lifecycle Image

An OCI image containing the lifecycle binaries is available at buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.16.2.


  • Updates go to version 1.19.8
  • Bump from v23.0.1 to v23.0.4
  • Bump from 0.11.4 to v0.11.5
  • Bump from 0.6.0 to v0.7.0
  • Bump to from v1.1.4 to v.1.1.7
  • Bump from v1.29.0 to v1.29.1

lifecycle v0.17.0-pre.1

18 Apr 09:51
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lifecycle v0.17.0-pre.1

Welcome to v0.17.0-pre.1, a beta pre-release of the Cloud Native Buildpacks Lifecycle.


The lifecycle runs as a normal user in a series of unprivileged containers. To export images and cache image layers, it requires access to a Docker daemon or Docker registry.


Extract the .tgz file and copy the lifecycle binaries into a build stack base image. The build image can then be orchestrated by a platform implementation such as the pack CLI or tekton.

Lifecycle Image

An OCI image containing the lifecycle binaries is available at buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.17.0-pre.1.



lifecycle v0.16.1

29 Mar 14:51
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lifecycle v0.16.1

Welcome to v0.16.1, a beta release of the Cloud Native Buildpacks Lifecycle.


The lifecycle runs as a normal user in a series of unprivileged containers. To export images and cache image layers, it requires access to a Docker daemon or Docker registry.


Extract the .tgz file and copy the lifecycle binaries into a build stack base image. The build image can then be orchestrated by a platform implementation such as the pack CLI or tekton.

Lifecycle Image

An OCI image containing the lifecycle binaries is available at buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.16.1.


Bug Fixes

lifecycle v0.16.0

13 Feb 18:40
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lifecycle v0.16.0

Welcome to v0.16.0, a beta release of the Cloud Native Buildpacks Lifecycle.


The lifecycle runs as a normal user in a series of unprivileged containers. To export images and cache image layers, it requires access to a Docker daemon or Docker registry.


Extract the .tgz file and copy the lifecycle binaries into a build stack base image. The build image can then be orchestrated by a platform implementation such as the pack CLI or tekton.

Lifecycle Image

An OCI image containing the lifecycle binaries is available at buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.16.0.

Breaking Changes

  • Platform and buildpack APIs less than 0.7 are considered deprecated and will become unsupported as of July 1, 2023 (#974 by @natalieparellano)
    • The lifecycle will output warnings when deprecated APIs are accessed (warnings can be silenced by setting CNB_DEPRECATION_MODE=quiet)
    • For information about how to migrate, consult the migration guides


  • The lifecycle ships with SBOM files describing the lifecycle and launcher binaries; when using platform API 0.11 or greater, SBOM files for the launcher are included in the exported image; SBOM files for the lifecycle can be downloaded by the platform before the build container exits (#944 by @omocquais-p)
  • When using platform API 0.11 or greater, platform operators can specify build time environment variables using the /cnb/config/env directory (#962 by @samj1912)
  • When using platform API 0.11 or greater, the rebaser accepts a -previous-image flag to allow rebasing by digest reference (#985 by @joeybrown-sf)
  • When using platform API 0.11 or greater, the exporter accepts a -launcher-sbom flag to allow platforms to provide their own SBOM files (#963 by @natalieparellano and #984 by @joe-kimmel-vmw)
  • The detector, when all buildpacks fail to detect, will print debug messages as info level to allow for easier debugging of failed builds (#975 by @natalieparellano)
  • Updates go to version 1.19.5 (#973 by @natalieparellano)
  • Updates dependencies (#978 by @natalieparellano)

Bug Fixes

  • The lifecycle accepts a CNB_SKIP_LAYERS environment variable instead of CNB_ANALYZE_SKIP_LAYERS, to reflect the variable name declared in the platform specification (#981 by @joe-kimmel-vmw)


We'd like to acknowledge that this release wouldn't be as good without the help of the following amazing contributors:

@jabrown85, @jjbustamante, @joe-kimmel-vmw, @joeybrown-sf, @natalieparellano, @omocquais-p, @samj1912

lifecycle v0.16.0-rc.2

30 Jan 17:18
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lifecycle v0.16.0-rc.2

Welcome to v0.16.0-rc.2, a beta pre-release of the Cloud Native Buildpacks Lifecycle.


The lifecycle runs as a normal user in a series of unprivileged containers. To export images and cache image layers, it requires access to a Docker daemon or Docker registry.


Extract the .tgz file and copy the lifecycle binaries into a build stack base image. The build image can then be orchestrated by a platform implementation such as the pack CLI or tekton.

Lifecycle Image

An OCI image containing the lifecycle binaries is available at buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.16.0-rc.2.

