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(F)art (S)melling (M)achine
Lol just kidding, but can you imagine?


Yet another finite state machine library for Clojure(Script).

cljdoc badge Clojars Project

Table of contents

Using fsm

It only supports hash maps. It works in the browser and the jvm. You make a state machine. You transition it to new states via events. You can register side effects. It is a great time!


Here is how you describe states:

(def states {nil       {::init ::ready}
             ::ready   {::enable ::enabled}
             ::enabled {::disable ::disabled
                        ::stop    nil}
             ::disabled {::enable ::enabled
                         ::cancel nil}})

Every key is a named state. A nil state can mean pre-existence. Or non-existence. Or "not yet a thing"-ness.

You can use this state description to make a new state machine:

(require '[fsm.core :as fsm])

(def initial-state {})

(def state-machine (fsm/create-state-machine states initial-state))

Your state map will automatically have an :fsm/state key added with the named state - i.e ::ready, ::enabled, etc. It will also contain an :fsm/last-event key containing the last event.

A third argument can be provided which is an atom-fn that is used. Defaults to atom

(require '[reagent.core :as r])

(def state-machine (fsm/create-state-machine states initial-state r/atom))


You move a state machine from one state to the next via the transition function. transition is effectively a no-op if you try to do an invalid transition i.e you can't ::disable an already ::disabled state machine.

The final argument is the new state of the state machine. It is all or nothing here. No partial updates, just give me the new state. A function CAN be used if you want to modify existing state. If the last argument is omitted entirely, a nil payload is assumed.

(fsm/transition state-machine ::init {:count 0})

;;; You can use a function of arity 1 that returns a new state, or in this case the current state

(fsm/transition state-machine ::enable fsm/current-state)

;;; Or omit it to set the underlying data structure to nil

(fsm/transition state-machine ::stop)


Allows you to do things in response to state changes. All effects must be named by a keyword. Side effects can be called in a few ways:

;;; Do something whenever state changes
(fsm/add-effect state-machine ::log (fn [sm old-state new-state] (println new-state)))

;;; Do something when moving from one explicit state to another, in this case from ready to enabled
(fsm/add-effect state-machine ::start ::ready ::enabled on-enabled)

;;; Do something when the state machine moves from one of the given set to an explicit state, in this case
;;; when the state machine reaches a nil state from the ready OR enabled state
(fsm/add-effect state-machine ::shutdown #{::ready ::enabled} nil on-shutdown)


The default implementation for this library is backed by atoms. A custom implementation can be supported by implementing the StateMachine protocol. The atom backed one may serve as a good example:

(ns fsm.impl
  (:require [fsm.protocols :as p]))

(defrecord AtomStateMachine [states *state]
  (-transition [_ event payload]
    (let [current @*state
          next    (get-in states [(:fsm/state current) event] ::not-found)]
      (when-not (= ::not-found next)
        (->> payload
             (merge {:fsm/state next})
             (reset! *state)))))

  (-add-effect [this key fn-3]
    (add-watch *state key (fn [_ _ old new]
                            (fn-3 this old new))))

  (-current-state [_]