First of all, be sure that everything has been compiled by following the instructions from the README for part 1.
To encode an input stream x to y, run encode class: \src> java ConvolutionalCodes.encode
To decode an input stream y to x, open and set your size of your initial vector x in the main method. Also insert in the values for that vector. Run decode class: \src> java ConvolutionalCodes.decode
This file will require the user to manually insert in the y0 values and y1 values. It will output the number of iterations for Gauss Seidel and Jacobi and also will output the decoded stream. If it requires more than 100 iterations, the code will output "Does not converge."
To run Jacobi iteraton, open up and initialize the initial vector nx1 (it's called initialX). Make sure that the length of the vector is the same as the augmented matrix's length. Ex: if the augmented matrix is 4 x 5, then initialX should be 4 x 1. Run jacobi class:
\src> java ConvolutionalCodes.jacobi < b.dat
To run Gauss-Seidel iteration, open up and initialize the initial vector nx1 (it's called initialX) to what you want. Make sure that the length of the vector is the same as the augmented matrix's length. Ex: if the augmented matrix is 4 x 5, then initialX should be 4 x 1. Run gauss_seidel class:
\src> java ConvolutionalCodes.gauss_seidel < b.dat