This framework provides methods for solving an advection equation with sources/sinks uptil 5-dimensional phase space. The framework consists of a linear as well as a non-linear solver. The non-linear solver is a semi-Lagrangian solver based on the method proposed in Cheng & Knorr, 1976. The framework has been written with ease of use and extensibility in mind, and can be used to obtain solution for any equation of the following form:
Where ,
are terms that need to be coded in by the user.
The generalized structure that the framework uses can be found in lib/
. All the functions have been provided docstrings which are indicative of their usage. Additionally, we have validated the solvers by solving the Boltzmann-Equation:
The functions that have been used for solving the above equation may be referred to from src/nonrelativistic_boltzmann
The solver makes use of ArrayFire for shared memory parallelism, and PETSc(Built with HDF5 file writing support) for distributed memory parallelism and require those packages to be built and installed on the system of usage in addition to their python interfaces(arrayfire-python and petsc4py). Additionally, following python libraries are also necessary:
- numpy
- h5py
- matplotlib
- pytest
- mpi4py
The documentation is built using sphinx, and requires the following dependencies to be built locally:
- sphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- sphinx-autobuild
- numpydoc
- Shyam Sankaran - GitHub Profile
- Mani Chandra - GitHub Profile