Breaking Changes

  • Platform and buildpack APIs less than 0.7 are considered deprecated and will become unsupported as of July 1, 2023 (#974 by @natalieparellano)
    • The lifecycle will output warnings when deprecated APIs are accessed (warnings can be silenced by setting CNB_DEPRECATION_MODE=quiet)
    • For information about how to migrate, consult the migration guides


  • The lifecycle ships with SBOM files describing the lifecycle and launcher binaries; when using platform API 0.11 or greater, SBOM files for the launcher are included in the exported image; SBOM files for the lifecycle can be downloaded by the platform before the build container exits (#944 by @omocquais-p)
  • When using platform API 0.11 or greater, platform operators can specify build time environment variables using the /cnb/config/env directory (#962 by @samj1912)
  • When using platform API 0.11 or greater, the rebaser accepts a -previous-image flag to allow rebasing by digest reference (#985 by @joeybrown-sf)
  • When using platform API 0.11 or greater, the exporter accepts a -launcher-sbom flag to allow platforms to provide their own SBOM files (#963 by @natalieparellano and #984 by @joe-kimmel-vmw)
  • The detector, when all buildpacks fail to detect, will print debug messages as info level to allow for easier debugging of failed builds (#975 by @natalieparellano)
  • Updates go to version 1.19.5 (#973 by @natalieparellano)
  • Updates dependencies (#978 by @natalieparellano)

Bug Fixes

  • The lifecycle accepts a CNB_SKIP_LAYERS environment variable instead of CNB_ANALYZE_SKIP_LAYERS, to reflect the variable name declared in the platform specification (#981 by @joe-kimmel-vmw)


We'd like to acknowledge that this release wouldn't be as good without the help of the following amazing contributors:

@jabrown85, @jjbustamante, @joe-kimmel-vmw, @joeybrown-sf, @natalieparellano, @omocquais-p, @samj1912

lifecycle v0.15.3

09 Jan 20:31
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lifecycle v0.15.3


The lifecycle runs as a normal user in a series of unprivileged containers. To export images and cache image layers, it requires access to a Docker daemon or Docker registry.


Extract the .tgz file and copy the lifecycle binaries into a build stack base image. The build image can then be orchestrated by a platform implementation such as the pack CLI or tekton.

Lifecycle Image

An OCI image containing the lifecycle binaries is available at buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.15.3.


lifecycle v0.16.0-rc.1

16 Dec 17:49
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lifecycle v0.16.0-rc.1


The lifecycle runs as a normal user in a series of unprivileged containers. To export images and cache image layers, it requires access to a Docker daemon or Docker registry.


Extract the .tgz file and copy the lifecycle binaries into a build stack base image. The build image can then be orchestrated by a platform implementation such as the pack CLI or tekton.

Lifecycle Image

An OCI image containing the lifecycle binaries is available at buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.16.0-rc.1.

Breaking Changes

  • Platform and buildpack APIs less than 0.7 are considered deprecated and will become unsupported as of July 1, 2023 (#974 by @natalieparellano)
    • The lifecycle will output warnings when deprecated APIs are accessed (warnings can be silenced by setting CNB_DEPRECATION_MODE=quiet)
    • For information about how to migrate, consult the migration guides


  • The lifecycle ships with SBOM files describing the lifecycle and launcher binaries; when using platform API 0.11 or greater, SBOM files for the launcher are included in the exported image; SBOM files for the lifecycle can be downloaded by the platform before the build container exits (#944 by @omocquais-p)
  • When using platform API 0.11 or greater, platform operators can specify build time environment variables using the /cnb/config/ directory (#962 by @samj1912)
  • The detector, when all buildpacks fail to detect, will print debug messages as info level to allow for easier debugging of failed builds (#975 by @natalieparellano)
  • When using platform API 0.11 or greater, the exporter accepts a -launcher-sbom flag to allow platforms to provide their own SBOM files (#963 by @natalieparellano)
  • Updates go to version 1.19.4 (#973 by @natalieparellano)
  • Updates dependencies (#978 by @natalieparellano)


We'd like to acknowledge that this release wouldn't be as good without the help of the following amazing contributors:

@jabrown85, @jjbustamante, @natalieparellano, @omocquais-p, @samj1912

lifecycle v0.15.2

28 Nov 21:39
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lifecycle v0.15.2

Welcome to v0.15.2, a beta release of the Cloud Native Buildpacks Lifecycle.


The lifecycle runs as a normal user in a series of unprivileged containers. To export images and cache image layers, it requires access to a Docker daemon or Docker registry.


Extract the .tgz file and copy the lifecycle binaries into a build stack base image. The build image can then be orchestrated by a platform implementation such as the pack CLI or tekton.

Lifecycle Image

An OCI image containing the lifecycle binaries is available at buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.15.2.


  • Updates go to version 1.18.8

Bug Fixes

  • The extender will set $HOME for the provided user after build image extension (#964 by @natalieparellano)