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Releases: brankas/core-sdk-ios

Statement Tap Framework v4.0.0

17 Jan 09:17
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4.0.0 - 2023-01-16


  • Balance Retrieval Support (set includeBalance in StatementTapRequest to true)
  • optional internal logging to monitor API Service Calls and Tap Web Screen Flow
    • isLoggingEnabled within initialize() function to choose whether to enable or disable sending of logs; default value is true


  • returned object after calling checkout function to StatementResponse which includes statementId, statementList (when statementRetrievalRequest is not null) and accountList (when includeBalance is set to true)
  • getEnabledBanks to add support for Balance Retrieval (set includeBalance to true to get a combined set of banks that support both Statement and Balance Retrievals)

Direct Tap Framework v4.0.0

17 Jan 08:33
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4.0.0 - 2023-01-16


  • language under Client in DirectTapRequest to be able to change the language within Tap Web App (default value is English)
  • optional internal logging to monitor API Service Calls and Tap Web Screen Flow
  • isLoggingEnabled within initialize() function to choose whether to enable or disable sending of logs; default value is true

Direct Tap Framework v3.3.1

06 Sep 07:46
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3.3.1 - 2022-09-01


  • crash when sending an Unsupported BankCode via checkout() function

Direct Tap Framework v3.3.0

04 Aug 09:35
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3.3.0 - 2022-07-26


  • support for sending unlisted BankCode from getSourceBanks() function to checkout() function
  • getTransactionById() function to search for a transaction by passing the transaction id
  • getTransactionByReferenceId() function to search for a transaction by passing the reference id
  • getLastTransaction() function to retrieve the last transaction performed by the user (internal only; thus, when user changes device or clears the cache, last transaction will not be returned)

Statement Tap Framework v3.1.0

13 Jul 05:20
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3.1.0 - 2022-07-08


  • pngLogoUrl field within StatementBank for the logo in PNG format
  • support for sending unlisted BankCode from getEnabledBanks() function to checkout() function

Balance Tap Framework v1.1.0

13 Jul 06:51
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1.1.0 - 2022-07-08


  • support for balance retrieval for Corporate Accounts
  • pngLogoUrl field within BalanceBank for the logo in PNG format
  • support for sending unlisted BankCode from getEnabledBanks() function to checkout() function


  • automatic bank selection when only 1 bank code is passed via bankCodes within BalanceTapRequest

Statement Tap Framework v3.0.0

31 May 05:52
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3.0.0 - 2022-05-26


  • downloadStatement() function to return the statement list in Data format or to directly download Statement List to the mobile phone in CSV format
  • support for statement retrieval for Corporate Accounts
  • isCorporate field on DirectBank


  • sorted returned banks from getEnabledBanks() function
  • automatic bank selection when only 1 bank code is passed via bankCodes within StatementTapRequest
  • renamed Bank to StatementBank
  • renamed BankCode to StatementBankCode
  • renamed Account to StatementAccount


  • enabling of autoConsent within StatementTapRequest
  • retrieval of statement list when StatementRetrievalRequest is passed

Direct Tap Framework v3.2.0

31 May 05:51
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3.2.0 - 2022-05-26


  • isCorporate field on DirectBank


  • sorted returned banks from getSourceBanks() function
  • renamed Bank to DirectBank
  • renamed BankCode to DirectBankCode
  • renamed Account to DirectAccount

Balance Tap Framework v1.0.0

31 May 05:53
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1.0.0 - 2022-05-26


  • initialize() function that accepts the API Key and the chosen environment to interact with (Sandbox or Production)
  • checkout() function that is used to redirect the user to the Tap Web Application for Balance Retrieval inside WKWebView or Safari Web Browser
  • getEnabledBanks() function to retrieve available banks for balance retrieval
  • retrieveCheckoutURL() function to get the checkout URL for balance retrieval
  • getFrameworkVersion() function for retrieving the current Framework Version
  • getBundleSeedID() function for retrieving the Mobile Application Signature

Statement Tap Framework v2.1.2

05 May 02:10
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2.1.2 - 2022-04-29


  • returning of errors via checkout function when StatementRetrieval is passed